What is it going to take to get you to move to Virtue today?




Originally Posted by Eternal_Wilting View Post
Guardian's been dead since I8, by my lights. If I hadn't started playing on virtue about the same time I started on Guardian I'd have moved there forever ago.
Ditto for me, including Pinnacle, Liberty, Protector, Triumph and Victory(especially villain-side in each case). Gratz to everyone that says differently in response to Eternal_Wilting but that hasn't been my experience for years. Virtue has kept me playing, otherwise I would be writing this game off as dead(just to me, not in general MMO terms).



I started on Protector, because my computer (at the time) couldn't handle the load of Freedom or Virtue. Got my first 50 there, and made some really great friends, though on the downside, teaming can be difficult, because it is a mostly solo-esque server, and even at peak hours (before Super Sidekick System) finding enough of one level to SK the lower levels could be difficult.

Got a new computer, and filtered my way into Freedom where eventually the bulk of my friends were (and still are), and that became my home.

On a dare, for 1 billion influence (which was a lot of money at the time, and you could outfit at least 2 toons on it), I went to Virtue, as my primary server for 1 month. This is where I met my Real Life boyfriend, and embraced my creative side with Storyline Roleplay (not that E-RP crap) and made some great friends there. And I got the billion influence for completing the dare LOL.

Then Exalted came out, and initially I made my namesake there, with every intention of getting it to 50, and having another Solo/Friends Only SG. Yeah, that didn't happen so much. My would-be solo-SG became a fully functional, new members all the time, SG, where I had to step up and actually plan things and be a leader and stuff.

In conclusion, I have 3 homes now (having forsaken Protector almost 5 years later). But I will forever, and always, find myself clicking the 'Freedom' server any time I have the chance. There's something about 15 minute ITF's at 3 a.m., and the ability to generally get any team/league formed up in a matter of minutes, regardless the time, that keeps me coming back.

[Admin] Anti-Matter: I was in ur dimenshun, killin ur d00ds.
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: Good job, Anti-Matter. Troll them.

Freedom, Virtue, Exalted