Issue 7: New Base Features!




The new base storage has another problem id like to see addressed. Thats in the form of access control.

While id like to have an insperation holder and keep it full for lowbies using the base hosp to load up and go face what killed them with freash insps i dont want them to have access to the salvage storage where the higher levels have pooled there salvage for the base designer to use.

I feel these items would be more pratical to the community if they were controlled seperatly in the authorizations.



The new base storage has another problem id like to see addressed. Thats in the form of access control.

While id like to have an insperation holder and keep it full for lowbies using the base hosp to load up and go face what killed them with freash insps i dont want them to have access to the salvage storage where the higher levels have pooled there salvage for the base designer to use.

I feel these items would be more pratical to the community if they were controlled seperatly in the authorizations.

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For that matter, why not have personal permissions where all you see when you click the storage bins are items you placed there yourself as the default setting. But you can change it to public if you don't mind others seeing/taking what you stored. These permissions are set by each char not the base editors. That way you can feel secure enough if you decide to store HOs knowing only you can see those enh.



It's a Supergroup Permissions thing.

You need to have the Permission set for your level to put things into the Storage.

You need to have the Permission set for your level to take things out of the Storage.

A log is also kept showing you who put things in and who took things out.

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The basic permissions do work, but the permissions need to be refined.

Ideally there should be at least three levels of permission.
Add items, Remove own items, remove any items.

and each storage unit needs to have permissions able to be set for it.

For instance as an SG leader, I don't care who takes inspirations out the box - they are there for any member of the sg. However if I'm going to store high level Enhancements or even HO's in the store then I want to know that access to them is restricted.

If the access permissions were moved from the sg permissions to the item itself then you could even have a "display cabinet" for important items and a "bargain bucket" filled with inconsequencial but useful items.....



Storage is and issue that would be nice however if you know your SG and don't just do random sg invites Access shouldn't be a problem.

It takes a lot to run a SG and manage it. I like the idea Access by bin permission or even the Remove own items toggle. The later allows you the ability to do it as an upgrade patch without much impact. I think we will all agree that things that cause less impact are good.

American Valor
Sentinel Of Liberty SG Founder on Liberty

by Star Ranger 4
WE ARE HEROES This is what we DO!
When you wake up seek the courage and strength to do the right thing.
Decide that this will be another day in which you Walk The Talk.

MA #14724 Operation: Discredit @American Valor
Sentinel Of Liberty SG



Even if you know every member in RL access is still going to be a problem. Every individual has their own motivations and ideas, even friends don't always agree all the time.

Yes - I absolutely agree that if you don't ever invite anyone you don't trust to your sg you will never have a problem with access permissionsas they currently stand...

but then, you may as well play solo with a group of global friends and save yourself the aggrivation of SG command.

A big part of the game for some is the ability to meet and get to know other people across the world, whilst enjoying the mostly harmless pursuit of a co-operative game.

For me that means having to invest a degree of trust in new people from time to time. Its a bit like inviting people round for a party. You would probably leave a bowls of sweets & crisps lying out for people to eat. But you wouldn't leave your vintage wine collection lying out with a corkscrew next to it...

Permissions for different types of storage, is something that does need to be looked at in further detail. Hopefully the Dev's realise this too.
Its not a game breaking problem, but it is a quality of life issue.