I don't feel VIP at all




Originally Posted by TheShattered View Post
So far, the Free for VIP powersets are (Or are going to be):

Dark Control
Dark Assault
Darkness Affinity
Martial Combat
Martial Assault

All of which are (or were) HIGHLY requested powersets. For a meagre $15 (£10 for me) a month, you get them plus:

Several costume sets
Complete access to SSA arcs
First Ward AND Night Ward
Alignment System
Inventions and Auction House
New Incarnate Story Arcs
And some more i'm probably forgetting.

Your sub now gets you more than ever before. The paid-for stuff? Well ... Paragon has to make business somehow! Subs alone won't make up for the amount of effort they're putting in these days.

Even for a T9 like me, if I un-subbed i'd still lose a lot. Enough stuff to keep me subbed.

And finally: *Obligatory throw-away 'Entitlement' message*
Forgot Time :O




Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
Then of course there's the other related argument I've seen that goes something like "If you guys sold such-n-such for half the price then I'd bet twice as many people would buy it". Assuming they could even rely on getting twice the sales how exactly would making a price reduction like that benefit Paragon Studios?
if they halve the price and double as many people buy it, they at least stay at the same income level, but have twice as many happy customers. If less than double buy, then they've lost ground.

My point is not that I wouldn't buy ever, but at the prices they are charging, consumables aren't worth it. something consumable needs to be really, really cheap to compete with the buffs we can get in play anyhow.

I'm guessing that while I personally don't feel the set prices are low enough, if the devs are only complaining about the purchase rates on consumables, then it seems plenty of people do like the store bought sets. Which is fine by me, I'll buy mine for inf, they buy theirs for cash and we're both happy.

But if the devs solution to "not enough people are paying for this" is to find a way to trick people into buying... That's just silly. Lower the price some and see what happens. They've already paid for the development if the thing exists and is on the store, so any improvemnt is good at that point. I fully expect my price point for consumables is so low I'll never happen and I'm ok with that. I've been happily spending my points on costumes and permanent powers. But if they did somehow get cheap enough to be competitive with inf, the I might pick some up.

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



Originally Posted by mercykilling View Post
A blatant statement was made by the devs which I will paraphrase here. "We once got $15 a month from you, and that covered everything we put out. Now, however....we want a $15 sub and extra for you to get everything we put out."
The statement wasn't blatant. It was inferred by you, and some others. I don't believe it was ever implied.
If you remove the monthly stipend from the VIP benefits, we STILL get more for our $15 then we did before. Adding the stipend lets us select some of the extras to get alongside those regular subscription benefits.

True, we're getting stuff at a more frequent pace. This just shows me that the game developers were capable of this pace previous to the Freedom model, but were too.....heck, I'm not sure -why- they didn't.
And your mechanic was capable of fixing your brakes when you were only paying him to fix your transmission, but he was too..... heck, I'm not sure -why- he didn't fix your brakes for free, since he was already working on your car.

I'm not sure the previous verteran program yearly slots count as purchased slots.
They do.

Nor am I sure if I'd get to keep the 12 "original" slots or get dropped down to the 2 or 4 slots a premium/free player gets.
You'd be Premium, so you'd have 2 (total, not per server), plus however many extra slots you'd earned or purchased.

I like mah global channels.
You'd keep them. If you've paid ANYTHING on your account, be it a single purchase of points, or a month's subscription, you have at least one Token beyond the default one. It only takes those two tokens to unlock chat channels.

I like having bases for my characters. And yeah, they're SG's and VG's with nothing but my characters in them.
You'd keep those too, though once every 2 months, you'd have to get a VIP friend to join and pay your rent, or the bases will be locked. Once per 6 weeks if you have things that require power and/or control.

So it's not because of how we as V.I.P.'s are getting ALL THESE MARVELOUS THINGS from the devs that keep me coming back....because we're not. Really. We are for the most part getting shafted by the marketing department now.
You state this as if it's fact. It isn't. It's your opinion.
As you said earlier (in a part I already clipped out of my quotes. Oops), not everyone is going to agree with you. On this point, I don't. The devs are doing a lot more than they used to. They have a much larger team. Someone has to pay them for that. And before you can multiply $15 by whatever number of subscribers you think they have (because someone will do that) and use that as proof that they're all swimming in Scrooge McDuck's money bin, remember that there's a LOT more to running a business than just wages. Maintaining servers that can run the game is a HUGE expense.

