Sneak Peek at retro SciFi

Agent White



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Not yet
I knew that would get you to respond. So if we don't get a space environment by December 22, 2012, I am coming to get you.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by Dink View Post
So far the set looks fantastic. I'm so glad the version above is available with no rings. It's actually pretty close to the photoshopped picture I made for the original "vote for" thread:



These look great, Dink! And I'm glad the faces won't have the mapping, they look much better without.

In the room the women come and go
Talking of Michelangelo.



Originally Posted by dink View Post
perhaps someday we can do one in the "think tank" category

{}... .-



I'm really looking forward too this entire set! I'm hoping for it too be released this week.

My Lego Models lemur lad: God you can't be that stupid... I'm on at the same time as you for once, and not 20 minutes into it you give me something worth petitioning?
Lady-Dee: Hey my fat keeps me warm in the winter and shady in the summer.



Sorry if I'm asking a question that was answered somewhere in this thread... but will these jet pack back packs have animations when flight/hover is activated?

-This Space Intentionally Left Blank.-



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
sorry is dink a she? no matter either way the question wasn't answered



The entire costume looks phenomenal. Very well done, Dink.

Retro Sci-Fi has never been my thing, so I will probably only buy the jet packs because they look AMAZING. I cannot thank you enough for (1) implementing functional jetpack back details and (2) including ring-less versions for those of us hoping for something less specific to the genre.

I want to reiterate, though: my decision to pass on the set as a whole is in no way a reflection on the work you've done. It is looking fantastic so far, just not my cup o' tea.

@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.
I am a blaster first, and an alt-oholic second.



Originally Posted by MisterMagpie View Post
These look great, Dink! And I'm glad the faces won't have the mapping, they look much better without.
Agreed. I really think the normal-mapped faces are ugly and don't really belong with the models. The higher res "classic-style" faces end up looking a LOT better in practice.



what I like is that this is retro SciFi

it is nice to have a fairly specific title and theme to it rather than Mutant which was just some weird stuff (I have the mutant pack, it just isn't a tight theme).

And while it has a tight theme, the pieces seem somewhat generic enough to find lots of uses. I can imagine the chest controls, bubble helmet, and jetpack on lots of different types of characters.



Originally Posted by Reppu View Post
Please. Please. PLEASE don't use the 'new' face resolutions EVER again. The Steampunk and Halloween and Imperial Dynasty faces have been some of the most hideous things the art team has come up with. But NOTHING tops the wrapped heels from the Pocket D pack.

Please go back to the old technology for this. Not only are these just ugly, they're such a blindingly obvious contrast to the rest of the game. Don't be ashamed of the old style of faces. We love them! At least, I do.

The new faces since Steampunk? Ugh.
Yeah...I'd say they should just ditch the 'new face mapping' altogether. The male faces look just fine the way they are.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



I've been watching this pack evolve. Dink, you've outdone yourself. In fact, you've outdone what I thought we would see. The stuff just looks beautiful, and it's nice to see the Darth Vader-esque chest detail made it. Also looking forward to those funky guns.

In a single word that won't be censored, boss, Dink. Very boss.

@Joe Public
"Now, now. God never burdens us with more depleted uranium than we can carry."



Originally Posted by Reppu View Post
Please. Please. PLEASE don't use the 'new' face resolutions EVER again. The Steampunk and Halloween and Imperial Dynasty faces have been some of the most hideous things the art team has come up with. But NOTHING tops the wrapped heels from the Pocket D pack.

Please go back to the old technology for this. Not only are these just ugly, they're such a blindingly obvious contrast to the rest of the game. Don't be ashamed of the old style of faces. We love them! At least, I do.

The new faces since Steampunk? Ugh.
This. The faces shown at the start look fine WITHOUT Normal Mapping. The Normal Mapping makes them look glossy, and stand-out-ish, a real sore-thumb stand-out compared to the rest of the games visuals. Normal mapping works on stuff like clothes (the Pocket D jeans, for example) but it quantifiably does NOT look good on face.

Look at the Organic armour face. THAT is the standard that should be followed. That face is fantastic, and I only wish more were of that quality so I could have one without the armoured parts on.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



I hope this costume set sells so well that it can single-handedly finance some sort of extraterrestrial zone (Moon, Rikti homeworld, Shivan homeworld, etc.)

We need someplace to use those awesome space suits where they won't look out of place.

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
We probably aren't going to get that option -precisely- because it'd be a little too easy to make Buzz clones that way.
if theyre afraid Disney/Pixar will sue them they'll only have to show them this

Officer Cuffz lvl 50 Inv/Nrg Tank
Badge lvl 50 dwarf/human Peacebringer
Dark Air lvl 50 Ice/Cold Corruptor
Ayre lvl 50 Storm/Elec Defender

Total Cat: @Officer Cuffz

"When I say interview, I mean engage in combat and defeat..." -Laura Brunetti, on how to deal with Warriors.



Originally Posted by Cuffzter View Post
if theyre afraid Disney/Pixar will sue them they'll only have to show them this

Of course in this case Paragon Studios could counter-sue NASA for lying to us about going to the Moon.

P.S. As a weird bit of trivia I'm sure most people wouldn't care about I've actually stood in the exact same physical spot this picture was taken and walked through those doors into that building in the background. Of course I was there in the mid 90s as a contractor so I didn't see any cool astronauts like these at the time but it was the same facility the Shuttle astronauts were using. It was cool to be that close to history like this.

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀



Normal mapped faces are right in the trenches of the uncanny valley. Please please avoid them whenever possible. The faces in this pack look fine - though I doubt I will ever use the male ones because I prefer to make youthful characters.



Love what you've done so far Dink. Fabulous work.

Really like that second new face, particularly because there is nothing quite like it in game currently.

Quick check: will we be able to have facial hair AND the bubble helmet? Dr. Fantastico is curious. He can't shave his white beard...

Edit: And will that chest detail--the life support control box--will that be available as a chest detail in other categories? Could look fabulous on some robots I'm thinking.



The normal mapping on the female face looks amazing and the rest of the costumes look great as well.

Will this pack also include a Sci-Fi aura?



Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
Will this pack also include a Sci-Fi aura?
This made me think of audio auras. I'd love to be surrounded by the soft wailing of theramins, or the beep-booping of those Mother Box-- er, chest panels.

Of course I suppose I'd be kicked from any team I joined, given the way people tend to hate sound effects in this game.

@Glass Goblin - Writer, brainstormer, storyteller, hero

Though nothing will drive them away
We can beat them, just for one day
We can be heroes, just for one day