And that is how I learned...




So there I was, locked in another warehouse looking to bring to justice another faction of Nemesis. Nothing seems particularly special as I round a corner and see another cluster of lawless cretains darkening what should be a bright and thriving city. Just what I was looking for. I jump into the middle of the group and fire off soul drain to top off my ability to bring these cretins to justice in the most expedient way possible. As the animation fires off, I start tabbing through the group looking for anyone I need to worry about taking down first. What? After I jump in? Yeah, I'm a scrapper. Scrapperlock, live it, love it. Anyway, as I, what I thought was quickly, scroll through the group, BAM!!, I'm faceplanted. I never even got an attack of. Odd, but with Defense, sometimes the dice (or random number generator) rolls against you and such things happen. Oh well, an Awaken and a tray full of candy later, the group is nothing but paperwork for the local authorities.

Moving right along, about 2 rooms later, as I come around the corner, I jump into another group, fire off another soul drain and start rolling through the group looking for primary targets. The observant of you might notice a pattern here. Now this is where I got frustrated, because before I get a single attack off, BAM!! faceplanted. Now, I know random is random and Defense is an odds game and some nights the dice don't like you. HOWEVER.... this is crazy. I've never been faceplanted THAT fast and certainly not twice in such a short time frame. Rinse repeat, Awaken, tray of candy, nothing but paperwork. This time however, I start scrolling back through the battle messages to see exactly who hit me so hard.

That's when it happened. I realized just how I had gotten so "unlucky"...

And that's how I learned that you should never slot your opening attack power next to REST!

So what have you learned while playing, and how did you learn it?



Originally Posted by Aipaloovik View Post
And that's how I learned that you should never slot your opening attack power next to REST!
I have been entertained for the day, and I thank you!
Welcome to the boards.

Make a man a fire and keep him warm for the day, SET a man on fire and keep him warm for the rest of his life.
Incarnates: K'lir(Fire/Dark Corr):Hot-House Flower(Plant/Fire Dom):Kinrad X(Kin/Rad Def):Itsy-Bitsy Spider(Crab):Two Ton Tony(Mace/WP Broot):Teeny Weeny Widow(Fortunata/Widow) : Zeroth Law (Ice/Fire Tank)



heh, must have had good defense to avoid getting interrupted long enough to use it lol

and if you didnt have that line in there i would have thought that you were talking about nemesis and their blasted LTs which veng everything after they die (very hard fighting nemesis on toon thats defense based)



Before you got to the "Rest" part of the story, I thought you were learning about Nemesis Lts the hard way....

In case you are new enough to not know this, when the Lts are killed, Vengeance is cast on all near by friends with +def and +tohit.

Just in case you may not have known that.



So there I was, an office building was besieged by a horde of evil robots that were tearing up the carpeting and knocking over potted plants. I entered, and spotted several straight away. Having seen them, I opened fire - ice blasts ripping their fragile metal shells to pieces as they tried to run at me. Well, some in the back had energy beams, and there seemed to be one or more buffing the others. I took some damage, and quickly. Maybe (maybe) I could have scouted them better first, but, I'm a blaster - shoot first and ask questions later.

Besides, Hibernate, is your friend so.... hey, I died.

That's when I learned never to click hibernate twice - even if it seems like maybe it didn't activate at first - because that second time will immediately turn it off. And that third click does you no good.

City of Heroes was my first MMO, & my favorite computer game.

Chyll - Bydand - Violynce - Enyrgos - Rylle - Nephryte - Solyd - Fettyr - Hyposhock - Styrling - Beryllos - Rosyc
Horryd - Myriam - Dysquiet - Ghyr
Vanysh - Eldrytch
Inflyct - Mysron - Orphyn - Dysmay - Reapyr - - Wyldeman - Hydeous



Thanks for the advice. While this account is new I am a returning player. Nemesis are one of the few enemies where a scrappers primary target are the squishy minions. I left around I4 as Irecall so a lot has changed. My other that's how I leaned story has to do with mobs learning how elevators work. Might post that later. : -)



I learned the hard way that no matter how far away you think you do run from a mob to actually use rest the second you use it there is always one stray baddie that stalked you and one shot kill you even if you go on a different floor.

Cancel the kitchen scraps for widows and lepers, no more merciful beheadings and call off christmas!



