I don't feel VIP at all




Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Personally I'd like to see the stipend increased to 500 points. 400 irritates me, but that's a personal issue.
Well, the uber VIP's get 550 per month.

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Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
Would you mind elaborating on why voice overs are an intrinsically bad thing for an MMO?
  • Not multilingual - not as much of a problem anymore since they gave up translating
  • Requires rerecording if story elements change - may be a problem getting the same voice actor
  • More disk space required - the pigg files marked as music and sound effects are 3/4 of a gig, no idea how much of the 1.8 GB of stageX pigg files are sound
That's off the top of my head. People hate cut scenes and click past mission info as it is, do we need yet another device that people will want to bypass the 2nd, 10th or 50th time they play that content? It'll be Cain's "Stay awhile and listen ..." all over again.

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Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
Well, the uber VIP's get 550 per month.
Right and anyone who buys their way up the reward tree can get it. Now if as a perk it went up another 25 points for every 12 months activity it could very easily entice people to sub and stay subbed.

And to keep bad feelings to a minimum start all VIP's off at the same time when it goes live.



Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
Would you mind elaborating on why voice overs are an intrinsically bad thing for an MMO? It'd certainly be nice if the mid-mission caption or NPC dialog was voiced over in this game, since it can be a bit frustrating to focus on the battle and ALSO trying to read the bubbles (I end up having to have a box open just for Captions + NPC dialog... but even that can scroll past way too fast at times!).
VO just slows everything down. Slows down your gameplay, your computer, everything. And being the altoholic that I am (waves vaguely at sig), it was especially maddening to have to click through speeches every time you wanted to do something a second time. Plus, I can read about 10 times faster than people talk, and there was all that *acting* going on. Which is nice... for a movie. I'm here to save the world, not listen to a distraught alien kvetch about spare parts.

I agree that CoH is over-reliant on the pop-up text in many of the new missions. When I first played the Freedom opening missions, I didn't even realize there WERE pop-ups because they were hidden behind my map. It's a neat little feature that feels like an interactive comic book, but it should be used for punctuation rather than extended dialogue.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
Would you mind elaborating on why voice overs are an intrinsically bad thing for an MMO? It'd certainly be nice if the mid-mission caption or NPC dialog was voiced over in this game, since it can be a bit frustrating to focus on the battle and ALSO trying to read the bubbles (I end up having to have a box open just for Captions + NPC dialog... but even that can scroll past way too fast at times!).
Because on an MMO you have many type of players and TOR's voice acting was forced on players. It is either you listen (or read subtitle while listening) or you listen the dialogues of mission giver even if you did that mission before. They added skip patch right after launch on day 1 because of constant complains.

Also unlike CoH most other MMO's have complex coordination required in their raids (or similiars) so most people uses VOIP to do raids and such and an extra talking in that totally offsets players timing. You can type or even set what you want to type on a bind on CoH easily and use that infact one of reasons I am still playing CoH is there is no need for mic and sound I can just turn off sounds of game totally and still can play the hardest trial.

Don't get me wrong I don't say it is bad that NPC having voices and cutscenes but there is other ways doing that. Like how it is in The Secret World IMO it is best option so far used I would prefer if my character talked in cutscenes but still it has far better feel than TOR's.

EDIT: Also what Ironik said but that is just my personal opinion that I prefer text over sound.



Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
So really, it's the ones on the fence or dissatisfied that should say what sort of additional 'perks' they'd find as worthwhile additions.
Like I said - the only perk I want is to be treated as a person who's too important to dick around with marketing mini-games. Zwill says that people aren't buying the consumables, so Marketing are working on ways to trick us into buying them via gimmick ploys. That's fine - the game needs to make money to stay afloat. But I'd like to subscribe to the option that puts me above those marketing gimmicks and lets me buy what I want to buy when I want to buy it. Again, "moar points" is the last thing I want as a "perk" because "moar points" I can always buy. It'll cost me, but I can buy them at my terms.

What I want is to be able to buy things that are "unavailable" for made-up marketing reasons designed to enforce artificial scarcity as a means to trump up seasonal sales or promote another item that I don't want. I want to buy stuff that's out of season in case I suddenly decide I want it right now, I want to be able to buy stuff that's in the "Super Packs" without having to go through the nonsense of rolling on it. I want to be able to buy stuff that's on the market as it is, but is being blocked or obfuscated in some way. That, to me, would be the big perk, because that would make me feel important. Or, at least, important enough to not be treated like a freeloader that everything has to be sold to through a mind-game gimmick.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
Would you mind elaborating on why voice overs are an intrinsically bad thing for an MMO? It'd certainly be nice if the mid-mission caption or NPC dialog was voiced over in this game, since it can be a bit frustrating to focus on the battle and ALSO trying to read the bubbles (I end up having to have a box open just for Captions + NPC dialog... but even that can scroll past way too fast at times!).
I think "some" is good to very good. What's that about too much of a good thing? That is where TOR seems to have found itself.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Like I said - the only perk I want is to be treated as a person who's too important to dick around with marketing mini-games.
I'm actually with Sam on this one.

More or less, I'm happy with what I'm getting as a VIP. However, if I could give the studio a certain amount more a month and get all the powersets and all the auras and all the costumes that come out, without having to think about it... Yeah, I'd do it. I'd also voluntarily give up at least most, if not all, of my monthly point stipend, too (it'd be nice if I could keep the 150 bonus for tier 9. I DO buy the consumables occasionally, and I happen to like the super packs on a random basis).

Note here, I'm not asking for free, I'm saying I'd pay more. And also give up some of the freebie stuff.

I can always buy more points, if they happen to add something exciting under the consumables, but I'm frequently forgetting to look during the limited time costuming packs and missing stuff - it's hard to fix that. I'd rather just get it.

Also, I really just plain don't like the market UI. I can navigate it, I just don't want to.

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Originally Posted by Cende View Post
More or less, I'm happy with what I'm getting as a VIP. However, if I could give the studio a certain amount more a month and get all the powersets and all the auras and all the costumes that come out, without having to think about it... Yeah, I'd do it. I'd also voluntarily give up at least most, if not all, of my monthly point stipend, too (it'd be nice if I could keep the 150 bonus for tier 9. I DO buy the consumables occasionally, and I happen to like the super packs on a random basis).

Note here, I'm not asking for free, I'm saying I'd pay more. And also give up some of the freebie stuff.
I'm not actually against buying stuff individually. The game has so far done a pretty good job of prompting me about it. Find a costume piece I like but don't own? Click the "buy" button and I can have it. It's convenient for me, and making it convenient for me to spend my money means better business for the studio, so auto-paying for this stuff isn't as important to me personally as I feared it would be once upon a time.

BEING ABLE to buy stiff is the real issue, though. Certain things are held back for reasons of marketing - promotions, exclusives, gambling mini-games and more. It's standard marketing practice so I can't really blame the team for going with it. Sure, it's aggressive as all hell, but we did bust their balls for years about not doing anything. But here's the catch - I'm a VIP. Those marketing strategies should not be aimed at ME. Marketing shouldn't be trying to milk ME for more money. I've already pledge to pay money, and all the marketing schemes that keep arriving in my inbox pretty much tell me that I'm not paying enough. This is the complete opposite of VIP treatment.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



What I'm hearing from Sam, and would be my suggestion, is actually make a new 'tier' of subcription. There's Freebies, Premium (For those that paid SOMETHING), Subscriber (The current VIP) And a NEW VIP, which costs between 20-30 dollars and allows:
* ALL non-in-game unlockable costume sets FREE! While Subscribed. (So it does not include things like the Roman set, Auras/Capes, and Holiday stuff.)
*Includes ALL Powersets Unlocked, no need to buy them.
*Includes the ability to purchase time-constrained items (Overwhelming Force Set, Costume sets as Christmas and Holloween, Etc.)

Of course you lose all this if you didn't buy them before and lack being a VIP.

What's that sound for?

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Dark Moon Rising: #13170 (For Heroes/Vigilantes) (Horror/Mystery) (Non-Canon)



Originally Posted by Quinz View Post
What I'm hearing from Sam, and would be my suggestion, is actually make a new 'tier' of subcription. There's Freebies, Premium (For those that paid SOMETHING), Subscriber (The current VIP) And a NEW VIP, which costs between 20-30 dollars and allows:
* ALL non-in-game unlockable costume sets FREE! While Subscribed. (So it does not include things like the Roman set, Auras/Capes, and Holiday stuff.)
*Includes ALL Powersets Unlocked, no need to buy them.
*Includes the ability to purchase time-constrained items (Overwhelming Force Set, Costume sets as Christmas and Holloween, Etc.)

Of course you lose all this if you didn't buy them before and lack being a VIP.

What's that sound for?
I don't think that's what Sam is asking for. Sam is asking for something that's simultaneously less, and a lot more. He's asking for a tier of subscriber that has no restrictions on bundling, gating, or time limits for the store. Whatever the devs sell, Sam wants to buy ignoring all time limited availability, without any prerequisite requirements, and unbundled from any specific packaging.

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Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
I don't think that's what Sam is asking for. Sam is asking for something that's simultaneously less, and a lot more. He's asking for a tier of subscriber that has no restrictions on bundling, gating, or time limits for the store. Whatever the devs sell, Sam wants to buy ignoring all time limited availability, without any prerequisite requirements, and unbundled from any specific packaging.
It was an idea to give what some seem to want. A mixture of 'feeling special" (No time-gated content, you can access it from the store, in fact came make Gala access, and Block Buster Blowout purchasable for year-round use, if so choose), Get ALL powersets for 'free' (Gain all powersets through new 'tier' of subscription), and a bonus I figure may be important for some ('All non-in-game purchasable costumes for 'free').

At least I'd probably increase my payment to a $25 monthly sub for that stuff... if I didn't already buy most of it.

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Dark Moon Rising: #13170 (For Heroes/Vigilantes) (Horror/Mystery) (Non-Canon)



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Like I said - the only perk I want is to be treated as a person who's too important to dick around with marketing mini-games. Zwill says that people aren't buying the consumables, so Marketing are working on ways to trick us into buying them via gimmick ploys. That's fine - the game needs to make money to stay afloat. But I'd like to subscribe to the option that puts me above those marketing gimmicks and lets me buy what I want to buy when I want to buy it. Again, "moar points" is the last thing I want as a "perk" because "moar points" I can always buy. It'll cost me, but I can buy them at my terms.
To me, the first bit is purely a pricepoint issue. I'm sorry, but the consumables are ludicrous. I'd consider buying consumables if they were about 1/5 to 1/10th the price. And the store bought enhancements are laughable. When you compare them to the auction house prices, then look at how much real cash you're paying for inf... It almost makes gold farming seem worthwhile as a career choice. I think I have enough recipes in my group bins to buy a car at the rates the Devs charge. =) Adding ploys to make it happen is not the way to go. Markets operate on supply and demand. If people won't pay what you're charging you lower the price or add more quality or something. I mean, +damage for an hour? Seriously? If I want that I'll buy some red insps off a vendor or big ones off the market. So unless the price comes down to like 5 paragon points for a 30 minute boost, it's just never going to be something I buy.

And I agree, just giving more points isn't a satisfying solution. Instead, I do like the idea of things that are like the T-9 costumes: fun but don't give a numeric advantage. I think the true strength and what I love about our devs more than any other game is the interaction with them, how they do listen and do silly things like put Posi into a tuxedo over the armor and dance at a party. Capitalize on that with the VIPs. Have in-game VIP-only events. Add a VIP lounge to the game and have Devs actually hang out in there in character as NPCs or out of character as Devs. In game-meet and greets, etc. (probably requires a custom channel that only the devs can speak on to prevent drowning in chatter, and to not use the big-red-appears-in-all-channels-at-once admin speech) Things like those motivate me, much more than just a bonus to exp or inf earning. For me, the fun is in doing and being, not getting and having. To make my VIP experience better, focus less on "stuff" or "things" and more on "actions" and "experiences".

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
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Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



Here's what I'd like to see VIPs be able to purchase:Those annoying Facebook/Twitter give away emotes, costume pieces etc. Maybe something as a perk for a 6+ month sub package.

All marketing is trying to do is pad their facebook/twitter account "numbers" by getting those of us who've bought into the game to go play in the social networking arena. They're already preaching to the choir. Go sell the game to someone who's not subbed, or not playing the game already.

As someone who isn't a fan of either Facebook and Twitter for various reasons, including security issues on their part, I will never be participating in those giveaways. Give me another venue to get them.

Throwing darts at the board to see if something sticks.....

Come show your resolve and fight my brute!
Tanks: Gauntlet, the streak breaker and you!
Originally Posted by PapaSlade
Rangle's right....this is fun.



Originally Posted by Rangle M. Down View Post
Here's what I'd like to see VIPs be able to purchase:Those annoying Facebook/Twitter give away emotes, costume pieces etc. Maybe something as a perk for a 6+ month sub package.

All marketing is trying to do is pad their facebook/twitter account "numbers" by getting those of us who've bought into the game to go play in the social networking arena. They're already preaching to the choir. Go sell the game to someone who's not subbed, or not playing the game already.

As someone who isn't a fan of either Facebook and Twitter for various reasons, including security issues on their part, I will never be participating in those giveaways. Give me another venue to get them.
I can agree to this, plus, when I DID try it, for the face-palm emote, the code was broken, apparently, and never got a response back from the Customer Service team.

Those things are blah to me, why go outside of the forums/game for stuff?

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Story Arcs Looking for Feedback:
Serving Vengeance:#419748 (For Villains/Vigilantes) (Drama/Mystery) (Viable Within Canon)
Dark Moon Rising: #13170 (For Heroes/Vigilantes) (Horror/Mystery) (Non-Canon)



I'm actually with Samuel Tow on this one. Let me buy what I want to, when I want to. Don't force me to farm incarnate content for merits to buy things. Don't force me to run an arc to unlock weapons/armor/costume pieces when I've already done that fifty times over.

And to agree with other posters.....the amounts that are being charged for some items is...quite honestly, ludicrous. Gold farmers charge less. Lower prices and I'll -consider- it. And even at a 50% off sale, 1000 points for a very rare set is outlandish. That's almost two month's worth of a sub cost in points. If you're a Tier 9 VIP and getting 550 points a month! ( Yes, I don't view those points as "free" because I have to spend $15 a month to get them. Unless I'm wrong in thinking non-VIP's don't get a monthly stipend of points to spend, in which case...OOPS. ^_^ )

It really -is- a smack in the face and saying "Hey, the fifteen dollars monthly you toss at us as a subscription price ISN'T ENOUGH. We want more." Which I really don't have a problem doing...as long as I'm getting what I want for my money. This is why I'm sitting on 1900 points and five tokens. There's nothing I -want- right now. Hasn't been for months.



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
I agree that CoH is over-reliant on the pop-up text in many of the new missions. When I first played the Freedom opening missions, I didn't even realize there WERE pop-ups because they were hidden behind my map. It's a neat little feature that feels like an interactive comic book, but it should be used for punctuation rather than extended dialogue.
Over-reliant? I'd say quite the opposite. It's the only way in game currently that other people besides the mission owner get a chance to see the, you know, story. Anyone on team can click to reach the mission text, but that damn dialog clears every time someone changes zones (even between two zones you're not in), making it horribly difficult to read it. Plus, you can't see the mission completion dialog, nor the arc completion dialog.

It's such a bad situation that, wanting to actually have a chance to experience the story lines, I consider my only option to be soloing it. I soloed through all of First Ward and Night Ward to actually get to read the stuff and see what was going on.

I'm quite glad that for the NPCs one person talks to in missions (which bring up the dialog box) that in newer content they'll 'say' a shorter version on the NPC dialog channel. Certainly a major improvement.

As for the 'skipping was a day 1 addition for TOR'... well, duh. That was just a major bungling on the part of BioWare that most every other game has already done without issue, regardless of whether they're voiced or not (CoH still doesn't let you skip cut scenes... but the devs nearly never use them).

It seems that people are saying that voice overs are bad because TOR got it wrong, not because voice overs are bad. I'd say STO also got it wrong, by only doing them randomly. The big important top military guy's mission brief isn't voiced over... but this random chump that wants some crappy side missions that is just filler is? Yeah, nice job screwing it up (maybe they get better in the late game... but honestly, free is too expensive for that game). If you're going to do them, do them throughout (which is why I don't like the voice overs in the new tutorial... I like them, but when 100% of the rest of the game has zero voice overs? It's simply misleading and confusing few new players).

(I also wasn't asking/interested in technical challenges with voice overs, but why they're a bad fit from the player's perspective, and only on MMOs)

Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!



Originally Posted by mercykilling View Post
It really -is- a smack in the face ....
yes, not getting as many Paragon Points as you want is such a tremendous insult.

I'm not sure how you endure the indignity.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
Over-reliant? I'd say quite the opposite. It's the only way in game currently that other people besides the mission owner get a chance to see the, you know, story. Anyone on team can click to reach the mission text, but that damn dialog clears every time someone changes zones (even between two zones you're not in), making it horribly difficult to read it. Plus, you can't see the mission completion dialog, nor the arc completion dialog.

It's such a bad situation that, wanting to actually have a chance to experience the story lines, I consider my only option to be soloing it. I soloed through all of First Ward and Night Ward to actually get to read the stuff and see what was going on.

I'm quite glad that for the NPCs one person talks to in missions (which bring up the dialog box) that in newer content they'll 'say' a shorter version on the NPC dialog channel. Certainly a major improvement.

As for the 'skipping was a day 1 addition for TOR'... well, duh. That was just a major bungling on the part of BioWare that most every other game has already done without issue, regardless of whether they're voiced or not (CoH still doesn't let you skip cut scenes... but the devs nearly never use them).

It seems that people are saying that voice overs are bad because TOR got it wrong, not because voice overs are bad. I'd say STO also got it wrong, by only doing them randomly. The big important top military guy's mission brief isn't voiced over... but this random chump that wants some crappy side missions that is just filler is? Yeah, nice job screwing it up (maybe they get better in the late game... but honestly, free is too expensive for that game). If you're going to do them, do them throughout (which is why I don't like the voice overs in the new tutorial... I like them, but when 100% of the rest of the game has zero voice overs? It's simply misleading and confusing few new players).

(I also wasn't asking/interested in technical challenges with voice overs, but why they're a bad fit from the player's perspective, and only on MMOs)
If they were to add voice I'd want them to be 100% skippable.

Hell I still want cut scenes to be skippable.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
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Originally Posted by mercykilling View Post
There's nothing I -want- right now. Hasn't been for months.
Then you should have a nice chunk of points saved up from your monthly stipend to get whatever you finally want for free so stop throwing a hissy fit over the prices.

VIP's can get anything they want in the store for free if they simply wait and save their points.



Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
Over-reliant? I'd say quite the opposite. It's the only way in game currently that other people besides the mission owner get a chance to see the, you know, story. Anyone on team can click to reach the mission text, but that damn dialog clears every time someone changes zones (even between two zones you're not in), making it horribly difficult to read it. Plus, you can't see the mission completion dialog, nor the arc completion dialog.

It's such a bad situation that, wanting to actually have a chance to experience the story lines, I consider my only option to be soloing it. I soloed through all of First Ward and Night Ward to actually get to read the stuff and see what was going on.
Well, I solo 97% of the game, so that's my perspective. The other team members not getting to see the game text has long been an issue with CoH. I don't know why that's never been addressed.

Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
It seems that people are saying that voice overs are bad because TOR got it wrong, not because voice overs are bad. I'd say STO also got it wrong, by only doing them randomly. The big important top military guy's mission brief isn't voiced over... but this random chump that wants some crappy side missions that is just filler is? Yeah, nice job screwing it up (maybe they get better in the late game... but honestly, free is too expensive for that game). If you're going to do them, do them throughout (which is why I don't like the voice overs in the new tutorial... I like them, but when 100% of the rest of the game has zero voice overs? It's simply misleading and confusing few new players).

(I also wasn't asking/interested in technical challenges with voice overs, but why they're a bad fit from the player's perspective, and only on MMOs)
I did address why they're bad from a player's perspective: they slow down your gameplay, they're largely uninteresting and they're awkward to sit through on teams and annoying as hell the second time around.

It's not just that TOR and STO got them wrong, it's that everyone gets them wrong. I think they're fine for the new tutorial mission in CoH, and I've seen them well-done similarly in other games, but using them more than sparingly just makes everything come to a screeching halt. Mostly all they are is infodumps, and chunks of exposition are hard digest in any fashion.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
I did address why they're bad from a player's perspective: they slow down your gameplay
How would they slow down you're gameplay? You're acting as if everything will be replaced with cut scenes... unskippable cutscenes at that (sadly, CoH still hasn't figured out how to do that... but being unskippable isn't an intrinsic attribute of cutscenes, just the current CoH implementation).

(the claim that THEY would slow down your computer is absurd to an extreme)

they're largely uninteresting
That means the dialog is already uninteresting to begin with. I don't see why them being voiced over would have anything to do with that.

and they're awkward to sit through on teams
Why? I have a strong feeling you're assuming a specific implementation of voice overs, not voice overs in general.

and annoying as hell the second time around.
So is the text. You can just skip that, so why wouldn't you the voice over as well?

I don't find any of your reasons even slightly compelling. Also, of the four you gave, three of them should apply equally well to any single player game as to an MMO, which you explicitly said was 'fine' wrt voice overs.

Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!



Originally Posted by mercykilling View Post
It really -is- a smack in the face and saying "Hey, the fifteen dollars monthly you toss at us as a subscription price ISN'T ENOUGH. We want more." Which I really don't have a problem doing...as long as I'm getting what I want for my money. This is why I'm sitting on 1900 points and five tokens. There's nothing I -want- right now. Hasn't been for months.
*goes to find the rum*

You do not get anything less than pre-freedom for your sub.You get more, in fact. *shrug* What more can we say?

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Originally Posted by mercykilling View Post
It really -is- a smack in the face and saying "Hey, the fifteen dollars monthly you toss at us as a subscription price ISN'T ENOUGH. We want more."
The people who are still saying, over a year after City of Heroes launched its hybrid model, that they deserve everything they want for just their subscription cost probably shouldn't be smacked in the face, but they should at least be shaken vigorously.

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