Your DXP Plans




Plan: Get as many toons as possible to only have the final missions of as many arcs as possible in their list, then get x 2 xp for all mobs, mission completions, and arc completion bonuses (three sources of x 2 xp from the same mission x 5 or more missions per toon), then switch toons and do it again. If they ding, they ding. If not, they will be a lot closer than they were just off of the arc completion bonuses x 2.

Reality: Too many toons / not enough time, so will focus on the concept toons I still want to develop.



Huzzah, succeeded in my plan to get my defender to 50!

Now I gotta' choose another alt to get some levels on...



The tally so far:

Number Nine (Grav/Kin Controller) 46 > 50
Quickfrost (Ice/Ice Blaster) 42 > 50
Fusebox (Electric/Electric Blaster) 41 > 50
Nachtbrecher (Dark/Dark Scrapper) 33 > 36
Mister Ephemeral (Ill/Rad Controller) 33 > 34
Storm Sapphire (Human Form Peacebringer) 22 > 31
Amanda Wong (MA/Nin Stalker) 25 > 26

Massive thanks go out to @Eleven. who has been running teams all weekend on Union for the Union Roleplayers peeps, and has assisted in getting some 7 and 6 year old characters to level 50.



Got my Dark/Time controller from 22 to 29
Got my new Fire/Dark domi (Choking Smog, it *isn't* dark themed, woo) from 1 to 14 ridiculously quickly (3 DfB runs I think it was).

That's about it, but not bad for 4-5 hours playtime.



They moved Unai's council mission into Dark Astoria the last patch and since it's a coop zone my hero side brute has been working full time on farming up VEATS. Finally doing a crab and possibly a Widow before the weekend is over. Can't afford any of 'em though but at least they will be 50 on the shelf.



Prior to past 2XP weekends I'd make elaborate plans on leveling various characters, only to have real life step in. This weekend, I haven't even bothered logging in. It's been nice.


Also on Steam



Well, it's over for me - off to bed now and then to work tonight. So what did I get done?

Started a scrapper on redside and then regretted it after a couple of hours and only in the teens - no teams to be found there, even on Virtue. :/

Added a couple of levels to my only defender (bubbles/DP), which was ok, but I have no idea what power pool to get for her, at 41. She's kind of stalled out because of that.

Added a couple of levels to my Dark/Dark Dom, which was fun, including a barely-pulled-it-off attack on two Paladins who formed up side by side in KR. Even though I died some, it was still worth it to see them down one after another.

So, as usual, a mixed bag for me.



  1. I made a new Dark/Dark controller and got him to 34.
  2. My Bane Spider went from 34 to 36.
  3. My Stone/WP Brute went from 42 to 43.
  4. Leveled my Dark/Dark Dom from 17 to 20.
All in all, a pretty festive weekend.



Friday, 3PM PST
I get home from work. The "no life" static team guys have been going at it all day and are in their early 30's already. Me, I have three goals:

1. Get Mia Nevermore, bots/dark MM, from 46 to 50
2. Get Shinobi Shinobu, street justice/ninjitsu stalker, from 38 to 50
3. Get Earthsinger, plant/fire Dom, from 30 to 50

Naturally, the first thing I do is... create a brand new darkness control Dom. No, I don't know why, I just had the idea for a character named Black Valentine, or Dark Valentine. Which are both taken, of course, so I settle for Ash Valentine.

My only goal for this character is to get them established, maybe gain a few levels, and then leave them for later. But gaining levels in Death from Below is so easy! A single run takes me all the way to 13. Four runs and I'm at 19.5. I join a mission team, I get to 22, I fill out the character with generic IO's, then I join a Sister Psyche, which takes me to about 25.

So that was my Friday night. Not really part of the plan but I had fun.

Saturday 6 AM
I wake up too early but decide to log on. I have my new Dom and I have my other characters that I want to level, so naturally, the first thing I do is...

I create a brand new character on a brand new freebie account.

I really can't explain why I felt compelled to do this; I already have two paid accounts, two premium acocunts bought when they were on saie (2 and 1 characters total), and a completely free account created just to experiment (1 character total). The new character is an arrow/cold domination corr named Twilight Maid. I run through DfB four times and get to about level 18 or 19. It is quite easy to join a DfB team on a chat-restricted freebie account, so I guess that was the point of the experiment, I dunno.

After that I log into my main account and join a Moonfire on my new Dom Ash Valentine. This takes me to level 28. That's still two levels below the Dom I had planned to play to 50, but eh, the goal of getting at least one Dom to 50 is still alive I guess. And I really do need to play Ash long enough to get the crazy barking idiot darkness dog.

