Blade and Soul

Angelus Animi



Originally Posted by MrLiberty View Post
I'm all for trying to make someone seem like the bad guy here, but really. Head size? In one game you can make kids who are 7-8 and dress them up however you want. In the other you can make them 13-15 at the yongest. Both have the potential to be abused. One is not worse than the other if abused.

As for Blade and Soul, sadly its been a title I've been looking forward to since I first saw the premise of it however many years ago. Kung Fu MMO that uses real time fighting combo's rather than 1/2/3/4.

Games can be grindy if they make the grind fun. Hell I still log into generic farm maps in the AE to watch my Plant/Storm controller make a mess of as many 8 man mobs grouping up as possible.

I'm not trying to defend the game, there is no real need too. If you like it, play it. If you don't. Move along. Trying to slander while playing a game that has the same potential for the abuse you are playing makes you come off as silly. Trying to justify with with "Oh well our models are 8 head sizes where theirs are only 4.75" is just dumb. Espeically when you can scroll down face options and choose from ones designed specifically to look "Young". Its a 10ish year old game engine with 3 only character models for players. I somehow think the exclusion of young character models is tied that and not some moral high ground.
That whooshing sound you hear?

That's the point zipping just over your head.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Pretty much this. I find those who go straight to the "little kids in revealing outfit" when it comes to some ofthese games, when they know the characters aren't little kids at all, is basically them being trolls, to get others not to play it.
It sounds more to me like you're saying, "I reject reality and substitute my own."

Those are clearly characters designed specifically to have the proportions and appearance of kids. From a culture that has done this sort of thing in a manner so creepy that it's a widely-acknowledged issue even within that culture. So it's hard to blame people when that's the first thought that comes to mind when seeing such characters from said culture.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



Had a quick look at the site,my impression characters are very limited in looks very much like Guild wars 1 never seen 2 or 3,will not be playing this .

Prof Radburn controller,Celtic Ice Maiden,blaster,Miss Knockout scrapper,Mistress Davina controller,Stone Hart,tank Split Personality PB.Queen Lostris controller,Fridgid Mary blaster,Shocking Fire blaster Future Elfling defender, Little Weed controller,Capo Angelo MM, Commander Buzzsaw MM, Justice Tank tank all 50,s



I like the artists style and it looks pretty but it doesn't scratch my Super Hero itch.



About two dozen of my "main" alts have origins in Asian Martial Arts Fantasy. They may have just found a new home in Blade and Soul.



I have been in love with Martial Arts since I was 6, which has been over 30 years. When I first say this game a year or so ago it excited me, and I would have bought and played it w/o a second though. Now however NCSoft can bite me, I will NEVER buy another one of their products. It is just a bad investment into a company I don't trust.

Types of Swords
My Portfolio



Originally Posted by wei yau View Post
About two dozen of my "main" alts have origins in Asian Martial Arts Fantasy. They may have just found a new home in Blade and Soul.
Some people never learn.

@Captain-ElectricDetective MarvelThe Sapien SpiderMoravec ManThe Old Norseman
Dark-EyesDoctor SerpentineStonecasterSkymaidenThe Blue Jaguar
Guide to AltitisA Comic for New PlayersThe Lore ProjectIntro to extraterrestrials in CoH



Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
Some people never learn.
Well duh. If everyone learned what you're saying they need to learn, they'd be playing WoW or EQ.

I want CoH to continue on, I still think it had life in it and a profit to be made. But I realize NCSoft isn't the only company to shut the doors to their MMOs

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



In an attempt to be even handed and balanced, I googled Hyung-Tae Kim's work to see what the big deal is, because the gaming press seems to keep banging on about his "distinctive style".

What I saw was pretty much what I'd see if I typed "Korean MMO" into Google's image search. Which I did btw, just to check
The only major difference was that Kim's work seems to have a higher than average boob size compared to most Korean games. And boob constriction. All his females (adult females, not the creepy kid ones) seem to be in perpetual satin bondage.

