Discussion: Introducing Tweet Code Thursdays!




I have been able to get a code every Thursday, so I am not complaining



I got one of the (very few) EU codes this morning at 6:27 am (UK time), 23 minutes (!!!)after it was posted... I guess the EU player base was sleeping.

Arc "Save the TV, Save the World!"


Cheerleaders, ninjas, vampires, zombies, ETs, time travellers, Spartans... all is here!

ID - 79690



Once more. Store. My money. Take it.

At least Paragon is using twitter correctly-ish. I unfollowed #GameOfThrones because they retweet every ******* tweet they get and spam spammity spam.

The Defenders of Paragon
KGB Special Section 8



Yesterday they put up a grand total of 42 EU codes (that's including the ones that went up at 6am this morning GMT). They stopped posting EU codes around 10pm GMT after only posting 27 of the things!

They put up well over 300 US codes by the look of things (I stopped counting at 259 when I went to bed around 2:30am).

Help Dirk Knightly the freelance detective solve a case in Arc ID:368097



This event has been one of my least favorite things I've ever experienced in this game. Please don't do it again.


38 FF/Sonic Def
35 Ill/Storm
35 DM/Regen
1 pan of fresh brownies/gallon of milk



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
5% of the people post on the forums. Going by the reaction in this thread, a good 95% of the posters in this thread are against this type of promotion. Do the math.
OK. (Apologies to Arcanaville for the shoddy methodology that follows.)

There's about 37 pages of posts at this time in this thread, using my settings of 20 posts per page. Allowing that some folks are posting repeatedly (like us), and that some posts are by Hit Streak and Zwillinger (who aren't customers) let's go with an average of, say, 12 unique customer posts per page. That adds up to 37*12 = 444 unique customers.

95% of that would be about 422 customers. If every one of those customers was a VIP and stopped their subscriptions as a result of the bad feelings from the Twitter giveaway, I suspect that the numbers might not even be visible in the statistical noise from month-to-month revenue changes.

There are over 176,000 forum account users in the 'Members List'; accepting that some percentage of those are inactive accounts, and using the '5% of all customers post in the forums' rule-of-thumb, it's still very true that the folks posting in this thread are pretty much the definition of 'vocal minority', myself most definitely included.

And my point is that players that want the items from the promotions aren't getting access to them with these code grabs. Turning away loyal customers isn't a good business practice.
In what sense are you being 'turned away'? The community team is giving away free stuff on Twitter. If the stuff they were giving away was easily available in other ways, there would be little incentive to go to Twitter to try to get the free stuff. If you don't want to be on Twitter, then you don't have to be. If you don't want to camp Twitter on the top of the hour and try to grab a code, you don't have to.

The only way I can imagine that you'd feel 'turned away' by this if if you feel you're entitled to a code because you already play this game. And sorry, not going to back you up on that one.

City of Heroes grew its customer base not by following other MMOs, but by making choices that other MMOs adopted. Is there room for Paragon Studios to learn from other MMOs? Sure! However they need to take the best, not the worst of other games.
Agreed - but sometimes it's not entirely clear what's 'best' and 'worst' about a game, since people can honestly disagree about their preferences.

Actually what I want is that some people get exclusive access for a time, then let everyone be able to access after that limited time is over. You know, not one or the other, despite your attempts to claim otherwise.
So when I say that you don't want anyone to ever have permanent exclusive access to content, I'm correct?

I hope you got the concern over -permanently exclusive- items. If you said that "oh, we're giving this cool aura for free during the summer, but come winter everyone will be able to buy it on the Paragon Market."
I realize this isn't directed at me, but I wanted to say that, had they announced this up front ("Come to Twitter and get this cool thing that you'll be able to buy in six months!"), that would have immediately reduced that cool thing's value in the minds of some people, some of whom were exactly the people they were hoping to attract to follow them on Twitter. In other words, Marketing 101 fail. Of course, you know this, because you say so later in your own post when asking the community team to get a promise that these giveaways will eventually be available globally.

Originally Posted by VVolf View Post
Then today happened... and Twitter suddenly became a PvP zone.
This. So, so very much this.

I don't really care for PvP, so I'm not taking part in this promotion. With that said, I'm also not going to let the fact that PvP exists in the game get me so bent out of shape that I can't enjoy the stuff I do like about the game. And I'm not going to let the fact that some people are getting free stuff on Twitter that I don't have get me so upset that I make rumblings about how bad it would be if people quit the game en masse.




Originally Posted by Hesh View Post
This event has been one of my least favorite things I've ever experienced in this game. Please don't do it again.
Unless they come up with something new, they're planning to do it next week, and the week after, and the week after.....

And my OCD won't let me NOT try.

Ok, question for Zwill/Hit Streak -

Was there ever a point, perhaps later in the evening, when the codes weren't getting snatched up within a few seconds? When it slowed down to a point that an average person might have a real chance of getting a code?

Or, to put it another way - were 300 US codes enough? Not enough? Too many?

And, are you at least considering other options for this event? or is this pretty much how it's gonna go from here on out?



Originally Posted by Sooner View Post
Was there ever a point, perhaps later in the evening, when the codes weren't getting snatched up within a few seconds? When it slowed down to a point that an average person might have a real chance of getting a code?

Or, to put it another way - were 300 US codes enough? Not enough? Too many?

And, are you at least considering other options for this event? or is this pretty much how it's gonna go from here on out?
now that might be an idea... 300 codes, instead of having a large number of people vying for 10-15 codes at a time, how about a list of 300 all at once? then it isn't a matter of speed per se, but a matter of picking one that isnt being claimed.



Originally Posted by VVolf View Post
This was a good idea... so good I made a Twitter account and followed @CityOfHeroes, The first Thursday (Friday, whatever) I missed the first opportunity, I was disappointed but generally accepting that I had missed the opportunity. I was able to re-tweet the second offering in time and though I had to wait for Monday to receive my code, was more than happy to wait.

Then today happened... and Twitter suddenly became a PvP zone.

This lead to frustration, aggravation, and the feeling, not that I'd missed an opportunity, but that something was stolen from me by people with faster, better equipment and/or internet connections.

While I was able to eventually get a code, this Thursday was not an enjoyable experience. I know it may be more work, but please, please, please go back to how this was done before. I understand hitting a limit of messages you can send per day, and while I'd suggest making another twitter account to pass out rewards, I don't mind waiting a few days to get a code if it prevents the speed-typing insanity of this Thursday.
. . .Need I say more?

Yomokatsu Shinsengumi Yonbantai Kumichou



Originally Posted by Android_5Point9 View Post
For consideration though, at least when you required people to retweet the message it ensured they were following you, and it gave a free CoH advertisement to all of their followers as well. Now, following isn't even really a requirement.
I read through this thread to see if this was mentioned, and this post ^ seemed to be phrased the most concisely. I thought that the main marketing benefit CoH got from TCT was heightened visibility -- basically, players retweeting (and following) puts CoH in front of more eyeballs belonging to people who aren't players but could be.

I can see how putting out lists of codes for everyone to see, and the quick-fingered to use, is easier, but I can't see how this is achieving any marketing goals. It doesn't increase CoHs visibility to non-players at all. Devs, am I missing something? Is there a different goal? Just wondering.

One forum name, two members: Molly Hackett & Heliphyneau.

AE arcs:
27327 - Enter the Homunculi
176837 - Homunculi 2: Tectonic Boogaloo -- UPDATED



When I finally got my code on the 6:30 (?) run, it probably took me around fifteen to twenty seconds in total to type everything out and confirm. Mind you, it was a this point where the amount of codes given out were increasing. The last run had something like... 30 codes in that pic? (It's a miniwall of text, anyway.)

If the code rush is going to be the adopted style for now, I'd like to see it stay at the every half hour approach like this week, but if anything increase the amount of codes given out. Start at ten or twenty and increase the list by five every posting. By the end, you'd be posting a list of 100 codes (or more) and would have given out in excess of 700 codes in total. If the CR team is wanting to make this a big thing, then simply increasing the numbers could be a viable solution.

Also, I'll throw in the request to please give away the Dark Matter aura again at the next TCT.



Week one: Did the ReTweet and got missed. Yes I verified that the account was not private.

Week two: Tried, unsuccessfully, to get any of the codes put out. I entered codes for five min after each post and every time the code had already been used.

Week three: Not sure I am even going to try.

I feel like this will be fun and useful eventually, but will I be so burnt out that I wont care?

Here is my question now that I got that out of my system. If someone redeems a code is there anything that prevents them from redeeming a second one? I know the second one would not get them anything but they might do it just to "code-block" everyone else. Basically just a way to make sure that as few people succeed as they could.

Is there a way to put out a code that would work 50 times, 100 times or 300 times each? The one time codes seems like too much of a twitch contest and hope I picked the right one off the list gamble.

Love the effort! Love the game! Keep it up!



Originally Posted by Red_Jester_808 View Post
Here is my question now that I got that out of my system. If someone redeems a code is there anything that prevents them from redeeming a second one? I know the second one would not get them anything but they might do it just to "code-block" everyone else. Basically just a way to make sure that as few people succeed as they could.
I'm not thinking so off of the top of my head.

Is there a way to put out a code that would work 50 times, 100 times or 300 times each? The one time codes seems like too much of a twitch contest and hope I picked the right one off the list gamble.

Love the effort! Love the game! Keep it up!
It's been stated by rednames upthread that such a thing (promocodes) doesn't work at the moment.



Originally Posted by Red_Jester_808 View Post
Here is my question now that I got that out of my system. If someone redeems a code is there anything that prevents them from redeeming a second one? I know the second one would not get them anything but they might do it just to "code-block" everyone else. Basically just a way to make sure that as few people succeed as they could.
Only if they applied it to two separate game accounts. I also think the other accounts have to be active when the code is entered.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
Only if they applied it to two separate game accounts. I also think the other accounts have to be active when the code is entered.
Actually I won a code from a costume contest a few months back and they asked what one I would like. I asked for the ppd police costume but they gave me a ppd hardsuit code instead. I already owned the hardsuit costume but I was still able to apply the code to my account (had no idea it was wrong at the time). I had to contact frietag and ask for the correct code.

And back when they did code giveaways for the costumes a few years back they had issues where people were using codes twice. They even went as far as asking people to make sure they weren't using codes they already had and ruining others chances to get one. Unless it was changed sometime in the last year it is possible.

And no, accounts don't have to be active unless something has changed recently. I've applied plenty of codes to my second account that I don't use (the alpha omega code giveaway for example) in case I plan on resubbing it in the future.



Just wanted to pop in and give an update to the Tweet Code Thursday promotion.

This Thursday will be our final Tweet Code Thursday. Our original plan was to run this for months instead of weeks, but we simply don't have the bandwidth or the tools necessary to run it in a way that gets everyone involved.

We will be running Tweet Code Thursday on July 26th from 10AM PDT until 11:59PM PDT, much in the same fashion as we did last week. We'll send out more codes this week than last, and we'll make sure that more EU codes go out as well.

We appreciate the feedback we received from the community during this promotion. Thanks to this feedback, we now know what tools we need in order to run community promotions like this going forward.

- Hit Streak

Jessie Lawrence
Assistant Community Manager
Paragon Studios

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Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
I suggest T-Shirt cannons with the codes imprinted upon them.
The shirts or the cannons?


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Originally Posted by EmperorSteele View Post
The shirts or the cannons?
The cannons, of course. If you've made a T-Shirt cannon powerful enough to cover the whole country (or all of Europe), the T-shirt is going to burn up mid-flight, and writing a code on that isn't going to do much good, now is it?

Seriously, to the community team, I've said it before, but thanks for listening. I know you're probably bummed that this hasn't worked out quite the way you hoped, but I hope that you get the technology you need to be able to reach your player-base in the ways that you want in the very near future.



Originally Posted by Hit Streak View Post
Just wanted to pop in and give an update to the Tweet Code Thursday promotion.

This Thursday will be our final Tweet Code Thursday. Our original plan was to run this for months instead of weeks, but we simply don't have the bandwidth or the tools necessary to run it in a way that gets everyone involved.

We will be running Tweet Code Thursday on July 26th from 10AM PDT until 11:59PM PDT, much in the same fashion as we did last week. We'll send out more codes this week than last, and we'll make sure that more EU codes go out as well.

We appreciate the feedback we received from the community during this promotion. Thanks to this feedback, we now know what tools we need in order to run community promotions like this going forward.

- Hit Streak
So what is the code for this Thursday?



I gotta say i prefer the first week system to the second (way to nerve wracking for my tastes) but either way I really enjoyed the end results and will be sad to see the idea end for the time being.

And thanks for trying it out in the first place.

Kohei-Vigilance Committee Founder

"Cowards die many times before their deaths. The valiant never taste of death but once." - Caesar by Shakespeare

AE ARCS: search for Kohei, Vigilance Committee, or...
#365403: Arch-Nemesis Inc.
#130465: The Dark Side of Time
#328975: Power Broker
#159392: Animal Uprising
#70770: Attack of the Bee People
#331282: Universal Evil



Originally Posted by Kohei View Post
I gotta say i prefer the first week system to the second (way to nerve wracking for my tastes) but either way I really enjoyed the end results and will be sad to see the idea end for the time being.

And thanks for trying it out in the first place.
We feel the exact opposite. We can give out more codes this way and also get work done. It's the prime example of why we have to go back to the drawing board. We agree, we'd love to get everyone involved but just can't with the current tools we have at our disposal.

Jessie Lawrence
Assistant Community Manager
Paragon Studios

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Originally Posted by Hit Streak View Post
We feel the exact opposite. We can give out more codes this way and also get work done. It's the prime example of why we have to go back to the drawing board. We agree, we'd love to get everyone involved but just can't with the current tools we have at our disposal.
I figured that part, just stating my prefernce. I suspect I'm about the only one who did like it that way. =) Anyway, oth codes were Awesome+ and very appreciated.

Kohei-Vigilance Committee Founder

"Cowards die many times before their deaths. The valiant never taste of death but once." - Caesar by Shakespeare

AE ARCS: search for Kohei, Vigilance Committee, or...
#365403: Arch-Nemesis Inc.
#130465: The Dark Side of Time
#328975: Power Broker
#159392: Animal Uprising
#70770: Attack of the Bee People
#331282: Universal Evil



Originally Posted by Kohei View Post
I figured that part, just stating my prefernce. I suspect I'm about the only one who did like it that way. =) Anyway, oth codes were Awesome+ and very appreciated.
I think many of the players feel the first week was better. It allows those of us at work, for example (and at work that does not involve being able to surf the net at the same time) to have a chance.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.