What powerset do you have a special relation with?




This is something I was talking about with a friend and I thought I could make a fun topic

In our experience most people have a powerset that they love, and usually have multiple characters with.

In my friends case it's Katana, he has several Katana scrappers and is now leveling a Katana brute

For me, it's Plant Control. I seriously love the set and have trouble playing a dominator/controller that is -not- a plant control one!

What is yours?



The various Ice sets. Don't know why but I love playing them.



fire melee/fire armor brutes or scrappers I don't care.

I love standing in the middle of a group and burning them down.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



I know I'm going to draw some fire for this one but for me its...


Yup, I am the person who actually enjoys standing back and flinging buffs while the rest of the group 'has all the fun.'

Actually, depending on what you pair with it, Empathy can turn into you into a team's 'I WIN' button (All you Mind/ Emp Controllers out there, you know what I mean.)

That's me, where do the rest of you stand?

Writer of In-Game fiction: Just Completed: My Summer Vacation. My older things are now being archived at Fanfiction.net http://www.fanfiction.net/~jwbullfrog until I come up with a better solution.



Originally Posted by jwbullfrog View Post
I know I'm going to draw some fire for this one but for me its...


Yup, I am the person who actually enjoys standing back and flinging buffs while the rest of the group 'has all the fun.'

Actually, depending on what you pair with it, Empathy can turn into you into a team's 'I WIN' button (All you Mind/ Emp Controllers out there, you know what I mean.)

That's me, where do the rest of you stand?
My long-time main is an empathy defender. Please tell me you are flinging debuffs and attacks at the same time, or you are only doing half your job.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
My long-time main is an empathy defender. Please tell me you are flinging debuffs and attacks at the same time, or you are only doing half your job.

Well, what's the point of having attacks if you're not using them???

Writer of In-Game fiction: Just Completed: My Summer Vacation. My older things are now being archived at Fanfiction.net http://www.fanfiction.net/~jwbullfrog until I come up with a better solution.



I have a special affinity for Super Reflexes. I really like the defensive based sets because there is some room for error for someone like me who more often than not looses the position of their mouse pointer. SR is also cheap to slot IMO and comes with quickness.

Who do I have to *&^% around here to get more Targeted AoE recipes added?

Arc Name: Tsoo In Love
Arc ID: 413575



For me its Willpower. I've tried other defensive sets on my scrappers and tankers, but I've always found myself falling back to Willpower. I think what keeps drawing me back to it is that while its not fantabulous at any one thing, its solid in just about everything.

While the core is its fast regen, its got enough resist and defense to delay your regen being overwhelmed by long enough for you to take some sort of mitigating action (popping purples, oranges, greens or just running away).

There's also the more subtle defenses like protection from confuse and fear and the increased perception that keeps foes who go invisible at low health from being able to escape and makes widow smoke grenades nothing more than an annoying fx around your head.

Top it off with never having to worry about endurance EVER and that it is almost entirely toggle on and forget (you don't even have to worry about your tier 9 crash since you just lose some endurance) and it really means you just have to track your health bar in terms of your defense, making it much easier to focus on your offense.


If there was another powerset I have a special relationship with it'd be gravity control... I've made more controllers with gravity control than any other set. I think a big part of it is that I tend to make magic-themed characters and the glow effects and "telekinetic" nature of its attacks feels more magical to me (also using lift at level 50 on Hellions in Atlas Park is no end of juvenile amusement especially when the number of seconds until they hit the ground reaches the double digits).

The Singularity is the best defensive pet out there... a veritable mini-tank (especially if you have a way to boost its regeneration) that never gets in your way and which you can retreat into in order to send melee foes flying back to a safer distance (especially since gravity has four attack powers where you can slot Thunderstrike IO sets to improve your ranged defense). It's also fun to summon it in the middle of a tightly packed spawn as the mass knockback completely disrupts any potential alpha strike you might have to face.

There's also the incredibly underrated fact that their immobilize powers do not have a -knockback component, meaning that knockdown powers (like lift) will still be able to further debilitate them with their knockback/knockup (who cares if held foes are falling over, they can't attack anyway).

And of course... no discussion would complete without Wormhole... mass foe teleport/knockdown/stun just never gets old. In groups you can just drop them right at the center of their normal spawn and it will actually group them a bit tighter than before. Out of combat it ranks up there with lift in terms of playing with grey-conned spawns and watching them drop from the sky.




If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



Dark Miasma. I've a Mastermind and a Defender both at incarnate levels with it, and they do this great thing called "being amazing without even trying." Darkest Night alone ruins enemies, Shadowfall is nice and comfy, Tar Patch makes everything better, and Dark Servant, well... Dark Servant is the best friend a power selection can buy. Twilight Grasp and Fearsome Stare are both solid, of course, and then Howling Twilight can turn near-wipes into victory.

It's probably one of the best sets in the game, and it has a wide range of awesome abilities. So yeah, Dark Miasma. It's amazing.

NPCs: A Single Method to Greatly Expand Bases




I made my first toon a Spines/Regen Stalker before I had any idea what I was getting into, and loved it so much that after I got him to 50, I remade him as a Spines/Regen Scrapper and did it all over again.

And that was all before I could color the spines to not look like werido bananas. Now that they actually look nice, I can't believe I played the set for years without being able to customize it.



Titanic Weapons. I made an Axe/Fire tank in like, i1 to play. She was supposed to be queen of the Warriors (since level 40 was max back then, they were pretty buff), and dressed like it. It was fun. But you know, Axe/ just doesn't have the flair that a ginormous humongous supersized axe/sword/whatever has.

Hew in drag baby




<-------My forum handle should tell you all you need to know

I have 4 characters with Claws at the moment, 2 scrappers and 2 brutes.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Dark Miasma and Mind Control.



Any and all electric sets. Driving home with the game, I wanted to make a character who shot lightning at her enemies, and so my first character was an elec/elec blaster. I made an elec/elec tanker the day Issue 16 went live, and a elec/cold troller when I got GR, as a counterpart to my ice/storm troller. I also now have an elec/elec dom (the Praetorian version of my main), and someday would like to make an elec/storm corruptor.



Mind Control for my Doms.
Willpower secondary for Scrappers and Brutes.
Any combo/class of Electric and Fire for melting Arachnos
Stormy or Traps secondary on my MM's

I like lots of others but those are my faves.



When I make new characters, I rarely use the same power twice. Still, there are power sets I've particularly enjoyed more than others.

My first love was Dark Miasma. It has a very strong heal, has the best rez in the game, controller-like abilities, and plenty of debuffs. And it has Fluffy! My first level 50 is a Dark/Dark/Psi Defender, and still remains one of my favorites today to play.

Traps was a fun power set as well, and meshed surprisingly well with Mercenaries on my Mastermind. Not quite as powerful as some of the healing or buffing secondaries for MM's, but it was fun in it's versatility. The set isn't perfect, and I'd love to see it tweaked a bit someday. Likewise for Devices.

My current love right now is my newish SR/MA tank. I never played a defense-based character before now, and I'm immensely enjoying it. The Tanker version is extremely easy to softcap the defense on, and the tanker's version of MA meshes wonderfully with it. She also marks one of the first times I've reused powers (I used to have a MA/Invuln Scrapper that never got past 30, and I have a DB/SR Stalker I plan to dust-off when the Stalker changes drop).



Willpower. it's just a nice solid defence set that doesn't annoy me with it's gaping holes and gives me all the End I could wish for.

Poison damage aside that is.



Claws. Pair it with a damage aura brute and hordes die very very quickly. Or not even with a damage aura brute and hordes still die pretty goshdarn fast. The whole set moves fast, like Dual Blades but with better damage and none of that fiddly combo stuff.

And weapons customization gives you a good array of concepts, whether you want to make Teenage Science Brute Cat or Tony Stark With Blades.

Blood Widow Ricki * Tide Shifter * T-34 * Opposite Reaction * Shaolin Midnight * ChernobylCheerleader



Illusion paired with rad



Traps and Assault Rifle (not necessarily paired together).



Dark Anything. The Dark sets seem to offer more variety in abilities per set, which keeps it interesting.

Proud member of Heroes Inc.
I'm not like other moms.



hmm I'd have to go with three powersets that I absolutely love...

First is Gravity Control. I've been playing with gravity control for a very very long time now. As much as the set can annoy the heck out of me at times I just love the set, I love the visuals of the set, the powers and I really like Siggy best pet ever. It could use some tweeking but its a decent set overall.

Second would be Kinetics. I was playing kinetics when it was actually a poor and misunderstood set... yes at one time kinetics was seen as a poor set. For me kinetics all comes down to two powers... Transference and Transfusion. These powers to me are the best powers not only of the set but in the game. Who doesn't want endless end, and a crazy amount of healing on top of that. Every other power in the set is also really good as well these days. Its a fun set overall the meshes well with most things be they team or solo.

Finally.. Elec Armor. I fell in love with this armor set and I think its one of the best designed armor sets in the game. It has tons of resistances but still has room to grow when on a team. It offers no defenses but has a really good heal and regeneration powers that make up for it. It has power sink which makes end issue go away. Its tier 9 fills the only hole that the set has which is Toxic leaving the set with no actual weakness. Its just an all around good set that gets better with teaming as it can't really self cap itself outside of the tier 9 and elec resistances.. no matter the buff +defense, +resistance, +damage, +acc, +end recover, +damage, +Hit Points.. you make the set better while still being an amazing set for solo play.



Looking at my crew... It has to be Willpower (easily the most common power-set among my characters-), followed closely by Dual Blades and the various flavors of Dark.

@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...