I've seen numerous nicknames in this thread for Blade and Soul and similar Korean MMOs so I'll add mine here - ever since I saw screenies from Lineage2, I've mentally grouped such things under the blanket name "Swords and Panties".

Someone said earlier that visual style alone isn't a reason to damn a game outright - and that's a valid point.
To a point.
I have several ancient PC game titles on my shelf that I keep playing, despite the fact some are a decade or more old, so obviously they must have something going for them besides the graphics. But I also have titles I've bought and never played more than 5 minutes because their visual style simply overwhelmed the gameplay.

Blade and Soul falls into that category for me - the visual style suffocates the game. I had to laugh when I read the text of the press release concerning the launch of Blade and Soul for the west. It said the designers were working to "aggressively tailor" the game for the western market. NCSoft's track record in the west says clearly they have absolutely no idea what works in the western market (pushing Aion while killing Tabula Rasa and City of Heroes), so I await the results of this "aggressive tailoring" with amusement.

Perhaps they'll replace one of the creepy kiddie races with a "Gun Bimbo" race that retains the huge constricted boobs, but fights using an M16 instead - that sounds quite western doesn't it?



Originally Posted by Turjan View Post
Perhaps they'll replace one of the creepy kiddie races with a "Gun Bimbo" race that retains the huge constricted boobs, but fights using an M16 instead - that sounds quite western doesn't it?
Throw in a topless scene, and you've got yourself a Hollywood action movie!

Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!



Originally Posted by Turjan View Post
In an attempt to be even handed and balanced, I googled Hyung-Tae Kim's work to see what the big deal is, because the gaming press seems to keep banging on about his "distinctive style".

What I saw was pretty much what I'd see if I typed "Korean MMO" into Google's image search. Which I did btw, just to check
The only major difference was that Kim's work seems to have a higher than average boob size compared to most Korean games. And boob constriction. All his females (adult females, not the creepy kid ones) seem to be in perpetual satin bondage.

I've seen numerous nicknames in this thread for Blade and Soul and similar Korean MMOs so I'll add mine here - ever since I saw screenies from Lineage2, I've mentally grouped such things under the blanket name "Swords and Panties".

Someone said earlier that visual style alone isn't a reason to damn a game outright - and that's a valid point.
To a point.
I have several ancient PC game titles on my shelf that I keep playing, despite the fact some are a decade or more old, so obviously they must have something going for them besides the graphics. But I also have titles I've bought and never played more than 5 minutes because their visual style simply overwhelmed the gameplay.

Blade and Soul falls into that category for me - the visual style suffocates the game. I had to laugh when I read the text of the press release concerning the launch of Blade and Soul for the west. It said the designers were working to "aggressively tailor" the game for the western market. NCSoft's track record in the west says clearly they have absolutely no idea what works in the western market (pushing Aion while killing Tabula Rasa and City of Heroes), so I await the results of this "aggressive tailoring" with amusement.

Perhaps they'll replace one of the creepy kiddie races with a "Gun Bimbo" race that retains the huge constricted boobs, but fights using an M16 instead - that sounds quite western doesn't it?
Hahaha from a person that has seen asian movies, games, and there "comic books/manga/manhwa" you sir reminded me of this ridiculous boob action. 0.50 secs for "Swords and Panties" ahem guns and boobs.

Japanese take it to another...level.



Boobs and Shame. I like that name best

Member of the [url=""]RIMC[/url]
[color=red]Official Beer Wench of PWNZ[/color] Arc 452196 When Madness Reigns over Reason. Play it and PM me your constructive criticism on what I can tweak before Oct 20th. <3 U all



Maybe the MMO industry is just like the Big Tobacco industry; targeting the young and susceptible at their base desire, hooking them and then discarding them in favor of more-of-the-same... like trophy wives, hollywood actresses, supermodels and American workers.

