Issue 7: New Base Features!




(sorry, I haven't had time to read this whole thread yet.)

What's to stop a disgruntled team member from deleting your whole stored inventory?

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It's a Supergroup Permissions thing.

You need to have the Permission set for your level to put things into the Storage.

You need to have the Permission set for your level to take things out of the Storage.

A log is also kept showing you who put things in and who took things out.

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Wouldnt it have been a whole lot easier and much more functional to have just made 1 bucket to donate stuff to the Group that the leadership can draw from set to whatever SG level your group chose, then have each member have a personal stash that only that member can access? Kinda like Gym locker or something?

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Uh, every member *does* have their personal Salvage inventory already... That would be kinda pointless.

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(a) Personal salvage inventories are capped at 20 of each salvage type. Being able to deposit salvage into a personal stash would allow the person to accumulate more. (b) It's not just salvage that can be stashed. Enhancements and inspirations, too. Not exactly "pointless."



Wow this sounds neat to have storage bins and empowerment stations...but i am wondering how much inflation these will cause to the base rent we already pay weekly.

I mean considering it costs more rent the more rent money we have(who ever thought that one up..LMAO)....and we actauly aquire less prestige the higher level we are...(kind of obvious when you get zero prestige for oranges and reds and purples and you are level 50..O_O

Maybe its me, but i almost feel as if the bases where designed to discourage people from making them or for making them bigger.

So thats what I want to know....I could care less about the Initial costs...i want to know how much these things will take to keep them.



I was pretty happy to hear about Storage bins, but now I'm figuring out that they're not just for personal use. Any way we can have it so each SG member has their 10 slots to put their Presents, HOs, etc, that no one else can touch? And if that person gets kicked/quits, they could join a different SG with a storage bin and get their items back(not realistic, but cool).

Otherwise, I can't really see why I'd want to share Insp and Enhancement stuff with my SG Mates that I couldn't just meet with them and give it to them. Salvage, yeah, but that's it.



It's a Supergroup Permissions thing.

You need to have the Permission set for your level to put things into the Storage.

You need to have the Permission set for your level to take things out of the Storage.

A log is also kept showing you who put things in and who took things out.

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I'm looking forward to testing this out.




Sorry that I haven't read the bajillion posts, but...are there any plans to get apartments into the game any time soon? Or is it just Soon(tm)?

Not a complaint, mind you, just curious. I'm a one man show, so anything beyond the first free room of a regular base is pretty much beyond me. And I'm not interested in IoP or base raids...just a clean, well-lighted place.



Sorry that I haven't read the bajillion posts, but...are there any plans to get apartments into the game any time soon? Or is it just Soon(tm)?

Not a complaint, mind you, just curious. I'm a one man show, so anything beyond the first free room of a regular base is pretty much beyond me. And I'm not interested in IoP or base raids...just a clean, well-lighted place.

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I have a one person SG, just to see how much prestige I could get,etc.

I have over 500k prestige saved up just from regular playing of one alt. Since it only costs 130k to get set up with the basics according to Positron if you wanted your own personal locker you could just do that. Make your own SG with an alt and store your things there for the time being.

And Syniq, are you lvl 50 and just got the base? Or are you lvling up now? Cause just by taking an alt from 1-20 in SG mode should get you more than enough prestige to pay for a decent solo base.

Hope that info helps, I know that as a solo SG you won't be able to get a tonne of things but you can certainly turn it into a mini-apartment/storage area until we get something better



Thanks, Bungee

I've been at this a while, but I go very, very slowly, so I'm still working towards 50 (I've a fever called alt-itis, and the only cure is more cowbell!), but I'll keep at it and see how it goes. Thanks for the advice and enouragement



Well, I missed out on the updates to this thread from yesterday. I am sorry to see that my fear has been realized: this new stuff requires a workroom.

Here's a request, devs. You want to help me and the other small SGs out? Either increase the size of the "free plot" to 8x12, or lower the somewhat ridiculous price on the current 8x12 plot. Being forced to live with the 2x2 rooms just so you can get maximum functionality in your base = not fun. I was holding off on a permanent workroom until I could afford the 8x12 plot. I guess now I will have to go without an infirmary.

"...freedom isn't a commodity to compromise." -- Captain America, New Avengers #21

Guide to Base Teleporters



Excellent idea. It isn't going to hurt anything to make the free plot 8X12 and would benefit everyone without someone feeling the smaller SGs are being catered to.



and we actauly aquire less prestige the higher level we are...

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No we don't. "Base prestige" (subject to modification by rank/level/mob-type modifiers) is actually lower at low levels. It increases with level and reaches a maximum towards the middle levels. After that it remains the same.

So thats what I want to know....I could care less about the Initial costs...i want to know how much these things will take to keep them.

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Well, rent is based on your "net worth" - this includes the value of your rooms/items and your "free" prestige. So how much these things will contribute to your rent depends on their cost.

I don't know if these numbers are still accurate, but in beta it was said that rent started out at 0% at 0 prestige, and ramped to 1% at 1,000,000 prestige.
Positron quoted a cost of 130,000 prestige for Total Cost for working Salvage storage and a working Empowerment Station.
At 1% rent, that would mean that the amount of rent due to these items would be 1300 per rent cycle. Rent is due every 4 weeks, so that would lead to an added cost of 1300 per 4 weeks.

If you're content to only have these items in your base, the rent would be much lower. Without knowing exactly how the rent rate ramps up it's impossible to say for sure, but it should probably be closer to around 300 prestige per month.
So one mission per month should more than cover it.

The maximum rent rate was quoted as 3.8% (at a total worth of around 170,000,000 prestige). With this rent rate, the items described above would contribute with 4940 prestige per 4 weeks.

I think that it's safe to say that the rent generated by having the items Posi listed above would be negliable.




Also, I want a Rularuu Watcher, that I can ride around like a big 'ole flying beachball.

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And then I'd just go around buzzing the lowbies in Atlas Plaza, when they are having costume contests.

They'd all be like, "Holy crap!" And I'd be all like, making airplane noises and stuff.

It would be great.

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That's I8. Be patient.




And then I'd just go around buzzing the lowbies in Atlas Plaza, when they are having costume contests.

They'd all be like, "Holy crap!" And I'd be all like, making airplane noises and stuff.

It would be great.

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That's I8. Be patient.

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/em airplane

*holds both arms out straight from the shoulders, runs around in circles going "RReeeeeeeoooonnnnnnnnnnn"*

Yeah. It's in the future patch notes. But might get pushed back to i9, as they've promised to focus on /em motorboat for i8.

"OK, first of all... Shut Up." - My 13-Year-Old Daughter

29973 "The Running of the Bulls" [SFMA] - WINNER of the Mighty Big Story Arc Contest !
- The Stellar Wind Orbital Space Platform



Are there any plans to let Hero players get into their SG bases, as opposed to just Villain players that also play heroside?

None of this is at all useful if you can't actually get in.

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Go buy CoV for $30 at a store. "UPGRADE" your account and you get a free month.

Net cost: $15

That's $15 for four extra slots per server, a whole game's worth of new content, access to all of the SG Base features, and (probably in Issue 7) hero-access to the tons of new CoV costume options.

Seems like a pretty good deal to me...but that's just me. Obviously some don't agree.

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We did, Dwimble. The wife and I each. Glad we did, too. In addition to the cost savings you've outlined I have:

- Created my first Corrupter, Mastermind and Dominator toons

- Visited the War Gods base on Infinity, where Johnny Lightning and Summoning Arian are members. I then learned that I could visit (but not use stuff in) bases in our coalition membership.

- Left the Mystic Knights of Tundra on Guardian and had Commander Stronghold form his own SuperGroup, Stronghold's Guardians. I also began construction of our (modest) base, and added three members (including Mrs. Stronghold) to the roster.

Not to mention all the trouble my wife got in to this weekend. Her character Great Banshee has EYE SPIKES, for cryin' out loud!

So yes, do it. It's cheap. You'll have fun. Best Buy had a sale on the DVD version.

Go. Hunt. Kill Skuls.

- Green Lantern
"Say, Jim...woo! That's a bad out-FIT!" - Superman: The Movie

Me 'n my posse:



The CoV side leaves me a bit cold, too, to be honest. It's actually a bit ironic when you think about it; bases require so much participation on the part of SG members that -- particularly if you play in a small group -- splitting your time between the villain and hero side is a really hard pill to swallow. So in a sense, by making bases such an integral part of CoV, by requiring CoV to get bases, the devs are also deterring people from wanting to play on the villain side.

Anyway, long ramble. The point is, it's pretty cheap to buy CoV, all things considered. If you object on principle, that is of course your prerogative. I would imagine you haven't played other MMOs to any great extent, though. Everything is relative, after all.

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I was hesitant to join a SuperGroup because I couldn't get base access. That was my primary interest in CoV.

Wife and I each got cheap Deluxe Edition copies over the weekend. Yay bases! I poked around group and colition bases on Infinity and Guardian.

But not before building my first bad guy. Since Friday was St. Patrick's day, Blarneystone broke out as my first CoV toon. He was soon followed by Infinity's Lord Whorfin and Guardian's Lady Charma - who's now a member of a SuperGroup.

So yeah, it's tough having altisim, but it's fun further immersing oneself in the CoX-verse. At least for the missus and me.

- Green Lantern
"Say, Jim...woo! That's a bad out-FIT!" - Superman: The Movie

Me 'n my posse:



Will we get some relief from Leaders not being able to be demoted?

Our SG has elections to determine who is Leader. In the past we have asked the old Leaders to quit after they promoted the new Leaders and then they were re-invited.

Now, with Prestige as a factor, we can not remove anyone from teh SG or all the Prestige they have earned will be lost.

Please Allow a Leader the Ability to pass on Leadership and demote himself.



Now, with Prestige as a factor, we can not remove anyone from teh SG or all the Prestige they have earned will be lost.

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Quitting and rejoining zeroes their prestige counter in the DISPLAY. The actual earned prestige stays with the SG. Your individual prestige counter and the SG prestige counter are maintained seperately (as was discovered in the past when a bug caused the SG prestige counter not to be incremented properly but the personal prestige counter worked).




Yes, if this was true, the 900k prestige that my toon earned for my SG would have disappeared along with the base itself. Prestige never belongs to the individual - just the group.

"...freedom isn't a commodity to compromise." -- Captain America, New Avengers #21

Guide to Base Teleporters



Here's the current numbers in testing (subject to change):

Base Entry Room: Free
Workshop Room (2x2): 100,000p
Lowest Power Empowerment Station (requires 0 Energy, 0 Control): 15,000p
Salvage Rack (requires 0 Energy, 0 Control): 15,000p

Total Cost for working Salvage storage and a working Empowerment Station: 130,000 Prestige

EDIT: Added in Energy and Control numbers.

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been trying to follow this thread but WAY too many pages to wade through sorry and am a bit confused.

I understand this is to help out the little SGs and bases. I run a medium size SG and VG that finally was able to get the basics, all telepads, basic autodoc, craft some control items. Our VG has a secure teleport room and is now outa space (and power) until we get the gazillion needed for a plot upgrade and the 1.x million to place a new crafted power item.

Our SG base, sans secure teleport room, is also near out.

To take advantage of even say, Storage, am I going to have to kill a workbench room or something until I can (one day) afford a a plot upgrade..?

I sure hope not, otherwise this is going to penalize medium SGs and fuel this growing 'SG of One" Phenomenon. (and SG base of one, is not a SuperGROUP base, btw, its a lair. )

anyway a little light shed would be appreciate.




As it is, it looks like you need that workroom for the new stuff.

The 8x8 plot really kills any flexibility in base building. The main problem is the restriction of having to deal with the 1x1 doors. For instance, here is the layout for my base. I do not have a permanent workroom, because frankly, for the small SG they are pretty useless. When needed, I simply delete my infirmary and put in a workshop to refine salvage, whatever. Then I rebuild the infirmary. Simple enough. However, in order to add a permanent workroom and yet keep all other functionality, I would have to remove my decorative space and reduce it to a 2x2 room. So, I am left with a base that is totally functional that I don't really like. Or, I have a base I like without all the functionality. I think it sucks either way.

When I heard about the new stuff, I was hoping that they would not need a workroom. I am disappointed that my suspicions were proven correct. When I designed my base, I had several concepts in mind, and central to these was that it had to look like the group could (or did) actually live there. I guess I just like the idea of "immersion" when you put a group and a base together. I see plenty of bases that I think are nice, but the overall theme of functionality is too restrictive. I think we need more space to be creative.

The best way to solve this problem in my opinion is to make the initial plot size 8x12 (or at least make it ALOT cheaper). That's enough room to have all the functionality you want as well as some flexibility in design. Nobody loses. For those groups that have already upgraded - refund their prestige and let them move on. New groups get to get a better base quicker without that 1.6+ million stumbling block. It'll still take quite some time to fill it up with prices as they are. It'll just mean that we can get maximum functionality sooner without the big roadbump currently in place.

Sorry to ramble. I'm a little frustrated with this system.

"...freedom isn't a commodity to compromise." -- Captain America, New Avengers #21

Guide to Base Teleporters



A log is also kept showing you who put things in and who took things out.

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Positron, does this mean we get other SG- and Base-related Logs?

A log of some random player taking something out is kinda useless if it's a player you've never seen before and you don't know who recruited them or who promoted them to a rank that could take those items.

Actions I'd love to see logged: Invites (even declined ones), Signups, Quits, Kicks, Promotes/Demotes, Security Settings changes, MotD/Motto/Description changes (doesn't need to track the actual text, just answer "who wrote THAT?!?"), Rent payment, Raid scheduling, Coalition settings. All those actions generate green SYSTEM messages in my chat box, this would just add more info about the person performing the action and be reviewable later on.



Now, with Prestige as a factor, we can not remove anyone from teh SG or all the Prestige they have earned will be lost.

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Quitting and rejoining zeroes their prestige counter in the DISPLAY. The actual earned prestige stays with the SG. Your individual prestige counter and the SG prestige counter are maintained seperately (as was discovered in the past when a bug caused the SG prestige counter not to be incremented properly but the personal prestige counter worked).

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Yes, but for many people out there resetting that displayed counter is a problem and it would be nice to see a solution to that.



New Issue 7 base features will allow you to spruce up, buff up, and share gear all in the comfort of your own base! Read more about these new features in our latest update.

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To this new base storage i only hope that there will be a base permission to whom can take stuff out. Last thing we need is a newbie commin in and taking all in and selling it all. So please if not make a base permission for security



YES! Now, reduce the plot costs and everything will be sweet.

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Here!! Here!!

Where? Where?

(well for that matter reduce the costs on EVERYTHING!)



Yes, plot costs are just rediculous.



New Issue 7 base features will allow you to spruce up, buff up, and share gear all in the comfort of your own base! Read more about these new features in our latest update.

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To this new base storage i only hope that there will be a base permission to whom can take stuff out. Last thing we need is a newbie commin in and taking all in and selling it all. So please if not make a base permission for security

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Pos already said there would be settable permissions on the new Storage items. Fret Not.