I bet dollars to doughnuts someone will clip something out of this
Yep! Clipping the quote makes it easier to reply to you on a point-by-point basis. It also lets me remove the parts that I'm not replying to, so there isn't a wall of text that isn't even relevant to my replies.

and use it to point out yet another fallacious and erroneous judgmental statement I seemed to have made with this post.
Nope! To the best of my ability, I've retained all relevant context in anything I quoted.

However, because you asked so nicely, I'm updating my sig, just for you.




Originally Posted by mercykilling View Post

What is a slap in the face is that the very same subscription fee was just fine for game play for a VERY LONG TIME. Freedom comes along and all of a sudden, it's no longer enough. A blatant statement was made by the devs which I will paraphrase here. "We once got $15 a month from you, and that covered everything we put out. Now, however....we want a $15 sub and extra for you to get everything we put out."
Your paraphrase is not accurate. Before Freedom, your subscription did NOT cover everything the devs put out.

If you did not purchase the CoH Collector's Edition or the Hero Gear kit you did not get access to the Prestige Power Slide, the Cape of the Four Winds or the VIP badge.

When CoV was released, if you already had CoH but did not purchase CoV you had no access to bases, villain AT's, villain zones, villain missions and you only had the base 8 slots per server. Similarly, if you bought CoV but did not purchase CoH you had no access to bases, hero AT's, hero zones, hero missions and you only had the base 8 slots per server. Purchasing BOTH games gave you access to bases and added 4 character slots per server.

If you did not purchase the CoV Collector's Edition you did not get the exclusive Arachnos Chest Symbol or Arachnos Cape Symbol.

If you did not purchase the Good vs Evil Edition (or the GvE Pack from the NCSoft store) you did not get access to the Jump Pack power, the Justice costume set, the Sinister costume set, the Pocket D VIP Pass Teleport Power or the Pocket D VIP Club Gold Member badge.

Then they released the Wedding pack and started offering Super Boosters. If you did not purchase these, you had no access to the costume parts, auras, emotes and powers that were included.

If you did not purchase the Mac Special edition (or the Mac Pack/Valkyrie Pack from the NCSoft Store) you did not get access to the Mission Transporter or the Valkyrie costume set.

When Going Rogue was released, if you did not purchase Going Rogue then you did not have access to Praetoria, the Alignment system, Dual Pistols, Kinetic Melee, Electric Control or Demon Summoning powersets, the Going Rogue costume sets or the GR content that was not part of Issue 18. Also, if you did not purchase Going Rogue you did not have access to Incarnate content that was released prior to Freedom (Incarnate Access was not included with GR, but purchase of GR was a prerequisite for being able to access Incarnate content).

Then their was the Party Pack, the Animal Pack, the Origins Pack and the Steampunk Pack. If you didn't purchase them you got no access to the emotes, auras, costume parts or powers they contained.

That's quite a few things that were not included with the subscription cost before Freedom.

So no, your $15/month did not cover everything the devs put out.

Originally Posted by mercykilling View Post

By the way...I bet dollars to doughnuts someone will clip something out of this and use it to point out yet another fallacious and erroneous judgmental statement I seemed to have made with this post.
Yes, I clipped something out of your post (an entire paragraph so no context was lost) and pointed out a fallacious and erroneous statement you made, but there was no judgmental tone to my post. It was merely pointing out the errors and fallacies in your paraphrase of the Devs comments.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



True, we're getting stuff at a more frequent pace. This just shows me that the game developers were capable of this pace previous to the Freedom model, but were too.....heck, I'm not sure -why- they didn't. Another slap in the face.
No, actually they weren't capable of that pace before.

How many new rednames have popped up since Freedom went live? Every one of those new rednames is either a new employee, or someone who got promoted.

The income from subscriptions alone was not enough to pay all those new employees or the increased salaries of those who were promoted. How do I know that? Because they weren't here before the game had extra income from the Freedom business model.

The pace they are releasing new things at now is a direct result of the fact that they have more manpower to work on multiple projects at once.

All these new powersets? The powers department is probably separated into at least 2 teams now, headed up by Synapse and Arbiter Hawk respectively. Before Freedom it was only one team, as evidenced by the fact that we got one or two new powersets at a time, and they were few and far between.

New animations at an increased pace indicates a larger animation department. Same with new zones, new storylines, etc. etc. etc.

Everything we are getting more of before is a result of having more people available to work on it. Prior to Freedom they didn't have the money to PAY all those people.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by mercykilling View Post
True, we're getting stuff at a more frequent pace. This just shows me that the game developers were capable of this pace previous to the Freedom model, but were too.....heck, I'm not sure -why- they didn't. Another slap in the face.
Seriously? I know a couple of people have replied to this quote, but you really claim this after reading the rest of this thread?

They are providing more stuff now because the new model empowers it.

I really think your face doth protest too much. It's claiming incoming slaps that really just aren't there.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



This thread is still alive?!?



Originally Posted by mercykilling View Post
What is a slap in the face is the fact that I pay a monthly stipend. Which should set me above marketing schemes and ploys. But does not.
Nobody promised you freedom from marketing or everything free for that $15.

Let's go over this again. You get:

  • 192 character slots (12 slots on each of 16 servers) with the ability to buy up to 576 more (36 more on each server), plus a free slot for every year of subscription. On Freemium, you get two slots, plus vet slots, plus any slots you buy. 192-2 = 190. How much do slots cost?
  • You get 400-550 Paragon Points for use in purchasing things that don't come free with your sub. Can you buy everything, all at once, without waiting? No. Will you ever have "everything" without spending your own money? No. You were never promised this. And if you expected it, you're nuts.
  • You get access to premium content (SSAs) without having to buy them. You get access to premium systems (like Incarnates) that can't be purchased at ANY price.
  • You get access to betas so you can help test out new content and get an advanced look at it. This way you can see if something coming down the pipeline is something you want to spend your Paragon Point Stipend on or if it's something you can pass on.
  • We get automatic access to a bunch of systems as part of our subscription that either require additional, recurring fees (see mini-subscription) or semi-long-term vet status.
  • Etc, etc

What is a slap in the face is that the very same subscription fee was just fine for game play for a VERY LONG TIME. Freedom comes along and all of a sudden, it's no longer enough. A blatant statement was made by the devs which I will paraphrase here. "We once got $15 a month from you, and that covered everything we put out. Now, however....we want a $15 sub and extra for you to get everything we put out."
You weren't given access to various Collector's Edition items for free.
Nor were you given access to items in SuperPacks for free.

You seem to be missing the point. That fee, when that's ALL they had to rely on, wasn't generating enough stable revenue to maintain the game at a pace the developers wanted. The fact that the various SuperBoosters sold so well demonstrated that there was a secondary market and that money was being left on the table.

They still have the stable revenue stream in subscriptions.

But they have a new, more volatile (meaning some days/weeks/months it is generating lots of cash, and others it's not generating as much) revenue stream with the cash shop. The cash shop is what's allowing them to hire and keep people to turn out this additional content.

True, we're getting stuff at a more frequent pace. This just shows me that the game developers were capable of this pace previous to the Freedom model, but were too.....heck, I'm not sure -why- they didn't. Another slap in the face.
Oh cry me a river. See above. The additional revenue of the cash shop is what's allowing them to turn out the new stuff faster. Check out the Coffee Talks. You'll see a bunch of new artists involved. The additional money brought in by freedom is what allowed these people to be hired.

Now...I get that not everyone shares my opinion. Which is fine. Really.
You're entitled to your own (wrong) opinions. Nobody's disputing that.

But to insult me and tear me down simply because my opinion is different from the majority is.....well.......just immature.
The problem is, your opinion is based off incorrect facts. Having someone correct you, or take you to task for your own rudeness for this isn't "tearing you down" or "insulting" you.

I'm a human being too, with the same right to express my concerns and feelings here as everyone else.
That's nice.

To me, you're a bunch of LEDs on a screen. Ones conveying a somewhat rude, self-entitled POV.

What's more, you're coming across as irrational and emotionally overwrought. I've never had much, if any, tolerance for that sort of thing.

Kinda makes me wish there was a way to ignore certain forumites posts like you can ignore certain people ingame.
There is. But, as with your arguments about the state of the VIP system in the game, you simply haven't done your homework.

Yes, I feel wounded and slighted by the way we as V.I.P.'s are being treated. We get the same marketing department schemes to drum up money tossed our way that is intended for premium players and free players. That should change. Not likely to, but I wish it would.

Pretty sure we know what all the perks are....and those perks are why I'm still paying the sub.
So you're griping because Paragon's trying to wrangle additional cash out of you for unnecessary amenities and luxuries?

No offense, but this is a teacup tragedy at worst.

By the way...I bet dollars to doughnuts someone will clip something out of this and use it to point out yet another fallacious and erroneous judgmental statement I seemed to have made with this post.
Then it behooves you to be as loquacious as possible to avoid any sort of misunderstandings about your position due to inherent lack of clarity.

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Without reading much of this thread and the many responses... Just simply riffing off of the title and some of what I remember being discussed here a while ago...

I sometimes feel like the real VIP isn't until you're Tier 9.
So, I can understand being a subscriber (before reaching Tier 9) and not feeling all that much like a "Very Important Person" in the company's eyes, compared to others that are Tier 9.

I'm not crying foul over that or anything. I'm just simply pointing out my own take on the VIPness of the Freedom's subscriber system.

Do your time as a subscriber and eventually you're a real VIP. Until then, you're caught a little beneath the gold and platinum subscribers.
Still... I have found the Paragon Points stipend to cover everything I've wanted, so I do not feel as though I have to pay my subscription and buy other stuff and so on (which I did before Freedom for Booster Packs and some of the other content available through the different boxes).
I have points saved up still, and I've gotten a lot of things that I've enjoyed from the market... all from just being a subscriber.

My only complaint would be that I'd have preferred if previous sub time and money spent on the game counted a little further into the tier system.

A new subscriber under the Freedom system would have been a Tier 9 a lot quicker than I am getting there and for a lot less money than I've spent.
As I said, I am not crying foul over it and I'm okay with it, but if I could change anything (to satisfy my own position) it'd be that.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



I do quite love how people that quoted me didn't bother to include the reasons I love this game. Focusing on my negative rather than my positive.
If this is truly what stands out most to you....readjust your perceptions.

One last time. Succinctly. For me, in my own opinion...which I am quite aware people think is flawed, wrong, whatever...but is nonetheless valid because it is based on /how I feel/ rather than your "facts" is that what I enjoy out of this game outweighs what I find to be discouraging about the game.

Sunshine, not rain, people. Please.

After all, the title of the thread isn't "I can't prove I'm VIP"....it's "I don't FEEL VIP at all." Feelings can sometimes throw facts right out the window. If you've got them, I'm sure you've experienced this. I'm agreeing with the original poster in that what's happening now doesn't make me FEEL very important. At least, not from the game developers. The friends I have in the game make me feel important.

And to all those people? I give a hearty thanks and an electronic hug.



Originally Posted by mercykilling View Post
I do quite love how people that quoted me didn't bother to include the reasons I love this game. Focusing on my negative rather than my positive.
Because it's a practice used in making fallacious arguments (see "False Humility").

Complaint + "But I love this game" (or "Hey. But what do I know?") is not a real method for demonstrating moderation or neutral POV.

If this is truly what stands out most to you....readjust your perceptions.
You first.

Nobody's going to pet the dog for you on portions of your argument they may agree with. They're going to dissect the portions of your argument that they have a beef with (or are just plain wrong).

If you can't handle this, or are incapable of growing a slightly more resistant epidermis, you may want to just drop it.

One last time. Succinctly. For me, in my own opinion...which I am quite aware people think is flawed, wrong, whatever...but is nonetheless valid because it is based on /how I feel/ rather than your "facts" is that what I enjoy out of this game outweighs what I find to be discouraging about the game.
No. Your feelings and your opinion are your own. Nobody is arguing that.

But, simply because they're your feelings doesn't make them "valid".

I "feel" I should have a corner office with a view, not a McJob. Therefore my feeling is "valid" right?

Never mind that I didn't do the work to warrant being in a corner-office-with-a-view job instead of asking "Would you like fries with that?"

Strength of convction != Strength Of Argument

Sunshine, not rain, people. Please.
But you're the one putting forth a complaint.

Telling people to be "Happy happy joy joy" with you when you're complaining, wrongfully, about something based on nothing more than your feelings is straight up bovine feces.

Sorry, but the whole passive-aggressive thing just doesn't work for you.

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Originally Posted by mercykilling View Post
What is a slap in the face is that the very same subscription fee was just fine for game play for a VERY LONG TIME. Freedom comes along and all of a sudden, it's no longer enough.
Really? You're using the term "slap in the face" on the internet and expecting to be taken seriously?

...looking past that, though...

Where were you for the 7ish years before Freedom? Did you miss all the costume packs that were released? The two expansions with power sets and costume sets exclusive to those expansions? That SUBSTANTIALLY slower rate of costume sets and powers and other such being released?

Ignoring the costume packs and expansions, the subscription was enough before, sure. FOR THE RATE OF CONTENT RELEASE THEN. Content release has been substantially ramped up since release, and specifically because they can fund it via the market now.

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



Originally Posted by mercykilling View Post
I do quite love how people that quoted me didn't bother to include the reasons I love this game. Focusing on my negative rather than my positive.
I do love how you think that's in the least bit relevant to their responses. The fact that you have reasons you like this game has nothing to do with your complaints being based on misinformation.

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



Originally Posted by mercykilling View Post
I do quite love how people that quoted me didn't bother to include the reasons I love this game. Focusing on my negative rather than my positive.
If this is truly what stands out most to you....readjust your perceptions.
Why would we quote things we don't take issue with or otherwise want to comment on?

It's very simple. We quote the parts that are relevant to what we have to say. Your positive comments aren't relevant to what I know that I quoted above in any way, either to support your statements or to support my response to them. As they are irrelevant, there's no value in referring to them.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by mercykilling View Post
What is a slap in the face is that the very same subscription fee was just fine for game play for a VERY LONG TIME. Freedom comes along and all of a sudden, it's no longer enough. A blatant statement was made by the devs which I will paraphrase here. "We once got $15 a month from you, and that covered everything we put out. Now, however....we want a $15 sub and extra for you to get everything we put out."

True, we're getting stuff at a more frequent pace. This just shows me that the game developers were capable of this pace previous to the Freedom model, but were too.....heck, I'm not sure -why- they didn't. Another slap in the face.
Wait a second. Are you actually saying that you have no idea how the devs could possibly be making more content now than before, and also don't understand why they have to charge more for some of the content they are making now? You actually think its a coincidence that they make more content now, and charge more for some of it?

Consider my mind officially blown.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Wait a second. Are you actually saying that you have no idea how the devs could possibly be making more content now than before, and also don't understand why they have to charge more for some of the content they are making now? You actually think its a coincidence that they make more content now, and charge more for some of it?

Consider my mind officially blown.
It's a wonder he can even operate the computer.

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



This whole thread making it to 25! Pages IS a....

Slap in the face!

(runs and hides snickering cuz I am uber l33t pwn nubsauce or what have you.)

"You sir, have never been in a hammer fight, that much is clear."

*yeah, I quoted myself.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Consider my mind officially blown.
Great visual! Eyes clenched shut, teeth gritted, numbers come squirting out your ears!

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Originally Posted by Tyger42 View Post
It's a wonder he can even operate the computer.
I'm not surprised he can use a computer. I am kind of shocked (you guys must be so freaking bored) that he can get you to argue with him for 25 pages. Dude needs to play a Tanker, he got Taunt in his bones. lolololololololol



Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
I'm not surprised he can use a computer. I am kind of shocked (you guys must be so freaking bored) that he can get you to argue with him for 25 pages. Dude needs to play a Tanker, he got Taunt in his bones. lolololololololol
Riiiight. We should just say nothing and let him spread misinformation so people that don't know any better can get the wrong ideas about this game and how things work.

Then they go and spread that same misinformation further because it must be true since no one contradicted it.



Originally Posted by mercykilling View Post
Not sure how you managed to think I was talking about paragon points.
You TOTALLY missed my intended point......
this one?

No worries, it came through loud and clear.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Great visual! Eyes clenched shut, teeth gritted, numbers come squirting out your ears!

Not much more to add except that more stuff quicker and some stuff when unsubbed is much better than ragequiting and getting nothing at all.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Riiiight. We should just say nothing and let him spread misinformation so people that don't know any better can get the wrong ideas about this game and how things work.

Then they go and spread that same misinformation further because it must be true since no one contradicted it.

I was going to say that no one would read 25 pages of this, then realized everyone just goes to the last page. Torches, Pitchforks, ready, and "Roll em!"



Originally Posted by mercykilling View Post
What is a slap in the face is the fact that I pay a monthly stipend. Which should set me above marketing schemes and ploys. But does not.
You use the phrase "slap in the face" a lot. And just as a pure matter of writing and communications: I put it to you that by the end of a post like this, the fact that the heavy repetition of that phrase has me laughing out loud every time I see it and thinking in terms of a drinking game means that it is almost certainly not having the rhetorical effect that you intend.

What is a slap in the face

is that the very same subscription fee was just fine for game play for a VERY LONG TIME. Freedom comes along and all of a sudden, it's no longer enough. A blatant statement was made by the devs which I will paraphrase here. "We once got $15 a month from you, and that covered everything we put out. Now, however....we want a $15 sub and extra for you to get everything we put out."
Why, yes.

See, this is equivocation. "Everything we put out" is a term that has changed meaning substantially between the first usage and the second usage.

True, we're getting stuff at a more frequent pace.
Which is to say: "Everything we put out" has changed meaning.

Let us go to the... CAR ANALOGY!

My friend runs a car dealership. He used to have a TINY little dealership. Like. He had a car. You could go there, and buy the car, and then he'd have to get another. He got them from this very friendly young gentleman, although often the locks were not in the best of shape. So you could, on any given day, go to his dealership and buy The Car. It was about $500. So $500 got you every car he had to sell. Later, he made friends with a couple more friendly young gentleman, and he started having four cars at a time. So $500 no longer got you every car he had to sell; now, it would cost you $1,000 to get every car he had to sell. But wait! That's only twice as much! Yes, you see, when he increased the size of his dealership, he started stiffing his suppliers, and passing the savings on to the consumer! So $500 now got you two cars. But, at the same time, $500 only got you half of what he had to sell!

Now, imagine that instead of cars with oddly defective locks, we were investigating content produced by an MMO developer. At one point, "everything they had on offer" was a given amount of content. So for $15/month, you got that much content. Later, they started producing a lot more content. Three or four times more content, in fact! But you no longer got it all for $15 per month. Now, if you just kept paying $15/month, you got more content than you used to. But you also had the option of paying more, and getting even more content!

This just shows me that the game developers were capable of this pace previous to the Freedom model, but were too.....heck, I'm not sure -why- they didn't. Another slap in the face.

Maybe you could slow down and explain this part to me, because I might be missing something.

How does this show that they were capable of this pace previous to the Freedom model?

Because all you've done so far is show that:
1. At a time when they were receiving less money, they produced less stuff.
2. When they started receiving more money, they produced more stuff.

Now, this may be just one of those crazy thoughts I have sometimes, but it almost seems to me like this creates the impression of a correlation between receipt of money, and production of stuff. Also, I am given to understand that the people producing the stuff are in a relationship to Paragon Studios known as "employment", wherein they produce stuff in exchange for money. In many fields, where there is such a relationship, if you want more stuff produced, you generally hire more people (or more skilled people), which costs more money. This sort of suggests, dare I say it, an explanation for the apparent causal chain from "receive more money" to "produce more stuff".

Now...I get that not everyone shares my opinion. Which is fine. Really. ^_^
But to insult me and tear me down simply because my opinion is different from the majority is.....well.......just immature.
What does the majority have to do with it? I am disputing your claims because your opinion is different from mine, and because it seems to me that this is a matter wherein it is possible to speak of evidence "supporting" one opinion or another, and furthermore where it seems to me that the evidence does not support yours.

Yes, I feel wounded and slighted by the way we as V.I.P.'s are being treated. We get the same marketing department schemes to drum up money tossed our way that is intended for premium players and free players. That should change. Not likely to, but I wish it would.
I don't see why it should.

By the way...I bet dollars to doughnuts someone will clip something out of this and use it to point out yet another fallacious and erroneous judgmental statement I seemed to have made with this post.
I'll take that bet, but I warn you, this time of day all that's left are the ones with the coconut on them, usually.



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
Why would we quote things we don't take issue with or otherwise want to comment on?

It's very simple. We quote the parts that are relevant to what we have to say. Your positive comments aren't relevant to what I know that I quoted above in any way, either to support your statements or to support my response to them. As they are irrelevant, there's no value in referring to them.
Exactly. The analysis of the business model is completely unrelated to whether you love or hate the game. I happen to like the game a fair bit, but it doesn't matter. I can analyze business models of products I dislike, too.