And that is how I learned...




Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
Pay attention to what powers people are running. I used to play an illusion controller a lot and I would routinely scout ahead. I can't tell you how many times I would run into a room and someone would follow me and die instantly.

Me: What were you doing?
Corpse: I was following YOU.
Me: I'm invisible.
Corpse: . . .
My ill/emp got kicked from a team once. The tank complained a lot to the team leader that I was 'aggroing too much' for him which is why people kept dying.

I was running past the mobs to draw PA into them, which did take me a bit nearer other spawns, but it wasn't I who drew aggro... Interestingly, after I was kicked, I seem to recall an Earth/Rad on the team named Loony McAggrophile quitting team as well, since he popped up outside the mission beside me.

Edit: Also, for a while I had a character who was glitched so that he was entirely invisible. I forgot the enemies could, and would, target me, as I wasn't stealthed.



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
Pay attention to what powers people are running. I used to play an illusion controller a lot and I would routinely scout ahead. I can't tell you how many times I would run into a room and someone would follow me and die instantly.

Me: What were you doing?
Corpse: I was following YOU.
Me: I'm invisible.
Corpse: . . .
I've been on both sides of this. Following stalkers in to spawns (though, as a Brute, I was okay), and leading squishes into spawns on my Dark Defender.

My Dark Defender used both Shadow Fall and Super Speed, so he was invisible in PVE, but he didn't look invisible.

So people would follow him thinking that the fender was about to go squish.



Originally Posted by Aipaloovik View Post
And that's how I learned that you should never slot your opening attack power next to REST!
Bah! This has never happened to me... I wish.

Welcome to the forums, Aipaloovik!



Originally Posted by Aipaloovik View Post
And that's how I learned that you should never slot your opening attack power next to REST!

So what have you learned while playing, and how did you learn it?
Heh. Ive never doen that, but I did do the opposite once, and accidentally put Self Destruct right next to Rest...



I am the healer! I am the only healer in a team full of blasters! Im special! Im taking Damage! I need everything I can get and more! I hit a magic Clicky!

Im not a healer! I am Rikti Monky! I am Monkey hopping in piles of dead blasters!



I used to die a lot on my FF def by double clicking my personal force field, thus turning it ON and then OFF --- long recharge .... AAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, On all my chars with emergency powers, I create a macro for them.

Something like
/macro PFF "powexectoggleon personal force field"

I put that macro icon in my main trays ... and move the original PFF power icon up into a floating power tray elsewhere ... that way, I can frantically keystroke or mouse click my PFF macro icon as much as I like, and it will only turn it .... ON

only trouble I have now is noticing the danger and reacting fast enough

The final line of a post by Sweet_Sarah on Liberty
"Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes."



Originally Posted by BackFire View Post
Hahahaha!! I remember learning this the hard way teaming early on with my RL friends. A teamate TP'd me to the group and my Jack Frost brought an aggro-train of doom with him that wiped us out.

My RL friends at the time wouldn't team with me after that night...

...and that's how I learned MMO gaming is srs bzns to some people!!!
Oh I won't bore you by regaling you with stories of how tornado didn't use to have a leash and you could literally aggro the entire zone or outdoor instance on your character and team.

Triumphant Defenders Forever
Psylenz FF/Psi, ArticQuark Storm/Rad, Symon BarSisyphus Bots/psn, Max VanSydow Thugs/Dk, Cyclone Symon Bots/stm, Blue Loki Ice/Cd, Widow 46526
HelinCarnate:OMG it is so terrible. I have the option to take 3 more powers but no additional slots. Boo F'ing hoo.



I joined an Incarnate Trial with my main character, a Grav/FF Controller. I hadn't run too many Trials as of yet, and when I did, I had frequent computer hiccups. A lot of DCing and such. I came to this particular trial after spending a good deal of time on a Tip Mission trying to speed through it finding glowies so that I had time to get to Pocket D before the Trial started.

Once inside the map for the BAF, I DCed pretty quickly. I tried my darnedest to get back as soon as I could. By the time I did, Nightstar was almost dead. I ran up to her anyway and attempted to buff my teammates and attack her. I was unable to. None of my powers were activitating. At first I assumed it was some kinda lag issue, or perhaps my Alt key was stuck again. Nothing. I just couldn't figure it out.

We got to the Prisoner stage, and I was at a door unable to help, and clueless as to the problem...

Finally, I glanced at the power tray I keep of some miscelaneous toggles and macro buttons... which is when I found something out.

I learned to ALWAYS check to see if Personal Force Field is on before using League chat to inform the team that none of your powers are functioning.

I just couldn't bring myself to tell them how I managed to fix the problem. (It also bears mentioning that after my DC all of my toggles remained on... which was something I hadn't thought of. It never dawned on to me that PFF coulda still been on AFTER a DC, but it was.)

/e epic_facepalm



Besides finding out the difference between the exit tram and the entrance tram...

I used to have two characters that looked the same. One was a level 50 Martial Arts/Regeneration scrapper that's used to charging in face first and not dying. The other was a level 22 Dual Pistols/Devices blaster.

So on this day, I decided to level up the Dual Pistols version. Joined a team, all good to go. We get our mission, we head in, and come up on the first mob.

Not thinking, I jumped in FIRST. Now, this is a nightmare situation for a blaster. I didn't have autorun on, I didn't get teleported in, I JUMPED in. On purpose, and then started frantically looking for Dragons Tail.

Aw crap, this is my blaster...

What was the lesson learned? Be creative with your concepts!

@Leetdeth - Virtue | MA Arcs(all challenge arcs): Big Magic Blowout! #369774 | Who Really Cares About This? Z! #509577 | That Meddling King! (teams recommended) #21450



Originally Posted by Icy_J View Post
Besides finding out the difference between the exit tram and the entrance tram...

I used to have two characters that looked the same. One was a level 50 Martial Arts/Regeneration scrapper that's used to charging in face first and not dying. The other was a level 22 Dual Pistols/Devices blaster.

So on this day, I decided to level up the Dual Pistols version. Joined a team, all good to go. We get our mission, we head in, and come up on the first mob.

Not thinking, I jumped in FIRST.


Aw crap, this is my blaster...

What was the lesson learned? Be creative with your concepts!
Had this happen, only in my case it was the bots/pain MM (the same one from my previous post) and a DP/Elec Blaster. I thought I was clever, giving them two matching costumes.

Until the umpteen-billionth time this happened:

"Robots! ATTACK! WTF? Where'd they go?"


Que trip to tailor.



Doing the last mission of the Path of the Dark arc, I was fighting one of the archons (who, because of difficulty settings, was a lieutenant) and decided because I had him drained of endurance I could let up on the holds.

And that's how I learned that some Council vampyr archons can turn into war wolves. Boss war wolves, regardless of difficulty settings.

Incidentally, it's also how I learned that enemies don't play fair and so I shouldn't try to, either.



So I had been playing my Fire/Kin for a couple of years and pretty much knew the ins and outs of my powers. Or so I thought.

During a Hami raid, things weren't going as good as they should've and the raid leader recommended that some of the kins follow around the Spike team and Fulcrum Shift off of Yellow Mitos. Yellow Mitos are vulnerable to melee attacks and are pretty much immune to everything else (psi attacks are an exception).

So after like, what, 3 - 4 years of playing my Fire/Kin... I find out that Fulcrum Shift has an Auto-Hit component to it.

Lesson learned, even when you think you know all there is to know about your toon, you can still learn something new.

[ @Zombie Fryer ][ @Zombie Smasher ]
| Home Server: Virtue |

Twitter: @ZFLikesNachos Save City of Heroes (Titan Network) [Successful "The Really Hard Way" runs: 4] [Click ^]



Originally Posted by Technoraid View Post
This was when I learned that A) momentum carries when you teleport and B) you need to be still when being teleported.
To use a phrase.

"Momentum, a function of mass and velocity, is conserved between portals. In layman's terms, speedy thing goes in, speedy thing comes out."

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



"Wait, no no, STOP!"
"You have been defeated."

/bind R "nop"
/bind Ctrl+R "++autorun"
And that's how I never accidentally ran into a group of enemies on autorun again.

Aegis Rose, Forcefield/Energy Defender - Freedom
"Bubble up for safety!"



Originally Posted by Dr_MechanoEU View Post
To use a phrase.

"Momentum, a function of mass and velocity, is conserved between portals. In layman's terms, speedy thing goes in, speedy thing comes out."
I'm still bitter about the cake.

One day I decided I wanted to get A-merits on one of my characters. He was a fire brute so I sped through the 5 tips on the second day fine but then the Alignment mission refused to drop. I waited a day and then hunted gray mobs and nothing and then did 7 radio missions without success. I became frustrated and annoyed everyone on my favourite chat channel and then /bugged it and posted on the forums in one of the many "Tips aren't dropping" threads. The next day I got the "passed your problem to someone else.." email and grumbled and went back into the game and remembered that it was my second account and I hadn't got GR for it yet.

That's how I learned that 2boxing is complicated.



Had a very bad e,/facepalm experience back when the game 1st started. I got onto a team and mission was set for The Hollows, so from Atlas I went via Skyway to get to Hollows.

The mish itself was set just by Flux so I had a bit of track to get there die-ing on 2 occasions. Finally I get to mission, a few mobs in we get a Team-wipe, and all hosp it. Back in Skyway I make my way back to the Hollows and manage to weave my way through the mobs and get to mission.

The team has already taken mob down and a few others in the time it took me to get there?

Bang! another team wipe and again I make my way back from Skyway. After die-ing on the way back to mission , I get the Mission completed text? WTF, "how the hell you guys getting there so fast?" to which the reply was "we went through Atlas to Hollows", e,Facepalm " you can get to Hollows from Atlas?" mass lol'd from team.

Too many 50's to list here's a few you may know.
Slazenger, Area51, Area53, Area54, Erruption, Mind Plague, Thresher, Sheath, Broadside, Debt



Originally Posted by Lachlin View Post
Before you got to the "Rest" part of the story, I thought you were learning about Nemesis Lts the hard way....

In case you are new enough to not know this, when the Lts are killed, Vengeance is cast on all near by friends with +def and +tohit.

Just in case you may not have known that.

Just as an aside, their veng. (+def) does not give them AoE defense. So if you defeat lots of Lts, just use AoEs (cones/etc)....

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



Back in the early days, when the game was young and I was on my very first hero, an Ill/Rad controller, I took Superior Invisibility. Back then, Superior Inviz was the best stealth power going. (I think that only stalker stealth beats it today, but I could be out of date.)

I'm an explorer type, so when I figured out that I could stand next to a purple-con boss and /em dance in front of him, I set out exploring all of the higher-level zones just to see what they were like. My character's concept at the time was that he had no super travel powers, so I'd tell people that Sup Inviz was my "travel power". I didn't always get there fast, but I could go places that travel powers couldn't get you to all by themselves.

My explorations eventually took me Peregrine Island - a level 14 or so controller walking around in level 50 land. Sup Inviz had my back, though. As long as I steered clear of Rikti drones and didn't hang out too closely to bosses and such, I was fine. I'd even finally given in and taken hover because I was planning to get teleport. So, I'm put-putting around PI, serene in my "invulnerabilty".

*kzing* *BLAM*

I hit the go to hospital button thinking simultaneously - "What the heck was THAT?" and "How did it see me?"

So, I walk out of the hospital and walk around a little bit wondering what I did wrong when it happened again.

*kzing* *BLAM*

I clicked the hospital button again and went back through my combat log. That was when I learned that no matter how good your stealth is, it doesn't compare to the perception range of a Crey Sniper. Those guys are GOOD! I stopped hanging out in PI after that.

I eventually came up with a theory that Sup Inviz actually has a radius of effect and crey Snipers have a line of sight that puts them outside of it. I suspect now that the truth is simply that the snipers have a perception skill that puts any stealth power to shame.



Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
I suspect now that the truth is simply that the snipers have a perception skill that puts any stealth power to shame.
Gotta love a dev team that puts an ability in the game, even bases a whole class and parts of two others around it, then gives half the enemy factions something or other that renders said ability worthless.



In the interests of brevity, here's some lessons I learned long ago with the boring parts truncated.

... and that's when I learned critters can tell you've used an awaken even when their back is turned.

... and that's when I learned not to sit in a skirt.

... and that's when I learned the sky wasn't as safe as it looked in the Hive.

... and that's when I learned not to hit a hundred things at once with Nova.

... and that's when I learned you have to click on the train, and not just walk into it.

... and that's when I learned the special challenges of making a tech origin character, and just how incompetent the Crey really are.

... and that's when I learned to remove sprint from my main power tray on my Stone tanker.

... and that's when I learned how to see your own Nova go off from a hundred yards away.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
... and that's when I learned to remove sprint from my main power tray on my Stone tanker.

... and that's when I learned how to see your own Nova go off from a hundred yards away.
Can someone elaborate on these two? Having never played a Stone toon I've only heard about Granite being slow and -jump/fly. Which to me would mean you'd want Sprint right?

Also, I really really want to know how to see my own Nova from a football field away, I'm guessing using SS as soon as you click Nova, but that's just a guess.

Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!



I would assume in the first case it's an endurance issue and in the second case knowing how to move the camera farther away from the action.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components

Tempus unum hominem manet



Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
Ah, yes. The Special Agent Sharpshooters. The point at which you realize that CoH's "OH, F*** YOU" moments do, in fact, happen outside of missions.



When you are a low level character, and you are checking out a high level ambush of Rikti in Perez Park, don't click on them to use info if you are in melee range and have Brawl on Auto-toggle. It goes something like *whiff* *faceplant*, only much faster.

Justice Blues, Tech/Tank, Inv/SS
Fighting The Future Trilogy