(Virtually every team this weekend had at least one of those dogs. I think its barking will haunt me in my dreams.)

Moonfire WST experience is crazy. I switch to my stalker Shinobi Shinobu and run a Moonfire. I only gain one level because I've already run Moonfire this week -- in fact, I think I've run it 4-5 times now with this character, it's a popular TF with our SG because it's a low level TF that a lot of newer players can join, you work towards two important badges in Slayer and Silver Bullet, and unlike Synapse it's only about an hour long.

But this gets Shinobi to level 40. I head to Founder's to start my last free tailor slot mission, and there's a Numina forming. I join that. We do it the slow way --- kill all, even on the stealth glowy mission. This takes me to just shy of 41, which I easily hit hunting Nemesis in PI for the tailor mission.

Some friends ask me to join a Mortimer Kal SF. I start to reply that I don't have any redside toons I want to level up at the moment, but wait! Mia Nevermore isn't a hero --she's a rogue! So I join them. Only five MMs on a team of eight, in caves, how fun! Well, not so much for the non-MMs I suppose. But I get Mia from nearly 47 to nearly 48, so mission partly accomplished!

I don't really like playing MMs. There's a certain amount of chaotic fun in an all-MM team or heavy-MM team, but overall I don't make a great MM. Mia will probably be my only 50 MM ever.

So with that down, I switch to a level 25 arrow/time corr named Chelan and join yet another Moonfire. This takes me all the way to 29. Experience that good is kind of addictive, and I decide that what I really need to do is to play more mid-level toons on more Moonfire TFs. Screw my 3 ATs to 50 plan.

After a break I log in to a level 33 broadsword/shield scrapper named Midieval Crisis. Now, the problem with this character is that it's over 3 years old, and had a build made back when I didn't necessarily know what I was doing. I can't really remember what I thought I was doing, either. I have a set of Kinetic Combat slotted, out of place for a positional defense toon, and I have a bunch of other weird IO choices, and a bunch of stuff I've bought on the market that I don't remember what I was planning to do with.

The thought of playing a badly slotted character drives me nuts. I've been meaning to rework the character's build for a while. So I do exactly that. I create a new Mids build, softcapped but not full of uber-expensive purples or anything. (Discovered the new Mids patch at the same time!) I respec the character and spend a lot of time crafting the IOs I'd bought on the market and transporting IOs via e-mail to my private SG base, and digging IOs our of my base that I can actually use. Then I place bids on the things I don't already have, and finally, nearly 2 hours later, I'm ready to play again.

Not the best use of my DXP weekend time. In fact, it's just about the wosrt use of my time, especially considering that I blew off driving up north to meet some friends because itwas DXP weekend. But I feel better about playing the character. One last Moonfire run of the day, and Midieval Crisis is up to level 36, woo!

Meanwhile the no-life static team guys are all around level 47, after two solid days of playing, and I'm only marginally closer to getting a stalker and/or a MM to 50. But there's still Sunday!

Sunday, 5:30 AM
Wake up, can't get back to sleep, so time for another Moonfire. >.> At this point I've kind of abandoned my original plans, and instead am using the opportunity to get exp on multiple mid level toons. i do some marketing first, then it's off to Striga.

First up, Skura Girl, a sonic/cold corr. Level 23, just high enough to join. I go to 26 during a quick 41 minute Moonfire. Then I switch to Megami Hime, my titan weapons/willpower brute who has been taking a long time to get to 50 since I play too many other characters. I get to 43 and then 44 (and halfway to 45) on another Moonfire, this one in 1 hour.

After that I decided to get my MM to 50. I joined an ITF PuG. My friend had been telling horror stories about PuG ITFs on Saturday, but this one seemed to be going well -- until the incarnate leader went afk in the 2nd mission. He never came back, auto-logged out. His friend who he was apparently running the ITF for quit in the third mission. This left us with 3 MMs, two tanks, and a controller -- not a whole lot of non-pet damage, and pets can be a real problem with Rommy. We finished the third misison and discussed whether we wanted to try the fourth. Nearly everyone agreed that it was worth trying, we'd have to clear and separate Rommy from the nicti, but we had two tanks so it was worth a shot. But the one guy who didn't agree simply quit. So that was that -- we weren't going to do it with only five left.

But all of that got me to nearly 49. I join a Moonfire instead. The mission bonus knocks my MM to 50. Woo, one of my goals accomplished!

Then I turned to my stalker, who was 41. I joined another PuG ITF, against my better judgement. And my friend who'd had all the bad experiences with ITFs on Saturday was on the team, so I joked that we were doomed. How right I was! The leader (the only fifty) was running at +2, meaning some enemies were +3 to him and +4 to the rest team. I don't know about you, but even well-slotted characters have trouble against +4 enemies. Halfway through the first mission our brave leader decides that we can't do enough damage, it's impossible for us to finish the TF, and we might as well give up right here. Several of us pointed out that we could turn the difficulty down and do fine, but no, it has nothing to do with the level difference, we just have a bad team that can't do any damage. He declares that we'll finish out the mission and then disband. Two quit immediately. He complained about that, but I don't really blame them. The guy wasn't that bright.

My friend and I finally joined an ITF with actual friends from a global channel, and I gained two more levels to 43 and almost 44. Mission 2 closer to completion. ^_^ ITF with friends > ITF with strangers. I generally had good luck with PuG Moonfires on the weekend, but universal bad luck with PuG ITFs.

I take a break. When I come back, I log onto Shinobi Shinobu again. Almost immediately a friend asks if I wanted to join an ITF, so I say yes. Eh, two in one day, I'm looking for experience not merits. Teaming with friends is always more rewarding. I wound up gaining level 44, 45, and 46.

I also noticed that another friend had the same type of stalker -- street justice/ninjitsu -- but had taken Body Mastery/Physical Perfection, whereas I'd gone the Pyre Mastery route. And I was having all kinds of endurance problems. I'd reworked the build a bit to try and get more endurance recovery, but it was a pretty tight build. Suddenly, I wondered what a stalker with a complete attack chain needed with fire blast and fire ball anyway? Just to mule a couple of expensive purple sets? Uh, yeah... probably better things I could do with my build. I needed to respec to fix some other things anyway, so that was next on my agenda.

But first, a friend was starting yet another Moonfire, so I alted to yet another alt (my level 40 dark/dark corr Alting, in fact!) At the end of that I was 42. Then I reworked my stalker's build, respec'd, shuffled IO's around, and viola! Not only did I fix my endurance problems, but I had slots to use elsewhere and shored up my defenses really well. All around, more fun to play now. One of my concerns was moving the Stalker ATO set from assassin's strike to whirling kick -- I liked having it in assassin's strike, but I really needed to slot a Mako's Bite set there instead, whereas the targeted AoE of whirling kick wasn't granting me any defense from any other set. And actually, the switch worked out really well -- the proc goes off a lot in whirling kick, and usually my assassin's strike is up right after if I want to use it.

I ran five tip misisons and then joined a team for the final "save Croatoa" mission, and the new build played really well. I wound up about halfway to 47. Mission Two: Nearly complete.

Final Scorecard:

Mastermind Mia Nevermore: 46-50
Stalker Shinobi Shinobu: 38-46.5
New Dominator Ash Valentine: 1-28
New Corruptor Twilight Maid: 1-19
Corruptor Chelan: 25-29
Scrapper Midieval Crisis: 33-36
Corruptor Sakura Girl: 23-26
Brute Megami Hime: 42-44.5
Corruptor Alting: 40-42

(Never even logged into my plant/fire dom).

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



Had a fun weekend with Cami and co.

Got fluffy handcuffs to her goal, 37 - 50!

Time to start the incarnate path!



Kasutra - dark/cold/ice controller from 24 - 36. Loving Umbral Beast and cannot wait until it is fixed in the next patch.

Huzo - Grav/FF controller. From creation - 13. Made this new character simply because the new gravity buffs look interesting to me. Though the sound loop for dimension shift? Oh my god turn it off!

Rashnu Damz - stj/nrg/fire scrapper. Level 50 already but enjoyed a pretty epic ITF with the Romulus bug making him spawn multiple times during every level!

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



1-50'd a plant/psi dom and made 6 billion influence.

Quite pleased with the results.



Everytime somebody casually says they made X billion in Y time . . . i start giving them hate rays, so Shinobi . . . . feel the hate!

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!




Number Nine (Grav/Kin Controller) 46 > 50
Quickfrost (Ice/Ice Blaster) 42 > 50
Fusebox (Electric/Electric Blaster) 41 > 50
Alraune (Plant/Thorns Dominator) 27 > 37
Nachtbrecher (Dark/Dark Scrapper) 33 > 36
Mister Ephemeral (Ill/Rad Controller) 33 > 34
Tina P. Caustaf (Demon/Thermal Mastermind) 28 > 32
Lady Crepusculum (Necro/Dark Mastermind) 29 > 32
Gail's Force (Mercs/Storm Mastermind) 26 > 32
Fuchsia Sands (Ninja/Time Mastermind) 26 > 32
Storm Sapphire (Human Form Peacebringer) 22 > 31
Constance Svanhildr (Street Justice/WP Brute) 30 > 31
Twilight's Flame (Human Form Warshade) 22 > 30
Amanda Wong (MA/Nin Stalker) 25 > 26
Isaiah Creed (DP/Fire Blaster) 23 > 24
Lil Five (Claws/Energy Brute) 22 > 24
Zack Tanner (Kat/SR Scrapper) 22 > 23



Took my TW/WP scrapper from 25 to 41. I'd planned to concentrate on this character, so I'm pretty happy with the results.

Then Sunday night I noticed the level 1 ill/cold controller that I had contemplated at one point but never got around to actually playing since I don't enjoy low-level controllers. I figured if ever there was a time to power through the lower levels, it was now. Made 19 on some quick DfB runs. Could have been better, but at least that's high enough to get in to some TF's should I focus more on this character in the future.



kin/nin stalker from 1-4

rerolling ftl



Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
Everytime somebody casually says they made X billion in Y time . . . i start giving them hate rays, so Shinobi . . . . feel the hate!
I didn't keep track of the money I made... but probably as much as 2 billion, scattered across 30 or so characters. Had a lot of IOs sell that had just been sitting there for a week o more.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



I think my break from CoH has officially begun.

I22 which I really enjoyed on Beta hasn't pulled me back in for more than 10 levels on my new dark/ dom.

And 2XP didn't even entice 1 min of play time.

City of Heroes was my first MMO, & my favorite computer game.

Chyll - Bydand - Violynce - Enyrgos - Rylle - Nephryte - Solyd - Fettyr - Hyposhock - Styrling - Beryllos - Rosyc
Horryd - Myriam - Dysquiet - Ghyr
Vanysh - Eldrytch
Inflyct - Mysron - Orphyn - Dysmay - Reapyr - - Wyldeman - Hydeous



Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post
1-50'd a plant/psi dom and made 6 billion influence.

Quite pleased with the results.
I imagine so! I doubt all of my eight years' worth of characters summed together have earned 6 billion Inf. I'm not sure they've managed 1 billion, for that matter. Maybe I should do the tin cup emote under Atlas more often...

@Glass Goblin - Writer, brainstormer, storyteller, hero

Though nothing will drive them away
We can beat them, just for one day
We can be heroes, just for one day



What a scrapperific weekend!

Titan Weapons/Inv Scrapper from 13 to 26 (1-13 Thursday night)
Fire/Spines Scrapper from 23 to 24
Street Justice/SR Scrapper from 26 to 30
Claws/Inv Scrapper from 30 to 32
Elec/Energy Scrapper from 38 to 49.5 (and I would have made it to 50 if I hadn't had to go to work at 7 AM this morning)

...I forgot what experience means.



Didn't get to play as much as I'd hoped because a friend was in town this weekend, so we went out Saturday night and hung out again yesterday afternoon. Also, after multiple attempts to get a Renault SF going from Friday afternoon on, I joined one last night and it took three hours!

So, my accomplishments were rather modest compared to some:

WP/Fire tank: 22 > 32
Stone/WP brute: 28 > 32
Fire/Mace tank: 29 > 32
Grav/Mind Dom: 26 > 31

And that's still probably better than I've done on some 2xXP weekends in the past.

Oh, and it's true what they say, redside really is pretty dead, even on Virtue.

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



Well, we actually accomplished all of our goals, which is a nice thing...

FCM and I got Nook and Cranny, our detective duo, from 40 to 47. We also got his new Dark controller from 18 to 32, so he could play around with his Umbral pup. Semnai, my Psi blaster, finally made it out of Praetoria and to level 27... though she still has a ways to go to catch up to Anteros.

Three of my crew also hit 50. Mameshiba was already a bar from 48, so it wasn't a long trip for my little green "chibi Bane". It was a bit more of a journey for The Nemissary and his Unquiet Bride. They started the weekend at 45.

@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...



Rolled a sixth Emp (Emp/Arrow, was bored) and got it to 40.
Got my TA/Psy to 49.
PLd my Mind/Kin to 33.

Sold a bunch of purples and stuff on the market and made a couple billion.
Fun weekend.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes