Blade and Soul

Angelus Animi



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
According to a video displaying the character creator, those are the two "standard" models shown when selecting that particular race.

Don't think too hard about what you're about to read, or blood will shoot out your nose:

The left one is male.

*Blood shoots out of Winterminal's nose onto his keyboard*

Too late.

@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.
I am a blaster first, and an alt-oholic second.



Looks interesting not sure if i would play it or not maybe maybe not.

But it will never happen now nor will i play GW2 or any other NCSoft title. Are any of us going to spend a lot of time playing and developing a character. Only to find all your time wasted when NCSoft decided it not working and pull the plug with the message sorry we are closing it. And if you are not happy tough.

I agree the bosses are not reading the forums but i am sure some employee of NCSoft will be. And when word gets back to them from the revenue loss from people who will never play one of their games again. Maybe the suits will realise they have shot themselves in the foot.



Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
I hope you're not implying this is a universal fetish in Korea or Japan, because big men like Miyazaki might prefer young female protagonists, but he expressly has mentioned how disgusted he becomes with what fans do.
I have no idea how prevalent it is, but it seems to pop up in the work of major game and movie companies. I recall watching an otherwise pretty cool anime back in the day called Riding Bean (made by the Gunsmith Cats guy and it features the prototype versions of those characters) and then completely out of the blue it has the little girl character propositioning some guy. As a result I have never once been tempted to even look at Gunsmith Cats, and it happened often enough back then that I completely gave up on anime altogether aside from known "safe" stuff like that of Masamune Shirow and Studio Ghibli. It was just too risky that I might turn a corner and be confronted with this incredibly vile and repulsive element that enrages me to the point of wanting to drop MORE nukes on Japan.

Basically these guys come across as gross dudes making creepy pedophile porn in their basements, and somehow others approve it.

Don't get me wrong, I hate kids as much as anyone, but I'm not down with the sexualizing of them.

Though to give some insight, based on what I understand, this is the logical extreme of commonly desired trait in women: innocence. Combine this with 'small women' and 'younger women' often being another preferred trait and it eventually leads to the fetishizing of children.
Or it could be the old truism as summed by Kohaku in a Tsukihime doujin: "The more beautiful and pure something is, the more satisfying it is to corrupt it."

Now I don't really share these views, but this is what I've been able to infer is the cause of it. oh, also the standard requirement of many fantasy settings to have a 'small and cute' race.
I don't really care about the cause of it, just as I don't really care why someone has become a serial killer. It just needs to be stopped.

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Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
Except the catch is that the Asura are a bunch of self-righteous assheads.
EXACTLY! Asura are 'small and cute' at a glance, and then they open their mouths and you see sets of needle-like teeth... And then it gets worse when they begin talking and never shut up.
They're pretty much lovable because they're foils to all other 'small and cute' fantasy races.

They're like Neopolean mixed with Sheldon mixed with Stewie (and even look like it) mixed with a bit of Stitch. (I now totally want Chris Sanders to voice my Asuran)

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Originally Posted by Xieveral View Post
I can summon a cute cat to beat the snot out of my opponents but to do so I have to roll as an all-female race of bunnycatgirls that are supposedly over 18 but look like they're 6 years old and wearing little more than some dentalfloss and a few bits of lace.

I am all for sending kittens to slaughter my foes but this game is crap.
Wrong race. The Lyn can be male or female.

However, I do think that will be the downside to them in the western market. To play a Force Master, the players will have to play the all female race, or one of the tiny animalofchoice-girl/boy race.

There's just some players who don't want that, male or female.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Wrong race. The Lyn can be male or female.

However, I do think that will be the downside to them in the western market. To play a Force Master, the players will have to play the all female race, or one of the tiny animalofchoice-girl/boy race.

There's just some players who don't want that, male or female.
Yeah... I just glanced over the info and blobbed it all into a thing made up of the things that stood out ._.

In my defense... that pic posted in the thread did not help with the all-female assumption. And your clothes fall off as you take damage.



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
This pushes me closer to the conclusion that this game is going to end up being softcore porn.
*Looks at sig*



Frankie says it best.



Originally Posted by Xieveral View Post
Yeah... I just glanced over the info and blobbed it all into a thing made up of the things that stood out ._.

