All Things Character Art




I want to repeat an OOOLD suggestion of mine that never saw the light of day. Well, two suggestions, in fact:

1. Giant gauntlet as a "shield" option for shield defence. I'm talking something big enough to encompass most small gloves completely. Examples of this exist in spades, from War's left gauntlet that he blocks with to something as classic as Lion-O's magic gauntlet which holds the sword of omens and, crucially, which holds the Spirit Stone and generates a forcefield with which he blocks incoming attacks. I'm not well enough versed in comic books, but I'm sure there are plenty of examples of characters using metal gloves to block with. Say... Didn't Wonder Woman use metal vambraces for that?

This glove doesn't need to animate its fingers, and can be drawn in a perpetual static fist. That makes sense, considering that a character with a shield out right now has his or her left hand clenched in a perpetual fist, so no open-palm animations are relevant and thus the glove will never need to be animated, itself. I've seen the power system gain the ability to mess with our costumes before, via the ooold Freakshow Disguise that actually does attach a pair of giant metal gauntlets to our hands, so this should be possible. Speaking of which, the first glove I'll ask for is the Freak Swiper glove.

Now, a couple of things can be argued. Firstly, that we already have giant gloves in the costume editor. While that may be true, we can only have those asymmetrically only on the RIGHT hand, whereas it's the left that typically guards with a shield. Secondly, There's no way to guard with the glove itself, because Shield Defence mandates a shield out at all times. Lastly, I want this glove to show up only when the shield is drawn. All of these make a glove as a power prop plausible, and it's something we can customize via weapon customization as we customize shields already.

2. I want all of the same, but for both hands and as a weapon option for Claws. Once upon a time, BABs went through all Claws powers and ensured they used a closed fist animation, making "finger claws" impossible to do, aside from the fact that we lack fingers. To my eyes, a gauntlet big enough to cover at least an entire Tights/Bare glove, with claw-like fingers would do the job. As before, the "fingers" don't need to be animated, since we never interact with anything with Claws out and the claws disappear when we fire off other powers. As such, the glove's claws can always be stuck in a perpetual "clawing" gesture, with the hand open and the fingers pointing out and down.


In both cases, clipping becomes an issue, since we have absurdly large gloves in the editor already, and making one which would be bigger than those by enough to always cover them would make the gloves unwieldy big. I get that. There are two ways I'd suggest solving this. Either just... Ignore it and let us take care of clipping on our own, or simply make the gauntlet scape up in size with the size of the glove holding it. Either would work, since it would empower us to pick what looks good and avoid what looks bad without forcing you to throw away the baby with the bathwater. If at all possible, I might suggest simply replacing the entire glove option with that gauntlet, but I don't know how that would work.

I bring this up because Bio Armour already does this to a large extent by covering up our hands and our feet. It clips with some bigger gloves and boots and it is kind of bulky, but it still looks very good. If that was made, surely a few extra weapon models for Shield and Claws can be tossed in, as well.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I want to repeat an OOOLD suggestion of mine that never saw the light of day. Well, two suggestions, in fact:

1. Giant gauntlet as a "shield" option for shield defence. I'm talking something big enough to encompass most small gloves completely. Examples of this exist in spades, from War's left gauntlet that he blocks with to something as classic as Lion-O's magic gauntlet which holds the sword of omens and, crucially, which holds the Spirit Stone and generates a forcefield with which he blocks incoming attacks. I'm not well enough versed in comic books, but I'm sure there are plenty of examples of characters using metal gloves to block with. Say... Didn't Wonder Woman use metal vambraces for that?

This glove doesn't need to animate its fingers, and can be drawn in a perpetual static fist. That makes sense, considering that a character with a shield out right now has his or her left hand clenched in a perpetual fist, so no open-palm animations are relevant and thus the glove will never need to be animated, itself. I've seen the power system gain the ability to mess with our costumes before, via the ooold Freakshow Disguise that actually does attach a pair of giant metal gauntlets to our hands, so this should be possible. Speaking of which, the first glove I'll ask for is the Freak Swiper glove.

Now, a couple of things can be argued. Firstly, that we already have giant gloves in the costume editor. While that may be true, we can only have those asymmetrically only on the RIGHT hand, whereas it's the left that typically guards with a shield. Secondly, There's no way to guard with the glove itself, because Shield Defence mandates a shield out at all times. Lastly, I want this glove to show up only when the shield is drawn. All of these make a glove as a power prop plausible, and it's something we can customize via weapon customization as we customize shields already.

2. I want all of the same, but for both hands and as a weapon option for Claws. Once upon a time, BABs went through all Claws powers and ensured they used a closed fist animation, making "finger claws" impossible to do, aside from the fact that we lack fingers. To my eyes, a gauntlet big enough to cover at least an entire Tights/Bare glove, with claw-like fingers would do the job. As before, the "fingers" don't need to be animated, since we never interact with anything with Claws out and the claws disappear when we fire off other powers. As such, the glove's claws can always be stuck in a perpetual "clawing" gesture, with the hand open and the fingers pointing out and down.


In both cases, clipping becomes an issue, since we have absurdly large gloves in the editor already, and making one which would be bigger than those by enough to always cover them would make the gloves unwieldy big. I get that. There are two ways I'd suggest solving this. Either just... Ignore it and let us take care of clipping on our own, or simply make the gauntlet scape up in size with the size of the glove holding it. Either would work, since it would empower us to pick what looks good and avoid what looks bad without forcing you to throw away the baby with the bathwater. If at all possible, I might suggest simply replacing the entire glove option with that gauntlet, but I don't know how that would work.

I bring this up because Bio Armour already does this to a large extent by covering up our hands and our feet. It clips with some bigger gloves and boots and it is kind of bulky, but it still looks very good. If that was made, surely a few extra weapon models for Shield and Claws can be tossed in, as well.
I think bio armor needs some customization options in general so maybe just go in that direction for the "Big glove armor"

Anyone Who wants to argue about my usual foolishness can find me here.
I'll miss you all.



Could we get a little more viciousness in the wolves in the Beast MM set? Something a little more like this;

"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."



Originally Posted by Anti_Proton View Post
Could we get a little more viciousness in the wolves in the Beast MM set? Something a little more like this;

That's a cool idea. But sadly I think the Devs are more willing to have people like you suggesting that they be more vicious than have "concerned parents" complaining that little Johnny's game-pets are too mean and scary for him.

What I'm saying is that it was probably safer to have them be the way they are than for them to be otherwise. Pretty much the same reason why we don't have obvious blood splatter from defeated enemies. *shrugs*

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀



I'd be happy enough to just make my animal people close their mouths. The constant sad grimacing must be murder on their jaws.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
The constant sad grimacing must be murder on their jaws.
It isn't for fashion models.


Anyways, bringing back up older suggestions: A while ago there was a big discussion with Noble Savage about how to handle old pieces and a lot of people leaned towards "up rez but don't reinvent". While obviously it wasn't unanimous, it did touch on a major sentiment on how some parts of the costume editor are viewed. Copy/pasting a quote for a moment:

Originally Posted by EmperorSteele View Post
I think overall, it depends on how the changes are presented.

For instance, let's take a costume part that is probably near the top of the radar for a redo: The bikini. It looks TERRIBLE. It has jaggies, half-there coloring and literally is one of the worst examples of "painted on" costume bits in the game.

Here's how it looks now:

Now, what is the art team going to do about this? Are they just going to tighten it up and make it less jaggy, like so... (warning, bad photoshop manip ahead)

OR... are they going to completely reinvent the piece to have texture and bumpmaps and self-shadows and end up looking something like this (warning, REALLY bad photoshop manip ahead...)


See, if we're dealing with the first scenario, then I'd prefer Noble Savage's first option in the OP. However, if they were to completely reinvent the piece as in the second picture, I'd have to go with option 2. Making something too specific makes it lose versatility. Some people have it as a bra, some people have it as a bikini, some people use it with odd skin colors to create the illusion of nudity... you wouldn't have as many options if there were patterns and bitmaps and shadows all over the place. And therefore the old piece should be kept for those who want to use it.

But with the first picture, no one is "losing" anything. You can still use and re-purpose it for whatever you'd like, but it would just look BETTER. Second option though? Well, good luck finding a bikini pattern everyone likes.
My suggestion/request is to actually work on a few higher resolution variants for a few of the pieces like the Bikini top and bottoms. While a lot of cool stuff is coming out, refreshing the patterns will help a lot.



Originally Posted by Zamuel View Post
It isn't for fashion models.


Anyways, bringing back up older suggestions: A while ago there was a big discussion with Noble Savage about how to handle old pieces and a lot of people leaned towards "up rez but don't reinvent". While obviously it wasn't unanimous, it did touch on a major sentiment on how some parts of the costume editor are viewed. Copy/pasting a quote for a moment:

My suggestion/request is to actually work on a few higher resolution variants for a few of the pieces like the Bikini top and bottoms. While a lot of cool stuff is coming out, refreshing the patterns will help a lot.

Been wanting textures on masks for years.

"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."



I just found what I think is a problem with the Clunker aura, but I don't think it's a bug so much as an oversight. Specifically, my beef is with the Path version of the aura. I want to open with an example so I can talk about it below:

Notice where the character is in the above pic and where the aura is below him. And do try to resist any toilet humour jokes, I know what it looks like. Now, under normal conditions - that is, character standing up straight, the oil gathers at his feet, as it should if it's dripping from his body. The problem, however, is that where the oil slicks form isn't "below the body parts that emanate them," but rather "below the centre of the character's collision box." The difference between the two is that the former follows the character's model as it animates outside of its collision box and the latter does not.

That's the problem in the pic - in a basic combat stance, the character leans far forward of his collision box, carrying his torso forward. As the torso is where the trips originate from, it looks like the oil should be dripping much farther forward than it is. Rather than move forward to follow the torso, however, the oil slicks continue to spawn in random locations around their normal location, forming far behind anything that's actually dripping. Of course, in this case Kragoss has a pair of Draconic Wings, but they aren't dripping and the effect is the same without the wings.

I suggest that, if at all possible, the Clunker Path aura should be tied to the character model's torso, rather than the character's coordinates in the overall world.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Zamuel View Post
My suggestion/request is to actually work on a few higher resolution variants for a few of the pieces like the Bikini top and bottoms. While a lot of cool stuff is coming out, refreshing the patterns will help a lot.
Personally, I'd like to avoid turning "pattern clothes" into textures for the time being, as this makes swapping skin textures impossible. Since everyone's spoiling Beta, I might as well - a new "Body Suit" set is coming out, and with it there is a "muscled" version that would make a perfect skin texture. For this to work, however, clothes must be patterns.

The other option is to dispense with "texture clothes" entirely and institute a series of tights options that use the same mesh layering tech as shirts and jackets, only without leaving any exposed edges to see under the fabric. One of Science Pack goggles sets demonstrates that meshes can be pretty close together without having render problems, so this should be doable with a reasonable level of quality.

My reason for suggesting the latter is if you can separate clothes and body as independent meshes, that eliminates the need for "pattern clothes" entirely and nullifies my whole argument.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
That's a cool idea. But sadly I think the Devs are more willing to have people like you suggesting that they be more vicious than have "concerned parents" complaining that little Johnny's game-pets are too mean and scary for him.

What I'm saying is that it was probably safer to have them be the way they are than for them to be otherwise. Pretty much the same reason why we don't have obvious blood splatter from defeated enemies. *shrugs*
You know, WoW is rated the same, and that game is way more violent and sinister than this, although the graphics make to believe the opposite. I don't think more aggressive faces would make the rating go up.



Originally Posted by Lord_Kalistoh View Post
You know, WoW is rated the same, and that game is way more violent and sinister than this, although the graphics make to believe the opposite. I don't think more aggressive faces would make the rating go up.
Plus, you know, demons & Zombies

Anyone Who wants to argue about my usual foolishness can find me here.
I'll miss you all.



Originally Posted by Lord_Kalistoh View Post
You know, WoW is rated the same, and that game is way more violent and sinister than this, although the graphics make to believe the opposite. I don't think more aggressive faces would make the rating go up.
WoW's seemingly "tame" graphics are actually what let games like that get away with being more violent and sinister than their ratings would suggest.

Just to be clear I personally wouldn't mind vicious looking wolves as pets. I'm just pointing out that the Devs of this game (just like in WoW) have to worry about all sorts of silly politically correct issues that could generate more complaints than not. Keeping animals in this game relatively "emotionless" is probably safer from a public relations point of view than having PETA-type people whine about this, that or the other thing. *shrugs*

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀



Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
WoW's seemingly "tame" graphics are actually what let games like that get away with being more violent and sinister than their ratings would suggest.
Bam. The Powerpuff Girls got away with all sorts of actual bloody dismemberment and violence, whereas you'll never see any animated version of Wolverine actually use his claws for something other than chopping guns or robots in half.



At the suggestion of Samuel_Tow, cross-posting this from another thread:

So were there any plans to finish the bird costume pieces? We got a couple of heads, thanks. A few beaks, nice. We already had wings, thanks. Talons, check. But...

...feathered tails?
...feathered chest?
...feathered pants? (bonus points if they blend with the talon Monstrous legs)
...feathered arms?
...some kind of talony-glove that blended with the feathered arm?

Also "nice to have" (but not strictly necessary, though would bring birds up to par with cats):

...bird texture patterns (i.e. like the Cheetah and Jaguar spot patterms, only pick a few bird patterns). For the record I could argue wolves and bovines need their own texture patterns too.
...wing color variants: instead of strictly the "edge color" and "trailing" color we have now, add a couple other variants from the bird world

Also nice, wing emotes:

--/em wingdisplay -- wings open out straight and up at 45° angle and hold

--/em wingspread -- similar to wingdisplay only out at a 90° angle (wing edge parallel to ground)

--/em wingflap -- some variant of the "few flaps before landing" animation, just one that we can trigger while on the ground. Imagine how annoyed birds sit there and flap their wings a few times.

--/em wingpoint -- some kind of "pointing at you" with the arm AND wing pointing

--/em wingthreaten -- I can visualize in my head but hard to desribe, but it would be like /em angry only incorporate the wings

Just seems to me there are alot of emotes that would be fun to have a "winged" variant...right now the wings are kinda passive outside flying and jumping. Not complaining, the wings and all their various animations are VERY cool. I still marvel at them all these years later.

Still, wolves, cats, and bulls got their Monstrous Fur and Animal Fur, and a number of tails and animated tails. The avians seems to have gotten only half, or even less than half, their due.

CURRENT MAINS: Akero (V) | Polly Spark (V) | Project MALWARE (V) | Barium Bunny (VIP)
ACTIVE INCARNATES: Polly's Revenge (V) | Stygian Kitten (V) | Archon Abrasax (V) | Alpha Antares (V)
Felines | Wolves | Avians | Bovines | Griffons | Centaurs | Insects | Robots
What, you really think HUMANS are going to save the world? LOL!



Originally Posted by CFIndustries View Post
At the suggestion of Samuel_Tow, cross-posting this from another thread:

So were there any plans to finish the bird costume pieces? We got a couple of heads, thanks. A few beaks, nice. We already had wings, thanks. Talons, check. But...

...feathered tails?
...feathered chest?
...feathered pants? (bonus points if they blend with the talon Monstrous legs)
...feathered arms?
...some kind of talony-glove that blended with the feathered arm?

Also "nice to have" (but not strictly necessary, though would bring birds up to par with cats):

...bird texture patterns (i.e. like the Cheetah and Jaguar spot patterms, only pick a few bird patterns). For the record I could argue wolves and bovines need their own texture patterns too.
...wing color variants: instead of strictly the "edge color" and "trailing" color we have now, add a couple other variants from the bird world

Also nice, wing emotes:

--/em wingdisplay -- wings open out straight and up at 45° angle and hold

--/em wingspread -- similar to wingdisplay only out at a 90° angle (wing edge parallel to ground)

--/em wingflap -- some variant of the "few flaps before landing" animation, just one that we can trigger while on the ground. Imagine how annoyed birds sit there and flap their wings a few times.

--/em wingpoint -- some kind of "pointing at you" with the arm AND wing pointing

--/em wingthreaten -- I can visualize in my head but hard to desribe, but it would be like /em angry only incorporate the wings

Just seems to me there are alot of emotes that would be fun to have a "winged" variant...right now the wings are kinda passive outside flying and jumping. Not complaining, the wings and all their various animations are VERY cool. I still marvel at them all these years later.

Still, wolves, cats, and bulls got their Monstrous Fur and Animal Fur, and a number of tails and animated tails. The avians seems to have gotten only half, or even less than half, their due.
....please god yes on everything in this post.

"You, dear sir, are a legend. "- nelly. "PIE DOESN'T HAVE TENTACLES!"
Bladewing Draconian lvl 30 KAT/SR scrapper
DarkNinjutsu lvl 50 DM/REG scrapper
Dajoji Hino lvl 50 elm/ela scrapper
Bloody Byakko lvl 20 claws/sr scrapper



Animal pack 2


  • Monkey
  1. Gorilla
  2. Chimp
  3. Monkey (Hair length change)
  • Raccoon
  • Reptile
  1. Iguana (tall or short spiles, dewlap, patterns)
  2. Chameleon (nose horn, head horns, nose & head horns, veil, patterns
  3. Crockadile (nose shape and length)
  • Amphibian (salamander or frog shape, patterns)
  • Bird
  • Monkey
  • Raccoon
  • Iguana
  • Croc
  • Chameleon
  • Salamander
Arms, Feet & Legs
  • Webbed hands & feet
  • Patterns
Back or Body
  • Spines
  • Patterns
Costume Change Emote
  • Shed Skin

-Moon Fyire



Originally Posted by CFIndustries
At the suggestion of Samuel_Tow, cross-posting this from another thread:

So were there any plans to finish the bird costume pieces? We got a couple of heads, thanks. A few beaks, nice. We already had wings, thanks. Talons, check. But...

...feathered tails?
...feathered chest?
...feathered pants? (bonus points if they blend with the talon Monstrous legs)
...feathered arms?
...some kind of talony-glove that blended with the feathered arm?

Also "nice to have" (but not strictly necessary, though would bring birds up to par with cats):

...bird texture patterns (i.e. like the Cheetah and Jaguar spot patterms, only pick a few bird patterns). For the record I could argue wolves and bovines need their own texture patterns too.
...wing color variants: instead of strictly the "edge color" and "trailing" color we have now, add a couple other variants from the bird world

Also nice, wing emotes:

--/em wingdisplay -- wings open out straight and up at 45° angle and hold

--/em wingspread -- similar to wingdisplay only out at a 90° angle (wing edge parallel to ground)

--/em wingflap -- some variant of the "few flaps before landing" animation, just one that we can trigger while on the ground. Imagine how annoyed birds sit there and flap their wings a few times.

--/em wingpoint -- some kind of "pointing at you" with the arm AND wing pointing

--/em wingthreaten -- I can visualize in my head but hard to desribe, but it would be like /em angry only incorporate the wings

Just seems to me there are alot of emotes that would be fun to have a "winged" variant...right now the wings are kinda passive outside flying and jumping. Not complaining, the wings and all their various animations are VERY cool. I still marvel at them all these years later.

Still, wolves, cats, and bulls got their Monstrous Fur and Animal Fur, and a number of tails and animated tails. The avians seems to have gotten only half, or even less than half, their due.

Originally Posted by Entropy_Aegis View Post
....please god yes on everything in this post.
Yes! Please!

-Moon Fyire



Also, i would like the option to use leg patterns with the barbian bottoms. You can only make solid colors at the moment.

-Moon Fyire



Speaking of emotes, we can't be a comic book game without the typical "Hips never stop swaying" pose



Quivers. We have backpacks, jetpacks, wings, trick archers, arrow blasters, and ninja masterminds. None of them have a quiver to keep their arrows in though.

Backpack quivers like Green Lanterns from Justice League, or more traditional, would be awesome.

On the pipe dream side of things. It would be awesome to have "sheathes" as a costume option for the weapon characters. Since the power sets all draw their weapon from the same side the sheathe could rest there on the model. When the weapon is active (combat mode) the sheathe is empty. When the weapon is inactive (non-combat mode) the sheathe has the weapon in it. Alternatively, just sheathed weapons we can wear, but never use, to look like we're more armed/etc. Like how the police belt gives my character a handgun and a nightstick but neither of which ever is used in game. still looks cool



Since I was enlightened to this thread, adding my other pet peeve as a player of non-humans:

Far, far, FAR too many of the lower body options are not available to players if they are using the Monstrous legs. And for that matter I believe Monstrous chest and gloves also come-up short (I just happen to notice "pants" issues more in my costume designs).

For the life of me I can't figure out why either. Unless troubleshooting clipping/fitting issues is incredibly difficult. Seems a shame though that they added digitgrade legs and then left us with a limited selection of lower body options.

I honestly think it should just be s standard part of the costume design for lower body parts:

--Male Human. Check.
--Female Human. Check.
--Huge Human. Check.
--Male Monstrous. Check.
--Female Monstrous. Check.
--Huge Monstrous. Check.

In other words, I think of this as a process issue and less of a design issue. The Monstrous parts have been left out of the standard process.

This way Monstrous users get everything as it's designed, aside from pieces with totally irreconcilable clipping issues.

(And honestly, even then I don't mind clipping issues as much as some people do, as long as the clipping is "reasonable," such as overlaps and such.)

CURRENT MAINS: Akero (V) | Polly Spark (V) | Project MALWARE (V) | Barium Bunny (VIP)
ACTIVE INCARNATES: Polly's Revenge (V) | Stygian Kitten (V) | Archon Abrasax (V) | Alpha Antares (V)
Felines | Wolves | Avians | Bovines | Griffons | Centaurs | Insects | Robots
What, you really think HUMANS are going to save the world? LOL!



Less anime themed items please.
More of items the NPC's in the game have. Say....Cimemoran sybil costume pieces. They've been ported to the new Knives of Vengeance mobs and Banished Pantheon mobs....please let us have them?
This would require two things, first.....fingernail claws. Which would need separated fingers.
I also get firmly behind the idea of more muscular female models. Although, the pictures I've seen so far.....aren't thick enough. What I'm talking about is more like the art in this pic:



Originally Posted by mercykilling View Post
I also get firmly behind the idea of more muscular female models. Although, the pictures I've seen so far.....aren't thick enough. What I'm talking about is more like the art in this pic:
Why don't we add "properly proportioned legs" while we're at it. I see plenty of NPCs that don't have "legs into next week," why are players stuck with this problem?

(This is an especially awkward problem when using the Monstrous bottom with the female rig, as the digitgrade legs exaggerate the problem.)

CURRENT MAINS: Akero (V) | Polly Spark (V) | Project MALWARE (V) | Barium Bunny (VIP)
ACTIVE INCARNATES: Polly's Revenge (V) | Stygian Kitten (V) | Archon Abrasax (V) | Alpha Antares (V)
Felines | Wolves | Avians | Bovines | Griffons | Centaurs | Insects | Robots
What, you really think HUMANS are going to save the world? LOL!



Originally Posted by CFIndustries View Post
Why don't we add "properly proportioned legs" while we're at it. I see plenty of NPCs that don't have "legs into next week," why are players stuck with this problem?

(This is an especially awkward problem when using the Monstrous bottom with the female rig, as the digitgrade legs exaggerate the problem.)
There is nothing we can do about the main geo ie: Male, Female and Huge bodies, they cannot be touched as everything in the game was built around them so if one thing is messed with it will be a domino effect and effect everything in the game.

Believe me, if there was anything I can do I would have done it already ^_^



Originally Posted by Dink View Post
There is nothing we can do about the main geo ie: Male, Female and Huge bodies, they cannot be touched as everything in the game was built around them so if one thing is messed with it will be a domino effect and effect everything in the game.

Believe me, if there was anything I can do I would have done it already ^_^
Does that include not being able to add more polys to reduce the more obvious straight lines on the base models?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork