Blade and Soul

Angelus Animi



Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
After watching the trailer on the website... Nothing about it seemed slightly distinctive. The art style of someone-someone? Did they also do the art for Tera, Aion, and the dozen other high fantasy asian MMOs, because it looked the same as all the rest.
Actually, Hyung-Tae Kim is a well known Korean Video Game artist who's done art for the Manga Carta Series.
He expressly disregard anatomical accuracy in favor of achieving a certain effect.
going by this picture (don't worry, it's called Safebooru for a reason, folks!) it's tights tighter than anything girls wore in City and bananas.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



For those following the game, there's also a preview of Boobs and Shame... er, Blade and Soul... up at Ten Ton Hammer:

Trying not to cross post here, and by all means I stand behind anime, the Asian MMO fantasy genre, etc... but I can't and won't support a game delivered to us in this fashion. It's like NCSoft showed up at the COH funeral, kicked over the casket in mid-eulogy and set up a big blinking sign asking us to ignore the corpse that's now spilled out onto the floor and focus instead on shiny catgirl cleavage. Classy move.



Originally Posted by Feycat View Post
Which is weird, because I've got an NCsoft account AND an Anet account and didn't get that email. Kinda hit and miss, aren't they?

I didn't either and for a moment I wondered if I should feel slighted about it. Nah... Not going to bother feeling slighted.

But it's MY sadistic mechanical monster and I'm here to make sure it knows it. - Girl Genius

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Blade and Soul and GW2 caused them to lose 6 million.. during that time...

"Other games such as "City of Heroes," also known as "Villain," posted 2.9 billion won...

or about 2575030.65 dollars US.

Not gonna play a game that helped kill our game... which seemed really profitable by their numbers...

Just... damn....



Yeah, got the email and all I could think was: seriously?

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

CatMan - some form on every server

Always here, there, and there again.



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
The more I see of this new game the more I'm convinced it's softcore porn.
My wife kinda thinks that about CoH/V given the ... boob issue with them.

CatMan - some form on every server

Always here, there, and there again.



Boobs and it. Sounds like the unofficial motto for Virtue.



Originally Posted by Tempus Fugitive View Post
Blade and Soul and GW2 caused them to lose 6 million.. during that time...

"Other games such as "City of Heroes," also known as "Villain," posted 2.9 billion won...

or about 2575030.65 dollars US.

Not gonna play a game that helped kill our game... which seemed really profitable by their numbers...

Just... damn....
Well, considering that the sales figures for those two titles were not in the quarterly reports, i can see why it would appear that it cost them a lot of cash.



Originally Posted by MisterD View Post
Boobs and it. Sounds like the unofficial motto for Virtue.
Naw, we're completely shameless over there.

"Mastermind Pets operate...differently, and aren't as easily fixed. Especially the Bruiser. I want to take him out behind the woodshed and pull an "old yeller" on him at times." - Castle



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
The more I see of this new game the more I'm convinced it's softcore porn.
I was all set to say that it's not fair to make this kind of judgement before actually trying the game. But then I saw that one of the races is all female...

Goodbye, I guess.

@Lord_Nightblade in Champions/Star Trek Online if you want to stay in touch



Originally Posted by Oldeb View Post
Naw, we're completely shameless over there.
Lol, good one! Maybe that's why I played there too.



Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
Actually, Hyung-Tae Kim is a well known Korean Video Game artist who's done art for the Manga Carta Series.
He expressly disregard anatomical accuracy in favor of achieving a certain effect.
going by this picture (don't worry, it's called Safebooru for a reason, folks!) it's tights tighter than anything girls wore in City and bananas.
That's a very different definition of breast pockets than that I'm familiar with.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
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Tempus unum hominem manet



Originally Posted by MrPlayskool View Post
After destroying a Western product and obliterating several American jobs?

There is no STRONG nor PRETTY in that game.



Originally Posted by Feycat View Post
Which is weird, because I've got an NCsoft account AND an Anet account and didn't get that email. Kinda hit and miss, aren't they?
Yeah, I didn't get an email about it either. Thank Odin.

Also, ugly art is ugly.



I always found it odd that people instantly reject a game or comic simply because of it's looks. I've always found gameplay or story (in the case of comics and animation) trumps art style.

Supposedly B&S has a rather impressive attack/combo mechanic that might appeal to the console gamer besides the looks of a period Chinese action movie genre that includes wall/water/air running. Now I don't think fans of either genre in NA would turn out in droves to play this game. The MMO market is getting diluted like the TV series market. Simply too many options, too little time/budget to play/watch everything you want to.

