Thank You for An Amazing Ride!




I, like most of us, have been in shock pretty much since Friday. I spent an entire weekend playing the game like it was brand new after having neglected it for the last year due to...well, life stuff. Today, someone asked me if I was okay because I looked upset. Of course, I muttered something like "I'm just tired today.", because a 28 year old sheriff's deputy sitting in her patrol car looking so despondent over a videogame isn't something I have care to explain. They wouldn't get that I'm not just losing a game, I'm losing a city of memories and friends and exploits. I'm losing the outlet I had to create myself in another world and fly!

This game has the best community I have ever seen, and I have tried my hand at pretty much everything. No other game has a community that works together so well. I could NEVER find a team in WoW that was half as interesting as the ones I found in the Hollows when I rolled Psychosus 8 years ago.

I am so angry at the way NCSoft treated you guys at Paragon Studios and at how they have treated the players. It all just feels tragic. We couldn't even get an epic ending, a final battle. I will spend the waning moments of CoH in Atlas Park, on the steps before the statue....I will leave Paragon City remembering how it looked the moment I entered it.

Thank you, War Witch. Thank you everyone!

Defenders do it with protection.
Blasters do it from behind.
Tankers do it with a group.
Controllers do it with restraints.
Scrappers do it with a death wish.



Thank you for everything you've done for City of Heroes, War Witch. And I'm glad you finally got your body back.

@Nanas (on Defiant)



thank you to you and all the Devs, there are plans to keep the CoH DA fan site going and i am sure weather then or at titian or where ever we would love to hear from you and the other devs when you get work on new games (when you are allowed to tell us of course) many of us would love to see you all work together again and are ready to buy the games you all next work on since we have loved this one so much.



War Witch is my fave character and you, without a doubt, are an inspiration to follow. Your humble beginnings at Cryptic and then rising to the esteemed position at which you ended you tenure. Thank you Melissa. I will be following you to where ever you next destination is... that sounded stalkerish *turns invisable*. All kidding aside, I will buy whatever game has your name attached to it.



Thanks for everything War Witch!

Sam Steele
Pressure Wave
Rhiannon Bel
Syd Mallorn

Jotunheim Skald
Saer Maen
Jen Corbae
Venator Arawn
Taiga Dryad



Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon View Post
You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that.
I can't say it any better than this.



You made my dream of being a hero since I was 13 yrs old. You and the rest of the Paragon Studio crew rock my world! Thank you and here's hoping we get to see CoH remain alive in our mind, heart, and Internet highway!

Amazons of Paragon, CoH



I'm sorry it took me so long to reply to this thread, War Witch. I learned about the announcement on the day of my wedding (to Fatare, aka Iris, whom I met in game, and met in person for the first time at HeroCon 2008) from one of my groomsmen, who is in the game industry, and we've been busy since.

It was really nice meeting you at the interview I had in 2008, and thanks for sitting next to me in that panel in HeroCon, when I was all by myself. I still think your story of moving from Office Manager to Designer to Lead Designer to Producer is one of the coolest "working up the ladder" stories I've heard.

Thanks so much for everything that you've put into this game. It means a great deal to me, both as a way to spend my time, a source of social interaction with interesting people and a way to make great friends, and as the reason I was able to meet my wonderful wife.

I wish you the best in the future,


Please try my custom mission arcs!
Legacy of a Rogue (ID 459586, Entry for Dr. Aeon's Third Challenge)
Death for Dollars! (ID 1050)
Dr. Duplicate's Dastardly Dare (ID 1218)
Win the Past, Own the Future (ID 1429)