Sneak Peek at retro SciFi

Agent White



Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
We probably aren't going to get that option -precisely- because it'd be a little too easy to make Buzz clones that way.
thing is that look is older then buzz light year it has been used in sci-fi since my grandpa was a kid and further more the skull cap/hood w/e you call it is something real astronauts have worn (or something close-ish), and honestly not having the option won't stop buzz clones all you have to do is is a head with no hair and purple mask that shows the face... so really the only thing that SHOULD stop that from being doable is if the bubble helm (which is located in detail 2) is not usable with w/e head setting that cap is under (ie hats, helms, hoods w/e), and I say if it currently isn't then is should be and if we want to look like dorks wearing a top hat that sticks out the top of your bubble that is our problem :P

really IMHO the bubble helm should be its own option for the head with all the face and hair option programmed under it, I get that making it detail 2 was probably time saving but it is also limiting, this won't keep me from buying it mind you just people won't be able to make CARNIES IN SPACE

(BTW Off topic any one ever find it odd that the carnie masks are detail 2 but the skull mask from the magic pack is in detail 1?)



Originally Posted by Xenophage View Post
thing is that look is older then buzz light year it has been used in sci-fi since my grandpa was a kid and further more the skull cap/hood w/e you call it is something real astronauts have worn (or something close-ish), and honestly not having the option won't stop buzz clones all you have to do is is a head with no hair and purple mask that shows the face... so really the only thing that SHOULD stop that from being doable is if the bubble helm (which is located in detail 2) is not usable with w/e head setting that cap is under (ie hats, helms, hoods w/e), and I say if it currently isn't then is should be and if we want to look like dorks wearing a top hat that sticks out the top of your bubble that is our problem :P

really IMHO the bubble helm should be its own option for the head with all the face and hair option programmed under it, I get that making it detail 2 was probably time saving but it is also limiting, this won't keep me from buying it mind you just people won't be able to make CARNIES IN SPACE

(BTW Off topic any one ever find it odd that the carnie masks are detail 2 but the skull mask from the magic pack is in detail 1?)
Sure I'm not suggesting that the "sci-fi skull cap with bubble helmet" look was invented with Buzz Lightyear. All I was suggesting is that it doesn't really take much to make Devs who are generally worried about IP infringement to think twice about things like this. For example ever wondered why we don't have a "Reporter" Day Job?

I'm not against getting an option like this. But there really could be all sorts of reasons why we might not get it. *shrugs*

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀



Wish this slideshow had come out earlier. Posted for general interest. (NASA suits - and some other misc. pics that really seem out of place.)



Originally Posted by Megajoule View Post
No skullcap + bubble helmet?
Buzz isn't gonna like that.
I thought Clockwork just said "Hoods", which is a separate category from "Hats". Hoods would make sense to exclude due to them being larger and bulkier, they'd clip and look bad with the bubble helmet. But hats are usually much smaller, so there may still be a chance the bubble helmet will be usable. Guess we'll have to wait n' see.

Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
Sure I'm not suggesting that the "sci-fi skull cap with bubble helmet" look was invented with Buzz Lightyear. All I was suggesting is that it doesn't really take much to make Devs who are generally worried about IP infringement to think twice about things like this. For example ever wondered why we don't have a "Reporter" Day Job?
I think you're going a bit overboard with the copyright thing, there.



Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
I think you're going a bit overboard with the copyright thing, there.
This game got sued by Marvel a few years ago based on costuming issues.
No reason why this game couldn't be sued again. *shrugs*

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀



Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
Sure I'm not suggesting that the "sci-fi skull cap with bubble helmet" look was invented with Buzz Lightyear. All I was suggesting is that it doesn't really take much to make Devs who are generally worried about IP infringement to think twice about things like this. For example ever wondered why we don't have a "Reporter" Day Job?
There's a radio mission to rescue a Paragon Times reporter called Peter Kent, and another one to rescue Lois Watson, the girlfriend of Unbelievable-Man

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Bullet Barrage View Post
Gonna say no. I don't think that if there is hair under it, like right there, it would be possible for them to add the hat.
Presence of hair shouldn't have anything to do with that. Dink said the bubble is a Detail 2 under Standard, which means that at the moment it can't be used with hats, but there is nothing stopping it from also being available as a Detail 2 under Hats.

Yes, there would be clipping with some hats, but there would also be clipping with some hair (no way does a large afro fit under that bubble any better than the Renegade hat does!) so I don't see why we should have one and not the other.

The only downside to having it as a detail 2 is that means that all bubble headed spacemen must be clean-shaven

{}... .-



Originally Posted by Bloodspeaker View Post
Yeah, I can see how it could be a huge bit of emotional baggage to overcome for some people.
This made me laugh so hard.

Note: Bolding is mine.

Types of Swords
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Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
This game got sued by Marvel a few years ago based on costuming issues.
No reason why this game couldn't be sued again. *shrugs*
Do you remember how the lawsuit turned out? Marvel lost.

NCsoft is not going to be sued again and certainly not for something as inconsequential as having a skullcap option that can combine with a translucent space helmet.

Also, bulgegate is especially silly in a game that offers extremely revealing female costume options and a slider that would make Dolly Parton blush.

The new retro SF set is looking very groovy, though!



Originally Posted by FlashToo View Post
r (no way does a large afro fit under that bubble any better than the Renegade hat does!)
Oh damnit, you're right. And SuperFoxxy would have looked amazing on a bubbled spacegirl.

In the room the women come and go
Talking of Michelangelo.



Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
This game got sued by Marvel a few years ago based on costuming issues.
No reason why this game couldn't be sued again. *shrugs*
Actually it was over costume + naming issues to be more precises... costume pieces where never removed you can still make a guy that looks incredibly like wolverine you just can't name him wolverine.

They also resolved that issue with the makers of CoH Agreeing to police people, if you are caught making a character that violates copyright your name is changed to generic and you have to rename it (not sure if there is more action for further violation)

So really if they come back to us and say we can't have the scifi hood with the the bubble cause of fear of buzz light year copy rights I will call BS since they took care of it and further more not allowing the hood under the helm won't stop people from making one if they REALLY want to...



I'm definitely going to be buying the backpack rockets, maybe the whole costume set. (Have to see what my point balance is when this comes out. I spent quite a few points on Super Packs to get the Elemental Order costume set.)



Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
Sure I'm not suggesting that the "sci-fi skull cap with bubble helmet" look was invented with Buzz Lightyear. All I was suggesting is that it doesn't really take much to make Devs who are generally worried about IP infringement to think twice about things like this.
You could probably get it closer to looking like Buzz Lightyear using the Triton mask anyways.



Originally Posted by FlashToo View Post
The only downside to having it as a detail 2 is that means that all bubble headed spacemen must be clean-shaven
Yeah. I really wish they would start adding head details to multiple categories to allow greater range of customization.

All my character have facial hair (unless they're wearing opaque helmets or details that cover their faces), just as I do in real life (Used to be I just didn't like shaving, now I've gotten to the point where I hate my face without my beard).

If they at least had some attractive male faces with stubble hint hint then it'd be less of a buzzkill.

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



Originally Posted by MisterMagpie View Post
Oh damnit, you're right. And SuperFoxxy would have looked amazing on a bubbled spacegirl.
As would Pigtails Fat, Shimmer, Divine, Beverly Thrills... even Honey, which is possibly among the best thematically, is really large in back and looks worrisome. I hope at least that one is okay.

Originally Posted by Oathbound View Post
Yeah. I really wish they would start adding head details to multiple categories to allow greater range of customization.

All my character have facial hair (unless they're wearing opaque helmets or details that cover their faces), just as I do in real life (Used to be I just didn't like shaving, now I've gotten to the point where I hate my face without my beard).

If they at least had some attractive male faces with stubble hint hint then it'd be less of a buzzkill.
Yeah, it wasn't until I started making and playing male characters that I realized how inflexible having only two face details really is... I know they've added new attachment points in the past, but I still get the feeling "third face detail" is not going to be in the cards.

Still holding out for a set of sideburns that are either a face detail 1 or attached to a non-ridiculously-styled hair, so they can be combined with the goatee I already have and I can stop faking by use of the Roman mask pattern and a completely-covered top half of the face...

{}... .-



can't help but wonder if they have a month in which they think this might be released to us and more importantly is it gonna cost points or since it was fan conceived/ inspired and what not might we get it for free?



Originally Posted by Xenophage View Post
-might we get it for free?
Them? Giving us a pack free? These days?

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



If it's called a "Pack" it has never been free.

However, we did just get the Olympianergardist set free. Well, at least, VIPs did.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Them? Giving us a pack free? These days?

we got Olympian Guard and imperial defense for free... so why not? I am not expecting it, just think it might be nice, and my point really was wanting to know when i should have the points for this.



Originally Posted by Xenophage View Post
can't help but wonder if they have a month in which they think this might be released to us and more importantly is it gonna cost points or since it was fan conceived/ inspired and what not might we get it for free?
Costume sets with Issues are free - costume sets between Issues aren't

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Xenophage View Post
since it was fan conceived/ inspired and what not might we get it for free?
Getting all the feedback from the players increased the amount of work involved in creating this set, rather than reducing it.



Originally Posted by MajorDecoy View Post
Getting all the feedback from the players increased the amount of work involved in creating this set, rather than reducing it.
again people are missing the point but w/e



Originally Posted by Xenophage View Post
again people are missing the point but w/e
If this many people are missing the point, then you didn't make it clearly.



Originally Posted by MajorDecoy View Post
If this many people are missing the point, then you didn't make it clearly.
well I did restate it but Okay I will state it again... my original point was i wanted a rough time of release so I'd know when to have points for it... unless it was going to be free, however every one seemed to latch on to the comment about free, and honestly did I ever have any illusions it might be free? no would it be nice? yes but it was still an after thought and not the main point