Blade and Soul

Angelus Animi



Like I said elsewhere. Doen't matter, its not superheroes. Not interested.



Don't you guys forget WildStar, they are making that too...

Anyways Blade and Soul just look like another fantasy games. I kinda bored with those. I think they should have got rid of Lineage II or Guild Wars instead of CoH... I tried them but they are boring. Aion was kinda cool, none of them are awesome like CoH though....



Originally Posted by Xieveral View Post
I can summon a cute cat to beat the snot out of my opponents but to do so I have to roll as an all-female race of bunnycatgirls that are supposedly over 18 but look like they're 6 years old and wearing little more than some dentalfloss and a few bits of lace.

I am all for sending kittens to slaughter my foes but this game is crap.
They're just aiming for a certain type of customer.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Mordman View Post
For those following the game, there's also a preview of Boobs and Shame... er, Blade and Soul...
"Bad and Soulless" works just as well.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by bpphantom View Post
Oh NCSoft, you so ca-rayzee. This worked out so well for Aion that you killed CoH and PS for it. Maybe they'll have to kill Lineage 2 for B&S... wait a minute. This new game is literally BS! I see what you did there.

BS..... rofl



Originally Posted by Xieveral View Post
I can summon a cute cat to beat the snot out of my opponents but to do so I have to roll as an all-female race of bunnycatgirls that are supposedly over 18 but look like they're 6 years old and wearing little more than some dentalfloss and a few bits of lace.

I am all for sending kittens to slaughter my foes but this game is crap.
I haven't read the whole thread, but are you talking about TERA now? Your post reminds me of a funny thread I read over at where they talked about TERA's playable races and how embarrassed they would be to play that game. Apparently both games have this kind of stuff. It must be some Korean fetish thing.



Blade and Soul?

No thanks.

Lemme know when you come out with War Mace, Guts and Glory.

Thats the game I want.

Thats the game I have now.


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Hey! Look! Another generic Asian-style fantasy MMO! Yes, I really want that.

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Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
I always found it odd that people instantly reject a game or comic simply because of it's looks. I've always found gameplay or story (in the case of comics and animation) trumps art style.
If you're going to make a big deal about the art style (literally half the text in the email was: "based on the evocative art style of Hyung-Tae Kim"), and then the trailer for the game makes it just look like yet another generic asian high fantasy MMO? Yeah, you're not going to be given too much time to say your other features aren't just generic half ***** crap. I looked for a gameplay video on YouTube, and that didn't do anything to make me think it's not just another Aion. If there is any gimmick that would make it stand out, it'll likely be horribly gimped like they did in Aion, where you can't fly most places, your flight time is horribly limited where you CAN fly, and even gliding sucks.

And then you have boob-holes in your shirts. I'm pretty sure that means you've got nothing of substance to offer.

Just in case it wasn't obvious, "you" isn't Father Xmas

Whoa, I just noticed that the email I got from them, at the bottom it says "This message was sent to" in the legal text at the bottom... Only problem is, that's not my email address, that's not the one I received it at, and I don't even have a hotmail account. Is NCSoft's mail system sending messages out to the wrong person? All the other marketing emails I've gotten from ncsoft have the correct address listed...

Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!



The adult art looks good and I *might* have tried the game based on that, but this

Little kid, bare midriff with top barely covering the absolute minimum and cute little animal ears?

Yeah, soft core kiddie porn. No way in hell.

Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
BOYCOTT NCSoft (on Facebook)
Governments have fallen to the power of social media. Gaming companies can too.



Originally Posted by Steele_Magnolia View Post
Yeah, soft core kiddie porn. No way in hell.
Yeah, what is it about fetishizing kids this way? America may have a fascination with youth (even Oscar Wilde mentioned it more than 120 years ago) but this sort of thing is super-creepy. Every time I see this sort of thing in a Korean or Japanese game (or anime) I get more than little skeeved out.

Although at this point I'm so old that I don't even find women under 35 interesting, but the "Toddlers in Tiaras" stuff needs to be stamped out with a steel-toed jackboot.

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Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
Did you pull the wrong url? They're both basically totally covered.
Probably for the best.



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
but the "Toddlers in Tiaras" stuff needs to be stamped out with a steel-toed jackboot.
Start with Disney and work from there....



Originally Posted by Steele_Magnolia View Post
According to a video displaying the character creator, those are the two "standard" models shown when selecting that particular race.

Don't think too hard about what you're about to read, or blood will shoot out your nose:

The left one is male.

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Originally Posted by Steele_Magnolia View Post
The adult art looks good and I *might* have tried the game based on that, but this

Little kid, bare midriff with top barely covering the absolute minimum and cute little animal ears?

Yeah, soft core kiddie porn. No way in hell.
Errr just looks like two weird kids to me. I don't see this "bare midriff" you are talking about, you do realise the front of her shirt is also white?

Frankie says it best.



Actually, want to see something you can't unsee given how much of a pet hate it was to COH players....

The one on the right has clipping issues on her trousers.

Frankie says it best.



Originally Posted by Steele_Magnolia View Post
The adult art looks good and I *might* have tried the game based on that, but this

Little kid, bare midriff with top barely covering the absolute minimum and cute little animal ears?

Yeah, soft core kiddie porn. No way in hell.
Originally Posted by Arson_NA View Post
Errr just looks like two weird kids to me. I don't see this "bare midriff" you are talking about, you do realise the front of her shirt is also white?
Yeah, that is definitely the shirt. It isn't even the same shade as her face.



Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
Yeah, that is definitely the shirt. It isn't even the same shade as her face.
Upon closer examination you're right, but that is weird looking shirt. Her skin is off white, so at first glance it looks like a bare stomach.

Those kids give me the creeps. I also hate clowns.

Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
BOYCOTT NCSoft (on Facebook)
Governments have fallen to the power of social media. Gaming companies can too.



Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
Did you pull the wrong url? They're both basically totally covered.
Same jump to conclusion (she's not wearing any pants) used when Nausicaa was turned into Warriors of the Wind.

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Id say buy this game!

Providing you dont mind it beign yanked out from under you.

Providing you dont want any storyline to speak of.

Providing you want to play another hack and grind (hey, maybe you like doing the same thing in other games).

Providing, you dont mind, being viewed as an exploitable commodity, and not a valued customer.

Right now, my confidence in NCSoft is pretty low.



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
Yeah, what is it about fetishizing kids this way? America may have a fascination with youth (even Oscar Wilde mentioned it more than 120 years ago) but this sort of thing is super-creepy. Every time I see this sort of thing in a Korean or Japanese game (or anime) I get more than little skeeved out.
I hope you're not implying this is a universal fetish in Korea or Japan, because big men like Miyazaki might prefer young female protagonists, but he expressly has mentioned how disgusted he becomes with what fans do.

Though to give some insight, based on what I understand, this is the logical extreme of commonly desired trait in women: innocence. Combine this with 'small women' and 'younger women' often being another preferred trait and it eventually leads to the fetishizing of children.
Or it could be the old truism as summed by Kohaku in a Tsukihime doujin: "The more beautiful and pure something is, the more satisfying it is to corrupt it."

Now I don't really share these views, but this is what I've been able to infer is the cause of it. oh, also the standard requirement of many fantasy settings to have a 'small and cute' race.

Frankly, I think GW2 and Tolkien are the only ones who have ever done a 'small and cute' race right.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.