What is it going to take to get you to move to Virtue today?




Originally Posted by PunkRolex View Post
My theory is that higher population servers have more new and/or marginal players. I definitely have better PuG experiences on Triumph or Liberty than Freedom or Virtue.
Champion is my server #3. PuGs there always run smoother and more entertaining than those in Virtue and Freedom. Tricky part is putting the PuGs together.

Haven't played for a while, so maybe things have been made easier with the lfg channel.



Originally Posted by PunkRolex View Post
I don't really *like* Virtue. I have some characters on every server at this point, but Virtue is the only one where people regularly whine and moan about drive-by buffs. I think the quality of player is lower than on some of the less populated servers, HATE the discussions that happen in broadcast and help chat, and I dislike the burden of dealing with role players. Basically, Virtue is full of fussy weirdos. If my only option were to play there, I would not play CoX at all.
I agree with you about the off-topic discussions on Help and Broadcast. It's very annoying and I usually end up closing the chat channels for awhile. Plus, sometimes a legitimate question is lost among all the chatter.

I play solo 90% of the time (I'm not much of a talker, so my play-style reflects this) so most of my team experience involves a random TF, SF, or if I'm bored, an occasional DFB. I've yet to have any trouble finding a team when I need one. As for the dealing with roleplayers? Well, I don't roleplay at all (yeah, I'm a non-RPer on a RP server. I feel like I'm the weirdo lol) so I just let the team know that I'm just a regular player, and I haven't had any issues come up.

Of course all of this is just purely anecdotal evidence. YMMV



I have over 100 characters on Virtue already.


I think the main difference between Virtue and lower population servers is that on Virtue you can have an MS raid going, AND a hami raid, AND a Magisterium badge run, AND three other incarnate trials, AND multiple task forces, all going at the same time.

On a lot of other servers, if they're doing an MS raid, well then, that's the big thing that's happening. Maybe an itrial going at the same time and some TFs, but not nearly as many things to choose from at one and the same time. At least, that's my impression. Any server can do anything in the game, but only larger servers have lots of those things all happening at once.

But at one time I flipped between servers a lot. Now I don't, because there are too many things to do with my friends on Virtue. Friends tie you to a server more than anything, really.

I mostly join teams formed from private channels these days, so I don't PuG a lot. That can really alter how you see a server. But I did two Summer Event runs this morning through the LFG tool, both random PuGs, and got all 10 badges on each run. ^_^

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



Originally Posted by Tormentoso View Post
Champion is my server #3. PuGs there always run smoother and more entertaining than those in Virtue and Freedom. Tricky part is putting the PuGs together.

Haven't played for a while, so maybe things have been made easier with the lfg channel.
LFG is a good place to start. I'd also check out Champion global channels. A list can be found here.

Leader of Renaissance de la Veritas
Moderator of ChampioNexus
Amygdala's Guide to the Cathedral of Pain Trial



Originally Posted by Amygdala View Post
LFG is a good place to start. I'd also check out Champion global channels. A list can be found here.
I got a couple of globals in place for Champion. But there's a difference between putting a team together in 5 minutes and 10. Which isn't really too horrible, just depends on how much work I feel like putting into is.

Also, late late night Red teams are a PITA everywhere.



My first and home server as my sig says is Pinn, I actually thought it was Virtue didn't know I goofed till already had a few characters going. In the begining, I teamed only a few times and didn't really know how to find any so I tried Protector and found teaming to be easy. Then I was introduced to the global channels, decided to join 2 of the more populated channels on Pinn and try it till the next free server weekend as I had planned to move the toons I liked the best to protector.

Then I started paying attention to PinnBadges. It was like coming home. To a big drunken party. I made good friends with people there, they are my people. I also made friends during my time on Protector and have some fun toons there so I play there from time to time as well as a toon or two on other servers to test the differing communities, but I came home and I don't see anything taking me away from there.

Thanks to everyone that helped make me a welcomed part of the community, and for giving me over 3 years of some of the best gaming I've been able to take part in. May the next game bring many friendships and maybe reconnect to some old CoH friends.



Started in onion and will end in onion.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Getting me to move, period, is an impossible task.
Hogwash. All it takes is the proper lever and fulcrum.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Recently, all my slots on Liberty filled. So, I thought to myself - what to do? I still have a couple of transfer tokens - but do I move a toon off? or just roll one somewhere. Well, where to start? I still have plenty of toons on Liberty, and I lead trials on a scheduled, if not regular basis.

I decided against moving toons off of liberty. Some still need incarnate progress, and they'll continue to get that.

I have toons that haven't been played in years on most of the servers. But, I have 2 50s on Champion and one on Infinity. I won't compare and contrast - the results would be debatable. I did roll a toon on Virtue, and did some hero tips and deciphered an anagram for a couple of levels from some farmer. I see a lot of teaming going on - but all doing things I would rather not do. DFB? yuck. Hero tips? still? There's only so much of the same thing day after day I can accept. I don't see many task forces being formed, but I do see a lot of trial recruiting going on. Some of the names of the recruiters are familiar -and I'll try to keep an open mind about them. I figure my toon will hit 50 in a week or so, just depends on whether or not I cave in and do an itf or two. Am I "moved" there? Hey, if I can form a ugt in less than 10 minutes before noon, I just might. However, a lot will have to do with the quality of players. Liberty and Champion have some excellent players. People that follow instructions, and are willing to switch may not be rare on Virtue - I have no idea. But, if they don't have that, I don't think I'll be "moving" here.

I am not a fan of what I would call "extreme" role play. Some characters that people role-play are fine, but some are just over-acting -or they're role playing someone I'd like to punch in the mouth. That in itself is enough to make me think really long and hard before I would move here.

For now, Champion has the edge, if I were to move anywhere. Or Infinity. But Champion has forums that are far more active than most, and they have the stuff posted that I like to do. Task Forces and Master of iTrials. Virtue has none of that posted. Now, that could be that with a population that large, the leaders don't need to post. I don't know yet. But, from the outside, Virtue is just as low population as the others. Those yellow and red dots don't mean anything to me.

"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese




Originally Posted by Ukaserex View Post
But Champion has forums that are far more active than most, and they have the stuff posted that I like to do. Task Forces and Master of iTrials. Virtue has none of that posted. Now, that could be that with a population that large, the leaders don't need to post. I don't know yet. But, from the outside, Virtue is just as low population as the others. Those yellow and red dots don't mean anything to me.
I'm a member of at least five different active private channels on Virtue, and people in them run TFs and Master and Badge Run stuff all the time. But anyone new to the server wouldn't even know it, and the people in those channels tend to be resistant to advertising outside said channels for team members (and then... they'll jump to other private channels first). I think it's the nature of a large server that many veteran players tend to team with each other whenever possible and avoid the larger server population... which happens less on a small server because there isn't a whole lot of larger server population. Plus, I think that posting an event like a Master of Underground (or whatever) is a good idea on a lower pop server, but on Virtue you can decide to run one and start forming a team up immediately, so that may be why you don't see things like that posted on the forums.

The exceptions (meaning things that get advertised everywhere, not just private channels) are the large multi-team trials and encounters... trial teams in DA, hami raids, MS raids, and CoP trial. You can find itrials any night in DA on Virtue. Hami raids still happen Saturday around 3 PM PST, I was on one today, went very smoothly. MS raids happen a few times a week I think, but always Friday evenings, and I think often on Monday evenings too. And CoP trial usually gets run both blueside and then redside every Sunday about 3:30 PM PST, so we should have one of each tomorrow sometime.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I play on all the severs - Virtue is much the same as the others

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More character slots. 48 isn't enough.



Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
Hogwash. All it takes is the proper lever and fulcrum.
And maybe a speed boost.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Large payment. In cash. Real money.
This. All the way.

( Does it matter that I'm already on Virtue and have been since '04? )

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



All you need to do is go back in time a couple years to become one of my global friends and then around August 2011 start regaling me with tales of speed TFs at all hours. Sold! Seriously, someone please remember to do that or else the causality won't make any sense.



Originally Posted by Tyger42 View Post
This. All the way.

( Does it matter that I'm already on Virtue and have been since '04? )
No, i think it's perfectly acceptable to take his money anyway.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



It would need the entire Defiant list to move over.

I tend to always put quality before quantity.

Too many 50's to list here's a few you may know.
Slazenger, Area51, Area53, Area54, Erruption, Mind Plague, Thresher, Sheath, Broadside, Debt



I have to say over the past couple years, I have not experienced one iota of this easy teaming people speak of(Pinnacle, Victory, Triumph, Liberty). I've joined the channels, played during primetime and off-peak time(I'm PST), tried starting teams(with little success). I'm sorry but during primetime on Triumph and only 17 people red-side, no one is getting a team. Are you telling me there are 500 people on hide? Yesterday on Pinnacle, a Saturday around 12-1pm, 43 people blue-side. Did anyone want to play the new Summer Blockbuster when I used the LFG channel? No.

For years, I've had little luck on the lower population servers. Yes, they are called lower population servers for a reason and even the people that say they have no problem teaming are calling them that when saying things like "I prefer the lower population servers because I know everyone". I have never found it 'easy' to find a team whenever this subject came up. I would try the suggestions on this forum about global channels, start your own team, etc with little to no luck.

I look at these forums and the responses and just hope either there is some secret handshake you don't let others know, you just "get it" but that is only a very small percentage of the population, you're lying for whatever reason or you and the few people you play with are the only ones experiencing this 'easy' mode(last one being the most likely to me). We are all aware the forum posters are but a fraction of the playerbase and I hope your experiences are not representative of most other players on the lower population servers.

All that said, after failing to have teams available at practically anytime, do you know where I actually found them? Hard to imagine, I know, but I moved onto a server that was mostly yellow every day of the week...yes, Virtue. No global channel needed. I get random invites, broadcast/LFG/Help/etc channels are abuzz with people looking for teams. I can start practically any TF and within minutes have a full team. It's wonderful and I'm sorry I spread myself out earlier among so many servers. What did I see on Triumph yesterday? One guy asking for DFB and another asking for Magistrate, followed by "Anyone?" Anecodotal, but so is every post in this thread.

I was hoping for a thread like this because I DO want to move some of my characters. What is stopping me? I don't want to give up all my prestige and bases I've built. I would gladly move to Virtue in a heartbeat if the server transfers would allow for a transfer of everything. Unless cross-server teaming becomes a reality, I don't see some of my favorite characters playing much team content(my 50 crab on Protector, villain side is another one that has yet to play Summer Blockbuster). I don't want to throw all that time/effort I put towards bases out the window. So, yes, I want better features to allow me to move to a server where I don't have to worry about 'getting it' as so many here seem to do. I'm not going to apologize for my choices but just ask that you respect I am different than you and for whatever reason any advice you have provided me over the years did not result in the easy team mode the posters in this thread are enjoying.

Thanks for listening.

<and thanks dugfromearth for posing this question>



The folk who like their low pop home servers have, for the most part, been there forever & are thoroughly integrated into the community. I made my first ever character on Virtue, but we ended up playing on Triumph because one of my pals didn't get the memo and made his character over there. Triumph is still home to all my longest serving characters, and I play there about as often as I play anywhere else.

That said, the high pop servers definitely generate more random teaming opportunities, especially when you play odd hours. These days I'm up at the crack of dawn and on the rare occasions my son sleeps in a bit I'm usually able to catch a team for a few missions on Virtue or Freedom. Not saying it couldn't happen on Triumph, it's just less likely.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Tutelary View Post
I have to say over the past couple years, I have not experienced one iota of this easy teaming people speak of(Pinnacle, Victory, Triumph, Liberty). I've joined the channels, played during primetime and off-peak time(I'm PST), tried starting teams(with little success). I'm sorry but during primetime on Triumph and only 17 people red-side, no one is getting a team. Are you telling me there are 500 people on hide? Yesterday on Pinnacle, a Saturday around 12-1pm, 43 people blue-side. Did anyone want to play the new Summer Blockbuster when I used the LFG channel? No.

For years, I've had little luck on the lower population servers. Yes, they are called lower population servers for a reason and even the people that say they have no problem teaming are calling them that when saying things like "I prefer the lower population servers because I know everyone". I have never found it 'easy' to find a team whenever this subject came up. I would try the suggestions on this forum about global channels, start your own team, etc with little to no luck.

I look at these forums and the responses and just hope either there is some secret handshake you don't let others know, you just "get it" but that is only a very small percentage of the population, you're lying for whatever reason or you and the few people you play with are the only ones experiencing this 'easy' mode(last one being the most likely to me). We are all aware the forum posters are but a fraction of the playerbase and I hope your experiences are not representative of most other players on the lower population servers.

All that said, after failing to have teams available at practically anytime, do you know where I actually found them? Hard to imagine, I know, but I moved onto a server that was mostly yellow every day of the week...yes, Virtue. No global channel needed. I get random invites, broadcast/LFG/Help/etc channels are abuzz with people looking for teams. I can start practically any TF and within minutes have a full team. It's wonderful and I'm sorry I spread myself out earlier among so many servers. What did I see on Triumph yesterday? One guy asking for DFB and another asking for Magistrate, followed by "Anyone?" Anecodotal, but so is every post in this thread.

I was hoping for a thread like this because I DO want to move some of my characters. What is stopping me? I don't want to give up all my prestige and bases I've built. I would gladly move to Virtue in a heartbeat if the server transfers would allow for a transfer of everything. Unless cross-server teaming becomes a reality, I don't see some of my favorite characters playing much team content(my 50 crab on Protector, villain side is another one that has yet to play Summer Blockbuster). I don't want to throw all that time/effort I put towards bases out the window. So, yes, I want better features to allow me to move to a server where I don't have to worry about 'getting it' as so many here seem to do. I'm not going to apologize for my choices but just ask that you respect I am different than you and for whatever reason any advice you have provided me over the years did not result in the easy team mode the posters in this thread are enjoying.

Thanks for listening.

<and thanks dugfromearth for posing this question>
Well, I won't lie to you. I've seen these folks that say that they don't have trouble finding a team on liberty (can't speak about the others). These folks that say this are seven, eight year vets. They know people. Liberty has 2 primary channels. LB, and LFA. And seriously, LFA is really so quiet, despite having pretty much the same group of folks in it, it may as well just be LB. However, there are at least 5 or 6 not so publicly known public and private channels that get used quite a bit.

So many times, I'll be leading a trial and I'll see some poor fellow who can't even get a dfb going. I was streethunting after I made a toon, and got to level 5 before I finally figured out that the only way to get something happening would be to form it myself.

I wanted a badge on my main, and nobody would run the ugt so I could get it. So, I came to the forums, sent tells to some of the folks that ran the trials on their server, now I lead MoUGT on Sunday nights and a regular run on Fridays - thanks to some help from other leaders. (I also got some tips from another player on Liberty)
My global list - after a 3 year hiatus grew from 20 or so to ...well, a lot more. But, during the day, I might see 3 of them on. Late at night, maybe 6. Prime time, however, I can get just about anything done I want.

Most of these folks are on hide. Some hide because of pvp farming, some because ..well, I dunno. I get so many tells now from folks who want nothing more than for me to lead a trial, it drives me insane. So, I start to hide. Sometimes I like to solo. I see these folks that try to form something, and I have no idea who they are. A task force is easy to accomplish, typically. But, some of them are long. If I don't know who you are, I'm wary of signing up, because I don't want to ever quit a tf, but I don't want to be stuck with someone who wants to kill every single thing, or someone who goes afk 5 minutes here and there because they're watching their child, or they're at work.
Chances are, I saw you trying to recruit for something, and I didn't say anything. But, it's all good, because I know that among the vips, most of them know me or know of me. And I still have a hard time getting a task force started at any time outside of prime time.

So, no, it's not a secret handshake or anything. It's just Liberty is what I would call an old school server. There has only recently (in the past couple of months) been an influx of new vips. Some are awesome, and some really need to level up again without DFB and ITF. The rest though, seem like they are all 7,8 year vets. Most are super friendly, willing to help - but 1) they have to know you. 2) They have to have time to help you. (so many of these players only have an hour to play, it seems) 3.)They have to not be busy doing something else already. It's hard to help someone with Trapdoor if you're busy clobbering Tyrant.

I honestly don't know why lfg doesn't really work for things like an iTrial. A league of 16 for a baf may pick up one or two. Yet, if no one is forming one, it does very little good to get in the queue. It is far faster to form it myself. (or end up doing something else because I can only get 4. )

"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese




I wish there was a mechanism for moving your account slots around. I wouldn't mind retiring several of the unlocked character slots I have on Freedom and moving them to Virtue.

Freedom used to be a lot more alive. It had more Incarnate Trials formed than Virtue did. Heck, I remember back when arena chat was a good place to pick up task force commander TFs, better than the global TF channels, heh.



Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
Hogwash. All it takes is the proper lever and fulcrum.
You don't know how stubborn I can be

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Ukaserex View Post
I honestly don't know why lfg doesn't really work for things like an iTrial. A league of 16 for a baf may pick up one or two. Yet, if no one is forming one, it does very little good to get in the queue.
When they were first introduced, the iTrials had a high failure rate, and people (rightly or wrongly) blamed it on the LFG throwing them into random, minimum-sized PUGs. So people rejected the LFG and started forming their own leagues. The habit is so entrenched in the playerbase at this point that I'm not sure anything can be done to change it, short of disallowing pre-formed leagues completely (which would be an unpopular move, to say the least).

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