In my defense... that pic posted in the thread did not help with the all-female assumption. And your clothes fall off as you take damage.
Wow, as you take damage? Guild Wars 2 at least waits until you've been defeated about five times in a row without visting an armor repair guy.

Though this does make me want to either play this game or roll up a new character in Guild Wars 2... Based off of Arthur from Ghosts N Goblins- Wait, does any male of any race in Blade and Soul have heart print boxers? That's the deal breaker here.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
Except the catch is that the Asura are a bunch of self-righteous assheads.
and damn proud of it, Bookah!



I've seen a fair number of catgirls and various scantily-clad characters running around CoH too, and I don't even play on Virtue. I understand that you folks are looking for reasons to hate Blade & Soul, but mind the hypocrisy.



Originally Posted by Intrinsic View Post
I've seen a fair number of catgirls and various scantily-clad characters running around CoH too, and I don't even play on Virtue. I understand that you folks are looking for reasons to hate Blade & Soul, but mind the hypocrisy.
But see... we had a choice here. You aren't forced to play as/not play as a catgirl/trap just to play a class. But if you want to, you can and still be whatever class you want to be.

EDIT: you also aren't limited to being what looks like a malnourished 6 year old. In fact, its damn near impossible to look like a child here.



Originally Posted by that_darn_lurker View Post
I haven't read the whole thread, but are you talking about TERA now? Your post reminds me of a funny thread I read over at where they talked about TERA's playable races and how embarrassed they would be to play that game. Apparently both games have this kind of stuff. It must be some Korean fetish thing.
For what it's worth the FF XI MMO several years back featured a catgirl race where all the playable characters were female because the males never left their villages.

In any event i find all the BS character art unappealing. i like cute looking little races that are actually ruthless bastards, but ones that look more like hamsters than children. (Hamsters are actually vicious, antisocial beasts that happen to look cute to humans. Don't believe me? Try putting two full grown hamsters of the same gender who have never met each other before in the same enclosure. In a day or two you'll probably have somewhere between one and one and a half hamsters depending on how hungry the hamster is.)

Dr. Todt's theme.
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Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
For what it's worth the FF XI MMO several years back featured a catgirl race where all the playable characters were female because the males never left their villages.

Talk smack and I set the radioactive three-tailed squirrel on you.



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
This pushes me closer to the conclusion that this game is going to end up being softcore porn.
Just like CoH then!

Really, B&S looks like it has options to cover up your character. They don't seem to be selling with that point, but we go back to sex sells.

I know people said such things with TERA, but I found I could cover up any character in TERA at some point. Even the castanics, and they're basically a race of demons akin to succubus/incubus.

I mean really, a day never went by that I didn't see someone in CoH saving the day (or trying to take over the world) in almost nothing. And I'm not talking about gymnastic style leotards, I'm talking about them basically going around what amounts to fetish wear. And this includes male characters.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Quin View Post

Talk smack and I set the radioactive three-tailed squirrel on you.

Wasn't talking smack, just pointing out that it wasn't a Korean thing, or even all that recent. i had a friend who played FF XI on the Playstation and rather liked that race. For the life of me i can't recall what they're called. <pause> <wiki> Ah, Mithra. i also found the Tarutaru appealing even though i never played the game myself.

Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
Is it bad that I suddenly have a desire to play an Asura?
Not in my opinion, but then i feel the same way.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
CoH tends to keep the child pron to a minimum.
Okay. The races arent children. That's like saying those minimum slider, minimum height characters in CoH, that went around in almost nothing were children. Because if it looks like one, it must be one.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Now I really want to make a min-slider huge body prawn-themed character in just underwear.



Originally Posted by Jack_NoMind View Post
Now I really want to make a min-slider huge body prawn-themed character in just underwear.
Jumbo Shrimp?
Could team up with Captain Cephalopod.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Been after this game for years, while it was in development...
After what NCSoft did to my game, not sure if I could try it out.
Maybe I will be retired from MMOs when CoH is gone.



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Okay. The races arent children. That's like saying those minimum slider, minimum height characters in CoH, that went around in almost nothing were children. Because if it looks like one, it must be one.
Minimum height characters in CoH look like tiny people, not children.

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