genuine need or company spite? *spoilers*




Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
Except that now he/she/it can proudly say that no game controlled character is stronger/more capable/better looking/more fabulous than the PC.
Having read quite a few bios out there, weren't there lots of people already saying their character was already the strongest/most capable/best looking, most fabulous hero/villains around already?

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
Change means progress. If City of Heroes wants to grow then things need to change.

People need to die.

Change equals Death equals Growth equals Something New, etc. etc. etc.

This game wouldn't go anywhere if Statesman never died, leaving a power vacuum. There would be no point tous as heroes in City of Heroes, and I'd like to believe that the writers and the Devs recognize that and that is why this SSA involved the death of not one, but two major figures.
Bull puckey. That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard.

My heroes don't, and never have, measured the worth of their extremities by measuring against those of the premier heroes in the greater backdrop of the game. Their "point" was never constrained by the existence of somebody who is bigger and stronger. There will ALWAYS be somebody who is bigger and stronger. If not a NPC, it will be some other player's PC who insists that he/she/it is actually the biggest/strongest/fastest/most exciting and fabulous thing on the planet.

Anyone is free to feel slighted by the existence of a NPC with greater power if they choose to, but I'll never understand that choice.



Zombie Man hit the nail on the head. This is what you get when you spend years asking for players to be the coolest of kids: NPCs will be kicked around. How else are they supposed to express it?

A few people in this thread seem really bent out of shape about the lack of respect for these characters. I say that the game never had any respect for them in the first place; all they ever were were slightly-glorified story arc dispensers. You can point to the comic books as a source of actual characterization but since the last of those was printed several years ago I'm not impressed.

Why does anyone feel attached to them in the first place?



Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
Zombie Man hit the nail on the head. This is what you get when you spend years asking for players to be the coolest of kids: NPCs will be kicked around. How else are they supposed to express it?

A few people in this thread seem really bent out of shape about the lack of respect for these characters. I say that the game never had any respect for them in the first place; all they ever were were slightly-glorified story arc dispensers. You can point to the comic books as a source of actual characterization but since the last of those was printed several years ago I'm not impressed.

Why does anyone feel attached to them in the first place?
Same reason they haven't killed BABS off? A character that could easily be taken out of game with no worries, who has no real story behind him, and hasnt any real in game thing going for him.

People like and then add to the characters they find interresting in some way. Thing is, they didn't seem to do the killing of characters for any real reason but one...

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Tyger View Post
False advertising at least. The blurb for Volume 1 was "One of the surviving 8 will die". Not two. One. Singular.
So you're complaining because you got a twofer?

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Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Same reason they haven't killed BABS off? A character that could easily be taken out of game with no worries, who has no real story behind him, and hasnt any real in game thing going for him.

People like and then add to the characters they find interresting in some way. Thing is, they didn't seem to do the killing of characters for any real reason but one...
Need I remind you that this is a MMO? This reminds me of the first round of power set proliferation: "Why didn't brutes get regen?" Turns out all you had to do was wait a couple years. Likewise, I see no reason to expect this to be the only time they kill off Freedom Phalanx members. My goodness, they just took out two in less than a year, surely we can give them some time to warm up for the next batch?



When killing off a major character, there should be a very good "why" to it.

Why was Statesman killed? Why Psyche? To get their power?

No, the answer has to go deeper. Does the character still have meaning in the world? Will this meaning be diminished or heightened by their death? In Statesman's case he was a symbol and his death made it more meaningful.

Psyche? Not seeing it.

A lot of heavy handed plot devices were at work here. It seemed, to me, that the idea was "let's kill Statesman." This was followed by, "Who else can we off?" As names were gathered THEN it was decided how to tie it together rather than saying "here's the plot... for it to succeed the villain has to kill these specific characters."

Nor was any great effort put into making the deaths a heroic gesture.

No offense to Aeon. It's very difficult to write on a deadline. I know this pain well. However, there were some areas where any experienced GM (game master, not giant monster) would realize the player would want a chance to do *something*. Players are like that. They ruin the mightiest of arcs through creativity and surprise. You expect they will do one thing and they do the opposite.

That's something you have to plan for.

In this kind of medium, that planning could be as little as posting short stories of What's Going On between the arcs or significant scenes that help give us the whole picture.

Maybe one of States, morose after his daughter is killed, visiting his wife's grave and apologizing... a comment saying he missed her and wished he could be with her again... an expression of being tired of the Mantle of Responsibility.

Another scene, of Psyche and Manti arguing... maybe a not so happy marriage, or fighting about what *could* happen if she lost control. Manti countering her "you must kill me" with ideas like knocking her out, and her explaining why it wouldn't work.

These two scenes... quickly written and posted for reading pleasure, would have enhanced the whole SSA and made sense of some things.

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Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Dr. Aeon was a player before he became a dev - he might have played a fire Tank pre-ED.
Probably more busy filling bio fields than being useful; then again "INSERT BIO HERE" and "TEXT" can only tell you so much about a character's motivations...

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Perhaps its neither. Perhaps because they were Jack's characters, he was the driving force behind them by default, and when he left that left a vacuum. Now that he's not here, those characters became more vulnerable to being killed off not because of spite, but rather simply because the other characters have more advocates for future story lines, but those characters did not.

To be honest, though, I don't think Sister Psyche was directly targeted. I think it was a combination of the fact that it was actually Manticore that was targeted as being the renegade that the writers decided to make one of the center-pieces to the story, combined with the fact that the devs seem to be shuffling the pieces around surrounding the character and her alternate analogs, that painted a bullseye on her.

I don't know if it really can be attributed to spite: is it even true that any of the writers involved ever had a working relationship with Jack?
Psyche's death was needless except to help self-gloss Positron. The proper decision would- have been to let Numina or Citadel or Luminary get the job, to avoid any potential conflict of interest issues instead of it seeming as if Positron wanting a ton of attention. At least War Witch wasn't made part of the Phalanx, but the Wesley Crusher-esque Penny Yin is bad enough...cannot wait until we never see her again.

I get Statesman leaving, but that's where it should have ended. Especially since NO ONE on redside took a hit, unless you count the eternally bohemian Scirocco's self-redemption as being an abandonment of Arachnos principles.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
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Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
Bull puckey. That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard.
Are we playing the I.nternet I.ntelligence G.ame now? I love that game.

*cracks knuckles*

Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
My heroes don't, and never have, measured the worth of their extremities by measuring against those of the premier heroes in the greater backdrop of the game. Their "point" was never constrained by the existence of somebody who is bigger and stronger. There will ALWAYS be somebody who is bigger and stronger. If not a NPC, it will be some other player's PC who insists that he/she/it is actually the biggest/strongest/fastest/most exciting and fabulous thing on the planet.
That's how you play the game and this isn't City of Heroes: SlickRiptide's Version or City Of Heroes: But Not You, You're Crap, Inferior, Nothingness Hero Version.

Unless you're blind or illiterate or unable to grasp story concepts, the whole Incarnate System has been building up to us surpassing Statesman/Recluse/Etc. in terms of power and capability. To really drive that point home, our "guiding light" or "symbol" of being a hero needed to die. Why? So we, the players, in game, can begin stepping up to the challenge of filling that void.

Will there ever be one PC who is the ultimate? No. We all will be in our phase tech version of the game we play.

Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
Anyone is free to feel slighted by the existence of a NPC with greater power if they choose to, but I'll never understand that choice.
It's not about feeling slighted - I certainly don't. Please, let Statesman be the one with Nukes and Hamidons aimed at him and let Lord Recluse be the brains behind the operations and I'll gladly sop up whatever rewards I can - but if the world's greatest Hero/Villain should fall and that spots need to be filled, I'd be more than happy to take the opportunity to fill those spaces.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
The only way our character can shine story-wise when there is a more powerful generation that just won't die or age out... is to murder them.
That's a fallacy and you know it. Making Superman look bad so you can make Batman look good is the realm of hack writers and people without imagination. There are a wide variety of far better solutions which retain the Phalanx's status as great and powerful heroes while still giving our own characters much of the spotlight.

The easy option is to make us more powerful. Isn't that what the Incarnate system was for? Making us more powerful than the established demigods? Ramiel's story arc certainly made it seem like we were already beyond where the Statesman and Recluse peaked and Silos' TF made it seem like we can mop the floor with both of them. I don't need to be stronger than the Freedom Phalanx at level 1. There is such a thing as game progression, and I'm well fine with being stronger than the Freedom Phalanx at level 50. If I waited until level 45 to beat Recluse at his own game, I can wait until 50 to do the same with the Statesman.

