Discussion: Introducing Tweet Code Thursdays!




Originally Posted by Megajoule View Post
What everyone here needs to understand is that we are not the community being marketed to in this case.

(Though we are, quite possibly, the community being "managed.")

That's not the issue. Even though WE may not be the targeted community, we are the effected community... thus the issue still remains for these types of promotions.



Originally Posted by Megajoule View Post
What everyone here needs to understand is that we are not the community being marketed to in this case.

(Though we are, quite possibly, the community being "managed.")
what I find amusing is they are trying to "build" their twitter community. last week they gained almost 600 people (or the equivalent or approx 85 people a day) so far for this "promotion" they have gained 17. there is no need to follow, no need to interact, just camp on the webpage and wait for the announcement.



Originally Posted by Megajoule View Post
What everyone here needs to understand is that we are not the community being marketed to in this case.
And by doing so, they are making a good portion of the community not being marketed to ticked off. Not really a "win" for the company.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Razai View Post
That's not the issue. Even though WE may not be the targeted community, we are the effected community... thus the issue still remains for these types of promotions.
I'm aware of that. What I'm trying to explain is that, to the people making the decision(s) to run these promotions, it is not relevant. We are not relevant.

That, in my opinion, is what everyone reading this needs to understand. Zwillinger came out and said it a couple of times, earlier in the thread: regardless of what we think or say, this is going forward.

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Originally Posted by Megajoule View Post
I'm aware of that. What I'm trying to explain is that, to the people making the decision(s) to run these promotions, it is not relevant. We are not relevant.

That, in my opinion, is what everyone reading this needs to understand. Zwillinger came out and said it a couple of times, earlier in the thread: regardless of what we think or say, this is going forward.
I understood that. Their message is clear, but they will have to find out the hard way that this is a VERY bad idea. They will see that once their revenue starts declining when the upset subscribed community decides to prove their point and yank their monthly subs to only play for the free stuff and nothing more.

It's no threat, but I have been seriously considering yanking my monthly sub every time I see a promotion of this type and I am getting that much closer to hitting that button to remove my card from auto-bill. I'm sure there are many that will go to that extreme if they too get tired of this type of slap in the face, as that is how I see it.

Someone already said it and it's true other games that have tried this method could afford the loss of some of their players, CoX is not one of them that could afford to loose many. They might think so with the introduction of the PM even if the subs go premium. I tell you this though: the day my account(s) go free I will not make a single purchase on the market and CoX will be more for casual play, because I would have moved on to something else and paying that company my CoX sub fee.



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
URL Meta redirects are a security concern. I've specifically blocked all meta redirects that I can.
Snow Globe - Is it possible that you blocking all of these meta redirects could be affecting your being able to log in to and access your Master Account?

Is it possible that there is a meta redirect taking place during the authentication process that your settings are specifically prohibiting?

Since part of what they did was to split the Aion and Lineage II off to a different authentication and billing system (using the email address now instead of the account username) they could be doing meta redirects at that point to direct traffic from one generic login page to different sites based on the credentials supplied.

In other words, your overly restrictive settings may be causing the problems you are experiencing.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



Originally Posted by nytflyr View Post
part a. is incorrect, you just have to bookmark the page. when they had you retweet last week you had to sign up.
I see, but as it stands it still sucks in my eyes. Too much bull to deal with. When I play a game I want to have fun playing it. Staring at a twitter page while frantically hitting refresh is not my idea of a good time so I'll pass on this ill conceived promo.



Originally Posted by Razai View Post
I understood that. Their message is clear, but they will have to find out the hard way that this is a VERY bad idea. They will see that once their revenue starts declining when the upset subscribed community decides to prove their point and yank their monthly subs to only play for the free stuff and nothing more.

It's no threat, but I have been seriously considering yanking my monthly sub every time I see a promotion of this type and I am getting that much closer to hitting that button to remove my card from auto-bill. I'm sure there are many that will go to that extreme if they too get tired of this type of slap in the face, as that is how I see it.

Someone already said it and it's true other games that have tried this method could afford the loss of some of their players, CoX is not one of them that could afford to loose many. They might think so with the introduction of the PM even if the subs go premium. I tell you this though: the day my account(s) go free I will not make a single purchase on the market and CoX will be more for casual play, because I would have moved on to something else and paying that company my CoX sub fee.

Agree. The moment they release something that would be "vital" for my main and my chances of having said item is near impossible It would really cause some distaste for the game. Luckily the dots aura, loyalty aura, black wolf, and void skiff are things I really dont care about.

Point was, my main in another game had an affinity for ice and I wanted every cool ice weapon and when they would constantly release ice weapons all through december for a week at a time that required real money and were gone forever after that week, well thats not cool. Pardon the pun. Luckily paragon is doing that right. They dont release some must have every week, and even if they did, things like powersets and costumes will still be there in a month or longer. Which means I'm free to pay my bills and getting things when its convenient.



