Blade and Soul

Angelus Animi



Originally Posted by Pitho View Post
Minimum height characters in CoH look like tiny people, not children.

I think this is one of the few good character creator limitations we had in this game, if only to completely avoid the unfortunate implications it may lead to.

Also, the whole "CoH is as fetishistic as all these Korean MMOs" argument isn't really accurate. Costumes in CoH are completely up to the discretion of the individual player, whilst B&S, if it is gear-based, will have likely have skimpy outfits that you will essentially be forced to wear if you want any level of competency in combat.

Not to mention that if it is gear-based, it also loses out to CoH immediately in terms of customisation. I didn't receive the email for this game, and I'm absolutely fine with that.

EDIT: I came up with another Blade and Soul name pun: Bored and Insoulted



It's easier for me to just think of them as the Asian equivalent of Hobbits, Dwarves or Munchkins.


Yes they look childlike but that's not when they are soaked in blood with the entrails of their enemies dangling from their razor sharp teeth.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
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Tempus unum hominem manet



Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
It's easier for me to just think of them as the Asian equivalent of Hobbits, Dwarves or Munchkins.


Yes they look childlike but that's not when they are soaked in blood with the entrails of their enemies dangling from their razor sharp teeth.



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
Yeah, what is it about fetishizing kids this way? America may have a fascination with youth (even Oscar Wilde mentioned it more than 120 years ago) but this sort of thing is super-creepy. Every time I see this sort of thing in a Korean or Japanese game (or anime) I get more than little skeeved out.

Although at this point I'm so old that I don't even find women under 35 interesting, but the "Toddlers in Tiaras" stuff needs to be stamped out with a steel-toed jackboot.
*Shrug* many of my female friends from high school who are now in their 30s and with children look almost the same as they did when they were 13, 14. My male colleague in his 40s was mistaken for an undergraduate just a few weeks ago.

In fact, many of the 20-year-old girls I see (and I see a lot of them) have facial features and skin tones of that picture. I'm personally unable to tell if they are 20 or 12, but I assume that if they're in college, they're at least 18.

I really wish people on the forums would focus more on saving and less on hating.

"Honesty is for the most part less profitable than dishonesty." -- Plato

Playing Gods (51106) - Heroic Lvl 5-20
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I've also noticed that I can't reliably guess the age of a young woman (within 5 years) anymore. I blame my age and TV/movies constantly casting 20 somethings as teens. Totally blurs the line.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components

Tempus unum hominem manet



Originally Posted by Power Armour View Post
Also, the whole "CoH is as fetishistic as all these Korean MMOs" argument isn't really accurate. Costumes in CoH are completely up to the discretion of the individual player, whilst B&S, if it is gear-based, will have likely have skimpy outfits that you will essentially be forced to wear if you want any level of competency in combat.

Not to mention that if it is gear-based, it also loses out to CoH immediately in terms of customisation. I didn't receive the email for this game, and I'm absolutely fine with that.
Most modern MMO's allow players to customize their appearance independently from their gear.

It took me all of 30 seconds to find this with Google:

Unlike many other MMORPG's, you'll never have to worry about your characters gear looking terrible in Blade & Soul! You'll actually be able to customize the look of your character as you are not burdened by the necessity of having to wear a specific suit of armor just because it yields the best stats. In fact, your characters entire visual appearance, minus your weapon, has no stat enhancing features what so ever!



Originally Posted by Intrinsic View Post
It took me all of 30 seconds to find this with Google:
Assuming they're not secretly meaning the Aion BS thing of being able to make one piece of gear keep its stats but look like another piece... that's awesome Not because I'll play it, but that (maybe) the industry is finally waking up and realizing that making look tightly (or loosely) bound to your stats is insane. Unlocking items is fine, but not tying it to your stats or making you jump through silly hoops.

I suddenly have slightly more faith in the world

Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!



Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
Come on you can do better then that

Or the entrails version



Originally Posted by Arson_NA View Post
Actually, want to see something you can't unsee given how much of a pet hate it was to COH players....

