Sneak Peek at retro SciFi

Agent White



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Doh! That's what I get for replying so quickly...

And Dink, that's a bummer about the non transparent version. We really need such an option some day. If you ever have the time to throw an opaque bubble helmet into the full helmet category... that'd certainly help out!
Anyway... Love the work you've done!!
The chest box is fantastic!

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
Doh! That's what I get for replying so quickly...

And Dink, that's a bummer about the non transparent version. We really need such an option some day. If you ever have the time to throw an opaque bubble helmet into the full helmet category... that'd certainly help out!
Anyway... Love the work you've done!!
The chest box is fantastic!

Perhaps someday we can do one in the "Think Tank" category



Originally Posted by Dink View Post
M_I_Abrahms: Pants are in the "Tight" category and they can be patterned since they are only taking on one color
Woo hoo!

The Abrams is one of the most effective war machines on the planet. - R. Lee Ermy.

Q: How do you wreck an Abrams?

A: You crash into another one.



Originally Posted by Dink View Post
DOH! I see there are some Forbidden Planet fans BUSTED!
Love that movie!
We won't tell on ya!!

Originally Posted by Dink View Post
InfamousBrad: So there are only the 3 belts but there is a glow and non glow version of each one and the red button is a secret

M_I_Abrahms: Pants are in the "Tight" category and they can be patterned since they are only taking on one color

Glad you guys like the pack, it was one of the funnest packs I have yet worked on!
I think the fun you had in making these shows!
The belt buckles are awesome and that's super cool that there are glow and non glow versions!!

Also... how could I forget before...
The jet pack... !!!!!! I LOVE it. The fan? Beautiful touch. I can't wait to see that in action!!

This is the funnest pack we ever worked on too, haha!

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Oh, forgot to mention -- the resized/repositioned rocket pack looks great!



Can we get a version with out the rivets?

And maybe a version more "Normal' shoulders. I'd be great as a general super heroish suit. And maybe an open coat version of the top.
And a pattern that highlights those horizontal side stripes. Both as a hole and alternating.
I'd also suggest a mini single pod version of the pack attached to the back of the ankle/leg.

The top question is the one I think would be the most important.



Originally Posted by TheBruteSquad View Post
He IS trying not to cry. Did you see how much they Statesman'd the poor guy?
Can we have our junk back?

But Really love the rocket pack and the bubble helmet. I will buy the bundle on day one. I am not a huge fan of the genera, but there is enough there that I can mix into other costumes.

Great work Dink, most of all though thank you so much for sharing the process with us! Seeing behind the curtain is so cool!

Types of Swords
My Portfolio



Originally Posted by Dink View Post
The fan on the Back Pack will be animating.
Do they light up like case fans?

Teams are the number one killer of soloists.



Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
Great work Dink, most of all though thank you so much for sharing the process with us! Seeing behind the curtain is so cool!
Seriously! Thanks a ton for sharing things along the way. I really enjoyed it.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Looking good. Of course, this was pretty much a must-buy for me from the first pics, but it has shaped up quite well. I've enjoyed the early previews and seeing it as it got tightened up bit by bit, too.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Dink View Post
Perhaps someday we can do one in the "Think Tank" category
It was probably obvious, but... I failed to reply to this earlier by saying that that would be fantastic.

I'll just focus on the "Perhaps someday" and not think about the rest until some hypothetical day when it may surprise me, haha... At least... I'll try and approach it that way, haha.

Thanks again!

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Oh, and for what it's worth i'm really rather impressed with the faces for the pack too. Dink so far is really beating the pants off of Sexy J in my opinion. (Not literally of course. *shudder*) While that may be at least partially attributable to the engine upgrades since Ultra Mode was added i still consider her my favorite character artist in CoH so far.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Well, I'm sold.

To be fair, I was sold from the concept art, but it's great to see how well it's all been translated into the collection of triangles we see in-game.

I can only assume these pieces plus the new astronomical art from the latest SSA means we'll be punching cosmonauts within the year.

Justice Hunter, 50 Inv/SS Tank

Slenszic, 50 Sword/Energy Stalker

MA Arc IDs: 1355, 2341, 2350



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
Very quick response...

Also... Forbidden Planet Leslie Nielsen face for the win!!
It appears to me that we are getting both Leslie Nielsen, and Anne Francis. Note the tell-tale beauty mark...

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



Originally Posted by Dink View Post
Hey guys, sorry for not posting sooner but I have been quite busy wrapping up things and bug fixing.

Here are some more pics of the Retro SciFi stuff:

Just a couple of things, as you can see the Male has a couple of new faces without the normal mapping as there just was not enough time to work on high res models for them. The fan on the Back Pack will be animating. Notice the chest detail, it will be in all upper categories. Also notice the Bubble helm will also be in Full Masks for those Buzz

As much as I wanted to I was not able to do a non transparent version of the helmet due to skinning reasons and the suit top will only be in the Armored category due to uv reasons.
Looks great but not a big fan of the chest zip. Unless you continue it on the pants/groin zip, I don't think it's worth having the zipper at all. Just detracts/seems redundant.



This is going to be a huge seller!



Originally Posted by Dink View Post
Just a couple of things, as you can see the Male has a couple of new faces without the normal mapping as there just was not enough time to work on high res models for them.
Believe me, that is COMPLETELY FINE. Please feel free to keep them that way! Add me to the list of folks who think the normal-mapped faces we have look freakishly out of place compared to, well, nearly every other existing texture in the game.



still no reply from the devs if the hood/cap from this set will work with the bubble or not, it is something I'd love to know



Originally Posted by Dink View Post
Just a couple of things, as you can see the Male has a couple of new faces without the normal mapping as there just was not enough time to work on high res models for them. The fan on the Back Pack will be animating. Notice the chest detail, it will be in all upper categories. Also notice the Bubble helm will also be in Full Masks for those Buzz
Please. Please. PLEASE don't use the 'new' face resolutions EVER again. The Steampunk and Halloween and Imperial Dynasty faces have been some of the most hideous things the art team has come up with. But NOTHING tops the wrapped heels from the Pocket D pack.

Please go back to the old technology for this. Not only are these just ugly, they're such a blindingly obvious contrast to the rest of the game. Don't be ashamed of the old style of faces. We love them! At least, I do.

The new faces since Steampunk? Ugh.



Originally Posted by Xenophage View Post
still no reply from the devs if the hood/cap from this set will work with the bubble or not, it is something I'd love to know
Dink just posted pictures of the bubble helmet with the cap and said that they're available in the "faces with masks" category so that you can have the cap and the helmet.



Originally Posted by TheSummerEvening View Post
Dink just posted pictures of the bubble helmet with the cap and said that they're available in the "faces with masks" category so that you can have the cap and the helmet.
No he didn't look closely that is the "full mask" option on her head not the cap as pictured here :

so I am wanting to know if the bubble will work with that cap/hat/hood which I suspect is NOT in the full mask head I am guessing it is a hat, hood or helm...

I would not have asked this (for the 3rd time) if there was a picture or confirmation of it.



Originally Posted by Dink View Post
DOH! I see there are some Forbidden Planet fans BUSTED!

InfamousBrad: So there are only the 3 belts but there is a glow and non glow version of each one and the red button is a secret

M_I_Abrahms: Pants are in the "Tight" category and they can be patterned since they are only taking on one color

Glad you guys like the pack, it was one of the funnest packs I have yet worked on!
Does a space environment come with this pack?

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.