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  1. Awesome! I appreciate the help on that one, it didn't seem like the demons were doing less than optimal damage but I had to be sure.

    Follow up: So damage enhancements increase their damage and shields resistance? Or that's also a false number?
  2. I haven't seen anything on here about it, but what's the deal with slotting damage enhancements into demon summon and it coming out at damage resistance enhancement numbers?

    If there's another thread about this just disregard this one, thanks!
  3. Monsieur_Adam

    servers down

    Maybe they're using this time to fix the market!


    Okay. Maybe this just sucks, then.
  4. Sweet, they didn't fix the bug with enemies running from players that's been in the game for years. Or the icon bug that's bugging the hell out of anyone who doesn't solo 24/7.

    Oh but they imcreased the animation times on Stone Melee for no reason, what a great waste of time.

    What is it they're always saying about not having the resources to finance some positive changes to the game?

    But changes to the players in a negative way are free, right.
  5. [ QUOTE ]

    Mu attacks also have a -recovery [endurance] component as well as an end drain, players running a lot of toggles, such as dark armour or elec armour players will notice it a lot more, as the end drain resist works but does not protect from -recovery.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Static shield provides resistance to endurance drain and endurance recovery debuffs.
  6. [ QUOTE ]

    I'm somewhat limited in my test subjects but my impressions regarding MoG were validated by my testing as limited as it was. With an acc bonus, mobs are just getting more hits. Not a lot more, we should be mindful that MoG sucked before I7, but enough that it's noticeable. The even conned Lts v. minions showed me that clearly.

    MoG should be fixed.

    The defense changes are generally wonderful. Good job devs.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Wait a minute, you mean you tested MoG? And it was just as bad as you expected?

    So you're telling me that increasing the chance to be hit made MoG worse, like you were saying earlier but previous posters said you should test first just to make sure?

    I am Jack's complete lack of surprise.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]

    Also, I want a Rularuu Watcher, that I can ride around like a big 'ole flying beachball.

    [/ QUOTE ]


    [/ QUOTE ]

    And then I'd just go around buzzing the lowbies in Atlas Plaza, when they are having costume contests.

    They'd all be like, "Holy crap!" And I'd be all like, making airplane noises and stuff.

    It would be great.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Actually I was referring to the spikes.

    They're impossible to sit around!
  8. [ QUOTE ]

    Also, I want a Rularuu Watcher, that I can ride around like a big 'ole flying beachball.

    [/ QUOTE ]

  9. [ QUOTE ]

    And, yeah, I liked 'em to, but this was closest to what was kicking around in the back of my head...and it's 56k modem friendly.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Finally, an avatar that was thought out for us dial-up people!

    Today is a great day for 56K.
  10. I've had this happen to me a dozen times without having the Shivan Shard power, and without collecting any pieces in the past on said character.
  11. How many times have we all heard the team Tanker ask before hopping into the mob..
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    K, Xero, let's talk about "fun". I'm going to describe an in-game event that happened to me recently.

    I was playing two Sonic/Sonic Defenders in Warburg.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Do you have two Kin/Elec Defenders on Protector by chance, G.S?
  13. Monsieur_Adam

    Ten Tracks

    1. Breaking Benjamin - Polyamorous
    2. Coheed & Cambria - The Suffering
    3. Electric 6 - Danger! High Voltage
    4. System of a Down - Lonely Day
    5. Staind - For You
    6. Linkin Park - Numb
    7. Godsmack - I Stand Alone
    8. Motion City Soundtrack - The Future Freaks Me Out
    9. System of a Down - Hypnotize
    10. Minibosses - Ninja Gaiden
  14. Monsieur_Adam

    MySpace home.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Glad to see some O & A fans joining!

    The kung fu grip is use. Why do you think he took it out of the box?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Hahaha. Burn
  15. [ QUOTE ]

    If you are confused, that’s ok. Lets just say "Rain of Fire, Ice Storm, Blizzard, Burn, Ignite and Rain or Arrows just got a whole lot better".

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Wow, Burn got better? They removed the fear!

    Oh, they didn't? Carry on.
  16. Monsieur_Adam

    MySpace home.

    Man, am I the only one here with an active Myspace?

    I need a real job
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    Bug… In an upcoming patch, flying entities that are disorient will no longer behave oddly.

    [/ QUOTE ]


    This has been a bug since, around launch I wanna say.

    Kinda convienent you're finally looking into it with the most recent "melee attacks auto missing" bug.
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    I talked with Manticore this morning about this and he agreed to rework these into shorter, more engaging, Task Forces in an upcoming issue (possibly 7 or 8, maybe sooner though)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Issue 7 or 8 you'll make the TFs shorter? It didn't occur to you guys to shorten them up BEFORE you told the players "Hey, you're doing it again, deal with it"?