The one on the right has clipping issues on her trousers.
The trousers are just hungry, that's all.



ahh well.. its not the same as Coh, where you can run around in nothing other then a small barbwire bra, whose only main purpose was to ensure that you dont get two black eyes while running or jumping fast... for blade and more scared of the small boy race then the small girl race, running around..



I blame the success of the Final Fantasy series for this title.

Apparently, I play "City of Shakespeare"
*Arc #95278-Gathering the Four Winds -3 step arc; challenging - 5 Ratings/3 Stars (still working out the kinks)
*Arc #177826-Lights, Camera, Scream! - 3 step arc, camp horror; try out in 1st person POV - 35 Ratings/4 Stars



Originally Posted by Pitho View Post
Minimum height characters in CoH look like tiny people, not children.
One could say that's what they see in the other games. One could say they look like kids in CoH. *shrug*

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
I've also noticed that I can't reliably guess the age of a young woman (within 5 years) anymore. I blame my age and TV/movies constantly casting 20 somethings as teens. Totally blurs the line.
Getting rid of the TV solves that problem. []

CatMan - some form on every server

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Originally Posted by Intrinsic View Post
Most modern MMO's allow players to customize their appearance independently from their gear.

It took me all of 30 seconds to find this with Google:
Well I was taking a guess and you proved me wrong, thanks for pointing that out.

Now the question is how much of the cosmetic gear is actually fairly sensible, and not shirts with boob-holes cut out of them like the marketing for the game would have us believe.

Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
One could say that's what they see in the other games. One could say they look like kids in CoH. *shrug*
I understand that this is your opinion and I that I have my own, but I STRONGLY disagree with you on this point. I don't profess to have an incredibly detailed understanding of anatomy, but there is no way I could mistake a CoH character model, with the height slider turned down, for a human child. You can push teenager, at best, and even then the dissonance between the young faces and adult proportions goes way into uncanny valley. The length of all the limbs and the torso are just too long and the movements are all nothing like how a real child would move. As people have said before, to me they look like hobbits.



Originally Posted by Power Armour View Post
Well I was taking a guess and you proved me wrong, thanks for pointing that out.

Now the question is how much of the cosmetic gear is actually fairly sensible, and not shirts with boob-holes cut out of them like the marketing for the game would have us believe.

I understand that this is your opinion and I that I have my own, but I STRONGLY disagree with you on this point. I don't profess to have an incredibly detailed understanding of anatomy, but there is no way I could mistake a CoH character model, with the height slider turned down, for a human child. You can push teenager, at best, and even then the dissonance between the young faces and adult proportions goes way into uncanny valley. The length of all the limbs and the torso are just too long and the movements are all nothing like how a real child would move. As people have said before, to me they look like hobbits.
That's okay. I can't mistake those other characters as kids either, but obviously, others do.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection


Posted timberpixie is a hobbit???

..ugh.. my screenshot skills suck... have to wonder if anyone in City of Heros EVEN has a small chibi character that they made, that ACTUALLY
looks kinna like one of the Blade and Soul race chibis..



Originally Posted by Tartyrsause View Post timberpixie is a hobbit???

..ugh.. my screenshot skills suck... have to wonder if anyone in City of Heros EVEN has a small chibi character that they made, that ACTUALLY
looks kinna like one of the Blade and Soul race chibis..
First of all, you need to take screenshots during the day with your character facing the sun. Your eyes adapt to the night shots and your brain will fill in what you can't actually see.

Secondly, no, you can't emulate that sort of look. I've tried to make a kid for one of my MA arcs and I can't get them to look like anything younger than a teenager. Children and adults have different proportions both in body structure and facial structure that's immediately apparent at a glance. If you take your head as a measurement (as artists do) the average adult is somewhere between 8 and 9 heads tall. A child, on the other hand, is generally about 4 or 5 heads tall. Doesn't sound like much, but you can instantly perceive the difference. Even when you shrink a CoH toon down to the smallest size of 4 feet tall, they're still 8 heads tall. You aren't even consciously aware of it, but your brain says, "adult."

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



Originally Posted by Intrinsic View Post
Most modern MMO's allow players to customize their appearance independently from their gear.

It took me all of 30 seconds to find this with Google:
I bet non-default clothes (or glorified lingerie if you're playing a female) are available through cash shop lottery only.



Originally Posted by Feycat View Post
Which is weird, because I've got an NCsoft account AND an Anet account and didn't get that email. Kinda hit and miss, aren't they?
I haven't gotten an email since the Nature Affinity announcement. If I didn't follow the forums, I wouldn't even know about the game closing.

"Home is where, when you have to go there, they have to let you in."



I'm all for trying to make someone seem like the bad guy here, but really. Head size? In one game you can make kids who are 7-8 and dress them up however you want. In the other you can make them 13-15 at the yongest. Both have the potential to be abused. One is not worse than the other if abused.

As for Blade and Soul, sadly its been a title I've been looking forward to since I first saw the premise of it however many years ago. Kung Fu MMO that uses real time fighting combo's rather than 1/2/3/4.

Games can be grindy if they make the grind fun. Hell I still log into generic farm maps in the AE to watch my Plant/Storm controller make a mess of as many 8 man mobs grouping up as possible.

I'm not trying to defend the game, there is no real need too. If you like it, play it. If you don't. Move along. Trying to slander while playing a game that has the same potential for the abuse you are playing makes you come off as silly. Trying to justify with with "Oh well our models are 8 head sizes where theirs are only 4.75" is just dumb. Espeically when you can scroll down face options and choose from ones designed specifically to look "Young". Its a 10ish year old game engine with 3 only character models for players. I somehow think the exclusion of young character models is tied that and not some moral high ground.



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
His topic is referring to the mass email they just sent to all NCSoft accountholders.

Which is actually pretty painful. It's like they cut us open and then offered us this as a band-aid.

A band-aid made of salt.

More like another "gracious" dose of sulfur into an already open wound.



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
First of all, you need to take screenshots during the day with your character facing the sun. Your eyes adapt to the night shots and your brain will fill in what you can't actually see.

Secondly, no, you can't emulate that sort of look. I've tried to make a kid for one of my MA arcs and I can't get them to look like anything younger than a teenager. Children and adults have different proportions both in body structure and facial structure that's immediately apparent at a glance. If you take your head as a measurement (as artists do) the average adult is somewhere between 8 and 9 heads tall. A child, on the other hand, is generally about 4 or 5 heads tall. Doesn't sound like much, but you can instantly perceive the difference. Even when you shrink a CoH toon down to the smallest size of 4 feet tall, they're still 8 heads tall. You aren't even consciously aware of it, but your brain says, "adult."
minimum sliders, baggy pants, tight top, and I believe baseball cap.

SG member does a really good job of a 12-13ish looking character.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by MrLiberty View Post
I'm all for trying to make someone seem like the bad guy here, but really. Head size? In one game you can make kids who are 7-8 and dress them up however you want. In the other you can make them 13-15 at the yongest. Both have the potential to be abused. One is not worse than the other if abused.

As for Blade and Soul, sadly its been a title I've been looking forward to since I first saw the premise of it however many years ago. Kung Fu MMO that uses real time fighting combo's rather than 1/2/3/4.

Games can be grindy if they make the grind fun. Hell I still log into generic farm maps in the AE to watch my Plant/Storm controller make a mess of as many 8 man mobs grouping up as possible.

I'm not trying to defend the game, there is no real need too. If you like it, play it. If you don't. Move along. Trying to slander while playing a game that has the same potential for the abuse you are playing makes you come off as silly. Trying to justify with with "Oh well our models are 8 head sizes where theirs are only 4.75" is just dumb. Espeically when you can scroll down face options and choose from ones designed specifically to look "Young". Its a 10ish year old game engine with 3 only character models for players. I somehow think the exclusion of young character models is tied that and not some moral high ground.
Pretty much this. I find those who go straight to the "little kids in revealing outfit" when it comes to some ofthese games, when they know the characters aren't little kids at all, is basically them being trolls, to get others not to play it.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Absolutely NO interest in this game.

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!