genuine need or company spite? *spoilers*
Well, i have to admit to being a bit disappointed at having Sister Psyche killed off since she was one of my favorite living Freedom Phalanx members. While i've been referring to her as Sistah Psycho for years it was always in an affectionate manner. Mostly.
That, and the in game and metagame circumstances around her death leave me a little dubious as to the storytelling regarding and the need for her death.
There's still plenty of time to pull a Jean Grey or the like with her. Although, this being a superhero themed game, that's really the same as saying she could return any time between now and the servers shutting down.
Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...
I call it unnecessary cruelty to Manticore.
{}... .-
I approve of killing both of them off. States needed to die, and the Freedom Phalanx needed to be hit harder than just States leaving. SP dying, along with Manticore being left seriously messed up (repeatedly having the crap beaten out of him if you're a villain) will knock the Freedom Phalanx down the several notches that they needed to be.
Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!
Company spite!
It seemed pretty obvious from the beginning, States was going to be offed because he was Jack's big character. Was hoping it wouldn't be the case, but it was.
Sister Psyche though? She was a fan favorite. Then they killed her off.
Both just seem tied to being Jack's creations, so let's get rid of them. Which seeing as they were properties of CoH, I dont know why it even matters that they were Jack's creations. :/
If they were going to kill off those two, I reall wish they killed off BABs too. At least it wouldn't have felt all "Kill Jack's!"
And the reason I say BABS too is because everyone says "Oh those two characters didnt have any detail to them anyways" well neither does BABS and he's a fan favorite.
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
I approve of killing both of them off. States needed to die, and the Freedom Phalanx needed to be hit harder than just States leaving. SP dying, along with Manticore being left seriously messed up (repeatedly having the crap beaten out of him if you're a villain) will knock the Freedom Phalanx down the several notches that they needed to be.

The scene is a straight up X-Men ripoff.
The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.
Honestly, I don't have any sort of connection with any of the Freedom Phalanx. I think they made a huge mistake when they gave them TFs instead of more story arcs that would let the players "connect" to the heroes in some way, shape, or form.
I think they only killed Psyche so they could let Penny join and still have room for somebody totally new.
Open Archetype Suggestion thread!, Kirsten's Epic Weapon Pools, Feudal Japan, Etc., Alignment specific Rularuu iTrials!
If Masterminds didn't suck, they'd be the most powerful AT in the game.
So...I've been thinking recently.
With the SSA1 now finished and done does anyone else kind of feel that the killing off of Sister Psyche was kind of...I don't know...spiteful? I mean, I can understand killing off Statesman, he's the big cheese superhero, he the CoH Superman and his death along with things we've seen in the Dark Astoria arcs will hopefully lead to interesting places. Now, as more than a few people know Statesman and Sister Psyche were both Jack Emmerts characters and the death of Sister Psyche seemed somewhat needless. It happened right after we dealt with the death of another superhero so 'teh drama' factor doesn't work because piling on the death a second time is simply going to raise eyebrows instead of a 'shock horror gasp' reaction. With news that Positron is being promoted to the lead of the Freedom Phalanx I can't help but feel that there is a somewhat spiteful mean to kill of Jack's characters to remove 'his last remaining ingame influence'. I mean yeah the term 'Creator's pet' does get thrown around but lets be honest, I'd actually rather have Back Alley Brawler take the lead than Positron since the fact that Positron is now bumped up to Superhero numero uno while killing off the previous guys characters just doesn't sit well with me. I just think there is an ulterior motive behind all this. I know, I know people have probably heard this a hundred times already but I just can't get over the fact that Sister Psyche really didn't need to die, her death seemed completely pointless and considering that she is now 'Dead dead' accoring to Dr Aeon rather than 'mind riding' like some of us hoped't shake that feeling of spite. |
To be honest, though, I don't think Sister Psyche was directly targeted. I think it was a combination of the fact that it was actually Manticore that was targeted as being the renegade that the writers decided to make one of the center-pieces to the story, combined with the fact that the devs seem to be shuffling the pieces around surrounding the character and her alternate analogs, that painted a bullseye on her.
I don't know if it really can be attributed to spite: is it even true that any of the writers involved ever had a working relationship with Jack?
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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)
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I am with Brand on this on..feels spiteful to me. Surely the fact Jack is no longer (I assume?) tied to the game in any way is enough?
Add in the fact that Sissy's death was just so stupidly Numina on hand to watch the ritual, no checking the area for traps, no ATTEMPT to subdue her (when he has a power called Sleep Arrow or whatever)...just so weak.
Honestly, I would have been happier if..wait for it..NO ONE died in the who will die arcs. Wouldn't that have been a huge twist? Simply have States depowered by DW, and your character comes to the rescue at the end of the cutscene. Then have Sis go a little loopy, maybe being trapped in her mind and having periods where she is lucid.
The above would have allowed them both to be 'kept' in game. Although..considering how both characters are STILL in game, and will be for some time... I just cant get my head around the fact that they knew they were gonna kill States right from the start, and didnt at least make the effort to remove him.
To those people taking about how it is good the FP 'got taken down a peg'...given how seriously incompetent the SSAs make them all out to be..taking them down a few pegs surely puts them in the negative territory right?
Now, as more than a few people know Statesman and Sister Psyche were both Jack Emmerts characters and the death of Sister Psyche seemed somewhat needless. It happened right after we dealt with the death of another superhero so 'teh drama' factor doesn't work because piling on the death a second time is simply going to raise eyebrows instead of a 'shock horror gasp' reaction.
With news that Positron is being promoted to the lead of the Freedom Phalanx I can't help but feel that there is a somewhat spiteful mean to kill of Jack's characters to remove 'his last remaining ingame influence'. I mean yeah the term 'Creator's pet' does get thrown around but lets be honest, I'd actually rather have Back Alley Brawler take the lead than Positron since the fact that Positron is now bumped up to Superhero numero uno while killing off the previous guys characters just doesn't sit well with me. I just think there is an ulterior motive behind all this. I know, I know people have probably heard this a hundred times already but I just can't get over the fact that Sister Psyche really didn't need to die, her death seemed completely pointless and considering that she is now 'Dead dead' accoring to Dr Aeon rather than 'mind riding' like some of us hoped't shake that feeling of spite. |
Tyger (50), Mutation-Controller Mind/FF - oldest Mind/FF on Union
Dr. Aeon was a player before he became a dev - he might have played a fire Tank pre-ED.
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
For reference, Matt 'Positron' Miller on Statesman's death:
Originally Posted by Matt Miller
Killing off the character meant a lot of things to a lot of people, but for me it was the ultimate declaration that City of Heroes has grown up and left the nest from which it was born.
None of the current writers were around under Cryptic, let alone Jack's Vision. The only way it'd be spite is if Positron or War Witch pushed it, really. And I don't see either one of them doing that.
The quote that was posted while I was typing, the "growing up and leaving the nest from which it was born." doesn't do much to dissuade that niggling feeling of spite either since that can be taken as "removing the last vestiges of the games old creator now I'm incharge".
However as mentioned it is doubt that the horrible cynic in me is voicing.
Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!
That's the thing...part of me, the horrible cynical part, is more than willing to believe that Positron WOULD push for it hence where the niggling doubt that it was driven by spite springs from especially since it is HIS character that is now the guy incharge.
But he should probably watch his back now, since War Witch is now in production. She could put the death of Positron on the schedule, and then bam War Witch is now leading the Freedom Phalanx.
That's also why Sister Psyche had to go: only one spirit on the team at a time.
[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]
In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)
Only one spirit on the team?
I think ye be confusing Numina for Sister Psyche.
Though to be fair if War Witch did announce 'the Death of Positron' as the next SSA, I would give a chuckle.
Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!
It would have been like every crappy TV 'drama' that in every commercial implies a major character will die, but never touch a hair on any of their heads. And everyone will have forgotten by the next week.
To those people taking about how it is good the FP 'got taken down a peg'...given how seriously incompetent the SSAs make them all out to be..taking them down a few pegs surely puts them in the negative territory right? |
They were also a major problem from the PoV of hero players... you were always under the Freedom Phalanx. Even as you became an Incarnate, you were still less than all of the Freedom Phalanx. With them shattered, heroes don't have that glass ceiling on them that made no sense with the events of the last 10 issues. The Devs now need to do something to shake up Arachnos. Not necessarily kill anyone, but something to change the status quo.
Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!
Though to be fair if War Witch did announce 'the Death of Positron' as the next SSA, I would give a chuckle.

@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
That's the thing...part of me, the horrible cynical part, is more than willing to believe that Positron WOULD push for it hence where the niggling doubt that it was driven by spite springs from especially since it is HIS character that is now the guy incharge.
The quote that was posted while I was typing, the "growing up and leaving the nest from which it was born." doesn't do much to dissuade that niggling feeling of spite either since that can be taken as "removing the last vestiges of the games old creator now I'm incharge". However as mentioned it is doubt that the horrible cynic in me is voicing. |
You know I actually think the same, especially given how Statesman died.
Did he heroicly try to fight on after his powers had been stripped from him, and die in the act?
No he gave up.
That's what makes me think it was an act of spite.
Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.
@Draeth Darkstar
Virtue [Heroes, Roleplay], Freedom [Villains], Exalted [All Sides, Roleplay]
I24 Proc Chance = (Enhanced Recharge + Activation Time) * (Current PPM * 1.25) / 60*(1 + .75*(.15*Radius - 0.011*Radius*(360-Arc)/30)) Single Target Radius = 0. AoE Non-Cone Arc = 360.
Was this in a UStream or something? I'm not seeing any recent dev posts.

@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
My objection to the demolition of Sister Psyche is that it required use of not only the IDIOT BALL but also a thorough beatdown with the BRAINLESS BAT on The Man WITHOUT A Plan ... Batmanticore.
I mean, seriously ... when he says in the cutscene "I'll do/think of something!" (can't remember the exact phrasing off the top) ... does anyone for even the slightest instant believe him? I sure didn't. Manticore plays out his part in the cutscene like a Deer In The Headlights without even the slightest clue what he might be able to do (let alone what he should have been PREPARED to do ... in advance ... in case something ... anything ... went wrong).
Psyche only got shot after being railroaded by a Killer DM relying on Script Immunity.
Manticore had the core competencies that underpin his entire existence character assassinated out from under him ... and *then* he got railroaded by a Killer DM relying on Script Immunity.
As far as I'm concerned, the *writing* of the whole SSA was spiteful in how it handled multiple characters.

No one would be surprised. I would have put more money on 'no one dying' than 'someone dying'. If someone died, Statesman was the obvious and logical choice (seeing he's absurdly over the top). Neither of those outcomes would have been surprising.
It would have been like every crappy TV 'drama' that in every commercial implies a major character will die, but never touch a hair on any of their heads. And everyone will have forgotten by the next week. The Freedom Phalanx was a giant Mary Sue. Manticore was the closest thing to a human in the group, and he's just filling the token role. They're a horrible cliche that's used far too often (good guys never lose- and never change). They were also a major problem from the PoV of hero players... you were always under the Freedom Phalanx. Even as you became an Incarnate, you were still less than all of the Freedom Phalanx. With them shattered, heroes don't have that glass ceiling on them that made no sense with the events of the last 10 issues. The Devs now need to do something to shake up Arachnos. Not necessarily kill anyone, but something to change the status quo. |
And how can you say that no one dying would not have been a twist..and then mention that States was the obvious choice to die, since it was so over the top? If it was SO obvious, and I agree, it was, then..there is no twist either. Exactly the thing you are bemoaning. States dies cause he 'had' to, Sis dies cause Manti is a tool and the rest are clueless..yes, such amazing story telling there.
How is this 'good guys' never lose thing represented in game? I think you are just making things up. Look at EVERY single hero side tf in the and your team 'help' the Phalanx to win. If they were never losing, why would the contacts need to draft a team in the first place? WHy would States have got kidnapped, only to be rescued by YOU, not the FP. This also ties in with your next comment..about being under their thumbs. Clearly you are playing a different game to me. Sure, you work with them on a good portion of TFs, but other than that..Oh wait, how about Marias arc, where you SAVE states? Yes..saving = totally under their thumb.
The Heroes were not shattered..they were written as a pack of idiots.
So...I've been thinking recently.
With the SSA1 now finished and done does anyone else kind of feel that the killing off of Sister Psyche was kind of...I don't know...spiteful?
I mean, I can understand killing off Statesman, he's the big cheese superhero, he the CoH Superman and his death along with things we've seen in the Dark Astoria arcs will hopefully lead to interesting places.
Now, as more than a few people know Statesman and Sister Psyche were both Jack Emmerts characters and the death of Sister Psyche seemed somewhat needless. It happened right after we dealt with the death of another superhero so 'teh drama' factor doesn't work because piling on the death a second time is simply going to raise eyebrows instead of a 'shock horror gasp' reaction.
With news that Positron is being promoted to the lead of the Freedom Phalanx I can't help but feel that there is a somewhat spiteful mean to kill of Jack's characters to remove 'his last remaining ingame influence'.
I mean yeah the term 'Creator's pet' does get thrown around but lets be honest, I'd actually rather have Back Alley Brawler take the lead than Positron since the fact that Positron is now bumped up to Superhero numero uno while killing off the previous guys characters just doesn't sit well with me. I just think there is an ulterior motive behind all this.
I know, I know people have probably heard this a hundred times already but I just can't get over the fact that Sister Psyche really didn't need to die, her death seemed completely pointless and considering that she is now 'Dead dead' accoring to Dr Aeon rather than 'mind riding' like some of us hoped't shake that feeling of spite.
Badge Earned: Wing Clipper
A real showstopper!