I don't feel VIP at all




Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
The people who are still saying, over a year after City of Heroes launched its hybrid model, that they deserve everything they want for just their subscription cost probably shouldn't be smacked in the face, but they should at least be shaken vigorously.
Does that mean we can't use the tar and feathers on them?

Can we still have the witch we hired turn them into newts?



Originally Posted by mercykilling View Post
I'm actually with Samuel Tow on this one. Let me buy what I want to, when I want to. Don't force me to farm incarnate content for merits to buy things. Don't force me to run an arc to unlock weapons/armor/costume pieces when I've already done that fifty times over.

And to agree with other posters.....the amounts that are being charged for some items is...quite honestly, ludicrous. Gold farmers charge less. Lower prices and I'll -consider- it. And even at a 50% off sale, 1000 points for a very rare set is outlandish. That's almost two month's worth of a sub cost in points. If you're a Tier 9 VIP and getting 550 points a month! ( Yes, I don't view those points as "free" because I have to spend $15 a month to get them. Unless I'm wrong in thinking non-VIP's don't get a monthly stipend of points to spend, in which case...OOPS. ^_^ )

It really -is- a smack in the face and saying "Hey, the fifteen dollars monthly you toss at us as a subscription price ISN'T ENOUGH. We want more." Which I really don't have a problem doing...as long as I'm getting what I want for my money. This is why I'm sitting on 1900 points and five tokens. There's nothing I -want- right now. Hasn't been for months.
You are wrong - Only VIPs get a FREE monthly stipend. Everyone else who wants points has to buy them.

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
How would they slow down you're gameplay? You're acting as if everything will be replaced with cut scenes... unskippable cutscenes at that (sadly, CoH still hasn't figured out how to do that... but being unskippable isn't an intrinsic attribute of cutscenes, just the current CoH implementation).
In TOR (yup that game pretty much killed voice over for most people) game pauses for a few seconds before and after cutscenes start and in some cutscenes you can see your characters start moving slower Also in TOR most cutscenes are just potraits focusing on whoever is talking so it doesn't have a feel of cutscene at all just a normal get mission dialogue with voice but more than usually you can see your character or talking one getting slower and mouth completly stop moving sometimes even wrong character is on screen and it only slides back a few seconds later to talking one. Also TOR had some sort of metric that whenever you were getting closer an NPC in game they will randomly play a dialogue (much like when random people walking around suddenly talks about a players achievements) and if you entered in an NPC crowded area (like a cantena) game was slowing down becuase of sudden burst of sounds lucky it was only playing a certain amount of them at the same time so it wasn't a sudden chaos of sounds.

I agree that mostly people got allergic to voice over becuase of TOR. Like I said I would prefer Secret Worlds Voice Over. You can skip it, it feels more cinematic and it does not slow down gameplay in anyway (being played both TOR and TSW at highest settings I can tell you that there is a huge performance difference between both of them)

EDIT: Almost forgot one of most important reason why complete voice over in an MMO is bad. It is language barrier, now I am not mentioning people not knowing english it is totally different. Just you know enough english to play a game does't mean you have enough diction to talk or listen in said language and if you are going to read subtitle anyway what is the point of voice over? I think this is the biggest cons of voice over. But than again this is personal opinion.

Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
That means the dialog is already uninteresting to begin with. I don't see why them being voiced over would have anything to do with that.
There is a difference between reading and listening. You can read faster than you can listen so when a guy lets say giving same mission on text and on voice over voice over feels like going forever while you can read through text. And hearing same guy over and over again (for example assume Crimson giving his mission with voice over reading all that text aloud ) becomes dull after a certain time. In TOR it is worse because your character also talks for each of your choices (good part is most of times it is different than what is selected) or sometimes just as part of conversation after getting to level 25ish you got sick of talking and turn off voice entriely but cutscene still triggers and you need to skip them.



Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
How would they slow down you're gameplay? You're acting as if everything will be replaced with cut scenes... unskippable cutscenes at that (sadly, CoH still hasn't figured out how to do that... but being unskippable isn't an intrinsic attribute of cutscenes, just the current CoH implementation).

(the claim that THEY would slow down your computer is absurd to an extreme)

That means the dialog is already uninteresting to begin with. I don't see why them being voiced over would have anything to do with that.