Originally Posted by DarwinPrime View Post
Above all, just as Patrick Swayze said in Roadhouse, "Be nice."
"Until it's time not to be nice."
Is it that time yet?

Originally Posted by De_monique View Post
Having three employees work on it for 2 days, 2 employees for 1 whole day and 1 employee for 1 day to keep your clientele happy, I think is well worth it and it mitigates outbreaks such as this thread here.
er, no. Having 3 employees tied up for 2 days to benefit such a TINY number of people is an absurd waste of resources.

Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
And by doing so, they are making a good portion of the community not being marketed to ticked off. Not really a "win" for the company.
Yeah, if by "good portion" you mean "tiny portion".
As with most things in the game that have a bunch of people screaming bloody murder, most really don't care.

So, they're giving away something inconsequential while I'm at work, then they extended it but it's on Twitter and I don't have an account and don't feel like creating one.
BFD! It's a game! It's a trivial item in a game! Yikes.

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If you are going to revert back to your original format, I am going to revert to my original feedback. It is a terrible idea to pit your customers against one another, no matter how many codes you throw out.

A circle forms, everybody comes round
Just to hear the incredible sound
Of a genius smashing expectations

- Jonathan Coulton



I think the big problem at least in my eyes is that they currently have a little over 6,000 followers, that great. However they are only giving out 360 codes. So only 6% of people following them will receive a code and that doesn't count for the people who grabbed a code that aren't following them. It just seems like they are excluding a lot of people from this event. It's clear that Twitter is not the best avenue what they are offering.

"while some people would say fish, cow, ambush!"-Ice9



no is forcing anyone to participate in this. you can if you want to, doesn't mean you have to. I don't get what all the fus is about. Should I be upset that I am not able to get all the VIP Tier 9 stuff because I havent been a member long enough and that I do not have the available funds to spend? No....jeez people take some stuff WAY to seriously, it is a game people, it is not a matter of life and death.

You only fail if you give up. - Dana Scully

Time Jesum Transeuntum Et Non Riverentum - Nick Cave

We're not just destroyers, at the same time we can be saviors. - Allen Walker



Originally Posted by Sevenpenny View Post
no is forcing anyone to participate in this. you can if you want to, doesn't mean you have to. I don't get what all the fus is about. Should I be upset that I am not able to get all the VIP Tier 9 stuff because I havent been a member long enough and that I do not have the available funds to spend? No....jeez people take some stuff WAY to seriously, it is a game people, it is not a matter of life and death.
Except if you have the money you can spend it and get all the tier 9 VIP stuff, as in there is another way then just paying the monthly sub. There is no other way to receive this stuff outside of the promotion.

"while some people would say fish, cow, ambush!"-Ice9



Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
Snow Globe - Is it possible that you blocking all of these meta redirects could be affecting your being able to log in to and access your Master Account?

Is it possible that there is a meta redirect taking place during the authentication process that your settings are specifically prohibiting?

Since part of what they did was to split the Aion and Lineage II off to a different authentication and billing system (using the email address now instead of the account username) they could be doing meta redirects at that point to direct traffic from one generic login page to different sites based on the credentials supplied.

In other words, your overly restrictive settings may be causing the problems you are experiencing.
Nope. It was a password authentication failure on the website. This afternoon, without changing anything on my side, I was able to get past that screen and then get blocked by their asinine IP check scheme.

Now I either have to wait till next week for a security question clear, find a way around the settings, or by some miracle remember how I capitalized the answers to the poor choice of security questions because my ISP decided to change my IP address after 10 years.

And NOW I can't even access my account in-<pancake>-game.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Personaly i dont use Twitter becasue i hate their spam....and even though they say they dont....they do sell your information.

My fake information used in advertisement/sales email showed this easily enough.

Facebook isnt much better either.

Personaly I dont understand why this company would use a third party group for this promotion and simply not just use this games own message board.

I guess...I am under the opinion the people who actualy use this game's message boards actualy have a more vested interest in this game then people who use twitter and face book.

And the code isnt going to actualy get more people very well...considering if they dont play or have no idea....they wont have an account...thus only a person with an account will get the code and use it fast...ie potential new players will miss out due to having to make an account and someone already having one will use the code fast....thus the concept of getting new players is kind of not going to happen.

You might get people to start twitter accounts i suppose for this promotion.....but seriously....if they are doing it for the codes only....their interest level in twitter isnt going to be there...so they wont be using twitter for very much and wont be giving full information that Twitter can sell very well....instead they will play this game.

I too am disapointed with the one time use codes....as alot of people will miss out with that system....I will definately miss out as I am not going to make a twitter or google+ account...i already regret having a facebook account...and have taken steps to obfuscate the information it has.

Anywise this will be a big plus to the twitter users....especialy when not playing city of heroes.



