What is it going to take to get you to move to Virtue today?




Here's why I probably wouldn't transfer:

1) Guardian has been my home since the game launched and has a decent population.

2) We still can't transfer SG's and I have far too much invested in mine to start over (I play mostly solo and I've built my own little dream palace over the years).

3) I'd lose names of characters I love... notably Celeste, my empathy/archery defender.

Jem - Ill/Rad Controller Lv 50+3 Nic - Mind/Psi Dominator Lv 50+3 Lady Liberation - Invuln/SS Tanker Lv 50+1 Invicitx - Demon/Pain Mastermind Lv 50+1 Celeste - Emp/Arch Defender Lv 50+1 Nightsilver - DB/WP Scrapper Lv 34 Dusk Howl - StJ/Regen Brute Lv 32 Kyriani - Time/Energy Defender Lv 41Psifire - FF/Psi Defender Lv 50
Star Lighter - LB/LA Peacebringer Lv 30



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
No. No.
My response as well, except with more four-lettered emphasis before each "no."

And as for "servers being dead" (and "server merges,") see copypasta.

I have characters everywhere. Including Virtue. They are where I want them to be.



I've already got a couple characters on virtue. That's about all I need for the time being. I'm happy enough with Victory, a nice stable population during mid day and a nice quiet night life.



I have 10~12 characters per server on 7 different servers. One such character is a 15 earth/ff controller on protector (not to pick on protector). I took him to 15 in 2011... solo. The absolute worst possible solo character. I did this slow leveling while actively broadcasting to start/join teams and with the "looking for any" tag on. That's not indicative of the entire server, but that kinda stuff doesn't happen on virtue, which is why I'll never really move to a place like protector.

My 70-some-odd characters aren't empirical evidence of anything other than my own experiences... but that experience is freedom and virtue are a lot more fun for starting a new character.



i have some alts on there, but I'm kind of at home on liberty, with LB. I dont doubt that there are as many fun, funny and competent players there, but once i have my online "cheers" I really dont need a second one. simpla math may eventuall cause me to be on virtue more, simply because i have slammed my hard cap of character slots on liberty, so im kind of spreading out between protector, exalted and virtue. so one of you guys might get a nature/water defender soon with suspect spelling and fashion sense, and very suspect humor sense.



What playing on Victory was like. A deep, empty abyss of nothing.

Minus the furries, Virtue always been a party. Glad I made the move!



Started on Guardian - left there sometime in Issue 4-5 for Freedom and have been there ever since. I tried Virtue, Exalted, and Triumph - not my cup of tea.

All my friends are on Freedom, my SG is on Freedom, and I like most of the players I encounter there.

So nothing would get me to move to Virtue.

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



It would take a lot of money. Now pay up, I'm there.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I'm not in a SG, and I still get Trials on Guardian
Yeah, we all know. You are made of Sheer Win entire. You drip awesomeness like the Fairy Dust aura drips stars; when you fly the awesomeness creates a comet's tail across the skies of Paragon. "Look! Up in the sky! Golden Girl!!!!!!!" *crowd cheers* You're the teacher's pet, the developer's pet, you name it. People follow you around like so many Beast Mastery pets; you're a veritable latter-day Circe.

*insert facepalm smiley here* Righto.



Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
What playing on Victory was like. A deep, empty abyss of nothing.

Minus the furries, Virtue always been a party. Glad I made the move!
Imagine how HOT all those people are. Not sexy-hot, HOT hot. The AC at the venue must be cranked down to 40 degrees.



Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post

Minus the furries, Virtue always been a party. Glad I made the move!

Thanks. Now I'm gonna have to sleep with the light on.

In all seriousness, I like being on Virtue. Maybe it's because I made my first successful level 50 on there. Plus, it's almost impossible NOT to find a party at all hours, at least in my experience.



I like the randomness and the ease of getting parties in Freedom, I like the more professional attitude of Virtue. Though I seriously miss a good channel there where friends reside.

Thats why I keep my main badging/Incarnating/tf'ing characters on Union where I like the community and its commitment. Bets of all, I leave this channel open wherever I go. Just in case something good is happening and I want to join in.



Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post

[I]What playing on Victory was like. A deep, empty abyss of nothing.

Apparently you were doing it wrong. Never really have a problem finding a team.

To the op. I like RP so I've been interested in moving to Virtue. I scan the Virtue boards from time to time. However I can only assume that the forum is a reflection of the server and most times it makes my skin crawl.

We have some pretty spectacular community leaders on Victory and I've never found the globals less than helpful. Whether it's advise or help with an AV.

Something witty and profound



Originally Posted by Fista View Post
Apparently you were doing it wrong. Never really have a problem finding a team.

To the op. I like RP so I've been interested in moving to Virtue. I scan the Virtue boards from time to time. However I can only assume that the forum is a reflection of the server and most times it makes my skin crawl.

We have some pretty spectacular community leaders on Victory and I've never found the globals less than helpful. Whether it's advise or help with an AV.
The forums are not a good representation of the server at all.
Honestly, the server runs the gamut. Your crowd may not be out in the spotlight, or easy to find... but, with such a population, they're probably there somewhere.

Anyway, sorry... but the Virtue forums have never represented the experience I have in the game.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I'm not in a SG, and I still get Trials on Guardian
no you dont..you log in for like 5 minutes then log back off.



Originally Posted by Severe View Post
no you dont..you log in for like 5 minutes then log back off.
When I'm collecting badges, yes - gotta juggle all the servers

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
When I'm collecting badges, yes - gotta juggle all the servers
another lie...



Originally Posted by InOnePiece View Post
I really WANT to like Virtue, because it is so active... but I haven't found it to be particularly friendly. Not to say it's hostile, just that I haven't found any friendships there, and I'm overrun with them on Protector.
I think that's the key: you feel most at home on the servers where you know the most people. If you know people, you don't have trouble finding teams during the peak periods where most of your friends are around.

However, when you want to play at off hours finding a team on the smaller population servers is more difficult. Personally, I've found Freedom to be quite mercenary, concerned mostly with leveling speed, and the most frequent victim of spammers.

Virtue is a fine place. Everyone experiences different things, but I haven't had any bad experiences there. It's also changed a lot over the past couple of years. A while back absolutely everyone felt the need to put parentheses around everything they said out of character, but this practice seems to have been falling off recently. In the last month I've encountered only one group of die-hards who insisted on it.



Originally Posted by Severe View Post
another lie...
I have 12 badge hunting 50s spread accross 12 servers - it's not always easy to remember which one has unlocked which badges

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



But I like having a small server population on Pinnacle. It allows me to remember who people are without having to use the star/character note system. Sure, things can get kinda quiet from time to time, but I have have characters that don't need a group to do well (like all but 2 of my red sides, and I've been trying to butch up them so they can solo better, too).

Unless I say the words 'Incarnate Trial' or 'Badge'. Then suddenly there comes from nowhere a swarm of characters descending upon Dark Astoria like a plague of super-powered locusts.

*crickets* *crickets* "So does anyone want to do an i-trial badge run?" *woosh- mob appears*



I don't really *like* Virtue. I have some characters on every server at this point, but Virtue is the only one where people regularly whine and moan about drive-by buffs. I think the quality of player is lower than on some of the less populated servers, HATE the discussions that happen in broadcast and help chat, and I dislike the burden of dealing with role players. Basically, Virtue is full of fussy weirdos. If my only option were to play there, I would not play CoX at all.

Things I hate: Anime. PvP. Lying MMO Developers. Outleveling content. Manga. ED. Comic Store Employees. Anime.



Originally Posted by PunkRolex View Post
I don't really *like* Virtue. I have some characters on every server at this point, but Virtue is the only one where people regularly whine and moan about drive-by buffs. I think the quality of player is lower than on some of the less populated servers, HATE the discussions that happen in broadcast and help chat, and I dislike the burden of dealing with role players. Basically, Virtue is full of fussy weirdos. If my only option were to play there, I would not play CoX at all.
Strange. i have never had the experience you describe. Then again i don't spend much time in AP on any server. Although i will concede i've had much better luck finding teams who can get all the DFB badges on Virtue. (Oddly enough i actually encounter more people on other servers' DFB runs who ignore everything said in team and run around blindly attacking anything they see. (And then lie there spamming "Rez me!" when it gets them killed.))

i don't find overall player quality to differ that significantly overall on any server. However i find it much easier to find teams with very good players on Champion, Justice, and Virtue due to the global channels i'm on.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Grouchybeast View Post
Why would I want to leave Defiant when it's so utterly full of awesomeness and win?
Couldn't agree more. Plus we always have someone to blame.................


Happy to be on Defiant.
Global name @mereman
Member of P.E.R.C. Representing Defiant
Alts http://cit.cohtitan.com/profile/4488
CoH faces http://faces.cohtitan.com/profile/mereman



Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
Strange. i have never had the experience you describe. Then again i don't spend much time in AP on any server.
Nor do I. I've had consistently poorer experiences on the higher-population servers over the life of the game. My Virtue experience has consistently been worse than other servers where I've played, up to and including post-50 play.

i don't find overall player quality to differ that significantly overall on any server.
My theory is that higher population servers have more new and/or marginal players. I definitely have better PuG experiences on Triumph or Liberty than Freedom or Virtue.

Things I hate: Anime. PvP. Lying MMO Developers. Outleveling content. Manga. ED. Comic Store Employees. Anime.



Getting me to move, period, is an impossible task. Where to really is a moot point given that.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.