Why? I have a strong feeling you're assuming a specific implementation of voice overs, not voice overs in general.

So is the text. You can just skip that, so why wouldn't you the voice over as well?

I don't find any of your reasons even slightly compelling. Also, of the four you gave, three of them should apply equally well to any single player game as to an MMO, which you explicitly said was 'fine' wrt voice overs.
I think you lost track of the fact that I was talking specifically about the VO in SW:TOR.

As for their implementation here in CoH, I think they'd be just as bad. In the beginning, the scripting for CoH tended toward the terse -- maximal information using minimal verbiage. Now it's incredibly verbose, with a bunch of stylistic foofaraw* that seems unending at times. Imagine trying to wade through that at speaking speed instead of the 10x you can accomplish via reading.

And yes, the VO in TOR *did* slow down computers, something widely complained about during beta. They tried to correct it I guess, but I never saw much improvement, suffering many stutters and often crashes during particularly heavy expository scenes. I don't know why that would happen, but it did.

* That's a real word.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



Originally Posted by Kangstor View Post
EDIT: Almost forgot one of most important reason why complete voice over in an MMO is bad. It is language barrier, now I am not mentioning people not knowing english it is totally different. Just you know enough english to play a game does't mean you have enough diction to talk or listen in said language and if you are going to read subtitle anyway what is the point of voice over? I think this is the biggest cons of voice over. But than again this is personal opinion.
The graphics are a different barrier. If we eliminated the graphics and reduced MMOs to a text adventure, we could make MMOs more accessible to tools that assist the blind. That is, after all, where they started.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
The graphics are a different barrier. If we eliminated the graphics and reduced MMOs to a text adventure, we could make MMOs more accessible to tools that assist the blind. That is, after all, where they started.
Ooh, oooh, we finally get this?

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Softcapping an Invuln is fantastic. Softcapping a Willpower is amazing. Softcapping SR is kissing your sister.



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post

And yes, the VO in TOR *did* slow down computers, something widely complained about during beta. They tried to correct it I guess, but I never saw much improvement, suffering many stutters and often crashes during particularly heavy expository scenes. I don't know why that would happen, but it did.
I dont have a pony in this race, but I did want to chime in and say I did not have that particular problem. Im sure it existed, but my particular experience was different, the VOs were fine for me.




Originally Posted by Kangstor View Post
Also in TOR most cutscenes are just potraits focusing on whoever is talking so it doesn't have a feel of cutscene at all just a normal get mission dialogue with voice
That's actually a big problem I have with "dialogue" not just in video games, but in movies, as well. Recently, I've been trying to figure out why Darksiders II doesn't impress me as much as the original, and a lot of it comes down to the sequel playing out most of its dialogues like Mass Effect, with just two people facing each other and talking. This works if you have solid voice actors and a strong script, but the original got around this by making the characters in these scenes much more "animate" as they talk. Better, more precise lip-syncing, more natural motion, more gesturing and moving around, that sort of thing. I still miss seeing Samael hunched over and stomping around as he spoke.

That's even worse in live-action movies, when your entire conversation consists of two people basically standing relatively still and talking. It's at that point where a movie stops being a movie and becomes an audio book. A REALLY good actor can still pull it off just via facial expression and tone of voice, but I've found the best sort of dialogue scenes to be the ones where characters do more than just stand around and occasionally loop an emote.

This, to bring it back to the game, is why I don't like cutscenes in City of Heroes and why I don't feel like Mass Effect style conversations can work here. It's boring to sit through and misses the point of having these things show up on-screen, rather than in plain text, though be it narrated. If you're going to give something its own specific cutscene, it can't just be people standing up and talking with the occasional emote. Either you need an ACTUAL cutscene, or you can deliver it through text.

As with most parts of game design, nothing grants a benefit without also having a cost entirely separate from development time and resources. Cutscenes have the cost of halting the action and forcing people to sit idly by while they play out, and this is only really worth if the cutscene is worth watching for its own merit. Which none of ours are, sadly. And that's not a dig at our "cutscene makers" - the game just doesn't have the tool or the budget to make custom cutscenes.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I love people that say that there's nothing that they want to buy, but that they should be cheaper. "Your store sells nothing but crap! I wouldn't buy anything here! However, you should sell me the stuff for 50% off, because I still won't buy it at those prices!"

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus



I was thinking about this voice-over conversation while watching the cutscene in the Magisterium Trial yesterday. I am fairly confident that I was reading the text faster than it could have been spoken. If it were narrated / voice acted, I think the cutscene would have to be longer.

I agree with Sam's thoughts here - unless you really make a cutscene worth watching with characers who have body language (or who are engaged in some relevant physical activity) and facial expressions, I think spending the time and money for voice overs is largely wasted, unless the voice actors are fantastic.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
I think you lost track of the fact that I was talking specifically about the VO in SW:TOR.
You said:
I had the suspicion that TOR would play better solo when they said the fateful words: "Completely voice acted."

That's fine for a single-player game, but not one where you pay a monthly sub. I don't know where you draw the line at being wrong, but for me the story was boring and the gameplay was just dull. It looked gorgeous, but that was about the end of the good things for me.
How can it be about how TOR did it, when you knew it would be bad when they said 'completely voice acted'? And that it's not fine for one where you pay a monthly sub?

Voice Overs can't be done for CoH, because they'd have to retroactively add it to ~10 years worth of content, and people have already been using various 'voices' in their heads for various people (it's one of the reasons people always rage whenever a book is turned into a movie), so regardless of how good the voice actors were, people wouldn't be happy due to different expectations.

Again, I'm talking about in general for MMOs, while you keep trying to say 'Well, it didn't work for TOR!'. From the sound of it, TOR had lots of problems that was related entirely to their implementation. Again, I don't give a crap how TOR did it, because it's just an implementation. Any complaints that are specific to TOR aren't specific to voice overs, which, again, is what you said was bad for games where you pay a monthly sub.

Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!



Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
I love people that say that there's nothing that they want to buy, but that they should be cheaper. "Your store sells nothing but crap! I wouldn't buy anything here! However, you should sell me the stuff for 50% off, because I still won't buy it at those prices!"
I've said such about some products on the market, but for me it's more a case of 'I don't think the prices charged are good value, so I don't buy them. If they were cheaper, I may reconsider that.'

Let's take the IO set 'Theft of Essence': 856 Paragon Points when not on sale, 428 paragon points when on sale. 6 IO's forming a set that can't be traded, sold on the AH or upgraded with Enhancement Boosters, can only be used on one character unless enhancement unslotters are used to remove it and have it sent to your e-mail in box.

For 56 points left I can get a power set that could be used on any new character on any server I have space on. For 28 points less than the sale price, I can get a costume bundle that has pieces that can be used on any costume slot on any character on my account.

Seeing as I have many characters, I'd rather A: Purchase things that can be used on many characters, or B: Get Super Packs for the merits and ATO's, then convert merits/sell ATOs for inf for the enhancements I want.



Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
I love people that say that there's nothing that they want to buy, but that they should be cheaper. "Your store sells nothing but crap! I wouldn't buy anything here! However, you should sell me the stuff for 50% off, because I still won't buy it at those prices!"
I can't decide which argument is more ridiculous. That one or the one that goes, "I'd spend more money on the game if you gave me the stuff I want for free." As if they think the devs are stupid enough to believe that if these clowns are getting everything they want for free they'll turn around and spend money on stuff they don't want.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
I can't decide which argument is more ridiculous. That one or the one that goes, "I'd spend more money on the game if you gave me the stuff I want for free." As if they think the devs are stupid enough to believe that if these clowns are getting everything they want for free they'll turn around and spend money on stuff they don't want.

Then of course there's the other related argument I've seen that goes something like "If you guys sold such-n-such for half the price then I'd bet twice as many people would buy it". Assuming they could even rely on getting twice the sales how exactly would making a price reduction like that benefit Paragon Studios?

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
I can't decide which argument is more ridiculous. That one or the one that goes, "I'd spend more money on the game if you gave me the stuff I want for free." As if they think the devs are stupid enough to believe that if these clowns are getting everything they want for free they'll turn around and spend money on stuff they don't want.

Are you saying they Devs are working on Clown Summoning? You heard it here firs... er, nvm.

Throwing darts at the board to see if something sticks.....

Come show your resolve and fight my brute!
Tanks: Gauntlet, the streak breaker and you!
Originally Posted by PapaSlade
Rangle's right....this is fun.