I was checking out some of the Wildstar videos, last one I saw was one where they demoed their telegraph mechanic which shows you a couple a seconds ahead of time what area will be affected either by the attack by you and your enemies. But for an old guy like me, it strikes me as a little too twitchy for my dulled reflexes.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components

Tempus unum hominem manet



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
Allow me to direct you to my quote from the other thread related to the game:
*does just that. While at work*

Yeeeeah.... no.

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




How about this... Retcon CoH, indefinitely, and I'll try this game. Regardless, the major problem is this is a fantasy MMO and so is Guild Wars 2. GW2 is becoming hugely popular and another MMO so soon after will simply tank.



See, this news is related to why I can't decide whether I want to be a civil angry customer, or an angry angry customer. Every time I read a bit about NCSoft's business decisions post-Nexxon buyout, I get this painfully sick feeling in the bottom of my stomach. I'm not exaggerating. It's a real physical sensation that I'd never expected to feel about a matter like this. I feel like I'm watching some careless schizophrenic who just walked in out of nowhere, made some really harmful decisions that affected thousands of people, and who then walked out just as suddenly while mumbling some crazy line like, "This is good...this is good...I'm so focused..." every time you went and tried to shake some sense out of him.

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Dark-EyesDoctor SerpentineStonecasterSkymaidenThe Blue Jaguar
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Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
I feel like I'm watching some careless schizophrenic who just walked in out of nowhere, made some really harmful decisions that affected thousands of people, and who then walked out just as suddenly while mumbling some crazy line like, "This is good...this is good...I'm so focused..." every time you went and tried to shake some sense out of him.
Corporations have a tendency to get like that when they get too big, especially if they have multiple divisions. As an example, I'm pretty sure Sony funded both the lawsuit against napster and the defense of napster through different divisions. You can have different parts of a company working against each other. It's insanity.

Culex's resistance guide



Originally Posted by MisterD View Post
They emailed you that..but can't even send a 'Oh, sorry, we are killing cox, bye guys' email?
Richard Move.
Spotted Richard, at that.



Yeah, I got the e-mail last night. My thought went along the lines of "OK, so you shut down the game I liked and now you're offering me to BUY a game I didn't care about four years ago? No, thank you." Nothing I've seen about Blade and Soul has interested me. Sorry, but I don't have a fetish for one-leg pants micro bikini worn over boob holes, in terms of art style, and the gameplay videos I've seen don't impress me.

I'm just sick to death of that art style. Think I'm tired of Fantasy and forests? Multiply that by 10 for the Korean Fantasy style and you have about where I am. All of these games look the same to me. Sure, they may be technically different in the same sense that Arachnos base corridor sections are technically different, but all I see is a character who was catapulted through a laundry line Tom and Jerry style, who then walked into battle in whatever got wrapped around their bodies. It's like showing me pictures of sand. I'm sure the pattern of individual sand grains is different in every picture, but all I see is a picture of sand.

The simple fact is that if a costume doesn't look like something I can comprehend, I can't take anything out of it. It's like Penny Yin's design that I had such a problem with - I know there's a point behind it, but if I can't put a name to it, it doesn't stay in my head. Blade and Soul is a lot like that, only more chaotic.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Oh NCSoft, you so ca-rayzee. This worked out so well for Aion that you killed CoH and PS for it. Maybe they'll have to kill Lineage 2 for B&S... wait a minute. This new game is literally BS! I see what you did there.

The Defenders of Paragon
KGB Special Section 8



I can summon a cute cat to beat the snot out of my opponents but to do so I have to roll as an all-female race of bunnycatgirls that are supposedly over 18 but look like they're 6 years old and wearing little more than some dentalfloss and a few bits of lace.

I am all for sending kittens to slaughter my foes but this game is crap.



Originally Posted by Tempus Fugitive View Post
Blade and Soul and GW2 caused them to lose 6 million.. during that time...

"Other games such as "City of Heroes," also known as "Villain," posted 2.9 billion won...

or about 2575030.65 dollars US.

Not gonna play a game that helped kill our game... which seemed really profitable by their numbers...

Just... damn....
Wait wait, CoH made them 1/3 of their losses from 1-2 games and our game's the one getting shut down? Le sigh. Though, the article doesn't say if that's yearly or for Q2.

...And "Also known as Villain" sounds like an awesome toon name, if 1 character too long.



Originally Posted by Xieveral View Post
I can summon a cute cat to beat the snot out of my opponents but to do so I have to roll as an all-female race of bunnycatgirls that are supposedly over 18 but look like they're 6 years old and wearing little more than some dentalfloss and a few bits of lace.
Look, I said I won't try the game but you aren't making that easy!

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.