Concerned about Scrappers.




honestly scrappers do need something, cause I have played better on my stalkers then i have on my scrappers and this was even before the change.



Originally Posted by Test_Rat View Post
I think this proves the devs did a great job with the stalker buffs.

Stalkers do more Single Target DPS/Burst, while Scrappers have better survivablity, and better AOE.

Kudos Synapse, and associated team. The stalker buffs saved my subscription, and I thank you for them.
This I can agree with.

The fact that the buffs had me concerned about the role of scrappers, however minor my concern was, is a good indication that the buffs were well done.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



I dunno, I have seen my stalker on a team out live 3 other scrappers time and time again



...but is that because your stalker was tougher, or because your stalker was just better built/more competently played, or even just because the scrappers were the ones getting shot at? Personally, I have never seen pretty much anyone on any team outlive my scrappers.



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Scrappers are one of my favorite ATs. The only ones that came close (and recently tied with) them was Stalkers, and before Stalker buffs it was purely out of love of the concept were they up there.

So that said, I can say, I'm not one of those "Buff my AT because my AT hasnt seen a buff" type of players. Do Scrappers need a buff? Nope. Would I like to see a flat crit rate across enemy types instead of the 5%, 10% they have now? Yes.
This is along the lines of what I was getting at in my OP.

Do I think scrappers need a buff to be competitive? No, not at all.

Would I like to see them get something that improves them? Yes. Would I like to see them get something unique that doesn't add a gimmick that needs to be monitored? Absolutely.

A slightly improved crit chance would be nice, I would even accept an averaged out crit chance just so it's consistent. I don't think it's strictly necessary though.

Another slight buff I could see as not being game-breaking is an increase to resistance caps from 75% to 80%. I've always found it odd that a Scrapper is supposed to be a survivable melee combatant and has defense/resistance secondary sets, yet has the same resistance cap as a Controller or Blaster. 80% resistance would be irrelevant for most scrapper secondaries, but it would be enough to separate them from the other ATs without stepping on the toes of the tank and brute.

I think Stalkers should get an 80% resistance cap as well, so it's not just a Scrapper buff I'm after here. All four of the melee ATs should have a higher resistance cap than a Defender, not just two of them.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
I know I've argued about this with you before, but getting 3 sets proliferated at once that aren't the sets you personally want is not neglect or mistreatment of the AT as a whole. I, personally, was far happier with Mace and EA than I would have been for any of the sets you mentioned. I don't begrudge you your disappointment, but you need to stop trying to construe it this way.
Personally I love EA, it is at this point one of my two favorite Scrapper secondaries (the other being ELA). So, I am more than happy we got that. Now, if I were the only one who was annoyed with axe and mace I would have tossed it up to it just being me, but I wasn't. The feedback on the beta boards reflected the same thing I feel now. Why didn't scrappers get at least one of the sets that had been requested for years?

Would I like to see them get something that improves them? Yes. Would I like to see them get something unique that doesn't add a gimmick that needs to be monitored? Absolutely.
This is what I am getting at, and the point I think people are intentionally missing. Just like everyone else here I want to log onto my scrappers and go, and go, and go, and go.

Rather than crit chance increase or leveling, I personally would like to see an end reduction in all scrapper attacks, or superior conditioning added as a consistent inherent so that every x level scrappers get a permanent increase to their end total.

I am not pushing for some crazy thing that needs to be watched and worked towards. I want them to remain simple.

As for power creep, is it even really worth arguing at this point? Once the incarnate system was added using power creep as an argument went right our a very wide open window.

Full disclosure, scrappers are my favorite AT. I love them above all the other children, so yes I want to see them get some real love from the devs. The thing is, it can be done w/o breaking the class, or the balance of the game. I try very hard to be a constructive, respectful, and reasonable member of this community, this however is a subject that I am very passionate about...very.

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Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
Personally I love EA, it is at this point one of my two favorite Scrapper secondaries (the other being ELA). So, I am more than happy we got that. Now, if I were the only one who was annoyed with axe and mace I would have tossed it up to it just being me, but I wasn't. The feedback on the beta boards reflected the same thing I feel now. Why didn't scrappers get at least one of the sets that had been requested for years?
We did! We got Axe, Mace, and EA. Were more players wanting those than SS, EM, Ninjitsu, etc? I don't know, probably not. Axe and Mace were definitely easier ports, though, and EA got a much-needed revamp. SS and EM will almost certainly need at least a review when they get ported, if not dramatic changes, and comprehensive reviews of multiple powersets per AT don't usually happen in a single issue. Similar for Ninjitsu. I have no idea why Ice wasn't proliferated to scrappers at the same time they did for stalkers, so I can kinda grant that one, but 3 sets in a single issue is still pretty great. It isn't even like they've told us Scrappers will never get those sets, we just haven't gotten them yet because proliferation turned out to be way slower than we once thought it would be.

You're totally entitled to your disappointment, I just really dislike the way you construe the AT getting things other than the ones you most want as getting "the shaft".

But like I said, you and I have gone through this whole thing before, so I'm going to stop discussing it here and let you have the last word. And hey, as long as any proposed changes don't mess with the AT's straightforward awesomeness, I'm not vehemently opposed, I just don't think it's much of a priority.



Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
You're totally entitled to your disappointment, I just really dislike the way you construe the AT getting things other than the ones you most want as getting "the shaft".
Last word!!! HA!

I may could have worded it better, we all have bad days. I should be fair and say that right after in that beta Synapse posted asking us what we would like to see as part of Proliferation in the future, and the ones I listed (and ice) were repeated by most of the hard core Scrapper players.

I have no desire to see the straight forward nature of the scrapper messed with. I love that same thing about it.

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This is just a random suggestion from my side, if crit chance for scrappers is being brought up.

Rather than up'ing it straight away, I could think of the Corruptor mechanics as in that the chance to crit is scaling upwards, while mob health is at 50%-0%
(think like open wounds, bleeding effects, crushed bones, incinerated, shock etc. pick your poison)
On healthbags like AVs this would make quite a difference though
For a solo scrapper who can't touch their regen rate to begin with, it won't.

The other way around would be similar to SR's increasing DR, that is if their own HP meter drops below e.g. 50% their crit chance would increase.
But tbh most scrappers I know prefer to stay healthy and top off their HPs most of the time.
/end suggestion

Most of my scrappers don't get played anymore, because I find them too much ST dmg centered nowadays. Has nothing to do with scrappers feeling less powerful (which they don't). It's a personal shift, prefering ATs that bring more variety and team support.



Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
Is it so wrong to want something even if it is not needed?
The continual insistence that it IS needed, as you unironically proceeded to perpetuate in your post. Scrappers don't need unique power sets or buffs of gimmicks. That doesn't mean they can't receive a buff of some sort, but I'd rather this WEREN'T a gimmick which took up more attention to play to than what Scrappers do right now.

The fact of the matter is that Scrappers are, as of right now, the only "simple" AT left in the game. Tankers have to worry about Gauntlet and Bruising, Brutes have to worry about Fury, Stalkers have to worry about Hide, common criticals, the Assassination critical, Assassin's Focus, the Focus critical and their own lower base damage and hit points, Blasters have to worry about Defiance biffs, animation times, powers usable when held and generally dying, Masterminds have to worry about pet AI, pet controls, Bodyguard, Supremacy, personal attacks and so forth and the rest of the ATs have powersets which are fairly complex in their design. Scrappers are the only AT I can log into, rush at an enemy and start hitting, and by applying not a smidgen more of concentration or care, still operate at the AT's peak performance given a specific build.

Scrappers have no gimmicks to worry about, and I believe very strongly that we need at least one AT that's like this.

As far as upgrades to the AT go? I'd say bump their HP up, say another 10% or so, and call it a day.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
The continual insistence that it IS needed, as you unironically proceeded to perpetuate in your post. Scrappers don't need unique power sets or buffs of gimmicks. That doesn't mean they can't receive a buff of some sort, but I'd rather this WEREN'T a gimmick which took up more attention to play to than what Scrappers do right now.

*snip* (just for space)

Scrappers have no gimmicks to worry about, and I believe very strongly that we need at least one AT that's like this.

You may have not gotten that far, but I say the same thing in a later post.

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Originally Posted by William_Valence View Post
My issue is, the Blaster isn't supposed to have survivablility. Maybe someday Arcanaville will succeed, and Blasters will be intended to have survivablility, but now they're not supposed to. I don't bat an eyelash at those numbers because that's what's supposed to be. The problem is, Tanks are supposed to be gainfully more survivable than everyone else as well. I just don't know if that's the case.
Given the numbers Sarrate just posted, I honestly don't see how you can say that seriously.

When you have a Brute with it's HP level, access to buffs, and caps; I don't see Tankers as gainfully more survivable in that case.
Brutes are the AT designed explicitly to have the next closest survivability after Tankers. I see the point in debating whether they are too close in survivability, but it's to be expected that the AT designed to be the next closest in survivability be, well, close in survivability.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by Xenophage View Post
honestly scrappers do need something, cause I have played better on my stalkers then i have on my scrappers and this was even before the change.
Then you could have been playing your Scrappers better. Before the recent changes there was no excuse for consistently performing better on your Stalker, unless you are comparing radically differently performing powersets, like, I don't know, an ElM/Nin Stalker to a MA/Regen Scrapper.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
You may have not gotten that far, but I say the same thing in a later post.
But you say it from the standpoint of Scrappers being the "black sheep" of ATs and being wronged and left behind and their NEEDING something. Where I'm coming from is the standpoint that Scrappers are just fine and if nothing were added to them, they'd still be just fine. If something were added to them, it'd be nice to have, I suppose, but at no point would I accept an argument that Scrappers NEED something to be added to them. And if something is added to them at all, it would have to be something fairly minor, nowhere near just adding Superior Conditioning to the AT. A slight hit points buff, a slight self-damage buff modifier increase, a slight critical hit increase or something of that nature.

Scrappers may benefit from "something," but what they don't need is a major performance increase. Scrapper performance is good enough and easily comparable to the other ATs. It may not be the best, but continually buffing ATs so that they're "the best" is a no-win situation. They can't all be the best, so you're endlessly messing with improving and overpowering them. Stalkers needed a buff the because the AT was very, very bad even with Castle's improvements. They didn't get those improvements because they were slightly worse than Scrappers. They got them because the whole AT was bad. Scrappers have never been bad, and they're not bad now, not even by comparison.

And, no, the Incarnate System is not an excuse to throw our hands in the air and let power creep ruin any semblance of balance. There's no reason to justify improving an AT that's very, very solid just because it's not THE most solid in all situations, even though the AT itself still performs better than most others and still has plenty of players playing it.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
Then you could have been playing your Scrappers better. Before the recent changes there was no excuse for consistently performing better on your Stalker, unless you are comparing radically differently performing powersets, like, I don't know, an ElM/Nin Stalker to a MA/Regen Scrapper.
Well my stalker is a kin/energy and i have had a DB/invuln, Ele/shield and SJ?WP scrapper and my stalker has been much easier to play on especially along the lines of surviving and yes I do get attacked directly as I jump in to the center of enemies and AOE usually stealing at least some hate from the tank



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
But you say it from the standpoint of Scrappers being the "black sheep" of ATs and being wronged and left behind and their NEEDING something. Where I'm coming from is the standpoint that Scrappers are just fine and if nothing were added to them, they'd still be just fine. If something were added to them, it'd be nice to have, I suppose, but at no point would I accept an argument that Scrappers NEED something to be added to them. And if something is added to them at all, it would have to be something fairly minor, nowhere near just adding Superior Conditioning to the AT. A slight hit points buff, a slight self-damage buff modifier increase, a slight critical hit increase or something of that nature.

Scrappers may benefit from "something," but what they don't need is a major performance increase. Scrapper performance is good enough and easily comparable to the other ATs. It may not be the best, but continually buffing ATs so that they're "the best" is a no-win situation. They can't all be the best, so you're endlessly messing with improving and overpowering them. Stalkers needed a buff the because the AT was very, very bad even with Castle's improvements. They didn't get those improvements because they were slightly worse than Scrappers. They got them because the whole AT was bad. Scrappers have never been bad, and they're not bad now, not even by comparison.

And, no, the Incarnate System is not an excuse to throw our hands in the air and let power creep ruin any semblance of balance. There's no reason to justify improving an AT that's very, very solid just because it's not THE most solid in all situations, even though the AT itself still performs better than most others and still has plenty of players playing it.
I agree with some of this. Disagree with other parts of it. Buffing scrapper's end is the least offensive thing that could be done I feel. It would let them fight longer w/o increasing their dps or dpa, it would also be something that is theirs, and theirs alone. Yes Stalkers and Brutes can also get it, but by expending a power pick. What I am suggesting is making it inherent. I personally have always hated that my end didn't increase as I leveled any way, but that is just a reflection of my time playing PnP games.

Stalkers did need a buff, it was a good buff. I do not disagree with that.

I say several times that scrappers do not need anything, but getting something would be nice. I want something more for them, and I am more than willing to admit that that is selfish because it is my favorite AT.

As far as Superior conditioning goes, I think scrappers should have gotten that before it was ever even considered for brutes and stalkers. In comparison conserve sucks imo.

I get why you guys don't want to see complexity added to scrappers, what I can't understand for the life of me is why so many of you don't want them to get any sort of love. Maybe I am misunderstanding, and if I am please explain.

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Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
Buffing scrapper's end is the least offensive thing that could be done I feel. It would let them fight longer w/o increasing their dps or dpa, it would also be something that is theirs, and theirs alone. Yes Stalkers and Brutes can also get it, but by expending a power pick. What I am suggesting is making it inherent. I personally have always hated that my end didn't increase as I leveled any way, but that is just a reflection of my time playing PnP games.
This doesn't make much sense, especially when scrappers already have end-friendly secondaries in EA, ElA, and WP. It would make much more sense to put the final bullet in Conserve Power and switch the Tanker and Scrapper EPP to Superior Conditioning.

I say several times that scrappers do not need anything, but getting something would be nice. I want something more for them, and I am more than willing to admit that that is selfish because it is my favorite AT.
I'll be frank, but sadly not TV's Frank: Power creep.

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Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
I get why you guys don't want to see complexity added to scrappers, what I can't understand for the life of me is why so many of you don't want them to get any sort of love. Maybe I am misunderstanding, and if I am please explain.
It's just a dangerous road to tread. Every time an AT gets improved, there are 13 ATs that didn't get improved, and it's all too easy to argue that they should be improved to match. I'll be the first person to admit that the only way for me to feel truly powerful is to have an unfair advantage against my enemies, but even so, this just seems like it can lead to all manner of bad places.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Xenophage View Post
Well my stalker is a kin/energy and i have had a DB/invuln, Ele/shield and SJ?WP scrapper and my stalker has been much easier to play on especially along the lines of surviving and yes I do get attacked directly as I jump in to the center of enemies and AOE usually stealing at least some hate from the tank
I hate to say this, but if you're going to bring up how your Stalker is stealing aggro from a Tanker in a sub-thread about how Scrappers must need something because of how well your Stalkers do, I'm afraid I can't give your claims much credibility. Either you're talking about taking aggro that was beyond the aggro cap for the Tanker or your Tanker wasn't taunting to speak of, because there's no way for a Stalker to actually steal aggro off of a Tanker who's doing their job.

A Stalker did not and does not have better mechanical survivability than a comparable Scrapper, period. That's not debatable, it's a simple numerical fact. If your Scrappers were not surviving as well as your Stalker, that has to come down to one of: comparing unlike sets, comparing very different builds in comparable sets, or comparing wildly different playsyles that lead to better survival for the Stalker.

Here's an observation. All your Scrappers have Taunt auras, and of course your Stalker does not. If you don't play (and build) your Scrappers in a way that makes sense for the fact that they can end up with a lot of aggro, that will make all the difference in the world.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



To clarify my position further:

I do NOT believe that scrappers NEED anything at this point.

I would LIKE them to get a minor tweak or two.

I also concur with the people who would like them to remain simple. Any tweak they receive, which is at this point completely theoretical, should keep that in mind. I've put a couple ideas out there, I'll just run through them to compile what I've said thus far:

1)Critical chance increase to match stalker base crit chance, with no team scaling like stalkers get.

Incidentally, I like the idea of a Scourge-like mechanic that increases the chance to Critical as the target's health gets lower. I don't think that chance should get TOO high though, maybe have it increase up to 20%?

The idea of increased Critical chance as the scrapper's health gets lower is intriguing as well, and might be the better route to go.

Neither of those things would be a gimmick that you need to pay any more attention to than the current Critical Hit mechanic, though I could see some scrappers intentionally remaining low on health to leverage it, much like blasters used to do.

2) Slight increase to resistance cap for both Scrappers and Stalkers. I explained this earlier, but I'll do so again: It just seems odd to me that a combatant meant to be in the thick of combat at all times should be capable of no more resistance than a Defender. I think Brute resistance should actually be lowered a little as well, like the devs originall planned along with the Fury changes. 85% cap as opposed to 90% isn't going to make a huge difference in Brute survivability, and it will widen the gap between them and Tankers.

Speaking of Tankers. Bill Z mentioned making Tankers the undisputed king of agro management, and I agree with that idea. Brutes stomp on that territory a little too much in my opinion. I propose that 3 things occur to meet that goal:

1) Tanker Taunt target cap increased from 5 to 10. If 10 is too much, maybe up to 7 or 8.

2) Strengthen Tanker Taunt auras so it is more difficult to pull agro off of them. I don't know how to go about that, so I'm not going to get into how to do it.

3) Increase the agro cap for Tankers ONLY, if at all possible. I don't know if that is something that can be adjusted by AT or if it's hardcoded into the game itself. Maybe increase the agro cap to 21-24 for Tankers. With the huge amounts of enemies you fight at once in Incarnate Trials, this could almost be seen as a general improvement to aid the survival of the entire league.

Basically, make it so that if you want agro control on your team, a Tanker is the single best choice for that role.

Johnny Butane won't like that idea, but Johnny doesn't seem to grasp very well what a Tanker is meant to be doing in this game. (Hint: It's not dealing massive amounts of damage, hence the defense primary)

Those things occurring should balance things out pretty well. At least in my opinion.


Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon View Post
This doesn't make much sense, especially when scrappers already have end-friendly secondaries in EA, ElA, and WP. It would make much more sense to put the final bullet in Conserve Power and switch the Tanker and Scrapper EPP to Superior Conditioning.
Agreed. I like my idea better (after all it was my idea), but I still agree with this.

I'll be frank, but sadly not TV's Frank: Power creep.
I still feel IO's and Incarnate powers threw that out the window. The fact is the devs will always be able to make the game more challenging. There are an endless amount of mobs for us to fight.

I took my first every blaster to 50 over the weekend. I was able to soft cap (and then some) him to ranged damage. On a team where almost everyone has maneuvers it is WAY beyond the soft cap. I can hover, attack, and never get hit outside of streak breaker. When that can be done with a blaster, how can anyone argue power creep? When a defender can use incarnate powers to get a pylon time of under a minute and a half how can giving scrappers something be power creep?

Now...when we Scrappers nerfed?
This is a fair question, the AT as a whole has never been nerfed that I can remember. However do you remember this "Regen may be too good, it is going to see some small tweaks." At the time only scrappers had regen, my main and namesake was spines/regen made two weeks after live. I guess I am still bitter about that, where the heck was the Cottage Rule when Jack pulled that one?

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Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
Johnny Butane won't like that idea, but Johnny doesn't seem to grasp very well what a Tanker is meant to be doing in this game.

The Tanker is an irresistible force combined with an immovable object. This Archetype can take and dish out all sorts of damage.

The Tanker is not totally invulnerable, but his skills allow the other Archetypes to play their parts, too. The Tanker is a devastating hand to hand combatant, and ranks second only to the Scrapper in sheer melee power. He possesses some ranged abilities, though far below those of the Blaster or the Defender.
As a Tanker lands more and more blows, he'll start doing more and more damage. The longer the fight, the more powerful the Tanker becomes. I can't say that the Tanker will do as much damage as a Scrapper - but it'll certainly be more than he does now. This ability really gets to the core of a comic book Tanker. He's extremely powerful - but at the start of a fight, he holds himself back some. As the battle progresses, he lets loose....I prefer this system to a power because this way it's inherent. It's simply the nature of the Archetype. And it also sets the Tanker apart from the Scrapper's criticals.

I know EXACTLY what the Tanker is SUPPOSED to be doing. Even if the developers have forgotten and sold them out.




The Tanker stuff is more appealing to me than the Scrapper stuff.

Don't get me wrong. If somehow, someone talks the devs into buffing Scrapper crit rates and (Scrapper and Stalker) resist caps, I will accept it with a smile.

I really think a Scourge mechanic that anyone could notice is too much. And if we couldn't notice it, I think people would complain it should be stronger. I definitely think any such a mechanism on top of the flat crit rate and the DR increase would be very much too much buffing.

It's been asked a few times why people would oppose buffs when they feel an AT doesn't strictly need them. Thinking about these suggestions crystallized the answer for me. If the AT doesn't need something, and you give it something, there's the chance that it will produce something that's viewed as overpowered. There are two outcomes to that: buff everything else (power creep) and nerf the AT that was changed. But there's no guarantee that the nerf will be to the area that was just buffed. They may decide to keep the new buff and reduce the AT somewhere else. But those of us who like the AT as it is like its other features where they are. We oppose risking future change to those features to pay for added features we don't feel the AT needs.

As far as power creep being thrown out the window by Incarnates, I disagree. While Incarnate abilities clearly represent a sea change in power level for level 50 characters, that does not mean that we are free to ask willy-nilly for new power on top of that. Any changes to buff ATs will just compounded with the power we gain from Incarnate abilities and IOs before them. Just because those things represent a new tack of power progression doesn't mean that the gloves are completely off and all possible power creep we can think of is now an option.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
I know EXACTLY what the Tanker is SUPPOSED to be doing. Even if the developers have forgotten and sold them out.

Johnny the devs lie, A LOT, ok. The sooner you realize that the better like I have. Pretty much take everything they say with a grain of salt until it hits live servers. Oh and please don't ever change.



In response to "When were scrappers nerfed?"

Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post

This is a fair question, the AT as a whole has never been nerfed that I can remember. However do you remember this "Regen may be too good, it is going to see some small tweaks." At the time only scrappers had regen, my main and namesake was spines/regen made two weeks after live. I guess I am still bitter about that, where the heck was the Cottage Rule when Jack pulled that one?
So - 2004? 2005? Isn't it time to let that one go?

Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!

Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon

"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."