Originally Posted by Rangle M. Down View Post
Are you saying they Devs are working on Clown Summoning? You heard it here firs... er, nvm.
Killer Nazi Space Klowns on the Moon with a Big Red Ball.



Originally Posted by mercykilling View Post
Which I really don't have a problem doing...as long as I'm getting what I want for my money. This is why I'm sitting on 1900 points and five tokens.
I'm down to less than 700 points. At one point, I had OVER NINE THOUSAND!!!

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by Zortel View Post
I've said such about some products on the market, but for me it's more a case of 'I don't think the prices charged are good value, so I don't buy them. If they were cheaper, I may reconsider that.'
I stopped buying market origins when they stopped doing sales on individual pieces.

P. shifter proc + End Mod for 120 pts? Yes please. The entire set for whatever, no thanks. Unless that whatever was around 120pts. Now that you have to buy the whole set even 1/2 off doesn't put most sets into impulse range.

I hate all the fiddling purples require so I *love* the ability of the attuned pieces to exemplar over their full range for set bonuses. If they were cheaper I'd be trading cold hard digital cash for all the time savings of not having to fight the AH to get the pieces I want at the level I want. But at ~$10 for some non-purple sets, not so much.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
The graphics are a different barrier. If we eliminated the graphics and reduced MMOs to a text adventure, we could make MMOs more accessible to tools that assist the blind. That is, after all, where they started.
You see a man named Prosser in front of a bulldozer. He is screaming obscenities.

>Lie in mud

The mud feels warm and squishy around you. Prosser is yelling at you to move.
Your friend Ford Prefect happens to drop by...

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
The graphics are a different barrier. If we eliminated the graphics and reduced MMOs to a text adventure, we could make MMOs more accessible to tools that assist the blind. That is, after all, where they started.
Sarcasm aside you know what I mean a languages written form is universal but verbal form can change even from village to village and some people can't even tell what otherside saying if their dialect differs too much (London english and Scotish or Irish english for example). Now they could get very clear dialected people to play roles but that becomes monotone after a while (just like how it is in TOR after a couple of levels all NPC's sound same and you start to press spacebar only to get to choice than conitnue spamming spacebar because there is no auto-skip and keeping your finger on spacebar was not working.)

And why should a blind person should get a game which eats %70 or more of resources of their computer on something they can't use (graphics) Now is there was a voice over version of a MUD I could understand that.



Originally Posted by Kangstor View Post
Sarcasm aside you know what I mean a languages written form is universal but verbal form can change even from village to village and some people can't even tell what otherside saying if their dialect differs too much (London english and Scotish or Irish english for example). Now they could get very clear dialected people to play roles but that becomes monotone after a while (just like how it is in TOR after a couple of levels all NPC's sound same and you start to press spacebar only to get to choice than conitnue spamming spacebar because there is no auto-skip and keeping your finger on spacebar was not working.)
Solve it the same way TV/Radio did decades ago: Received Pronunciation (UK) or General American (US). Pretty much anyone that understands English will likely understand General American, since it's spoken so widely.

Nothing says you have to cater to everyone, anyways. Try and do as many people as possible, but you don't need voice overs for Esperanto.

And why should a blind person should get a game which eats %70 or more of resources of their computer on something they can't use (graphics) Now is there was a voice over version of a MUD I could understand that.
Text to speech. It even works for ASCII art!

Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
yes, not getting as many Paragon Points as you want is such a tremendous insult.

I'm not sure how you endure the indignity.

Not sure how you managed to think I was talking about paragon points.
You TOTALLY missed my intended point, but hey. You seem to do that a lot, so I'll forgive you. You also seem to snip out certain parts of posts to reinforce your delusions, so...once again, I forgive you. That's twice. All you get.

What is a slap in the face is the fact that I pay a monthly stipend. Which should set me above marketing schemes and ploys. But does not.

What is a slap in the face is that the very same subscription fee was just fine for game play for a VERY LONG TIME. Freedom comes along and all of a sudden, it's no longer enough. A blatant statement was made by the devs which I will paraphrase here. "We once got $15 a month from you, and that covered everything we put out. Now, however....we want a $15 sub and extra for you to get everything we put out."