Ha, yes. I slot rest in a slot that I am sure NOT to hit via a keystroke. That's exclusively a mouse-click power.

I'll keep this short. My first character was an ice blaster, that took combat jumping and Super Jump. I was playing on an outdated computer, and was not making full use of Combat Jumping to bounce around while fighting. Between lagging mid-jump and being pummeled in missions, I was quickly losing interest in the game as it was becoming frustrating.

Then I ran the lvl 24 respec trial (after learning what the hell that even was) and I decided to use my prize to take Hover and Fly instead. All of the sudden, I could lag as much as I wanted while I was airborne and it didn't matter. But better yet, I discovered the wonders of "hover blasting." I've never looked back.

@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.
I am a blaster first, and an alt-oholic second.



Comedy moment.

On all my toons that have teleport, I put it on the 9 key.

So my blaster respecs out of teleport, and a couple of days later I absent mindedly hit 9. Level 50, middle of Atlas park and I randomly nova. And that was how I found out that if you nova with no badguys in range, it doesn't cost you all your end.

We need a /e embarrassed.

It's true. This game is NOT rocket surgery. - BillZBubba



Originally Posted by Minotaur View Post
We need a /e embarrassed.
That would be cool emote to have.

Make a man a fire and keep him warm for the day, SET a man on fire and keep him warm for the rest of his life.
Incarnates: K'lir(Fire/Dark Corr):Hot-House Flower(Plant/Fire Dom):Kinrad X(Kin/Rad Def):Itsy-Bitsy Spider(Crab):Two Ton Tony(Mace/WP Broot):Teeny Weeny Widow(Fortunata/Widow) : Zeroth Law (Ice/Fire Tank)



Originally Posted by Minotaur View Post
We need a /e embarrassed.
/e facepalm works pretty well.

My story arcs: #2370- Noah Reborn, #18672- The Clockwork War, #31490- Easy Money

Sartre once said, "Hell is other people." What does that make an MMO?



Very early in my CoH gaming experience I am exploring the streets of Atlas Park. Amid the shining skyscrapers, inspiring statues, and unreachable blimp I spot what looks like a raised monorail station!

Citizens and heroes are milling about and streaming endlessly from the structure so I move in to investigate. I see a hero dancing to a boombox and (with a little help) learn to dance! But what intrigues me most is how heroes keep appearing from the tram, so I move up to the tram doors to investigate.

Can I walk into the tram and ride somewhere? *face-slam* Nope.
Maybe I have to time it to when the doors are open? *face-slam* Nope.
Can I click on the doors? Nope.
Can I attack the tram? Still nope.

Heroes keep coming, tram after tram and I keep trying everything possible to get on that transport myself...jumping, clicking, running...but apparently I'm locked out. Too low of level, perhaps?

After a good 15 minutes of trying, I resign myself to hoofing it around Paragon City; public transportation is just beyond my scope. But as I'm leaving, a couple heroes run past me and into a different section of the building...

...and that's how I learned the difference between the entrance and exit on the trams >.<

Craft your inventions in AE!!

Play "Crafter's Cafe" - Arc #487283. A 1 mission, NON-COMBAT AE arc with workable invention tables!



Oh, my gosh, I love this thread! I thought I was the only one to do stuff like this!

I remember years ago some team leader (who was much nicer than I had any right to deserve) told everyone to not pull any extra aggro. Later, he told ME I was pulling aggro. Shocked, I said "How? I'm totally invisible!" He replied "Yes. Yes, you are. That trail of pets behind you though, they aren't."

Have often wished there was a badge title I could select reading "Big Ol' Dork." to go along with that PFP (personal face palm) emote.



Actually right now in the VIP Beta, I'm having to adjust to a new power.

TIP: Always remember to Turn Off Afterburner before engaging ambushes/chashers when at a contact. It will save you a lot of worry later on instead of thinking "WTF? Why aren't my powers working??!" (Afterburner prevents non-self affecting powers form working...)

I haven't been gacked because of that yet, thankfully. Had a couple close calls though...

Thank you for the time...

@Travlr (Main) / @Tymers Realm (Test)

Arc 5299: Magic, Mystery, and Mayhem Updated!! 09/15/09



Originally Posted by _eeek_ View Post
Oh, my gosh, I love this thread! I thought I was the only one to do stuff like this!

I remember years ago some team leader (who was much nicer than I had any right to deserve) told everyone to not pull any extra aggro. Later, he told ME I was pulling aggro. Shocked, I said "How? I'm totally invisible!" He replied "Yes. Yes, you are. That trail of pets behind you though, they aren't."

Have often wished there was a badge title I could select reading "Big Ol' Dork." to go along with that PFP (personal face palm) emote.
Hahahaha!! I remember learning this the hard way teaming early on with my RL friends. A teamate TP'd me to the group and my Jack Frost brought an aggro-train of doom with him that wiped us out.

My RL friends at the time wouldn't team with me after that night...

...and that's how I learned MMO gaming is srs bzns to some people!!!

Craft your inventions in AE!!

Play "Crafter's Cafe" - Arc #487283. A 1 mission, NON-COMBAT AE arc with workable invention tables!



It only took a couple months of being broke most of the time to realize I really really REALLY wanted to be able to sling some IO power around, and to do that, I needed a whole lotta inf. So, like many players, I rolled myself up a fire farmer. Yeah yeah, boo hiss and all that. The end justifies the means.

Initially I thought that this would just be a grind-it-out AE moneymaker for my real toons. Then I realized how freaking hilarious it is to dive into a huge pile of enemies and mow them down. It got even more fun when I started IOing the guy and became able to contribute outside of fire farms. (My Elec/Fire brute is now my first 50 and first Incarnate, in addition to being my farmer.)

Anyhoo, when I was on yet another trip through AE, I found myself fighting for my life against enemies I'd previously had no problems with. I finished the run without dying, barely. I was thoroughly befuddled till I looked at the tray I keep all my toggles on - and discovered only two were running out of the half-dozen I usually have active while farming. DERP.

Thus I learned: always check your toggles at mission start.



Originally Posted by Winterminal View Post
But better yet, I discovered the wonders of "hover blasting." I've never looked back.
This reminds me of my very first blaster, which was also my very first character, back in the old days. How old? Well, we hadn't even started talking about the release of Issue 1 when this happened.

Being an energy/energy blaster with hover (but not a high enough level to take fly yet), the joys of hover-blasting had gotten me through the trials of Perez Park and had just arrived in Steel Canyon. Moving into the streets, I spotted a new group of anti-social thugs calling themselves the Outcasts. Confidently, I rose I into the air, safely out of reach, and opened up with my energy blasts, smiling as they were knocked to the ground.

My smile rapidly turned to shock as two of the Outcasts had the unmitigated gall to FLY up to me and proceed to disregard my 'range as defense' strategy by engaging in airborne hand-to-hand combat!

Only the fact that I had a couple purple inspirations handy saved my poor blaster from a trip to the hospital, but his sense of security died that day.



Two stubborn hours and several wipes later the team finally realized that its not good to draw all the Tsoo sorcerers in a 3-tiered room within healing range of each other. (I think this effect has been nerfed sometime in the 5 or 6 years since it happened.)

I also learned on my very first Nemesis mission ever that Nems have a great eye care plan, far better than other villains. Immediately thereafter I also learned that I really needed to focus on acquiring kb protection.



I was on a team with my Grav/Kin about a year ago. 8 man team, set a couple higher. Someone stealths to the AV at the end, and starts to tp. I SB everyone, other buffs are thrown around, and we engage the AV.

Everything going good, and the sudden, the mob at the other end of the room goes flying, and here comes my singularity happily repeling the mob out if it's way to get to me.

I, of course am laughing my butt off, but then the tank goes, "WTF?" as every mob between us and the entrance comes running in chasing my poor little pet.

And that's how I leaned when it's good idea to dismiss your pets.

No one pays attention to me, cause I listen to the voices in my head.



Heh. Similar to the OP tonight - except for me it was "Nebulous Form" instead of "Shadow Cloak."

Makes Eclipse FAR less effective. And mire. And when it finally drops the phasing, it drops you too... or at least the pile of bad guys you're in the middle of will.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Heh. Similar to the OP tonight - except for me it was "Nebulous Form" instead of "Shadow Cloak."

Makes Eclipse FAR less effective. And mire. And when it finally drops the phasing, it drops you too... or at least the pile of bad guys you're in the middle of will.
have a similar dumb one, powers you purchase with boosters are always put on your tray to start, not looking at my tray, i tried to hit my 3 key, only to notice that self destruct was now there...
Originally Posted by BackFire View Post
past me and into a different section of the building...

...and that's how I learned the difference between the entrance and exit on the trams >.<
been there, did that, think i was a six year vet at the time.



Originally Posted by Aipaloovik View Post
And that's how I learned that you should never slot your opening attack power next to REST!

So what have you learned while playing, and how did you learn it?
I recall a moment while playing my Bots/Pain MM. I was flying through Atlas Park for reasons I do not remember, and I came upon a lowbie getting mauled by thugs. I paused to see if maybe he could squeak out a victory, but down he went.

Being a helpful sort of person, I helped disposed of his remaining attackers, flew down to the fallen lowbie, and activated Conduit of Pain.



Thankfully, the lowbie was gracious enough to teleport to the hospital before my MM's humiliating demise.

WHAT HAPPENED: Conduit of Pain was (and still is) located in Slot 10 of Tray 1. Self Destruction was (and to this day is NOT) in Slot 10 of Tray 2. I had swapped the primary power tray to Tray 2, which had my MM's flight powers, to make using travel powers easier. But I forgot to switch back before hitting the "0" key.

Self Destruction is now in a floating tray surrounded by temp and booster powers I never use. WELL THE HELL AWAY from any of my main power trays.



So, one time, I was teaming with a group of real life friends. We were in Faultline, and I had become separated from them on my kin when we split. I quickly got in over my head and siphoned speed and proceeded to flee and cry for someone to teleport me out of there. I had my teleport prompt off because I trusted my teammates.

To be teleported, mid high-speed jump, to the top of a sky scraper. I could only watch in horror as I went over the edge, fell, dropped down to a sliver of HP.

Of course, the Arachnos spawn I dropped into didn't miss my sudden arrival, and after they recovered from their surprise they drew their weapons and finished me off as I fled.

Then my unconscious form was teleported back to the top of the building and handed a wakie.

This was when I learned that A) momentum carries when you teleport and B) you need to be still when being teleported.

For more Recall mishaps... I was in charge of the stealth/tp portion for my group's regular RSF. I was always careful to drop them in the very corner of this big room full of longbow before I went off to trigger the ambush on the capture Ms. Lib mission.

One day, when I teleport in our third and final mastermind... his mercs decide they need to go for a quick jog to loosen up their muscles. They proceed to run around the perimeter of the ENTIRE ROOM, alerting Longbow to our presence. My poor Stalker was crushed in the ensuing volley of attacks and excess aggro as the pets died, while I could only stare in disbelief. Of course, my sacrifice was not in vain, as Fallout and Venge aided my surviving allies.

It wasn't even my turn to be the Venge bait that time.



Not one of mine, but my husband's, actually...

Bloodspeaker is zooming through the skies over Grandville (a lvl 50 character, IIRC) when he gets a tell from a friend requesting help in a mission. A lower level friend, mind you. "Sure," says hubby, "throw me an invite."

Invite window pops up. He accepts the invite.

... and immediately wonders why he's falling out of the sky. Despite frantically clicking on his Flight toggle.


Right into a mob that quickly recovers from its WTF moment and kills him.

At which point he realizes his friend is level 13. And he's now exempted down to 12.

The profanity over TeamSpeak that day was enough to nearly fry the lines from Phoenix to Tucson.


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



Pay attention to what powers people are running. I used to play an illusion controller a lot and I would routinely scout ahead. I can't tell you how many times I would run into a room and someone would follow me and die instantly.

Me: What were you doing?
Corpse: I was following YOU.
Me: I'm invisible.
Corpse: . . .

Pay attention to the power icons. I was recently soloing tip missions on a dual pistols/devices blasters. I was set to a large team size and came to a room with a double spawn. Okay, I set up a bunch of trip mines for when they would inevitably chase me into the hall. Then I walk into the midst of them, with a stealth IO plus Cloaking Device, actually remembering to check my stealth radius combat monitor. No problem so far. I go plant a Time Bomb right in the middle of the huge group and they immediately attack. As my character starts shooting in every direction, I realize I hit Hail of Bullets. How could I make that mistake? The icons are a little similar . . . and Time Bomb is 'missing' from my tray because it's a tiny little dot, still recharging from my last use. Oops.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project