The slightly less easy but more creative solution is to invent reasons for why the Freedom Phalanx can't come in to save the day. Maybe they were already captured like the Statesman was in the old Maria Jenkins' arc and they plain CAN'T, so we need to pick up where they left off. Maybe they're already preoccupied fighting on other fronts in a battle that no hero alone can win, as should have been the case of the Praetorian war, as opposed to the "don't ask don't tell" approach of the iTrials.

We could have been given the option to go on missions with these people and fight at their level, as the new Maria Jenkins arc does. This would have gone a long way to prove that while we may not be miles better than them, we are not miles worse, either, and it would still have retained at least some of the game's dignity.

Or how about just letting us be awesome? Sure, the Freedom Phalanx are super-powerful and can tank their enemies into submission. By level 50, we can do the same. Maybe not with cheating dev-mode powers, granted, but we can still do it because we're awesome.

So what if the Statesman survived a nuke? Indiana Jones survived a nuke by hiding inside a fridge. Give me a fridge, toss a nuke my way and I'll take a tumble if that's what it takes to prove a point.

Either way, trying to shame people because they asked for better storytelling and got worse storytelling, instead, is not a nice argument to make.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I have no problem with who they killed, and I agree 100% with their reasons for doing so.

I just can't help but feel that they've missed several crucial opportunities to flesh out the background of the characters and the game world, as well as themes that seem obvious and exciting to explore.

Consider that both Statesman and Sister Psyche have ancient analogs in Cimerora (as well as a couple other Phalanxers, but the most prominent are Imperious and Sister Solaris). This would have been a great way to flesh out the idea of how heroes (Incarnates in particular) recur and reincarnate through time. Spend more time in Cimerora, giving their take on heroism and fleshing out who Imperious and Sister Solaris are. Spend more time on their modern-day counterparts as well. It males us care about them, and it highlights the idea that Wade was intentionally targeting something transcendent about the human spirit (while missing the point entirely) instead of just needing Powerset A and Powerset B.



Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
That's how you play the game and this isn't City of Heroes: SlickRiptide's Version...
On the contrary, that's exactly what we're playing. Every one of us is playing our own "version" of the game as we see it. Some of us require that our version of the game make us the stars of the show. Some of us don't. My opinion of SSA1 is that the Powers That Be gave in to the factions of players who want to be the stars, and that they not only did it poorly overall but they ought not to have done it in the first place. Certainly, they ought not to have done it this way.

Unless you're blind or illiterate or unable to grasp story concepts, the whole Incarnate System has been building up to us surpassing Statesman/Recluse/Etc. in terms of power and capability. To really drive that point home, our "guiding light" or "symbol" of being a hero needed to die. Why? So we, the players, in game, can begin stepping up to the challenge of filling that void.
No. That point did not need to be driven home. In fact, the incarnate system was already sidelining both Statesman and Lord Recluse as has-beens. Statesman in particular was being relegated from "guiding light" to celestial sock-puppet, unworthy of respect or admiration. They were removing the need to fill a void by removing the void.

What's the next logical step, now? This is just turning into our own game's version of level inflation, where this season's world-threatening new enemy becomes next season's pushover. Sure, we step into the void, but soon we fill up all of our incarnate slots and now Prometheus and his cadre are still bigger and badder than we are, despite that we even put down Batallion. We better kill HIM now, and beat down Michael and the rest of the celestials so that we can step in and fill THAT void. Then there's Mender Silos/Nemesis, who no doubt turns out to be the biggest bad yet once the timeline is saved from Batallion. We can't have that. He'll need to be killed also; preferably by the PC's themselves.

There's no end to this sort of "progression" unless "City of Heroes: Ascension" really does hit the market someday and we all become the "wells" of our own little worlds.



I won't miss statesman much but i liked Sister Psyche. I hope she isn't really dead.

Manticore seems on his way to becoming a villain/vigilante. I hope he gets more powerful and a new look too.



Originally Posted by Neuronia View Post
Penny Yin is bad enough...cannot wait until we never see her again.
You're in for a long wait

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
I would like to see Statesman and Sister Psyche's ghosts chilling with War Witch in Croatoa.
Then the Ewoks can sing us out.

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
That's a fallacy and you know it.
That's a bold assertion of high dudgeon without merit and you know it.

There, do I win the "I'm offended" contest?

Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Just to pick a nit, Penny and the Clockwork King were/are more powerful.
Before they were added, Sister Psyche was stated to be in the lore the most powerful psychic. Also, besides his Clockwork army trick... just where is it stated that the CK is (one of) the most powerful psychic in the world?

Besides her nigh-obtainable level of power, Sister Psyche also had "lived longer than normal" going for her as a reason to bump her off. She had a long life... she just didn't look it.

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Originally Posted by Kierthos View Post
Honestly, I would have loved that part of the arc much better if, after losing his powers, Statesman said "There's... one thing you should know."

Darrin Wade sneers, "What's that, old man?"

Statesman says "Before... before I was Statesman... I was a soldier." and pulls out a World War I era pistol, and takes a shot at Wade.

Sure, Wade would take the shot and shrug it off, maybe get some tiny little scar on his face from it and then just summon some Rularuu beastie to smack the life out of Marcus Cole... AND then you run the cutscene.

See, that should have happened. But instead of a scar, it should have cost him an eye. That would have been fitting with Wade knowledge and godhood.




Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
See, that should have happened. But instead of a scar, it should have cost him an eye. That would have been fitting with Wade knowledge and godhood.
It would also explain why Statesman wore a metal faceplate with spandex.

'I don't like the look of it at all,' said the King: 'however, it may kiss my hand if it likes.'
'I'd rather not,' the Cat remarked.
'Don't be impertinent,' said the King, 'and don't look at me like that!' He got behind Alice as he spoke.
'A cat may look at a king,' said Alice.



Originally Posted by Aneko View Post
It would also explain why Statesman wore a metal faceplate with spandex.
Spandex goes with everything - it's a very versatile fabric

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Here's what I don't get about blueside - Why is it perceived so frequently as a situation where "That guy is standing in the shoes that rightfully belong to me?"

When you hear complaints about redside, you really don't often hear complaints about how Lord Recluse is so limiting and you wish he'd be just dead. In fact, most players who play to the end of the overarching story, where you hand Recluse his broken mask and say "FYI - This is what the future holds if you mess with me", are reasonably satisifed with that situation. They may still have to live with Recluse being the top of the villain power structure, but they seldom say "I am really pissed that I can't just kill Lord Recluse and take his place."

Despite arguing with VoodooGirl's position, I understand what she's saying and I have a certain amount of sympathy for that take on things. Given the above, though, I believe that the lesson of redside is that the perception of a void is managable by allowing the player to earn the respect and acknowledgement of the top dogs rather than by destroying them and then allowing the player to pretend that the PC is the replacement for the NPC.

For my tastes, I would have been perfectly validated with a situation where my PC hero fought alongside Statesman and Lord Recluse, where the press conference asked Statesman "How did you save the world?" and Statesman replied "I didn't. It was %PLAYER% and I think you should direct the rest of your questions to him.", and where that hallway of soldiers honoring my hero with a mass salute included a Statesman shaking my hero's hand then leading that salute with one of his own.

I believe that all that anybody really required was for the game to have the pre-eminent blue characters acknowledge the PC's as equal or greater, just as the redside story finally has Lord Recluse grudgingly acknowledge that the PC villain has become someone worthy of respect equal to Recluse himself.

Instead of making the player character into a bigger fish, the designers instead chose to shrink the size of the pond so that the PC would FEEL bigger.



Originally Posted by minimalist_NA View Post
I have no problem with who they killed, and I agree 100% with their reasons for doing so.

I just can't help but feel that they've missed several crucial opportunities to flesh out the background of the characters and the game world, as well as themes that seem obvious and exciting to explore.
This my feeling as well. Statesman died so that I could now be The Guy. Psyche died (maybe) so we could push Manticore back to Bruce Wayne levels of brooding. Even if the execution needed work - no pun intended - I can see where we're headed, and I kinda like it. If they're sloppy in killing off major characters, eh, its not like we haven't had it really done properly since Crisis on Infinite Worlds.

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Originally Posted by Creole Ned View Post
For reference, Matt 'Positron' Miller on Statesman's death:
Originally Posted by Matt Miller
Killing off the character meant a lot of things to a lot of people, but for me it was the ultimate declaration that City of Heroes has grown up and left the nest from which it was born.
See full comments here.
That statement reads like nothing but a kiss-off to Jack Emmert and Cryptic. That Paragon Studios is continuing to use Statesman's image as part of their branding and marketing efforts only means that the trademark is staying with them, too. Emmert's legacy is effectively in checkmate: His creation is dead in game, but it's actively in use outside, so the big blue cypher has no chance of either new adventures or reverting to his creator.

The only thing required to complete this scenario is motive, which Cryptic plausibly supplied when they decided to digitize the "goatee universe" setting from the pen-and-paper Champions RPG at about the same time as CoH's Going Rogue.

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
The "why" of the whole affair really isn't relevant. One need only look at the events together to see how distasteful the whole situation is. The Statesman and Sister Psyche - Jack Emmert's creations - were unceremoniously and needlessly murdered, and Positron - Matt Miller's Mary Sue - was promoted to premier hero in their place. Whether it was intended to be petty or not is only secondary to the very real fact that it IS petty, intentionally or otherwise.
Without getting a full explanation or formal admission from Posi, we can't declare it "IS" - but it certainly can be interpreted that way.

The problem with the WWD arc goes beyond its convoluted plotting and the extra killing: The devs haven't given us sufficient cause for what Statesman and Sister Psyche died for any more than we had sufficient background on what they stood for. How can we mourn their heroic deaths if we don't really know why they were heroes in the first place? While Emperor Cole is motivated by a twisted interpretation of upholding the greater good for society's sake and Lord Recluse wants to rule a super-powered Darwinian world, the motivations of the likes of Statesman and Sister Psyche are generic at best.

Killing them off like this seems like the devs' admission that since they didn't know what to do with them in the game, removing them entirely was the most dramatic option they could come up with.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Either way, trying to shame people because they asked for better storytelling and got worse storytelling, instead, is not a nice argument to make.
I would say it still isn't anywhere as appalling as promoting character assassination of real people, which is what some people are doing in this thread, just because a couple of their favorite super-pretendy heroes got canned, regardless of the quality of the story behind the action.

Are any of you who are attempting to judge the character of a person, whom most of you have never actually known, actually stopping to take a breath and step back from this thread just so you can see the level of crazy being put into it? Do you ever think about what you're thinking about? This is exactly the reason why I automatically dismiss any claims made by the player base that it can plan a better story than the folks currently in development actually planning out the real game, barring a substantially good idea. I cannot approve of any situation where the inmates are running the asylum.

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Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
For my tastes, I would have been perfectly validated with a situation where my PC hero fought alongside Statesman and Lord Recluse, where the press conference asked Statesman "How did you save the world?" and Statesman replied "I didn't. It was %PLAYER% and I think you should direct the rest of your questions to him.", and where that hallway of soldiers honoring my hero with a mass salute included a Statesman shaking my hero's hand then leading that salute with one of his own.
Wasn't this what more or less happened at the end of the Statesman TF, though? That... really didn't change anything. I wasn't the first guy called when Galaxy City was bombed, and I'm sure who would have be the first guy to get called when Mot returned or Recluse invades or when the Battalion arrives.

I believe that all that anybody really required was for the game to have the pre-eminent blue characters acknowledge the PC's as equal or greater, just as the redside story finally has Lord Recluse grudgingly acknowledge that the PC villain has become someone worthy of respect equal to Recluse himself.

Instead of making the player character into a bigger fish, the designers instead chose to shrink the size of the pond so that the PC would FEEL bigger.
Statesman has been heroing for eighty-some years now. Just by his sheer longevity and legend there was no way I was ever going to be The Guy compared to him as long as he was still an active hero. And as the SSA showed us, there was no way he was going to stop being an active hero unless someone stopped him.

Blood Widow Ricki * Tide Shifter * T-34 * Opposite Reaction * Shaolin Midnight * ChernobylCheerleader



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
the "don't ask don't tell" approach of the iTrials.
I've seen openly gay players serving in the leagues without causing any problems.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by TheDeepBlue View Post
Are any of you who are attempting to judge the character of a person, whom most of you have never actually known, actually stopping to take a breath and step back from this thread just so you can see the level of crazy being put into it? Do you ever think about what you're thinking about? This is exactly the reason why I automatically dismiss any claims made by the player base that it can plan a better story than the folks currently in development actually planning out the real game, barring a substantially good idea. I cannot approve of any situation where the inmates are running the asylum.

Actually we know that Positron is prone to throwing the toys out of the pram.

He did it with AE.

Hell he was going to do it with the Incarnate trials, because people weren't playing how he wanted us to play (I know people were doing 30 min trials that they had on farm, rather than doing an hour one with the possibility of no reward at the end? How odd), it was only the fact that well Incarnates are the only real reason for many Vipsto remain so that stopped him.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.