True, we're getting stuff at a more frequent pace. This just shows me that the game developers were capable of this pace previous to the Freedom model, but were too.....heck, I'm not sure -why- they didn't. Another slap in the face.

Now...I get that not everyone shares my opinion. Which is fine. Really. ^_^
But to insult me and tear me down simply because my opinion is different from the majority is.....well.......just immature. Wrong. I'm a human being too, with the same right to express my concerns and feelings here as everyone else. Kinda makes me wish there was a way to ignore certain forumites posts like you can ignore certain people ingame. The vitriol that is spewed forth as common expression in these forums is exactly why in six plus years, I've posted less than five hundred times.

But, I digress. Back to subject.

Yes, I feel wounded and slighted by the way we as V.I.P.'s are being treated. We get the same marketing department schemes to drum up money tossed our way that is intended for premium players and free players. That should change. Not likely to, but I wish it would.

We as V.I.P.'s also do enjoy a good number of ingame perks. Which I am EXTREMELY grateful to have. Almost 24 character slots on Virtue alone filled. If I dropped my sub, I'd lose at least six of them, as I'm not sure the previous verteran program yearly slots count as purchased slots. Nor am I sure if I'd get to keep the 12 "original" slots or get dropped down to the 2 or 4 slots a premium/free player gets. I like mah global channels. I like having bases for my characters. And yeah, they're SG's and VG's with nothing but my characters in them.
Pretty sure we know what all the perks are....and those perks are why I'm still paying the sub.

To sum up.....yes, I love this game. It's my first MMO, and having tried the others out there since being introduced to the genre by CoX......I come back every time. For the most part, the community here ingame is outstanding. I've a wide circle of friends and at any time of day or night I can log in and find at least five people on my global list to do things with.
WoW doesn't do that for me. CO doesn't. STO doesn't. DCUOnline doesn't. Just City of. So it's not because of how we as V.I.P.'s are getting ALL THESE MARVELOUS THINGS from the devs that keep me coming back....because we're not. Really. We are for the most part getting shafted by the marketing department now. It's because of friends and what I've gotten used to having ingame that keeps me subbing every six months.
By the way...I bet dollars to doughnuts someone will clip something out of this and use it to point out yet another fallacious and erroneous judgmental statement I seemed to have made with this post.



Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
You said:

How can it be about how TOR did it, when you knew it would be bad when they said 'completely voice acted'? And that it's not fine for one where you pay a monthly sub?

Voice Overs can't be done for CoH, because they'd have to retroactively add it to ~10 years worth of content, and people have already been using various 'voices' in their heads for various people (it's one of the reasons people always rage whenever a book is turned into a movie), so regardless of how good the voice actors were, people wouldn't be happy due to different expectations.

Again, I'm talking about in general for MMOs, while you keep trying to say 'Well, it didn't work for TOR!'. From the sound of it, TOR had lots of problems that was related entirely to their implementation. Again, I don't give a crap how TOR did it, because it's just an implementation. Any complaints that are specific to TOR aren't specific to voice overs, which, again, is what you said was bad for games where you pay a monthly sub.
I suppose you can keep ignoring the part where I then talk about why I don't think it works for any MMO and probably wouldn't work for CoH in order to prolong the argument, but I really don't feel like repeating myself yet again for those of you reading this while inhaling the exhaust fumes in the back seat of the short bus.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



Originally Posted by mercykilling View Post
Kinda makes me wish there was a way to ignore certain forumites posts like you can ignore certain people ingame.
There is.

1. Left click on the forum members name.
2. Select View Public Profile.
3. Click on User Lists
4. Select Add to Ignore List.
5. Click Yes to confirm you want to add that person to your ignore list.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
There is.

1. Left click on the forum members name.
2. Select View Public Profile.
3. Click on User Lists
4. Select Add to Ignore List.
5. Click Yes to confirm you want to add that person to your ignore list.
Alternatively, one can just filter out such responses in one's head. Which has the added benefit of working even when such posts get quoted. It also sidesteps the apparently inevitable temptation to post an "I don't see what everyone's getting so riled up about, all I see from Poster X is 'You are ignoring posts from this user' messages" reply, which is kind of the forum equivalent of sticking one's fingers in one's ears and going "LA-La-LA I'm not listening!"...

Temperance is difficult, I suppose. In the long run, at least.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound