Issue 7: New Base Features!




I grasp it completely. It’s just an irrelevant distinction.

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No, it's not, and I shall explain why. Again.

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Yes, it is, and I shall give my analogy. Again.

It’s like saying that just because someone has atrocious spelling, you do not expect him to have poor grammar. In fact, you would predict that his grammar is excellent !

(Of course, please DO feel free to ignore it again!)

"OK, first of all... Shut Up." - My 13-Year-Old Daughter

29973 "The Running of the Bulls" [SFMA] - WINNER of the Mighty Big Story Arc Contest !
- The Stellar Wind Orbital Space Platform



You have the time stamp/link?

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It's in the bloody thread. Look it up your damn self.

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Here is the link just to end this pointless debate.




Thank you Posi for posting the numbers, but I think the 130,000 you quoted is light. Assuming these items are craftable, it would require a working Work table.

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Obviously they don't need to be crafted, or Posi would have factored that in. This is a Very Good Thing.

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Because, of course, the devs never forget to mention important details... Like , oh I don't know, how Enhancement Diversification will affect powers after they are done making major changes to powers.

"OK, first of all... Shut Up." - My 13-Year-Old Daughter

29973 "The Running of the Bulls" [SFMA] - WINNER of the Mighty Big Story Arc Contest !
- The Stellar Wind Orbital Space Platform



The PM said, and proves beyond a doubt you are completely off base...

All of the Empowerment Stations are self-powered, self-controled. i.e. it's Power use is 0, and it's Control use is 0.
Salvage storage is the same. Enhancement and Inspiration storage does take power and control.

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[/ QUOTE ]Yup, you are right about the empowerment stations and I was right about the enhancement and inspiration storage. That being said, it is STILL correct to say it would take 1.06M prestige to have a base with nothing but 3 empowerment and 3 storage stations. And for my SG, that means having to upgrade to the Advanced Mainframe and Advanced Generator. Darnit. We are going to be MILLIONS away from storing enhancements...



Against my better judgment I am going to wade in here with an observation.

City of Heroes was the first MMO produced by Cryptic Studios. By their own admission the designers did not have a lot of experience in designing MMO type games. They failed to anticipate some of the things the players did with their game. These failures have created some issues that had to be addressed. The developers have addressed them and have learned from their mistakes. I am inclined to give them the benefit of the doubt and wait for I7 to hit test to answer my questions.

Continually poking each other with sharp sticks may be entertaining, but ultimately the only benefit to arguing this whole point is to increase post counts.

My 2 inf, as you were people.

M'Teru couldn't get the job done. So she sent Mot to Astoria. Bad call.



Okay, I'm really getting jazzed by this news, but I have a semi-related question.

When bases were first introduced, it was said that the devs were going to be watching the prices of things, their use, etc to see if anything needs adjusting.

Has the decision been made the current prices are fine the way they are? I'm in an SG made up of casual gamers, and I gotta say that even though we've got a LOT of members, we're still ages away from getting anything even close to a working base. We can barely afford to get our hands on a working power and control room right now, let alone a teleporter, hospital, or workshop. And the nice luxury features? Forget about those, we're unlikely to ever get our hands on those.

I'm not looking to get a base tailor made to base raiding for dirt cheap, but it seems to me, personally, that casual SGs are not going to be managing to get most of this good stuff for a long time under this price structure.

Dame Silverwing (50 Kat/SR Scrapper) Virtue
Professor Bikini (50 Bots/Dark MM) Virtue
Dame Silver Fury (41 Peacebringer) Virtue
Operative Velvet (50 Fortunata) Virtue
Petal Dancer (35 Plant/Kin Contoller) Virtue
Tanegashima (Rapidly levelling DP/Ice Blaster) Virtue
(and more)



Continually poking each other with sharp sticks may be entertaining, but ultimately the only benefit to arguing this whole point is to increase post counts.

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He's onto us!




Here is the link just to end this pointless debate.

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Thank you for your help. You sir are a gentleman. (I've spend the last hour looking for that darn post). Your help is very much appreciated. Regards.



Yes, it is, and I shall give my analogy. Again.

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Oh goody.

It’s like saying that just because someone has atrocious spelling, you do not expect him to have poor grammar.

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No, it's not like that at all. The ability to pre-empt player actions requires a certain kind of design skill. The ability to look at a total Prestige figure on a base design screen requires only basic numeracy.

To use an analogy that does work: it would be like expecting someone who was bad at planning store security to be equally bad at doing simple arithmetic.

A post several pages back suggested that a Dev had somehow forgotten to take workbenches, power and control into account when calculating how much Prestige a SG would need to make an Empowerment Station. Presumably, on the internal testing machines, there have been workbenches, power stations and mainframes sitting there unnoticed for the last month or so.

To listen to you, one would think that was perfectly feasible, on account of the Devs having made too many Winter Lords spawn or some such.



Because, of course, the devs never forget to mention important details... Like , oh I don't know, how Enhancement Diversification will affect powers after they are done making major changes to powers.

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You're funny.



Continually poking each other with sharp sticks may be entertaining, but ultimately the only benefit to arguing this whole point is to increase post counts.

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He's onto us!

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It would be almost as catastrophically stupid as making giant walking XP piñatas called “Winter Lords” and putting dozens of them in each and every zone so that players could go from level 1 to 50 in just a couple of weeks, leaving the city overrun with high-level characters who cannot afford to buy their own SO enhancements and who don’t have the faintest clue how to play their own characters, many of whom quickly quit CoH because it’s boring and they’ve “done everything” (even though they have in fact done almost nothing).


Let’s see… accidentally over-reward for killing Winter Lords… accidentally over-price empowerment stations. Accidentally over-reward for killing Winter Lords… accidentally over-price empowerment stations…. Accidentally over-reward for killing Winter Lords… accidentally over-price empowerment stations.

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Not to thread-jack is it the Dev's fault that the players exploited something they put in for fun? Is it the Dev's fault that those players, rather than having fun with the game decided to do nothing other than PL themselves by exploiting the game? I was there for the Winter Lord fun, and while i made much xp off of them, I quickly went back to doing my regular missions. You know...the way the Dev's designed it to be.

Please don't blame player exploits on the Devs. The most likely reason they didn't limit the Winter Lords before? They thought of it as an ADDITION to the game, not the be all-end all the PL players did. And I don't remember seeing any Devs standing behind any of those players twisting their arms into PL either. Just because an exploit is there does NOT mean you have to use it. Those people who PL'd and then got bored..well as far as I'm concerned, I'm glad they aren't around to spoil things more for people who want to play the game as designed.

Of course, YMMV...

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Oh, a valid enough point, up to a, err... point. But the flip side is that anyone could quickly do the math and see how much easier and faster leveling was if you just focused on the WL’s. And it certainly wasn’t an exploit! The XP given was exactly what the devs chose for them to give. PLers and those looking for shortcuts are part of any MMOG… and the devs should have known that. They themselves have admitted that the WL’s were a big mistake on their part.

Still, the only reason I even brought it up is because of Lady Sakako’s almost religious insistence that the devs cannot mess up the price of the new base items (apparently just because they’re gonna try reeeeeal hard not to). It was a counter example to her assertion. One of several I gave. All of which she either ignored completely or dismissed with an oh-so-compelling hand waving gesture.

"OK, first of all... Shut Up." - My 13-Year-Old Daughter

29973 "The Running of the Bulls" [SFMA] - WINNER of the Mighty Big Story Arc Contest !
- The Stellar Wind Orbital Space Platform



New improved Dooom now with 25% more quibbling and 75% more hyperbole.



Still, the only reason I even brought it up is because of Lady Sakako’s almost religious insistence that the devs cannot mess up the price of the new base items

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... by mistake. And I stand by that. There are just too few factors involved. Bases are pretty damn straightforward.

Of course, some people will insist that a Dev can have a workbench, a power station and a mainframe (or even a prohibitively expensive large room) on his screen throughout the design process and somehow fail to notice that they're there. Because, you know, Devs make mistakes.



To listen to you, one would think that was perfectly feasible, on account of the Devs having made too many Winter Lords spawn or some such.

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Yes. NOW you've got it! Priot to Positron's post (THANK YOU POSITRON!) it was perfectly feasible to think that the devs might set the cost of these items too high. And I had a lot more examples than just Winter Lords. But of course, we're just ignoring all those, aren't we?

"OK, first of all... Shut Up." - My 13-Year-Old Daughter

29973 "The Running of the Bulls" [SFMA] - WINNER of the Mighty Big Story Arc Contest !
- The Stellar Wind Orbital Space Platform



Because, of course, the devs never forget to mention important details... Like , oh I don't know, how Enhancement Diversification will affect powers after they are done making major changes to powers.

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You're funny.

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Why, Yes. Yes, I am.

"OK, first of all... Shut Up." - My 13-Year-Old Daughter

29973 "The Running of the Bulls" [SFMA] - WINNER of the Mighty Big Story Arc Contest !
- The Stellar Wind Orbital Space Platform



Yes. NOW you've got it! Priot to Positron's post (THANK YOU POSITRON!) it was perfectly feasible to think that the devs might set the cost of these items too high.

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You simply aren't addressing the 'by mistake' part, are you?

I already told you: nobody's debating the idea that the prices might have been set higher than people would like by deliberate design. What I DO object to is the idea that the prices might have turned out too high for small SGs to afford because the Devs accidentally made them dependent on huge rooms, or accidentally forgot to take the cost of power and control into account, or anything like that. None of your examples included errors of that kind.



New improved Dooom now with 25% more quibbling and 75% more hyperbole.

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/em talktothehand

"OK, first of all... Shut Up." - My 13-Year-Old Daughter

29973 "The Running of the Bulls" [SFMA] - WINNER of the Mighty Big Story Arc Contest !
- The Stellar Wind Orbital Space Platform



What I DO object to is the idea that the prices might have turned out too high for small SGs to afford because the Devs accidentally made them dependent on huge rooms, or accidentally forgot to take the cost of power and control into account, or anything like that.

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An Inspiration and Enhancement Storage stations will cost a minimum of 765K to deploy. More likely in the 780K to 855K area to get all of them. Can we AT LEAST agree on that please?



Yes. NOW you've got it! Priot to Positron's post (THANK YOU POSITRON!) it was perfectly feasible to think that the devs might set the cost of these items too high.

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You simply aren't addressing the 'by mistake' part, are you?

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Last time I checked, errors were still usually made by mistake, yes. Sorry, but I didn’t know that you wanted me to use the word “mistake” in a sentence. Or has St. Patrick’s Day suddenly changed into “Belabor the Painfully Obvious Day?”

OK, well, I’ll bite:

Winter Lords appeared in the winter.
Perma-MoG could only be found on characters with MoG.
1 acc and 6 dmg SO’s in a power means the power is 6-slotted.
The kracken in the sewer trial could only be farmed in the sewer.
People complain about not having the Isolator badge because they cannot get the Isolator badge.
Farming the Hamidon day after day after day means people get HO's every day.
Using portal missions for PLing means that a lot of PLers go through portals. On missions. To PL.

Did I miss any? What do I win?

"OK, first of all... Shut Up." - My 13-Year-Old Daughter

29973 "The Running of the Bulls" [SFMA] - WINNER of the Mighty Big Story Arc Contest !
- The Stellar Wind Orbital Space Platform



Is "Smith Barney" still in the investment business?

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Nope, they just got bought out, but I don't remember by whom.

Oh!! that was a rhetorical question.....NVM....



Remember the part of Alice in Wonderland where Alice had to run as fast as possible just to stand still?

Something to point out since it has bearing on costs of base equipment: Base rent increases over time and is calculated from the SG's total earned prestige over the life of the SG, so that eventually everyone in the SG will have to be constantly earning prestige to stand still in terms of base features. There will come a point where base rent is>=total SG income for the rent period unless you disband the SG and start over. Presumably the Devs will do something to address this by the time it becomes an issue for enough players, but i haven't heard anything official yet. So new items are great, but what happens when you have to start selling off parts of the base in order to keep the remainder functional or to add new equipment?

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



New improved Dooom now with 25% more quibbling and 75% more hyperbole.

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/em talktothehand

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Order now and get cliches thrown in for free.



Last time I checked, errors were still usually made by mistake, yes.

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You're failing to grasp the difference between a bad design desision and an outright error.

Making winter lords spawn too often: bad design decision.
Not noticing that you need workbenches, power stations and databases to build Empowerment stations (if one did actually need these): outright error.

The winter lords were not caused to spawn too often by mistake. People weren't given the ability to slot 5 dam, 1 acc by mistake. People aren't unable to get Isolator by mistake. These were all intended, and have since proven to be unwise.



An Inspiration and Enhancement Storage stations will cost a minimum of 765K to deploy. More likely in the 780K to 855K area to get all of them. Can we AT LEAST agree on that please?

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We've never been in disagreement on that point. However, Inspiration and Enhancement Storage weren't the intended boost for small SGs. Empowerment Stations are.