Concerned about Scrappers.




Originally Posted by KnightofKhonsu View Post
Yes I am serious. Stalkers only have that in regards to Assassination Strike, not every attack they throw, like the Scrapper can do. That is a unique difference any way you cut it and nor is it the same. See below.
Yea, as others have mentioned Stalkers get a crit chance on all enemies. It used to be only on controlled enemies way back in the day if I recall correctly, but it's been fairly improved since then.

You're actually looking at the description a bit wonkily I think.
a Stalker can pull off Critical hits with his attacks, and even land a massive 'Assassins Strike' with an assassin's power.
It's saying you can crit and you can Assassin's Strike; not that they're one and the same thing.

MA Arcs: Yarmouth 1509 and 58812



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
Oh, and what's the Tanker's shtick? That they're the worst of the four fighters at fighting?
*insert link to "not sure if serious" image here*

The tanker is the only AT of the four that is really unique. Try comparing its' primaries with the primaries of any other melee AT sometime. The result may surprise you!

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




I've always thought of stalkers not as the 'sneaky' archetype in its mechanical function, but as a master of tactical burst damage. By 'tactical' I mean that the player using a stalker can analyze a situation and use a specific strategy to take out enemies. Actually, I always thought the flat scrapper crit rate+team crit rate were undermining this, as everything else seemed to focus not on random chance but on mechanics that could be pretty well predicted. As such, i'm very pleased with the new stalker changes that give more strategy to how you time attacks, and in what order, rather than the "hang around buddies, and you might win free damage!" criticals. I would actually prefer if the base damage/buildup were boosted on stalkers, and the out of hide/team criticals were done away with.

While the new stalker changes do make stalkers come into their own as bosskillers more than ever, it does in gameplay somewhat exemplify the difference between stalker sand scrappers for me: stalkers play best when you think about things, (attack order, visibility, environment, agrro) scrappers just fight. The difference in performance for timing things wrong, using powers in a suboptimal order will result in far less of a damage disparity. Scrappers you hit stuff, damage happens. As noted there are some sets that do give scrappers more of an attack strategy, but for the most part the archetype does well just running at things and smacking them.



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
Oh, and what's the Tanker's shtick?
Melee Defense primary. Nobody else has that.

I've never signed up for a Tanker expecting to win any contest besides "who's gonna fall down last?". And in that category - where they're supposed to excel - I've always found they excel.

So, honestly, I'm satisfied.



Scrappers are no longer TEH MOST AWSUM oh noes!

I play Defenders. The AT that doesn't get an actual, noticeable Inherent, because we're already sitting right on the balance point and the Devs don't want to mess that up.
(I also play a Scrapper, and a couple of Tankers, and a couple of Brutes. Have fun on all of 'em.)

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Honestly, the Scrapper Schtich seems to be the simplicity of the AT, "Flip out and kill things"; if you will.

But to try and be a more rational devil's advocate, with regard to tankers, Tankers give up damage for survivibility. My issue is, does the level of survivibility that Tankers have, actually provide any benefit? Brutes were the tanks of CoV up and until Side switching, they were capable of taking damage, managing aggro, and acting as main tank for the most dificult content Redside. Yes, they do so with support, but without IOs I don't believe Tankers are capable of tanking the most diffucult stuff in the game without support, so I belive that argument isn't valid.

The three big issues with tankers that I see:

1. When Tankers get Apocolypse level survivability, content like iTrials and hami raids add in damage that completely bypasses that survivability. The argument of survivable vs survivable enough.

At base, Brutes have 80% tanker health, when buffed the gap closes to 90%. In this content with Unresistable damage is 10%-20% survivibility advantage enough to compare to the Fury advantage? My sexy blue tank is infinitely survivable vs 7 DE monsters (Quite possibly more, aggro cap issues though ), however, that survivability is bypassed by unresistable damage, and a WP Brute becomes more survivable vs the special damage in trials.

2. A hold over from when Brutes were expected to play double duty as tanks. Brutes have an inherent Taunt in all their attacks. It's not AoE, but one of the best Pieces of Advice new Tankers are alway given is that Gauntlet isn't Effortless. They have to switch targets, keep tagging enemies, and even then they won't be perfect. Brutes get Taunt auras (as do some Scrappers which I believe was more for Parity then mechanics) And AoE attacks have taunt, directly equating to the tanker version.

Should any AT that is not Tankers Have the ability to taunt without a power selection? I'm not sure that they should be able to.

3. Stemming from 2, there have been situations where the native Taunt of a teamates aura or Poke-voke coupled with much greater damage created a situation where I could not pull aggro off the teamate. Sometimes they died, sometimes they tanked while I just plugged along with attacks. This is less of an issue, but should something be able to take the aggro of a single enemy that a tank is activly working to hold?

Those are the three biggest issues I'm seeing with tanks. And I think it goes to show that the OP's argument is better held for Tankers vs Brutes than Scrappers vs Stalkers.

Murphys Military Law

#23. Teamwork is essential; it gives the enemy other people to shoot at.

#46. If you can't remember, the Claymore is pointed towards you.

#54. Killing for peace is like screwing for virginity.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
I'm only slightly more concerned about Scrappers than I am about the Earth running out of oxygen, to be blunt.

Scrappers have been, and are, fine, IMHO. Very straightforward. You hit stuff. Sometimes you h it harder (crit chance.) No fury mechanic to worry about. You get your attacks first. Nothing fancy (unless the set you use gives you something "fancy" to work with, like DB Combos.)
This sums it up for me. Sometimes I like just being able to walk up and smack the ever loving snot out of something, without having to worry about Hide or Fury. I love my main Tank. I also love my Stalkers, my Brutes and my Scrappers. Because they are all still different.

Just my 2 inf

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
I'm only slightly more concerned about Scrappers than I am about the Earth running out of oxygen, to be blunt.

Scrappers have been, and are, fine, IMHO. Very straightforward. You hit stuff. Sometimes you h it harder (crit chance.) No fury mechanic to worry about. You get your attacks first. Nothing fancy (unless the set you use gives you something "fancy" to work with, like DB Combos.)
Awesome post. Completely agree.

The only thing that needs to be done is what Uber pointed out about having the AI run less.



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
All of that? Rubbish.
It's all based on perception.
Based on the devs perception which includes data nobody but them has privy too, so.. yeah they felt the need and frankly that is all that counts here. Pfft...

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



The thing about scrappers is that they are easy. They should be everyone's starter AT. You have defenses and you hit hard. Nothing complicated about them (some powersets have some complications like dual blades).

If scrappers became just the easy AT that you played because you were new or because you wanted easy mode (not god mode) I think they would have a worthy niche.



I think this proves the devs did a great job with the stalker buffs.

Stalkers do more Single Target DPS/Burst, while Scrappers have better survivablity, and better AOE.

Kudos Synapse, and associated team. The stalker buffs saved my subscription, and I thank you for them.

When something good happens to me, I can never enjoy it....
I am always too busy looking for the inevitable punchline...




Originally Posted by Test_Rat View Post
I think this proves the devs did a great job with the stalker buffs.

Stalkers do more Single Target DPS/Burst, while Scrappers have better survivablity, and better AOE.

Kudos Synapse, and associated team. The stalker buffs saved my subscription, and I thank you for them.
Yep yep this.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by Test_Rat View Post
Stalkers do more Single Target DPS/Burst, while Scrappers have better survivablity, and better AOE.
I concur. While I may still never play a stalker, I've long agreed that they should be the single target damage kings.

Now if the devs can figure out how to make tanks the kings of aggro management again, the 4 melee archetypes will be damn near perfect.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
I concur. While I may still never play a stalker, I've long agreed that they should be the single target damage kings.

Now if the devs can figure out how to make tanks the kings of aggro management again, the 4 melee archetypes will be damn near perfect.
Raise the aggro cap to 20 and give them a special threat level seen by the enemy AI as the threat above all others.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
Raise the aggro cap to 20 and give them a special threat level seen by the enemy AI as the threat above all others.
Could the devs boost their punchvoke based on how many people are on the team?



I have no concerns about Scrappers. Or blasters. They have entered what appears to be a steady cycle of buffing ATs and powersets and introducing newer, stronger powersets that is resulting in the basic content becoming ever more trivial.

One of my biggest concerns is power creep and what it means for the long-term health of this game.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
I concur. While I may still never play a stalker, I've long agreed that they should be the single target damage kings.

Now if the devs can figure out how to make tanks the kings of aggro management again, the 4 melee archetypes will be damn near perfect.
Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
Raise the aggro cap to 20 and give them a special threat level seen by the enemy AI as the threat above all others.
Or, make them the only AT that can resist unresistable damage (as has been mentioned they -do- have mitigation as a primary), and the only one that gets taunt auras and Punch-Voke (Brutes don't need it anymore as they are no longer the exclusive aggro managment AT redside, which IIRC, was the reason it was added in the first place).

Originally Posted by ThePill View Post
Could the devs boost their punchvoke based on how many people are on the team?
Wouldn't do much. With the way taunt works, so long as the higher damage ATs have it, they win. That's what I was getting at with #2 and #3 on my list. Taunt is a threat multiplier, so as long as Brutes and scrappers can gainfully taunt (I.E apply a magnitude of taunt that effects the enemy), their level of damage will beat the Tank's ability to generate enough threat. You can boost punchvoke, but I don't believe there's a level of boost that will let the Tank out-threat Taunt fueled Scrappers and Brutes.

Seriously, make tankers the Ultimate survivable characters in Trial content (I.E allowing them to resist unresistable damage, and now that I think of it avoid autohit damage), and remove Scrapper's and Brute's ability to taunt outside Taunt itself, Confront, and pressence powers.

Murphys Military Law

#23. Teamwork is essential; it gives the enemy other people to shoot at.

#46. If you can't remember, the Claymore is pointed towards you.

#54. Killing for peace is like screwing for virginity.



Originally Posted by William_Valence View Post
Seriously, make tankers the Ultimate survivable characters in Trial content (I.E allowing them to resist unresistable damage, and now that I think of it avoid autohit damage)
Yeah, that's not going to happen.

Accept the fact that the developers want ALL of the ATs to be in danger some of the time.

Just as the developers need to accept that, in light of that previous fact, strictly balancing an AT's damage against a survivability that can be both superfluous in many situations and circumvented in many other situations may not be fair or fun. Especially given that Brutes and Tankers having very comparable survival potential, while Tankers have largely inferior damage potential.

Given that nobody seems to have an issue with Brute survivability either way, it's painfully obvious that it's the Tanker damage cap that needs to give and be increased.




Originally Posted by William_Valence View Post
Or, make them the only AT that can resist unresistable damage (as has been mentioned they -do- have mitigation as a primary), and the only one that gets taunt auras and Punch-Voke (Brutes don't need it anymore as they are no longer the exclusive aggro managment AT redside, which IIRC, was the reason it was added in the first place).
That doesn't seem to follow, to me. If it's a multiplier (which matches my understanding), they could make the Tanker have the larger multiplier. I don't understand it to be a fixed multiplier shared among ATs.

In any case, it seems to me that the issue (when there is one) is not one of Brutes simply stealing aggro from Tankers. If a Brute steals aggro and dies, then the Tanker can still step in. The issue is that the Brute can steal aggro and usually survive it, which means the Tanker didn't need to be there to start with.

Honestly, despite all the gnashing of teeth about cheaty mechanics and irresistible damage, I find Tankers much more reliable in this regard in Incarnate content than Brutes. Don't misunderstand, I know full well that well built and well played Brutes can successfully tank even the most annoying of iTrial bosses. The point is that Tankers seem to have a sufficiently easier time of it that it takes much less optimal builds and/or skilled play to achieve the same result. I think that if there's anywhere that Tankers get to show off how tough they are, iTrials are that place.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
Given that nobody seems to have an issue with Brute survivability either way, it's painfully obvious that it's the Tanker damage cap that needs to give and be increased.
As long as tanks remain at the bottom of the pack for damage output, I would even agree with raising their melee modifier a bit.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
Yeah, that's not going to happen.

Accept the fact that the developers want ALL of the ATs to be in danger some of the time.

Just as the developers need to accept that, in light of that previous fact, strictly balancing an AT's damage against a survivability that can be both superfluous in many situations and circumvented in many other situations may not be fair or fun. Especially given that Brutes and Tankers having very comparable survival potential, while Tankers have largely inferior damage potential.

Given that nobody seems to have an issue with Brute survivability either way, it's painfully obvious that it's the Tanker damage cap that needs to give and be increased.

Actually, I was always for dropping Brutes max resist to 85% and having it so Tankers had the higher resist potential at 90%.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Well, if you wanna know what might be a good buff for scrappers? (though my scrappers still feel perfectly fine)
Here's an old proposal I had: in addition to the scrapper's present mechanic, maybe for every crit they land or just every attack, they get a small to moderate recharge buff to their primary attack powers.

Though this in of itself could become a drawback since it means scrappers are burning their end faster than ever.

I should note, I don't really see anything wrong with scrappers. I just kind of like the idea of the building recharge stacks.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



As I said above, I have no desire to see any of the melee ATs buffed. That said, I think offering Scrappers so form of utility boost would be fair. The Stalked AT now has: critical hit procs, automatic crits from hide, Assassin's focus, placate and 150 ft. zero endurance stealth. I don't think that near reasonable, since newer Stalked primaries don't even lose their AoEs.

Personally, I think the Scrapper AT should have utility on par with Stalker's stealth. I don't think it's needed, but likewise I don't think the Stalker changes were needed. But it would be fair.

I think a fun, but not ultimately unbalancing thing would be for all Scrappers to be able to see critter stats as if they were using Surveillance. As masters of combat it would make sense for the AT. It wouldn't increase Scrapper damage or survivability, except indirectly.

But it would be something that this AT wouldn't have to share with another AT.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Actually, I was always for dropping Brutes max resist to 85% and having it so Tankers had the higher resist potential at 90%.
For some reason I had thought that did happen with the fury changes. Was it proposed and changed?

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Originally Posted by William_Valence View Post
Seriously, make tankers the Ultimate survivable characters in Trial content (I.E allowing them to resist unresistable damage, and now that I think of it avoid autohit damage), and remove Scrapper's and Brute's ability to taunt outside Taunt itself, Confront, and pressence powers.
Personally, I think that unresisitible damage was added to actually hurt characters that could get near/hit their resistance caps. By allowing Tankers to resist unresistible damage, it would dilute the effect for the AT it was most likely targetted at.

Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
That doesn't seem to follow, to me. If it's a multiplier (which matches my understanding), they could make the Tanker have the larger multiplier. I don't understand it to be a fixed multiplier shared among ATs.
Just to be clear, the multiplier is based off the taunt effect's duration, so in order to make Tanker's have threat parity with Brutes and some Scrappers, Tanker taunt effects would need to be on the order of 50-66% longer than they are now to account for it. In other words:

Standard taunt auras: 13.5s -> 20.25s / 22.41s
Long taunt auras: 16.875 -> 25.31s / 28s
Taunt: 41s -> 61.5s / 68s

That's unslotted duration, mind you.

Given how much extra threat taunting characters swim in compared to tauntless characters, I think it would make more sense to lower Brute/Scrapper taunt mods rather than increase Tankers. Seriously, taunt auras that lasted 8-9s should still be plenty of extra threat to offtank / stop runners.

Btw, Gauntlet is pretty crumby. AoE Gauntlet produces less AoE threat than single target Gauntlet with harder hitting AoEs, especially since the AoEs apply taunt, anyways.

Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
In any case, it seems to me that the issue (when there is one) is not one of Brutes simply stealing aggro from Tankers. If a Brute steals aggro and dies, then the Tanker can still step in. The issue is that the Brute can steal aggro and usually survive it, which means the Tanker didn't need to be there to start with.
Yep; in other games, even if a character could purposefully outthreat the tank, they didn't want to because it meant they died. (Note that is just an observation on other games, not a comment about CoX.)