Thank You for An Amazing Ride!




Thanks for your work and commitment to the game. Also, thanks for being a pleasant surprise when I first stumbled into the D.



Thank you for all your work on CoH, War Witch, and particularly on Going Rogue, which was the finest MMORPG expansion that year, for my money. Best of luck with whatever game is fortunate enough to have you working on it.



you know, i am composed now, so constructive comment time. All the devs did an amazing job, i am 37 and have been gaming since 7, when i first popped aquarter in a dig dug machine. I have liked a lot of studios, and have a few gaming heroes , but i havent played a shigeru miyamoto game for 8 years, not hideki kamiya, not lord british, not hiranobu sakaguchi,not yuji naka not even edd logg(though with gauntlet, i got close)

your product got into exactly what I wanted in a game, and continued to give it to me for a long time. and gave me interaction that i did not get from bethesda, nintendo or sega, this big guns. and furthermore, i have put a LOT of games away after beating them, things moved on and i was finished with them, coh im not finished with, dont think i will be. As things go by, the character they allowed me to create, rian frostdrake, seraph blue, violet tendecies, dire worg, these are characters that are going to be in my imagination for the rest of my life. in other games if they can be, in my silly short stories and i actually might pick up some books to see if i can coax some drawing ability out of my generally non artistic self.

I also have to say, i know this can be a touchy subject, but one thing that i liked with melissa in particular is that she is someone who, while she doesnt whack you with it, is someone of similar religious faith, I often feel like game devs and i dont have much in common,and that a lot i feel just straight up disrespect me, but I have always knew i could trust her when she was in charge to not make the game yet another one i had to play while being put down. I really am going to miss you, and ALL of you guys better let us know when you find other work, i will go to those games based on that alone.(unless they are ncsoft, then yer on yer own).

oh and its corny, but given that the cd just came out recently, i felt this song kind of fit. readjust pronouns for dev team members who apply.



MFW reading this...

Thanks War Witch, for the brilliant past years of gaming. I can only wish you the best, and that you see many more happy players in further projects. Who ever picks you folks up from here is truly lucky to have you.

Celtech Main Site
My DA Profile



Hopefully, we'll meet again at some other game convention, and Michelle will bring more brownies.

Where to find me after the end:
The Secret World - Arcadia - Shinzo
Rift - Faeblight - Bloodspeaker
LotRO - Gladden - Aranelion
STO - Holodeck - @Captain_Thiraas

Obviously, I don't care about NCSoft's forum rules, now.




Here's an interesting discussion I found while checking's forum user reactions to the upcoming CoH/CoV shutdown.

To give you the general jist of the discussion, people complained about how much money they wasted ON OTHER GAMES... and ALL of the CoH/CoV players unanimously decreed that no matter the individual costs involved, they felt that they had NOT wasted a cent.

Count me among those very satisfied customers, 1 active account since Apr 04, another since 08 (for the new concepts I had to try out), and a free account I spent a bit of cash on to witness the difference in the game from that (somewhat) limited viewpoint.

All in all, approximately $2000 in the last 8-1/2 years, and not a penny wasted.

Please tell all your co-developers (as I'm telling you now) YOU DID GREAT! IT'S OUR FAULT for not beating the bushes to get more subscribers in the game so that NCSoft would not have to take the option they did. It's OUR fault...

Thank you all very much for making a old comics fan's dreams come true... to be able to fly like a bird and stop an ongoing onslaught of evil deeds. To lend a helping hand, via heal, buff, blast, or hold... or to just jump into a fight at nearly impossible odds and thru use of team/solo tactics, timing, inspirations... TRIUMPH!

As an old time fan, I've seen so many Crisis events, Reboots, Re-Imaginings tear apart all that I've grown up with or experienced... but this is much more personal, because I didn't just witness it, I am part of it, and word of the end of the world has become public knowledge.

I've seen many people just decide to walk away... I can see that even in the CoH/CoV world... giving up and spending their time on what's important to them. I just can't do that.

Nov 30th is going to be a true day of mourning for me, the day I shut down all my NCSoft gaming accounts, remove the other NCSoft games from my system and erase the NCSoft launcher from my desktop. But I will be there!

As with other corporations I've dealt with in real life, loyalty to the company is usually quite one-sided. Totally expected out of the employee, and quite fleeting (if existing at all) from the managerial types.

Perhaps some of my characters or their children may escape the destruction of Paragon City to re-appear on the shores of some other reality, but even then, they may be disturbed by the event that took them from all they knew and loved... never knowing for sure if the new reality they take part in will survive much longer past the destruction of their original reality.

I can see the scene in my mind where my main character, an Empathy Defender, gets help from her sister/evil twin arch-rival, a Bots/FF MM, who in an exhausting effort, merges all her Bots in order to create a living craft to keep both of their young daughters alive thru their transferred combined heals, buffs and bubbles, surviving the trip between dimensions long enough to arrive in a new world of challenges and adventures. Joining/forming a Paragon City Avengers League, showing that all hope is not lost, and in remembrance of all that has gone before.

But it won't be the same...

Thank you again, Melissa and all the rest of your team for all the efforts you've made in making your dreams as well as ours come true.l

Fighting on until the end of all that is...


My 50s since Apr 28 2004:
Sugoi Emp/Psi Def (x3), Sugoi-chan Emp/Psi Def (x2), Sugoi T Bot/FF MM
Frankie Fusion Kin/Rad Def (x3), Ramu Ele/Ele Bla (x2), Krystal Kinnison ILL/Kin Con
Sakaki Neko Cla/Reg Scr, ViArc PB, Vinda Nordstrom Kin/Ice Def
Shooting Emp Emp/DP Def, Yuri Shimazu Kin/DP Def, Incarnette EB/EM Bla (x2), Infinette PB



CoH was my first ever mmo and i was simply amazed by what i could do, costume and power wise and it's only ever expanded to due the most incredible dev team ever!!!!
One of my biggest thanks is probably the hollows was a God send.

Thanks for all your hard work, it's terrible that we're all moving on. I wish you and all the devs good luck in the future because you deserve it. *cries*



San Diego ComicCon was my first ever convention (more years ago than I'd like to say). It ruined me for all other fan-conventions.

CoH was my first ever MMO. It ruined me for all other MMOs (I've tried others... really, I have).

Thank you for giving us the best there ever will be.

Siberian Spring-50 (Cold/Rad, Rad/Ice, Ice/Rad, Sh/Ice) - KGB SS8
Chernozem-50 (Ice/MM, Emp/Ice, MA/Regen) - KGB SS8
Wila-50 (Dark/Arch) - KGB SS8
Also: Krassivy Mechtayu-50 (Ill/Rad) - KGB SS8; Ms. Hypatia-50 (Dark/Regen)



I had the good fortune of speaking to you once in Boston and once in New York City (in that cool underground nightclub where the corporate NYCC party was held).

Thank you for everything that you did to shape CoH over the years. I felt lucky to be part of such a wonderful community that played such a kick-@55 game.

Go Team Venture!



You guys did a great job ww.

When I ******* about something it was only because I loved this game. Just know that the work you guys did made a lot of people happy over the years.

And if you guys decide to get together and make a new super hero game, I won't stop you.



It is so hard when things end but what would it have been like if the journey never started? This is what I say to remind myself of times like this and though I am not a huge country fan I love the song "The Dance" by Garth Brooks because it talks about this very thing.

Thanks for such an incredible journey!!



Thank you WW, for all you and your band did for us through this game. Even when I only had 5 minutes to play I never got tired of beating on the dude tug-of-warring with a woman's purse.

I appreciated how your in-game character was always chilling, ready to train me up while people tried to rush me to re-join them for the Katie Hannon Task Force. (I know I shouldn't say I also missed the Katie Hannon Express, but was good for us to not get a new rare tf recipe every 15 minutes for maturity, sakes).

I'm looking forward to hearing where you all end up, as your community, here is biased towards Paragon Studios and want to see what future games we may join to see what creativity you all will be suppling there.

Farewell for now.

"Melt 'em like butters!"



I wish we had more time to interact besides me begging you to fix the Crey Hero map in the AE all those years ago. Although more of my time was spent working with your minions, I would like to thank you, and all the other production and development leads, as well as the entire team, for working tirelessly (so they claim: some of them looked plenty tired at times though) to improve and support City of Heroes. City of Heroes was my first real MMO: the first one I played more than a few hours, and the only one that really captured my attention and passion. I was plenty excited to hear even the tiny fragments of what was coming to the game that your employees broke all sorts of rules to leak to me behind your back. You should probably have a talk with them about that. I have no doubt that the years ahead would have been filled with many, many opportunities for me to share my thoughts with you on everything you did wrong.

But in spite of that, this game, the game you worked on, the game you rose to lead and manage, was and is the best MMO I've every played. It didn't have the most precise implementation, the newest technology, or the most players. All it offered was a game I never grew tired of playing, a way to make characters I grew to love, and gameplay that best captured the visceral essence of being a superhero in a world that needed superheroes. The devs hate villains, but I'm sure Dr. Aeon would have fixed that eventually (probably by nerfing Regen).

And it had the best development team in the business. Put that on your resume, and tell them I said so.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



I just wanted to post this so you will know what the game has done and meant for me.

First I started playing about 8-9 years ago and I have been on and off the game over that time and mostly due to the money issue. I started with an all Electric Blaster named Wildrider.
I remember running the streets of Steel Canyon taking down The Council to get xp. I also remember when I finally got him to level 50 after playing many other toon.

So here is what this game has done for me. First off about 5 years ago I decided I wanted to quite smoking so I used your wonder game as a distraction from the cravings. I vented to fellow members and allowed myself to get in groused in RP my character Zero Unit. Here I am now 5 years later still not smoking.

Second my girl friend and I have bonded over this game have played many many hours together laughing and even crying a little while playing and reading all the wonderful stories you all have written. When we had our baby we even joked about giving hero a Super Hero name..(We ended up going with Keeley for her first name) But we have nick named her Button Girl after one of our favorite groups to beat on.

Third and maybe the biggest thing this game has done for me. I have a 10 almost 11 now year old daughter who was having a hard time with reading. But she loved to watch me play this game. So one day I let her get on and play and I watched her and help her. I guided when she needed it and backed off when she demanded it. She now reads at a 9th grade level and its all because she loves to play your game and loves to read your stories. She says her favorite one is the one about Faultline.

In closing I wish to say that it has broken my heart to see a game I have spent so much time with stayed V.I.P. even when it went free spent $100's of dollars in your store. untold hours in that amazing costume builder. Just up and go. I and many of the other Heroes and Villains of this game are banding together to try and save this game. I prey, I hope, I Fight for the game that has help change my life.

Thank you Riggs "Wildrider" Wild



In case you're still reading, War Witch, I just wanted to join the thanks for all your hard work on this game. I met you briefly at a PAX East meet & greet a few years back, and it was obvious how much you adored your job. And while I didn't agree with all your decisions, I think that enthusiasm really served you well. You guys made a great game, and you should be proud of all the work you put into it.

I'm really sorry to see the game come to such a sudden end, but I'm glad I got to enjoy it for many years. My best wishes to you and the devs, and thanks so much for all the fun!


Darkonne: Pinnacle's (unofficially) mighty Dark Miasma/Radiation Blast enthusiast!

Be sure to check out this mighty Arc:
#161865 - Aeon's Nemesis



Thank You for such a wonderful game.

I wanted to play this game early on when I saw it at Best Buy in 2004. However I am a shy person at times and playing online was very intimidating to me. Eventually I bought the game, but still didn't play for awhile because I realized I had to pay money for online time for a game that I already purchased. I finally took the plunge though and I am so glad I did.

I have been playing for almost seven years now. It seems like longer. My 2 accounts have always remained in VIP status even when I would take a break for a few months from time to time, because I always wanted to have access to this game for when ever I felt like playing.

My older sister passed away a few years ago after losing her battle with cancer. Before she was gone I decided to make a toon in her honor. The toon is Radiant Ivy. A Radiation/Plant controller. In the description it explains that this heroes real name is Rhonda Lynn with was my sister and that it honors her. I told my sister about this toon before she passed. I described to her the design of the toon, and she said that and I quote she said I sound pretty cool. As much as I love this game I have the added sadness of losing this tribute to my sister that I miss desperately.

Okay I am off subject. My point is that with out the awesome efforts of you all at Paragon none of this would ever have been possible. Please Please know that I am so grateful for all that you and your team have done to bring me this wonderful game and all the great friendships from people across the Planet that I never would of meet otherwise.

I don't know what else to say. We are going to party in the game till the end. Hopefully Sony or someone will save us but if we truly must go out we are going to go out doing what Heroes do. We are going to go out saving Paragon City one last time. A battle with Frost Fire sounds really good right now.

Justice Server Global Name Elfin and Elfin Too #savecoh
I could name my 50s but why? Universal Heroes SG I love this game.



From the old folks at The Mid-Life Crisis Society, thank you and everyone at PS! We had so much fun playing this game and will miss it tremendously. We all wish you well!!



Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon View Post
You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that.
I think that about says it all.




Thank you for everything. I agree with the poster who mentioned people saying they don't regret any spending on CoH. Even in game the only people sad about a purchase are the ones who can't buy i24 or are worried they won't remain VIP until the end, or will they get a refund, etc.

I dunno how much of a hand you had in the Nightward story where your namesake NPC got her body back, but that was epic.

Thank you for the game, thank you for everything you did that made it a setting we cared about, and just flat Thank you.

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



Thank you for all the years, Melissa. I send a virtual hug.




You are a true success story, WW.

Thanks for everything that you've done.




Originally Posted by War Witch View Post

You know, I held it together really well yesterday. We were giving our goodbyes, some of the team members stood up and reminisced about what we really appreciated about working on such an amazing game and with the stellar team at Paragon over the last five years.

I had decided early on that I wasn't going to cry. (It was stupid, really, because I cry at Hallmark commercials for the love of pete.)

But when people I'd known for nearly a decade stood up and got tearful, it was the beginning of the end of my composure. Most of us are baffled, and in shock, and we are so sad that such a popular game is being shut down, but I made a personal choice to focus not on what we're losing, but on what has blessed me over the years. (I really do want to maintain grace about this because, in the end, I do not regret a moment of the last ten and a half years and I want to remember the good.)

So (of course) I got teary-eyed.
Remember, War Witch. Crying does not make one weak. Crying just shows that you have emotions and no fear about expressing them.

"Take heart."-War Witch (CoH Comic #12)

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!