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  1. huh wait beast boy was on the show before? which episode was that?
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MentalMaden View Post
    I had a teammate start raving about it when they looked at their buffs last night. Whether or not I "need" it: meh. Teammates may have a use and seem to like it.
    which brings me to another minor gripe with the power... the buff icon seems to show up under autopowers which I have hidden to avoid cluttering up the screen so at a glance I can't tell which folks on the team got the buff. I know thats very minor but still annoying.

    For the most part I have decided to keep it. I'll slot everything else first and only once I am happy with all my other slotting will I toss whatevers left at SA.
  3. Thanks for the info I will try a different slotting for it but honestly its nice to see some folks not six slotting it. for a bit it seemed like a power everyone but me was in love with now its more nice to have but not a build breaker.
  4. Maybe its just me but of all the powers on my dark/dark I am just not finding myself caring much about SA. I admit upfront I don't have it slotted for healing or endurance modification mostly just recharge and accuracy. How does everyone usually slot it? Am I alone in feeling underwhelmed with it?
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Frosty_Surprise View Post
    Verizon has shelved any expansion of FiOS as of March 2010. If your area doesn't have it now, there are currently no plans to build it there.
    I woudn't go by that article. FiOS is still being expanded to new areas just much slower than a few years ago when we were putting it out there faster than we could keep up with..... that is of course an unofficial answer since I can't comment on it on the record lol. That said there are plenty of places where its not currently offered but we are still planning on putting it in.

    Anyway I love FiOS and I'm not just saying that because I work for Verizon (oddly enough in the FiOS sales office lol). The constant speed is exactly what I have been dying for since my days on DSL and than Comcast. Even the lowest FiOS speed should run COH with no issues.
  6. Whats really funny is I am subscribed to another forum with a thread about the Smallville finale and as I am reading both I have this one where everyone seems to have hated it... the other thread everyone loved this episode.

    The above sums up my feelings pretty well. I agree with some of the issues people have mentioned here and felt like it could have been a way better send off. That said I can still appreciate what was in the finale considering this wasn't a show about superman it was a show about him becoming superman. Looking at it that way the ending stopped at just the right point. If that show was about the journey and not the destination than thats what the finale gave us imo.

    *one final thought the special effects were terrible no matter how you look at it lol*
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Obitus View Post
    Yes. There's no way to avoid the initial 100% end drain, which may or may not be a big deal to you depending on how much you rely on toggle powers. Also, even the highest +recovery buff from Ageless (+800%, if my numbers are correct) is still lower than the -1000% recovery debuff from the crash.

    So "crashless" is a misnomer. Ageless will certainly help to mitigate the nuke crash, but it won't eliminate the crash altogether. All in all, I'd say the so-called crashless nuke thing is a bad reason to choose Ageless Destiny. If you have other compelling reasons to take Ageless, then sure, go nuts -- but if not, don't lose sleep over Ageless' effect on the nuke crash.
    Crashless is possible just not with ageless alone. But it would depend on your builds total recovery rate before Ageless including any outside buffs you may have being combined with ageless. OP is a blaster but a defender or corruptor can self buff their recovery so that would help them with this... I guess a blaster could as well if they took that one psi power that I can't remember the name off at the moment.
  8. Just to update my earlier comments I now have a t4 reactive (75% chance of debuff/25% chance of fire dot) slotted and I have to say it really helps make Gun Drone better. Instead of just using it in rare instances where I thought i would have trouble I ran a few missions keeping it out almost the entire time. It shouldn't take a t4 incarnate power to make it a good pet so I would still love a change or two but I will say I've totally forgotten about any ideas of dropping the power and I think I'll be using it a lot more solo now.
  9. I've thought about dropping Gun Drone on my dp/devices but after having it a few weeks and getting fully IO'd I changed my mind. Not because I really think its that good all the time but there are times when it can be really useful. Its good for extra damage on a hard mob and on enemy groups that toss a bunch of mezs or debuffs. For example on a recent carnie mission I got chain held (ran out of break frees). The drones damage plus ability to take some aggro with my two starter attacks was just enough to survive the two illusionist.

    IMO Gun Drone can use a few buffs to make it useful more of time. Now it seems most people use it to soak up some aggro which I am pretty sure it wasn't intended for. If anything I would rather it be more like a controller pet. drop the short duration or get rid of the interupt time and lower the end cost. Either would go a long way to making this power more acceptable to the masses.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Icelock View Post
    *sigh*... I have no idea what password I have on PSN (haven't used it in over a year) so I have no idea if I need to change any other passwords. And changing them all is a nightmare...
    so we are in the same boat it seems ugh this is just plain annoying
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kyriani View Post
    I use my base all the time still =\

    My teleporter network is used frequently especially when I know the arrival point is more convenient than where the tram will drop me off.

    When I want to craft IOs I go to my base not a university. My base is always within quick reach.

    I'm a packrat and store tons of inspirations, salvage and enhancements!

    I also do most of my flashbacks from the pillar in my base.

    If I die in a mission (and using a wakey isnt adviseable) I usually res in my base so I can restock on insps if needed

    All in all I like having my own cozy little place that is tailored to my tastes and offers amenities for me. I just don't understand what people are talking about when they say bases have no use anymore... I use mine plenty =\
    Its not that they don't have a use anymore but back when bases first came out if you wanted to get from one zone like atlas to say Eden you finally had a shortcut. I think back than base porters were a godsend. Now between the O portal, Vanguard bases, Wentworths teleporters, mission and pocket d teleporters, and having all the ferrys and train lines connected travel time is next to nothing. That alone devalued bases quite a bit.

    I'm sure for almost every advantage bases gave players are now available from other in game sources/places.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Unknown_User View Post
    It was the Cosmic Cube. Also makes an appearance in the Captain America movie that's coming out.
    Ahhh I guess if your having an avenger movie using a cosmic cube is a good way to bring all the players together
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Amy_Amp View Post
    It took me a second to figure out where the hell they were going with it, but then it clicked.
    Please share cause I still have no idea what that little scene meant.
  14. oddly enough I never really thought that was odd. Somewhere along the way I just assumed that we were either going through the building for quick access to exactly where the villain base was (like the built it under a building and the quickest way there is through the basement) and/or that the villains in an effort to hide there base have a front company running out of the building we enter and again we have to go through that building to get to the actual base.
  15. pmgunnerxx

    Storm and what?

    Plant/Storm was #Winning way before Charlie Sheen.

    Without IOs its good with some IOs its great. seeds of confusion + roots + freezing rain (with an achilles heel proc if you can get one) throw in creepers and or tornado (does great damage when mobs can't be tossed all over) lightning storm and in my case fault (i think thats the name) from the epic pool and you are destroying large mobs. I usually run her +1/8 and solo on easy mode but she can go higher pretty easily. Most solo farming runs I don't even use lightning storm or tornado.
  16. This happend to me earlier today. Final mission on the ITF and for some reason everytime I tried to enter the mission the game would stop responding eventually leading to a mapserver disconnect. I would shut the game down via task manager and load it back up and same issue. I even tried a full reboot of my system. Nothing worked my team finished the TF and of course I got the TF completion box but no rewards.

    This was the first time this happend but I can already see how big of a pain a bug like this can be. I hope someone can offer some help on how to fix/avoid this.
  17. Thanks I thought so but I know some powers are funny about how often they will proc.
  18. Was wondering how would procs work in Tar Patch. Is there just once chance for them to go off when the power is cast or would there be multiple chances for the proc to fire for the duration of the power?
  19. Does this mean I need to clean my room? lol
  20. Wouldn't a Mind/Kin or a kin/energy do the job. Kinetics allows you to speed things up and slow them down. The heal could be explained as using time to heal wounds.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
    Have you tried a MFing Warshade?
    I swear I am still laughing at this... mostly because everytime i read it I hear Samual L Jackson asking the question.
  22. If dimension shift was changed to a single target power it would be more useful. With the fitness change my ill/ff picked up detention field and it has some great uses at the high lvls. Caging a tower in the STF (which takes one of Recluses buffs away) while the team takes down the other towers, in the Tin Mage tf where you get multiple AVs being able to cage one or two of them while the others are taken down also helps. My main problem with an AOE type power is you can easily take targets out of the fight that you really want to still be avail for a fight.