Apparently, I play "City of Shakespeare"
*Arc #95278-Gathering the Four Winds -3 step arc; challenging - 5 Ratings/3 Stars (still working out the kinks)
*Arc #177826-Lights, Camera, Scream! - 3 step arc, camp horror; try out in 1st person POV - 35 Ratings/4 Stars



Originally Posted by XxPsyrenxX View Post
Hahaha from a person that has seen asian movies, games, and there "comic books/manga/manhwa" you sir reminded me of this ridiculous boob action. 0.50 secs for "Swords and Panties" ahem guns and boobs.

Japanese take it to another...level.
Anime guys really need to buy themselves a blow-up doll. That's just stupidly embarrassing.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



Originally Posted by XxPsyrenxX View Post
Hahaha from a person that has seen asian movies, games, and there "comic books/manga/manhwa" you sir reminded me of this ridiculous boob action. 0.50 secs for "Swords and Panties" ahem guns and boobs.

Japanese take it to another...level.
well at LEAST the new Queens Blade MMORPG will finally put an end to that sort of thing..



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
Anime guys really need to buy themselves a blow-up doll. That's just stupidly embarrassing.
I fear that if I tried to explain the irony of your statement, it might just trigger that "Fwoosh" sound you were talking about.



I still maintain that, at its core, this is 'City of Dolls' (for better or worse).

Its Barbie (and Ken) on a drug binge. with FREEM!

Sims with superpowers.

Apparently, I play "City of Shakespeare"
*Arc #95278-Gathering the Four Winds -3 step arc; challenging - 5 Ratings/3 Stars (still working out the kinks)
*Arc #177826-Lights, Camera, Scream! - 3 step arc, camp horror; try out in 1st person POV - 35 Ratings/4 Stars



Honestly, after looking at the promo screenies for Blade and Soul, I think I know what I'll do after CoH is gone, I'll license an engine, hire ten Full Sail grads for minimum wage plus one coder, and slam out a B+S knockoff where everyone wears even less. It won't have any gameplay at all, but no one will notice since they're only playing with one hand anyway.

I'll undercut the competition by only charging $6.99 a month. My motto will be "Half off... for half off!"



Originally Posted by XxPsyrenxX View Post
Hahaha from a person that has seen asian movies, games, and there "comic books/manga/manhwa" you sir reminded me of this ridiculous boob action. 0.50 secs for "Swords and Panties" ahem guns and boobs.

Japanese take it to another...level.
Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
Anime guys really need to buy themselves a blow-up doll. That's just stupidly embarrassing.
Now I haven't taken a full look at why someone would use 'that' particular sequence from High School of the Dead in this discussion of B&S, but honestly it's seriously out of context.

HOTD is a fanservice title (Zombies, T&A, and extreme Violence. Go figure...), not arguing that in the least. But Ironik's comment is just as vulgar and ignorant to those of us who enjoy that sub-class of Anime/Manga. I'll even admit that Madhouse kinda went overboard with the 'Matrix Boobs' sequence, and I enjoy that Title.

I also have a Staff Fighting HOTD expy that might want to chat w/you Ironik...

Now then...
I don't clearly recall the discussion of B&S on these Boards nearly Four years ago, but I managed to rip the teaser vid from the web site that was linked in the discussion thread at that time. As someone who tends to play Female Characters, I don't really care for the overall 'normal' Female character design (I give the little critter race a pass). I think it has to do with the overall body shape. It just 'feels wrong' to me.

I just seriously wonder WTF took them that much time to do. IIRC, B&S was supposed to be (Asian) launched back in 2010 and was just launched there back in mid-summer...

Honestly, I'm not very impressed at this point.

Thank you for the time...

@Travlr (Main) / @Tymers Realm (Test)

Arc 5299: Magic, Mystery, and Mayhem Updated!! 09/15/09



gRR, I just hope a new publisher somehow aquires CoH IP/franchise, make it happen, someone out there can make this game continue! THis is BS NCSOFT!



Originally Posted by Tymers_Realm View Post
Now I haven't taken a full look at why someone would use 'that' particular sequence from High School of the Dead in this discussion of B&S, but honestly it's seriously out of context.

HOTD is a fanservice title (Zombies, T&A, and extreme Violence. Go figure...), not arguing that in the least. But Ironik's comment is just as vulgar and ignorant to those of us who enjoy that sub-class of Anime/Manga. I'll even admit that Madhouse kinda went overboard with the 'Matrix Boobs' sequence, and I enjoy that Title.

I also have a Staff Fighting HOTD expy that might want to chat w/you Ironik...

Now then...
I don't clearly recall the discussion of B&S on these Boards nearly Four years ago, but I managed to rip the teaser vid from the web site that was linked in the discussion thread at that time. As someone who tends to play Female Characters, I don't really care for the overall 'normal' Female character design (I give the little critter race a pass). I think it has to do with the overall body shape. It just 'feels wrong' to me.

I just seriously wonder WTF took them that much time to do. IIRC, B&S was supposed to be (Asian) launched back in 2010 and was just launched there back in mid-summer...

Honestly, I'm not very impressed at this point.

Thank you for the time...
It was mentioned four years ago, and people on these forums wanted to check it out, but of course, at that time, they weren't nearly as upset with NCSoft, and rules were added in later about no other game talk.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



I just don't get the Korean suits. They just axed COH and replaced it with another of their cloned fantasy grindfest? I played Lineage 1 & 2 before and I absolutely hated it even though the characters looked gorgeous. I even hated quest grinding that was in WoW by the time I hit WOTLK.

I guess it may sell in Korea or parts of Asia where the players don't mind the grind & can stand the lack of originality.

But I can't see that it will do well in the Western Market. Even in Singapore, grindfest mmos are starting to lose their appeal. The playerbase are becoming jaded with MMOs in general and have matured to a certain degree that they expect more. Not to mention people now prefer games that do not hog up as much time and opt to go for a more casual gaming experience.

NCSOFT really needs to understand the market they are trying to pitch their new product to.

I will miss you City of Heroes..



Originally Posted by Vaelynn View Post
I just don't get the Korean suits. They just axed COH and replaced it with another of their cloned fantasy grindfest? I played Lineage 1 & 2 before and I absolutely hated it even though the characters looked gorgeous. I even hated quest grinding that was in WoW by the time I hit WOTLK.

I guess it may sell in Korea or parts of Asia where the players don't mind the grind & can stand the lack of originality.

But I can't see that it will do well in the Western Market. Even in Singapore, grindfest mmos are starting to lose their appeal. The playerbase are becoming jaded with MMOs in general and have matured to a certain degree that they expect more. Not to mention people now prefer games that do not hog up as much time and opt to go for a more casual gaming experience.

NCSOFT really needs to understand the market they are trying to pitch their new product to.

I'd say the difference in this fantasy setting is it's more asian based and less european.

They also say it's less of a grindfest, and they plan to make it even less so for the western audience.

By no means pick up the game if it doesn't appeal to you, but it hasn't even reached NA/EU yet, to know if it's the grindfest you think it is (which they say it isnt).

And if you'd rather not pick it up because it's by NCSoft, don't pick it up for that reason

But I do fail to see the lack of originality. What, because it has some cute animal looking race that's been done before?

The setting looks different than I've seen in other MMOs, have no idea how different the gameplay is. Do you know?

Edit: But I do see it doing poorly in the western market, as I think locking the Force Master behind an all female race or a race of tiny animal people and the Summoner to just a class of tiny animal people, will be what keeps the western audience out.

How many times have we heard on the forums from male players they can't get into playing a female superhero? The same will apply to B&S, and they'll want to play those classes.

If they made it so the Jin at the very least could be all the classes, it might stand a chance.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Very Strange..a number of my posts have been deleted from this section of the forums..OH WELL! Time to repost.

Not interested in this game for a number of reasons. One is there are to many fantasy MMO's out there. I'm done with dungeon crawlers. Two I only like Superhero MMOs, Three It's NCsoft, and NCsoft is as dead to me now as the ScyFy channel.