Doctor Who: The Wedding of River Song 1/10 (10/1)




Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
Given how many fixed points the Doctor seems to be involved in, one might conjecture that the Doctor's entire existence is a line of fixed points. But then you start getting into arguments about free will.

I had a thought today: what happened to the Doctor and the Tesselecta crew when the Tesselecta Doctor was burned? They never had the opportunity to leave without River, Amy and Rory noticing.
You don't remember that the robot was put on a boat and set on fire and pushed out into the lake? The fire could have easily hidden the robot being teleported away or the robot could have simply waited for the boat to sink underwater before teleporting away.

You don't actually think that something as mundane as a little fire was powerful enough to destroy the Tesselecta robot.



Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
I had a thought today: what happened to the Doctor and the Tesselecta crew when the Tesselecta Doctor was burned? They never had the opportunity to leave without River, Amy and Rory noticing.
I'll have to look at a better copy, but looking at the vid Dante linked, I think I figured that out.

He took the TARDIS into the robo body with him. You see it way in the background in the shot of River looking into the Robo-Doctor's eye.

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@Travlr (Main) / @Tymers Realm (Test)

Arc 5299: Magic, Mystery, and Mayhem Updated!! 09/15/09



Originally Posted by Dante View Post

Not sure where it came from but it sounds like Alex Kingston doing the voiceover so I'd wager it's official.
It is official, it's from Doctor Who Confidential, the behind the scenes show they do after each episode, this was part of it, and excellent it was as well, although, bizarrely, still felt confusing

Glad to see there are still some parts of it we need filling in, like how she learnt to fly the Tardis so well, when they get married for real, etc.

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Originally Posted by Coin View Post
Glad to see there are still some parts of it we need filling in, like how she learnt to fly the Tardis so well, when they get married for real, etc.
Well the flying the Tardis part was kind of explained in Let's Kill Hitler. She said that the Tardis showed her how to fly her.

Unfortunately I think the character has run her course considering they have covered both ends of her life really.



Originally Posted by Dr_Mayhem View Post
Well the flying the Tardis part was kind of explained in Let's Kill Hitler. She said that the Tardis showed her how to fly her.

Unfortunately I think the character has run her course considering they have covered both ends of her life really.
Nah, now they are married, we have their offspring to deal with.

Possibly starting a new race of Time Lords.

Thus, "Who?" is the both the last and the first Time Lord.

And, in a startling twist, is sued by Mender Silos for copywrite infringement.

I really should do something about this signature.



I wonder about that question. It is implied that the question he answers is.

Dr. Who?

But why would that answer be so dangerous? Unless some of the wilder speculations about the true nature of The Doctor are true. But it will be interesting to see where they do go with that.

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Originally Posted by TerraDraconis View Post
I wonder about that question. It is implied that the question he answers is.

Dr. Who?

But why would that answer be so dangerous? Unless some of the wilder speculations about the true nature of The Doctor are true. But it will be interesting to see where they do go with that.
Well considering the speech magic has been shown to be somewhat true in universe and The Doctor is responsible for creation of the current universe... if he were to give his name and then give it backwards it would destroy that universe ^.^

Of course there is also the idea that he may know the answer to a question that could result in a cataclysm caused by other learning the answer to that question...

That being said we have been having it driven into our heads that
"The Doctor Lies"

and the Silence as well as several others already know the answer/question...

So it's not so much knowing or asking so much as who and where those questions are asked... and i doubt it has much to do with where so it must be a who that learns of the answer/question that does something rather than the doctor himself or any other thing...

And then again I find it interesting that this all presupposes that the Silence know the future and try to alter it resulting in the future to come about that they tried to change... or is it that they know that these things needed to happen and are helping it along thus the Silence is actually good guys and not bad guys.



Originally Posted by TerraDraconis View Post
I wonder about that question. It is implied that the question he answers is.

Dr. Who?

But why would that answer be so dangerous? Unless some of the wilder speculations about the true nature of The Doctor are true. But it will be interesting to see where they do go with that.
I had a story idea where the Doctor's name was a password to some kind of super weapon or prison holding something evil or something like that. Something that would bring about the destruction of the universe. The 1st Doctor would have been instrumental in it's locking and had to use his name as a password (for some reason). Wiping his name from the Matrix and then escaping with Susan (the only other person alive who knew his name). He would then use all his psychic might to lock his name from even his memory so no mind reading could ever find it.
By the time he was recaptured in the War Games, there'd been a power shift on Gallifrey and the real reason for his escape had been forgotten, with the new Council simply putting it down to a rebellious streak.



I rewatched the episode. Now watching it for a second time It was actually a huge amount better than the first time.

I do wonder though, how does River know about the battle of demons run before it actually happens? Watching the story of River Song, it shows that she knows everything about demons run before she goes there. If she hadn't been there yet, apart from as a baby, she shouldn't know about it.

The question, 'Doctor Who?' could mean one of two things.
1.) Doctor Who? Ie Who is the Doctor? Could this be the time River finds out his real name? She doesn't know it yet, but does in her future.
2.) Doctor, Who? Ie Someone asking the Doctor Who is X. The Doctor knows many secrets and someone could be asking him about one of those secrets.

This isn't the last we've seen of River, that is for sure.

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Wasn't that blue, Tardis-looking diary actually Amy's? Didn't she have it at her wedding? I would guess that she's the one who wrote it and River was using it to get her spoilers.



Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
Wasn't that blue, Tardis-looking diary actually Amy's? Didn't she have it at her wedding? I would guess that she's the one who wrote it and River was using it to get her spoilers.
It was given to Amy at her wedding, blank, by River to help her remember the Doctor and re-exist him. Don't think about it too hard.

Moffat has been dropping a lot of questions about the Doctor's past, with him skirting the answers. I wouldn't be surprised if the "Doctor Who?" question relates in a large way to who he really is- for example, what kind of family did he have and/or left behind/killed in the Time War? Just how responsible is he for the Time War and the deaths of all the Time Lords? But then again, this is a three-series long story arc, and the questions from Matt Smith's first season have not yet been answered. So the Doctor was at the heart of the exploding TARDIS, which reset the universe with the Big Bang 2. It seems like he could have somehow altered the universe while he was there, and that's what this is all building up to. Who knows?



Originally Posted by Zyhar View Post
I do wonder though, how does River know about the battle of demons run before it actually happens? Watching the story of River Song, it shows that she knows everything about demons run before she goes there. If she hadn't been there yet, apart from as a baby, she shouldn't know about it.
We don't know much about Timelord babies...maybe she can remember that far back. Or, the (future) Doctor may have warned her about it: "One of these days, I'm going to send your Dad to pick you up and take you to Demon's Run. Don't go right away, it'll screw everything up".

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Well the question of who is The Doctor really goes back at least to the Fourth Doctor and maybe longer. Not having seen all of the 1 - 3 Doctors episodes I'm not certain if any hints where dropped there. But with the Fourth one some hints during his tenure as President and around those episodes on Gallifray imply he knows more than the person he claims to be should. This comes up a couple of times later and then the Seventh Doctor takes it and runs with it. There was heavy implication during that Doctors term that he knew alot more about the founding of the Time Lords and possibly the original ruling Triumvirate then he should. He plays with toys belonging to Omega and Rassilon as if they where his own. They respond to him and obey his orders when he uses them. Much is implied that he may be older and not exactly what he appears to be during that time.

The books do the same thing but who knows which of those are truly cannon and which are not any more the BBC kept changing things. Some of the books make some explicit claims that are likely not true. After all Rule One is that The Doctor LIES. And it is very possible that this entire existence as The Doctor is one of those lies possibly a huge one.

Consider that even the might of the Time Lords was brought against him by the founder of The Time Lords and he defeated them.

So really Dr. Who?

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Originally Posted by Zyhar View Post
I rewatched the episode. Now watching it for a second time It was actually a huge amount better than the first time.

I do wonder though, how does River know about the battle of demons run before it actually happens? Watching the story of River Song, it shows that she knows everything about demons run before she goes there. If she hadn't been there yet, apart from as a baby, she shouldn't know about it.

The question, 'Doctor Who?' could mean one of two things.
1.) Doctor Who? Ie Who is the Doctor? Could this be the time River finds out his real name? She doesn't know it yet, but does in her future.
2.) Doctor, Who? Ie Someone asking the Doctor Who is X. The Doctor knows many secrets and someone could be asking him about one of those secrets.

This isn't the last we've seen of River, that is for sure.
You do realize that River was born at Demons Run just prior to the battle right?

<Pause while that sinks in>

She didn't know about it before it happened. SHE WAS THERE WHEN IT HAPPENED. It's all history to her.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
You do realize that River was born at Demons Run just prior to the battle right?

<Pause while that sinks in>

She didn't know about it before it happened. SHE WAS THERE WHEN IT HAPPENED. It's all history to her.
You do know I already said that right? I said that she had never been there apart from as a baby.

<Pause while that sinks in>

Now I don't know about you, but I don't remember every detail about when I was born. I don't remember the colour of the room, because you know...I was a baby....

It's now Issue 21 and I am back!
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Originally Posted by Zyhar View Post
You do know I already said that right? I said that she had never been there apart from as a baby.

<Pause while that sinks in>

Now I don't know about you, but I don't remember every detail about when I was born. I don't remember the colour of the room, because you know...I was a baby....
So she was taught it by her captors.

[url=]Take A Gander At This.[/url]



Originally Posted by TerraDraconis View Post
Well the question of who is The Doctor really goes back at least to the Fourth Doctor and maybe longer.
Even the first Doctor dropped hints about being on the run, but always very vague. The most famous quote from right at the start being, "Have you ever thought what it's like to be wanderers in the fourth dimension? To be exiles?" So you could say the "Who?" part has been there from the very beginning.

If Moffat is going to do his own version of the Cartmel plan I will be very happy. As long as the Longbarrow rubbish is ignored and they keep it all vague.

This is a song about a super hero named Tony. Its called Tony's theme.
Jagged Reged: 23/01/04



The First Doctor never mentions that he's a Time Lord or states where he's from, although both him and Susan aren't from round here.

At the end of the Second Doctor's run both the Doctor's homeworld (which isn't named) and the Time Lords are introduced during The War Games.

Omega is introduced in The Three Doctors. Rassilon isn't mentioned at all.

Gallifrey is mentioned by name for the first time by the Third Doctor in The Time Warrior.

Rassilon is mentioned for the first time in the Fourth Doctor's adventure The Deadly Assassin.

And then the decades roll past and you have a whole crudload of backstory and material on Gallifrey, the Time Lords, and Omega and Rassilon.

I like the idea as well that the Doctor knows a lot more about the true history of the Time Lords, Gallifrey, and its founders than he ever lets on.

The only ones who potentially know who the Doctor really is are Omega Rassilon. But Omega is a tad insane, and Rassilon won't be speaking anytime soon.



Originally Posted by Zyhar View Post
You do know I already said that right? I said that she had never been there apart from as a baby.

<Pause while that sinks in>

Now I don't know about you, but I don't remember every detail about when I was born. I don't remember the colour of the room, because you know...I was a baby....

I was a year old when Neil Armstrong stepped on the moon.

OMG! How can I possibly know about that, I couldn't remember it!



Originally Posted by Sugar_Rush View Post
I was a year old when Neil Armstrong stepped on the moon.
Well I hope you did your part in killing the Silence on sight.

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Could Gallifrey be Earth in the future?

Gallifrayans look a lot like Humans...
Humans and Galligrayans are mixable genetically via Donna Noble
Humans seem to be effected by the time vortex and can become Time Lords
We've never seen another Time Lord near Earth save for rebels(of course i haven't watched all Dr. Who)
There is a law against travelling into Gallifrayan history
The Dalleks like to attack Earth a lot and the Dalleks hate the Time Lords...



Originally Posted by Zyhar View Post
You do know I already said that right? I said that she had never been there apart from as a baby.

<Pause while that sinks in>

Now I don't know about you, but I don't remember every detail about when I was born. I don't remember the colour of the room, because you know...I was a baby....
reread what you posted

Originally Posted by Zyhar View Post
I do wonder though, how does River know about the battle of demons run before it actually happens? Watching the story of River Song, it shows that she knows everything about demons run before she goes there. If she hadn't been there yet, apart from as a baby, she shouldn't know about it.
Now how do you know something before you were born? Of course she learned about Demons Run after. She was raised/trained by the Silence until she "escaped" and then studied archeology in order to learn more about the Doctor and her own past, which included what happened at Demon's Run. Add to the fact that she is also a time traveler she could have checked out the Demon's Run under cover while Amy was still pregnant and held captive.



Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
Could Gallifrey be Earth in the future?
Not likely. Gallifrey has two suns. From the episode "Gridlock".



Also, would make The Doctor look like a jerk for all those "Humans are amazing" comments

Always remember, we were Heroes.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Not likely. Gallifrey has two suns. From the episode "Gridlock".
Ahh but a advanced race could easily move stars about ^.^