All Things Character Art




Originally Posted by Draeth Darkstar View Post
Please do something to make this an option, not a forced costume change. This will ruin every costume I use Celestial on currently.

Changing parts out from under us instead of making them new options has a long history of being very unpopular with the playerbase. For every person that asked for this to change there was at least one that liked it the way it was (Hi!).
Unfortunately we cannot have both >__> I have only heard many complaints on how the color did not match so I took it upon myself to fix. I will have to bring this issue to my Lead and let him decide which to do, very sorry.



Originally Posted by Dink View Post
Unfortunately we cannot have both >__> I have only heard many complaints on how the color did not match so I took it upon myself to fix. I will have to bring this issue to my Lead and let him decide which to do, very sorry.
that's a shame. The new one looks nice too, at least!

In the room the women come and go
Talking of Michelangelo.



Originally Posted by Dink View Post
Unfortunately we cannot have both >__> I have only heard many complaints on how the color did not match so I took it upon myself to fix. I will have to bring this issue to my Lead and let him decide which to do, very sorry.
Can you ask if we can have a "Legacy" and non-legacy version, set up as two selections like some of the weapons options are if you cannot pull the skulls parts bone/metal option?

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



With celestial armor can Therre be an option to remove the flap part that sticks up in front perrty please? Tooo that would be a nice option

VIG0S: 1356 badges in counting
Something for ppl to use



I'm all for the change and I have used many of these pieces throughout my characters. I'd rather go and change each one to have the pieces match up the way I want, which most will work with this change, than to have it not happen at all.

There are quite a few characters where I couldn't use the pieces because the color wouldn't take at all because of the baked in tinting and I had to go to another piece or give up on the costume concept altogether.

While I'm normally on the side of more options, if its a take it or leave it issue, I'd rather take the change.



Yeah, personally I'd rather have to go fix costumes that are affected by this if it means I can match up colors better. One of the biggest strengths of the costume creator is the ability to mix and match, which is difficult with pieces that don't color the same as everything else.



Originally Posted by Zaloopa View Post
Yeah, personally I'd rather have to go fix costumes that are affected by this if it means I can match up colors better. One of the biggest strengths of the costume creator is the ability to mix and match, which is difficult with pieces that don't color the same as everything else.
I strongly agree. While I'm ordinarily in favor of more options, if these are the only two, I would rather have the new version. Not only does the new version match parts from other sets more closely, but the Celestial pieces in it match other Celestial pieces better. The main thing that's kept me from using this set more is that I can't get, say, the gloves to take the same color as the chestplate, even if I set them to the same color in the creator's palette.

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I'd choose the new Celestial Armor over the old, if I had the choice. But currently, I am a mere T7. But at the rate I spend money, I'll be T9 before the end of the year.

That said, Dink, is there a reason we can't have the long beard option with hoods? If it clips with some hoods, then people could just not use it with those hoods. It would really help my new Peacebringer out.



Originally Posted by Draeth Darkstar View Post
Please do something to make this an option, not a forced costume change. This will ruin every costume I use Celestial on currently.

Changing parts out from under us instead of making them new options has a long history of being very unpopular with the playerbase. For every person that asked for this to change there was at least one that liked it the way it was (Hi!).
I think I've heard more say they would want this change, and less that "made it work" for them.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
You've never bumped into GG in-game, have you? She can't move the chest slider any further to the right.
I meant left! hehe

Wait a minute [Edit] I did say left

I have seen her in game, I don't recall her looking like the slider was maxed to the right though.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Draeth Darkstar View Post
Please do something to make this an option, not a forced costume change. This will ruin every costume I use Celestial on currently.

Changing parts out from under us instead of making them new options has a long history of being very unpopular with the playerbase. For every person that asked for this to change there was at least one that liked it the way it was (Hi!).
While I completely understand what you're saying (and apologize that you're inconvenienced), in this case, the change is considered a bug fix to bring the affected pieces more in line with the rest of the costume set. We won't be adding another option for these pieces in Celestial.

Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios



Originally Posted by Dink View Post
Fixed the Celestial Armor discoloration, will be in next update ^_^
So much better, make sure it goes live like that!

Question, though: I can't see from the screenshots. Is the discoloration fixed on the Chest and Legs skins, and the plain gloves and boots as well?

Issue 16 made me feel like this.
Warning: This poster likes to play Devil's Advocate.



Originally Posted by Olantern View Post
I strongly agree. While I'm ordinarily in favor of more options, if these are the only two, I would rather have the new version. Not only does the new version match parts from other sets more closely, but the Celestial pieces in it match other Celestial pieces better. The main thing that's kept me from using this set more is that I can't get, say, the gloves to take the same color as the chestplate, even if I set them to the same color in the creator's palette.
I have to agree. If we can only have one I want the new version. You can make the new version look like the old version (looks like you can). But to me this makes these pieces something I can now use. Please put in the new version of Celestial.

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Originally Posted by Dink View Post
Unfortunately we cannot have both >__> I have only heard many complaints on how the color did not match so I took it upon myself to fix. I will have to bring this issue to my Lead and let him decide which to do, very sorry.
Dink, I'm one of the biggest proponents for a non-chormey version of Celestial Armour, but even I have to say that just replacing the textures is probably not a good idea. I mean, yes, I HATE the current ones and seeing your proposed pic makes me incredibly happy that Lighteater will get a much better costume, but I just can't condone pulling a costume piece out from under people's existing costumes. One of the reasons you don't get many people commenting on how much they liked the original Celestial Armour is they're typically happy and thus not motivated to come and complain about it. You're very likely to hear from those people, however, when and if you actually make it their problem.

I don't want to come off like the jerk here, especially since you pretty much did exactly what I and others asked, but I'd honestly feel bad knowing my satisfaction cost people theirs. Stealing from Jack to pay Jill, essentially, does make some people happy, but it happens at the cost of making others unhappy. Please, speak with your Lead and see about adding duplicate pieces for the set. The new look is MUCH better than the old, but the old look will certainly have its fans. It just feels wrong to upset them just because I have a different sense of aesthetics than they do.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



... Wow. So people's first reaction to a long asked for fix is to complain.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
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I for one approve the change as now I can actually use the celestial pieces and not be constantly put off by the colors being wrong.

Its a bugfix and 100% better than the current celestial armor, I'm not sure why this is becoming an issue with some people.

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Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
... Wow. So people's first reaction to a long asked for fix is to complain.
I think it's reasonable for people to express concern over maintaining their current look. As much as I like the change, I wouldn't call it a bug fix. When a majority of the pieces are labeled "done" and put to live servers looking like they were, I have to imagine that was the intended look with the dulled colors. As much better as I think it is now, my taste (or yours, or his, etc) isn't everyone's. An option would be the preferable solution, but barring that I think the fully colored versions are an improvement.



Celestial color fixing!

I'm looking forward to this change more than any other feature I've heard about for the past six months.

Weight training: Because you'll never hear someone lament "If only I were weaker, I could have saved them."



I have used a few of the Celestial Pieces and made their chrome look work with the costume. With this change I can still make it work and make it work with more concepts.

I'm for this!

Thanks for the fix/change!

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Seriously? People complaining now because of that fix?
The new Celestial is exactly how it should be.
If you pick one colour for the whole armor, all the pieces should have the same colour, like shown in the pic Dink posted.
You can still get those shades of metallic if you pick the brightest/pale colour for some pieces, and use the intense darker colour in other pieces and mix it up to get the old effect, or close.
There is no way currently to have the same colour for the whole armor before the fix.

Awesome work, Dink.
I hope you dont get tired of us, because we can be frustrating. Working to fix something to hear complains about it... Must be... dissapointing at least.



I'm so glad they fixed the colouring on the armor!

Now when are we going to get that nice Celestial Shield that was in the advertisement that was never included in the set?

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Originally Posted by Dink View Post
Unfortunately we cannot have both >__> I have only heard many complaints on how the color did not match so I took it upon myself to fix. I will have to bring this issue to my Lead and let him decide which to do, very sorry.
Put in the new one! Please! I've been waiting since forever for someone to get around and fix it. Much appreciated!

@True Metal
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Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
While I completely understand what you're saying (and apologize that you're inconvenienced), in this case, the change is considered a bug fix to bring the affected pieces more in line with the rest of the costume set. We won't be adding another option for these pieces in Celestial.
To echo others, while I've long fistshaked at the stylistic quirkiness of the set, there are people who were given this and made it work, and taking it away from them seems unfair.

I'd personally be happier with the new pieces, but I don't think this should be categorized as a 'bugfix'. This is just as bad as when Metallic was changed, and I think that just as Paragon has power consistency guidelines, they need to maintain aesthetic consistency as well.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Softcapping an Invuln is fantastic. Softcapping a Willpower is amazing. Softcapping SR is kissing your sister.



Originally Posted by Rajani Isa View Post
Can you ask if we can have a "Legacy" and non-legacy version, set up as two selections like some of the weapons options are if you cannot pull the skulls parts bone/metal option?
To clarify/expand - if you make an assault rifle character, the weapons list has "Legacy Assault Rifle" as a weapons model, with all the pre-tinting and special non-2-color coloring, and "Assault Rifle" which is the same model but has no pre-tinting and lets us color it.

So Legacy Celestial would have the chrome effect currently on live, and basic Celestial would have the non-chrome effect.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.