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
Nope. It was a password authentication failure on the website. This afternoon, without changing anything on my side, I was able to get past that screen and then get blocked by their asinine IP check scheme.

Now I either have to wait till next week for a security question clear, find a way around the settings, or by some miracle remember how I capitalized the answers to the poor choice of security questions because my ISP decided to change my IP address after 10 years.

And NOW I can't even access my account in-<pancake>-game.
It was just a thought, especially since I'd been presented with new information I didn't have before (you blocking Meta redirects).

Good luck on the password capitalization.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



no this dosn't work any <pancake> better, i had my account open in one window an wtitter in the other, every code i tried to put in was already in use, so no it sucks ***



wow - the appeal of this wore off very quickly.

All codes in the 8:30 PM EST post were used in under 30 seconds. I have 0 interest in doing this again.

Go Team Venture!



you could also try asking support.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
It was just a thought, especially since I'd been presented with new information I didn't have before (you blocking Meta redirects).

Good luck on the password capitalization.
I've had enough. I submitted a support question (that thankfully still works, even though the captcha is garbage). I'm just glad that I've kept every single code that I've applied to my account.

Good thing I decided not to participate in today's giveaway, as I can't get into my account anyway.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



This is so full of fail. But the COH bunch don't see it that way. Oh well. I myself went to work today. To earn that living, to make money to support my hobby. Didn't get a chance to sit and wait for a tweet. Noticed at the time of my posting over 17 thousand views to this thread. A handful of posts. Just curious if a pole was taking of the player base if they supported this idea what the outcome would be? Well off to load into Exalted. You know that dead server full of VIPs that keep leaving the game.



Well, kudos for at least giving at a good try for last week. I know it wasn't the ideal solution on your end, but still, good on you guys for sticking it out and going the extra mile for that one. The image solution isn't the greatest though, but it's certainly an improvement over 1 per tweet. Here's hoping you get the promocode business sorted soon.

For consideration though, at least when you required people to retweet the message it ensured they were following you, and it gave a free CoH advertisement to all of their followers as well. Now, following isn't even really a requirement.



Originally Posted by Hit Streak View Post
In short, if you want an item code, do the following:
  • Follow us on Twitter
  • Re-tweet our tweet when prompted to do so
  • Receive a code
This was a good idea... so good I made a Twitter account and followed @CityOfHeroes, The first Thursday (Friday, whatever) I missed the first opportunity, I was disappointed but generally accepting that I had missed the opportunity. I was able to re-tweet the second offering in time and though I had to wait for Monday to receive my code, was more than happy to wait.

Then today happened... and Twitter suddenly became a PvP zone.

This lead to frustration, aggravation, and the feeling, not that I'd missed an opportunity, but that something was stolen from me by people with faster, better equipment and/or internet connections.

While I was able to eventually get a code, this Thursday was not an enjoyable experience. I know it may be more work, but please, please, please go back to how this was done before. I understand hitting a limit of messages you can send per day, and while I'd suggest making another twitter account to pass out rewards, I don't mind waiting a few days to get a code if it prevents the speed-typing insanity of this Thursday.

/.-, VVolf




Originally Posted by VVolf View Post
This was a good idea... so good I made a Twitter account and followed @CityOfHeroes, The first Thursday (Friday, whatever) I missed the first opportunity, I was disappointed but generally accepting that I had missed the opportunity. I was able to re-tweet the second offering in time and though I had to wait for Monday to receive my code, was more than happy to wait.

Then today happened... and Twitter suddenly became a PvP zone.

This lead to frustration, aggravation, and the feeling, not that I'd missed an opportunity, but that something was stolen from me by people with faster, better equipment and/or internet connections.

While I was able to eventually get a code, this Thursday was not an enjoyable experience. I know it may be more work, but please, please, please go back to how this was done before. I understand hitting a limit of messages you can send per day, and while I'd suggest making another twitter account to pass out rewards, I don't mind waiting a few days to get a code if it prevents the speed-typing insanity of this Thursday.
This pretty much sums up my stance on the Twitter ordeal.

I actually dusted off an old twitter account (because this is clearly something I do not 'follow') to participate and even went among my server's channels and spread the word of a 'code-give away' that did not require as the previous advertisement stated 'luck and twitchy fingers' and gave everyone a chance to relax and be provided a code for basic free advertisement. I must say I was highly disappointed in today's code give-away, it feels as if I was European that I would have a better chance than to try and browser tab my way to a North American victory (in which I actually did 'win' a code just to see that it was an EU and not NA as I had misread. Of course already having the code from a PvP League, I wasn't that frustrated).

I would rather have three spaced out guaranteed code chances for five minutes than this 'race'. I do understand that there seemed to be very few people dishing out the codes last week, but as the above quote stated, I would rather wait a day or so than to give up altogether on this idea.

‎'You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.'



Well I got one !