it cant be said too many times: Keyes Island feedback




I play on Champion (mostly). I'd love to run Keyes but I've never seen one run. BAFs and Lambda, zillions. Haven't managed to get interest in starting one either. Very bumbed. Even the LFG has been unfruitful for me.

I guess I'm seeing why there's not so much interest after reading this thread.

I know people are running them, they must be, but not frequent enough for me to catch. Sigh.

American Dawg, Starblaze, Neanderthal Joe, Shining Dawn, Tokamak Dragon, Stinger Incarnate, Burning Tyger, Dover Tornado, Big Roach, Dark Paladin, Archmage Wylde, Kings Row Hornet, Prancing Deer
Avogadro, Science Lord
Edgar Nightcraft, Doc Cicada, Chupa Macabre, Dr Forchtenstein, Blood Shrew



Interesting replies. Without quoting here, there and everywhere, here are my concerns:

*Great idea about pulling up this and that guide to get through the trial; were I interested in pursuing Keyes further, I'd give 'em a shot. However, I cannot help but feel that a trial that requires a primer or three to get through is sort of.... fail.

*LAWL on being Held IN THE HOSPITAL. For freaking real.... lol. Its not enough we have a 20-second gating to contend with; let's Hold the players too, in case the ten-second access is up when they rez! Yeah.... we need to hold them in the hospital LONGER, oooohhhhhhh yeeeaaaaah. Great idea.


*I did manage to see the notice about not hitting Anti-Matter to avoid the Green Pulses of Doom. I promise you, I was too busy trying not to die to see any further pronouncements. They may have been there, but I didnt see them. And that wasn't because I'm a stupid person, this thing is just sheer unpleasant chaos from the instant you zone in.

*tying Very Rares to Keyes and the Underground trial? Sure hope Underground is a lot more fun than Keyes! I'll be honest, if every completion of Keyes gave out a 100% chance of a rare PvP IO recipe, I'd still have to think a lot about running it again.

I don't like Keyes, and I have no intention of cooperating with the developers trying to force me to do something I hate. In this case I will advance as far as possible, and just forget about abilities requiring VR to craft.

*"Dodge the disintergration ray!" [this was said today during the run.] Dodge it?! I never saw where it was coming from to begin with! How can you dodge anywhere when you have eaten all your BFs trying to get out of being alpha- or beta-held, only to be held yet again? [It takes about 3 regular BFs to break out of that, as I recall.]

I can't remember the time I had as little fun in the game, as I have on Keyes trials. Ugh.

someone: I play on Champion (mostly). I'd love to run Keyes but I've never seen one run. BAFs and Lambda, zillions. Haven't managed to get interest in starting one either. Very bumbed.
There is a reason for that, and you can trust me on this one.



Uh, alpha and beta interactions don't hold you. You're getting held by the Obliteration Beam. Which, incidentally, is also what they were actually telling you to dodge.

I dunno, it sounds like you don't know what to do and you're blaming the trial for not catering to that.

Issue 16 made me feel like this.
Warning: This poster likes to play Devil's Advocate.



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post

*"Dodge the disintergration ray!" [this was said today during the run.] Dodge it?! I never saw where it was coming from to begin with! How can you dodge anywhere when you have eaten all your BFs trying to get out of being alpha- or beta-held, only to be held yet again? [It takes about 3 regular BFs to break out of that, as I recall.]
It's no wonder you didn't enjoy the trial... clearly, you had no idea what was going on. Here's some useful information:
  • Obliteration Beam is a large green circle that appears on the ground, similar to the targeted Orbital Lance used by War Walker. Admittedly, it is difficult to see and can easily be clouded by other effects. This is the attack you must dodge.
  • Disintegration Ray is an attack that targets a single individual and deals progressively more damage. It deals damage in percentages of your total health so is equally lethal to high and low hp characters. If the target is disintegrated, Anti-Matter is fully healed. Even if the target survives, they are drained of all endurance.
  • Alpha/Beta entanglement are effects that will cause you to take damage when in close proximity of someone of the opposite entanglement. The damage is fairly minor, but stacks quickly if everyone is amassed together.
  • Time Stop is a huge magnitude hold (5000 mag, I believe) that Anti-Matter uses at 75%, 50% and 25% health. It will expire when he begins regenerating at a terminal.

I admit this trial is more confusing and difficult than the BAF or Lambda. That's why I find it much more engaging. Perhaps, the problem lies in the fact that all these effects are shoveled on to the player at once. I can see how that would overwhelm someone come in with a blank slate. Would a better design be to introduce one element with each reactor, culminating in the AV with all of them in effect?



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
I have run this thing three times: one failure, two successes. Yet I cannot help but feel that this is the trial I hate the most. In fact, it is the only trial I actually hate. BAF is fun and easy, Lambda is less fun - not least due to the kick-off-the-server bug it seems to have built-in, destroying my chance for a good reward - but Keyes? Keyes is massive fail, on so many levels.

BAF: easy to get a sense of whats going on.

Lambda: Same.

Keyes: What are we doing? Why are we here? Antimatter delivers an insane rant from atop a reactor - and amazing how we can hear what he's saying from 100 ft away, down on the ground - and then its what do we do, where and when? People run willy-nilly as if fleeing the Martian death-machines on War of the Worlds.

I was on one today where as people were being held, disintergrated, alpha- and beta-held or whatever, and green-light-pulsed to death - ALL AT THE SAME TIME, mind you -, some maroon was going on about "this is the easiest trial ever, I love it." Drugs are bad, mmmm-kay? What is someone smoking, to be able to make a comment like that?

Also see: Cut-scene immediately upon zoning, one of the worst decisions this game has yet made, zone-in cutscenes are just horrible.

This trial is awful. If you love it good on you, but all three times I have run it, at least half the league swears to never do it again. I think this time, I'm one of them.
Funny thing is i ran this all the time on Virtue and not once failed this Trial. What is the deal with people wanting everything easy, there should be some challenge to these trial, yes it can be hard, Lambda and Baf can be hard too. These trial are Hard but once you learn how to do them they can be easy, Keyes is the same.

Never play another NcSoft game, If you feel pride for our game, then it as well, I Superratz am Proud of all of you Coh people, Love, Friendship will last for a lifetime.

Global:@Greenflame Ratz
Main Toons:Super Ratz, Burning B Radical, Green Flame Avenger, Tunnel Ratz, Alex Magnus



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
In order to use strategy, i.e. "think," its necessary to know what is going on. On the three KI trials I have run, few people if any seem to know what's going on, or which reactor we should be at, or what level of the reactor is everyone ON, etc. One just tries to stay with everyone else and do what they're doing. This is neither enjoyable or strategically a good thing. It fosters neither cooperation or strategic thought.

Nope, I have no problem with Romulus having a heart-to-heart with the Nictus, not least because they are talking between themselves and not to us, the team. And at least its not a zone-in cutscene.

And actually I think Antimatter is further away than 100 ft.... I never said his shouting at us from however far away is a "pet peeve," its just immersion-breaking and not very credible. Last time I checked none of my characrters had super-hearing.

Ah, the "I'm smarter than you" card, always such a great way to win hearts and change minds.

I'd take that more seriously were it not for half the league saying the same thing, re how unpleasant this trial is.
If they don't have super hearing how do they hear the other cut scenes?

Wasn't a "I'm smarter than you" card being played. I admitted to not having the Keyes Trial down 100% yet. It was more of a "if it's to hard, just dont bother" card.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Lazarillo View Post
That said, people seem really bad at following directions on Keyes. I don't know if it's because the variety of, and consistent changes of mechanics makes them too confused, or they don't care, or people just don't remember to add League chat, but it does seem to be the case.
Heh, that's hardly unique to Keyes. People are really bad at following directions on the other two trials as well. Even now, when most apparently know how those trials work, you still get a raft of people every single run who are utterly oblivious to the few instructions put out over league chat.

Originally Posted by Vanden View Post
Uh, alpha and beta interactions don't hold you. You're getting held by the Obliteration Beam. Which, incidentally, is also what they were actually telling you to dodge.

I dunno, it sounds like you don't know what to do and you're blaming the trial for not catering to that.
In fairness, I've met a lot of people who made that mistake - more than one that has spent the entire final battle screaming as us to keep the entanglements separate because they didn't want to get held. I'm guessing it's the name "entanglement" that's making people assume that, I dunno.



Originally Posted by Abraxxus View Post
Horusaurus, I just sent the url of your avatar to every friend I know.
It's the final countdown! *insert synthesizer*

I'll always be a "Champion" at heart. My server away from home.

"When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty." - Thomas Jefferson

"With great moustache comes great responsibility" - Zee Captain



i think the biggest problems with keyes is that its ridiculously tedious if you dont have a coordinated group tp speed through 90% of each reactor before AM shows up, the avg time it takes to complete the trial is 3 times as long as a single BAF, and the avg num of merits per run is higher on the BAF

the BAF is the fastest, easiest, and most rewarding trial to run, there is almost no point to running a keyes trial unless you want the extra emp merit a day or actually like the trial

whenever i want to work on incarnate progression, i do strictly BAFs because i can get up to 8 astrals in 1 run with a random PUG team, the most i usually get from keyes trial is 3, maybe 4 if i already got the emp for the day

the alpha and beta entanglements do almost negligible amounts of debuff and i didnt even notice they had a DoT component because its so minimal, honestly it just clutters the screen more with the "entanglement shift" popup

the constant dying because you dont have a heal due to the antimatter pulse is also just annoying, yes were 50 and debt is pointless, but with the hospital on a timer and being sent there EVERY ~90 seconds is just awful, the only rule ive figured from this portion of the trial is "heal and stealth or GTFO" because if you have no heals or no stealth your going to be dying a LOT

as i mentioned in my previous post, i hated the trial the first time i ran it before it was even on the live servers and i posted the same feedback then, and even then i swore that once i had the badges i would never run the trial again no exceptions

i too hope that the underground trial is loads better than this one, if it is, i may actually start running the trials again since i barely run them as is due to repetitiveness and because i hate the fact all the trials are forced speed runs



Little info for you.

It is hardly ever ran on Union. There is one case where someone on Sal's Badgehunters tries to organise a MO attempt 8:00pm on a Tuesday.

That is the only time they ever try and run a Keyes.

Not great advertisement towards someone like me that you have trouble convincing that iTrials are worth my time and energy in the first place.

Credit goes to FrankyT49 for animated avatar

List of toons on Union Handbook

Leon Tasker: "Dunelm Group! What is your profession?"

Dunelm Group: "OOOOORRRAAAAH!"



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
And this is why I end up not giving a damn if people like you have fun in the trial or not. I guess I should know by now that despite your weak grasp of basic facts, learning isn't as important to you as being nasty. Optimism trumped again I guess.

People here are trying to help you. Yet you've already decided your way of feeling about the trial is right and they're not, and respond to them with negative emotion.

You don't care to be bothered to read a guide, and you can't be bothered to read and follow instructions during the raid itself, and somehow both these things are the game's fault.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



I've only done one Keyes Trial so far. So, I obviously don't have much experience to draw from regarding it. I'd like to try it a few more times.

I didn't read much about it beforehand. I wanted to, just to be prepared, but I also wanted to experience it more than read about it first.

We had a pretty inexperienced league (lots of first timers) with a few people who seemed to know it pretty well.
They did a good job of explaining things beforehand and it all seemed pretty simple.

Getting in, it was simple, but a little tough to follow at certain points... and that is really mostly due to the vertical aspect of the reactors.
This may have been more difficult for me, because I usually play a flying character, but I was on a non-flier Super Leaping character... and that aspect was driving me a bit nuts.

Mainly, after I figured out the whys and whats for the "go up and clear the upper levels" and once I fully grasped that we had to lure Anti-Matter to each terminal thingy... Then it started to make more sense.
However, it seemed to me that things would have been better if we traveled together in big groups.** Instead, most everyone was running a bit wild and that seemed far less efficient (to my very uninformed brain).
At the very least, stick together as teams within the league.
**Any advice on this? It just seemed like we could have easily been chaotically pulling Anti-Matter this way and that way (as multiple people were yelling out, "Need AM over here!!" "Pull AM over here!"... yet we did manage anyway), as opposed to (what I would have liked) a coordinated group trek up the ramp, knocking out one reactor thingy after another, pulling AM as we went (but keeping him away from AoEs and attacks), in orderly succession.

The only other problem we had was that some Master Mind was pounding on Anti-Matter for quite a while (despite us all repeating that we should not do that)... We eventually solved that.

The end fight seemed fine.
Really, all of it was pretty cool, but a little long (somewhere around 45-55 minutes, I think) and a bit odd (with the clearing out and then bringing Anti-Matter over to each thingy... it was a couple of weeks ago and I've already forgotten exactly what we were doing there, hehe).

I'll say this as well (since I clearly haven't typed enough boring rambles here, as it is).
I would really enjoy content with these varying and multiple goals and procedures that was designed for a small team 2-6 or so.

I would find that so much fun. And I think I would enjoy repeating that.
The thing that kills the Trials for me, usually, is the double digits of people that you have to try and coordinate, get to understand the plan, follow the plan, not mess up the plan, try and help, roll your eyes at... watch run around like headless chickens...
And, to be less down on others, it's just that I would honestly find it far more fun to have a small focused group doing such a thing together.
I love the mission where two of us have to be at the computer terminals at the same time.

I would love one that required four of us... in something like the Keyes Trial.

Imagine: Three other players and I are getting set up at our separate locations within a special 4-Person Trial.
Golden Girl: On my way... some punks along the way...
Electric-Knight: I'm all set... the guards seemed a bit shocked to see me.
Zombie Man: I've been waiting at my terminal for... 5 minutes now. What's taking you so long? I ran over and soloed the next objective and came back... What's your status Steelclaw??
Steelclaw: ... Top Ten Reasons Steelclaw isn't at his location yet...
Electric-Knight: Uh oh...
Steelclaw: 10) Wait... what is LEAGUE chat? 9) Hey, anyone else ever notice that [WALK] makes my butt stand out more? 8) Speaking of butts... I wasn't *supposed* to follow GG?? 7) I'm glad that the temporary jet packs work in trials now... You all look like ants from up here!! 6) Okay, I made it to the terminal earlier, but I wasn't too familiar with the operating system, so I went to the Apple Store and asked some questions... Did you know that there's an app for making spreadsheets in-game???
Zombie Man: afk real quick to correct someone on the forums...
Golden Girl: I'm at my terminal now. Sorry it took so long, but a few guards misinterpreted my wink! :P
Steelclaw: 5) I would have been at my terminal already, but I had to rescue a kitten out of a tree... 12 different times! 4) Did anyone else just feel a tremor in the force? No wait... scratch that... remind me not to eat during a trial... 3) Okay, so what was the plan again? 2) Alright, I was just looking over my spreadsheets and... you guys are all willing to do this trial with me 73 more times, right?
Zombie Man: back
Steelclaw: And the number one reason that I'm not at my terminal yet... 1) I had to type this list!!!

Okay... Not sure what happened there, but...
Still, I'd really enjoy small team content with the complexity of the trials! The things we do on the trials really don't require 16+ people. I'm not saying that we shouldn't have multi-team leagues! I'd just love content like this for smaller teams as well! A lot more, personally!

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Eleven View Post
Little info for you.

It is hardly ever ran on Union. There is one case where someone on Sal's Badgehunters tries to organise a MO attempt 8:00pm on a Tuesday.

That is the only time they ever try and run a Keyes.

Not great advertisement towards someone like me that you have trouble convincing that iTrials are worth my time and energy in the first place.
Actually that '8:00 pm on a tuesday' was basically 8:00 pm every day for the past few weeks. Sometimes there was a full team PuG run as a warm up and then a couple of 12 man 'invites only' master attempts. (12 man because it's actually easier that way, less herding cats, and invites only because some of the early attempts got bodged by nitwits not listening to the leader, so now you only got on if someone else vouched for you.) I was on 5 of those, but I'm still missing the green stuff badge.

The final battle with anti-matter on those runs is honestly the most fun I've had on an itrial since they started. Mostly because everyone actually played together and listened to what was being said. I.m.o. Keyes is great for SGs/coalitions that want to tackle something challenging together.

@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.



I've run it once. We failed but I still found it interesting and intend to do it again.

I had read up about it but still found it somewhat confusing. Next time I think I will at least have a clue

Still not sure why we failed, timer? A more explicit fail message would have been nice.

This is a song about a super hero named Tony. Its called Tony's theme.
Jagged Reged: 23/01/04



Originally Posted by Lazarillo View Post
To be fair, Keyes has a great reward/time ratio...for people who haven't unlocked their slots.
Quite possible, my recent post-Keyes runs have been with more squishy characters [that I really kind of wanted the level shifts before jumping into keyes with], so didn't really see the iXP difference. And the only other time I even really saw the iXP rate was with the league share still being broken.

Originally Posted by Biowraith View Post
In fairness, I've met a lot of people who made that mistake - more than one that has spent the entire final battle screaming as us to keep the entanglements separate because they didn't want to get held. I'm guessing it's the name "entanglement" that's making people assume that, I dunno.
I imagine it's the same sort of deal as people assuming that locking your teams before queuing does anything. Although, I see some of the more vocal opponents of the Keyes trial repeating and reiterating a lot of the same misinformation that they've already seen that was discredited in prior discussions.

Let's Dance!



Originally Posted by reiella View Post
I imagine it's the same sort of deal as people assuming that locking your teams before queuing does anything.
I will point out that locking your team before queueing actually does do something.

It keeps everyone in the same team, without locking people are thrown randomly into teams as they get into the trial.

And yes I have experienced both non-locking and locking teams, every time the teams weren't locked, it ended up as a jumble of people once in the trial.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



I played the trial when it was on Test. I found it to strongly resemble kicking dead whales down the beach. The Incarnate trials in general are just tedious farms and Keyes is the most tedious of the bunch. I doubt Keyes (or any of the trials really) would get a second look if they didn't provide Incarnate components.

While I would hold my nose long enough to run it for some of the badges, I have yet to be fortunate enough to catch anyone forming one on Virtue, and going into the queue for it is a waste of time.

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



Originally Posted by Lazarillo View Post
That said, people seem really bad at following directions on Keyes. I don't know if it's because the variety of, and consistent changes of mechanics makes them too confused, or they don't care, or people just don't remember to add League chat, but it does seem to be the case.
Originally Posted by Biowraith View Post
Heh, that's hardly unique to Keyes. People are really bad at following directions on the other two trials as well. Even now, when most apparently know how those trials work, you still get a raft of people every single run who are utterly oblivious to the few instructions put out over league chat.
Just wanted to share an experience related to this.

I was doing a trial (or maybe it was a task force, my memory can be fuzzy) but long story short, we had a player on the team who was not following instructions, running all over, dying, aggroing - etc etc etc and just not listening to anything that was said in chat.

After about a half hour of this we finally found out that they were on voice chat with a friend and had all of their in-game chat minimized as to not get distracted.

I can almost guarantee there were 7 facepalms at that moment.

[ @Zombie Fryer ][ @Zombie Smasher ]
| Home Server: Virtue |

Twitter: @ZFLikesNachos Save City of Heroes (Titan Network) [Successful "The Really Hard Way" runs: 4] [Click ^]



The trail isn't fun because of the problems of COH's old UI.

If you could control a bit more of the UI and where some things go (like captions that pop up on screen) it would make seeing the things you need to do, in order to see things on the fly, better. Also the giant text that flashes on screen needs to stay on a bit longer so that everyone who is focused don other things, like NOT DIEING, sees it.

At certain points because of the UI it gets VERY hard to see the things you need to avoid.

I'm glad this trial exists for people who like.

For me I'll keep running my BAFs/Lambdas.

This game, like life, is full of choices.

EDIT: It's not surprising that Keyes isn't run more. It's a very hectic trial. When you have a BAF and Lambda, and I suspect the new Underground trial being very laid back and easier to get components on . . . well you do that math.

This ofcourse is a problem, as since it's not run more, many more folks won't learn it. And if they won't learn it, it makes each new run seem like the FIRST TIME it's run. I don't envy trial leaders who need to basically explain it EVERY time. Unlike the BAF and Keyes.

I don't know. . . I just have a feeling by the time the Underground trial comes, many folks STILL won't have run a Keyes or have run it enough to learn . . . cause it's not run that much even on the most popular servers.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
... have you ever read a superhero comic book?
what are those?

and I've yet to run a Keyes, never see any forming on Infinity when I'm able to play



Originally Posted by Turgenev View Post
From your posts, I'd say the problem is with the people, not the trial. As others have remarked, once you "know" how it works, it's fairly easy to get through. Badge work IS harder, yes, but it's a bloody knuckle scenario for only two of them. On a non-badge run, with people who know their stuff, my best time so far has been 22 minutes. That's not much longer than a Lambda, and the Lambda isn't much longer than a BAF.

Have you considered setting up training runs, led by people know either are experienced with the trial mechanics, or honestly just know how to read a Wiki page? I'll be hosting one for Freedom this week in Praetoria (the geography is identical to the trial, including the bunker doors). It's a great way for people to learn the run in a non-panic environment, so they're not slowing everyone down by asking constantly, "OMW WHAT DO I DO NOW WHY AM I HURT OMG OMG OMG".

If you're on Freedom, watch the forum, that invite will go up probably tonight. It's about time players broke out of their comfort zone. This is your opportunity.
I haven't read all of the posts here but... ^^^ This so much.

The Keyes trials I have run with lots of 'new' people before we even queue up I go through step-by-step of what to do. This in and of itself takes about 10 minutes. I, of course, explain what to do in the trial itself but it helps to give an overview of what to do once inside.

Also, as far as I know, the cutscene is not "start once zoned in" have to run/fly to a certain point and then it starts....which I'm guessing most people who zone in first do while waiting for the others...just like BAF.

The biggest thing about the whole trial is to have 1 person COMMUNICATE what to do/where to go/etc. The one or two times where I was leading it, I was mainly telling people what to do and not actually doing the tasks. I was saying, "done on 1st floor, to the 2nd floor" and "get this terminal here" etc, etc....

It's sad that people won't do the trial; just did it twice last night with a group of 12 or so people and got the Loves a Challenge badge...once with my mind/emp troller and once with my main (kin/rad def)...that was fun. Healing people, working together, etc...

BAF and Lambda are 'way too easy' now...especially Lambda. As long as you have a few buffs/debuffs, BAF is easy as well.

Sorry for any repeat information if others have said what I said already.

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



Originally Posted by SolarSentai View Post
Just wanted to share an experience related to this.

I was doing a trial (or maybe it was a task force, my memory can be fuzzy) but long story short, we had a player on the team who was not following instructions, running all over, dying, aggroing - etc etc etc and just not listening to anything that was said in chat.

After about a half hour of this we finally found out that they were on voice chat with a friend and had all of their in-game chat minimized as to not get distracted.

I can almost guarantee there were 7 facepalms at that moment.
haha, wow.... ;facepalm indeed!

And yes, getting people to follow instructions is a pain.

Even in Lambdas when I lead one, I say "leave 3 or so portals/doors open so that we can get the extra astral merit." Sure enough...only 1 door ever stays open...and sometimes none...

The worst part is sometimes by the time I type out "leave 3 or so doors open" that text bubble actually stays up DURING the EVERYONE sees it....still...0 or 1 doors stay open

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



Originally Posted by Jagged View Post
Whenever I do an Incarnate trial I always wonder just how many people actually see "League" text?

Plus the last few trials I have done we have been waiting for someone to click the green button. Never a good sign I think
Seeing as how you have to actively put League into your chat box to see it, doesn't surprise me that there are folks that don't know.

I think the number will go up when COH Freedom launches, btw.

The green button I can't help you with.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!