Will you be swapping to Titanic Weapons and why?




Some days I forget that I'm excited about the new Titanic Weapons set and I get lost in unimportant squabbles over small details. However, whenever I remember how giddy-excited I am about this set, I also remember that if it turns out to be what I think it will be, I may have a LOT of characters to reroll. As such, I want to ask you guys for a bit of fairly general concept help, and hopefully a fun discussion.

Now, to try and formulate a more a more specific question (than even the one in the title), let's go with the following few:

1. Can you think of any concepts that make sense with conventional Weapon sets, but don't make sense with Titanic weapons?

2. Do you have any weapon characters? If so (assuming the set contains all classes of weapons), which ones are you leaving as is, and which ones are you remaking into Titanic weapons? Why?

3. Has hearing about Titanic Weapons given you any new ideas? Has it given you a new spin on old ideas?

Keep in mind that when I say "Titanic Weapons," I'm fairly sure a few people are thinking of caricatures. For the purposes of this discussion, let's assume that the set will have at least one regular sized two-handed greatsword, at least one long two-handed axe and at least one kind of large bashing weapon of some sort, all of which are large, but still of a reasonable size. I'm not talking about making parody characters or ridiculous characters, just people using heavy two-handed weapons. Please, try to exercise a bit of moderation when answering the above questions. They are legitimate questions I want to know the answer to.


Now, originally I thought about listing all my weapon characters with screenshots and discussing them in turn, but I know these kinds of posts don't get read, so I'm only going to point out a few instances that made me consider rerolling, as well as a few instances where new characters have been made possible by this set.

First and foremost is my own Xanta, whose entire shtick is that she's a giant super-strong Troll woman with a very large, very heavy weapon. She got Broadsword because the Legacy Broadsword for women is huge, and because the Broadsword animations look quite brutish and heavy. For her, the decision is easy - she was always meant to have a giant two-handed sword, and the only question is what KIND.

Then, however, there is the character who's a bit problematic: The Herald. He's essentially a possessed suit of medieval armour, and his weapon of choice is a sword. I never went Sword/Shield for him both for concept reasons and because Shields didn't exist when I made him, but I now wonder if I should perhaps reroll the character into Titanic Weapons. If there's an option which looks more like a medieval sword, it might make him look a bit less weird wielding a single one-handed weapon with a free hand.

After that, there is Mary-Beth, my literal cowgirl, who is very large and has a very large mace. I keep wondering if she wouldn't make more sense as a Titanic Weapons user, considering "big character, big weapon" is the running prerogative here.

Then there's a concept revisit. I have a couple of characters who I made into agile Katana fighters for no reason other than because they were small. For my pink bunny girl it makes sense, since she's a bunny and hence agile, but for my fallen angel, I find that I have NO justification whatsoever, other than "there were no better sets at the time."

Finally, there's a new character concept I've been working on and unable to make. I was trying to do a shameless ripoff of War from Darksider, only to find that such a character wouldn't be interesting to play powerset-wise. Now that I have a Titanic Weapon to give him, my physical embodiment of armed conflict who is given form and strength as conflict occurs may actually happen in the actual game. I'll have to think of a more complex story for him if it comes to that, though.

These, and a few others, are what keep me up at night, wondering what I'll do about Titanic Weapons when those come about. All of this assumes the set won't suck mechanically or be horribly ugly aesthetically, but on this account I choose hopeful excitement, so I'm looking forward to it. I just want to cover all the bases I can with little to no information so I'm ready to act immediately when that launches.


Any help on the matter is greatly appreciated.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I have a few weapon based characters, though I'm only going to re-roll one in order to give him an even bigger hammer.

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Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I don't have any existing characters who would switch to Titanic Weapons. I might, however, make a new character who would use them. What I would like most is a Smiley Blast power set with disc-shaped Frisbee-sized explosive smileys we could hurl at our foes, with different effects based on the type of smiley. This, for instance, would be a Stun Smiley:



I have a dude called Hammersmith who is currently Mace/Shield.

It doesn't feel right.

If we get a massive sledgehammer, he's being remade.

[url=http://vox-doom.deviantart.com]Take A Gander At This.[/url]



I'll have to see the weapon graphics at the very least before I decide what I will or won't remake.



So far, a resounding "undecided," then? Yeah, I realise it's kind of early to be making such plans without knowing what the powerset will look like, act like and feature as custom weapons, so it's understandable that people would be dubious at the time. I suppose just the prospect of giant and/or two-handed weapons isn't enough to sway too many people , especially with the set so far away.

In a sense, though, I'm trying to make peace between two somewhat distinct themes that this set will cover - that of more basic two-handed weapons and that of GIANT weapons as distinct from just two-handers. I'm still undecided as to how many single one-handed weapon users I want to reroll, and how many look fine the way they are.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Not going to swap any existing characters, but I *am* going to make new ones with the set.

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Q: How do you wreck an Abrams?

A: You crash into another one.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
1. Can you think of any concepts that make sense with conventional Weapon sets, but don't make sense with Titanic weapons?
This is highly dependent on the character concept itself.

2. Do you have any weapon characters? If so (assuming the set contains all classes of weapons), which ones are you leaving as is, and which ones are you remaking into Titanic weapons? Why?
I have...

1) A Dual Blades Tank that combines themes of samurai and wild-west dueling, who won't be rerolled because there's not as much finesse in a giant slab of metal (or something else of that size class)

2) A Broadsword Scrapper based on the theme of a contemporary, roguish black knight, who won't be rerolled becasue a gigantic sword doesn't seem quite as classy.

3) A Dual Blades Stalker --

Well, really, this is boiling down to a tradoff between a brute-strength concept and a finesse concept. I have a hard time believing we'll be seeing a Titan Weapon Stalker. I think we barely got Broadsword Stalkers.

3. Has hearing about Titanic Weapons given you any new ideas? Has it given you a new spin on old ideas?

These, and a few others, are what keep me up at night, wondering what I'll do about Titanic Weapons when those come about. All of this assumes the set won't suck mechanically or be horribly ugly aesthetically, but on this account I choose hopeful excitement, so I'm looking forward to it. I just want to cover all the bases I can with little to no information so I'm ready to act immediately when that launches.
Well, if you recall what little info was given during that one Ustream, our characters won't be wielding styrofoam models: the attack animations are going to start out slow and improve with successive attacks, if I recall correctly. Also keep in mind that over the years, many people haven't had the patience to work with attacks with long animation times such as Shadow Maul or Hail of Bullets (until the latter got the def bonus during the animation) because it left them vulnerable to respond on the fly; Titan Weapons users will have to learn to deal with this issue. I have to believe, however, that the burst damage of Titan Weapons will be even greater than Broadsword; but on the other hand, I also believe that to balance that again, your Momentum drops straight to 0 the moment you stop using Titan Weapons attacks (which makes sense, to be honest.)

Also, go to sleep. :V

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2260 - The Burning of Hearts - A green-eyed monster holds the match.
379248 - The Spider Without Fangs - NEW - Some lessons learned (more or less.)



Planning on maybe making one but no rerolls.

I have a BS/Shield Scrapper which is basically a guy with magic armour (summoned by a ring).

I have a Katana/Electric Armour scrapper, where quickness is a bit of theme (although he's a flyer because I cannot stand the glowy feet from SS)

A Dual blade scrapper: Cat with Sai.

The M.A.D. Files - Me talking about games, films, games, life, games, internet and games

I'm not good at giving advice, can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?




No rerolls on my side. I don't think I have enough weapon users for that.

On the other hand, I've been thinking of making a dark-themed sorcerer who beats people up front.
And I just can't bring myself to make him right now, so I guess he'll be my first choice for a TW/ character.

Still need to see the weapon customization though.



My DB/WP scrapper? No. The rapiers was the entire reason and a Titan-sized rapier would look odd to say the least.

Lictor Jones is an Axe/Shield brute so again, no.

Depending on what kind fo weapons are there I might make a new one, but really, no character needs a titan weapon.

"Men strunt �r strunt och snus �r snus
om ock i gyllne dosor.
Och rosor i ett sprucket krus
�r st�ndigt alltid rosor."



No chance of rerolling any alts, but an honest-to-goodness 2 handed greatsword has the potential to inspire a few alts. If those realistic large weapons are not there, I'll just have fun celebrating its absurdity of this set-- taking the size differences to the extreme, playing up old anime hammerspace cliches, etc.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Some days I forget that I'm excited about the new Titanic Weapons set and I get lost in unimportant squabbles over small details. However, whenever I remember how giddy-excited I am about this set, I also remember that if it turns out to be what I think it will be, I may have a LOT of characters to reroll. As such, I want to ask you guys for a bit of fairly general concept help, and hopefully a fun discussion.
You're setting yourself up for disappointment with this set, Sam

Things are never as good as what we hype them as, so just better not to hype at all.

1. Can you think of any concepts that make sense with conventional Weapon sets, but don't make sense with Titanic weapons?
Depends. Does the weapon being used have a mechanic and thematic feel that differentiates it from other weapons? This really hinges on what we'll get from Titan Weapons. If the set gives a feel of being *really* heavy by its slowness, less than stellar DPS but great burst damage and animations that literally seem like the character is using a lot of force to get the weapon to move, then it'd be hard to remake a BS character with Titan Weapons if the character wasn't intended to be slow but instead a competent fighter with normal weapon use.

2. Do you have any weapon characters? If so (assuming the set contains all classes of weapons), which ones are you leaving as is, and which ones are you remaking into Titanic weapons? Why?
Of the ones I have:

Leogunner (AR/Traps corruptor): Guess what he looks like

Demon Revolver (DP/Fire/Ice blaster): 2 demons on one character slot.

Phoenix-Arrow (TA/Arch defender): haven't played her in a while but I'd imagine she's waiting for defenders to get Rise of the Phoenix in the epic pools.

Datou-ich (Axe/WP brute): I was looking for a unique japanese name for a 'one-hit kill' character but I think that means more like 'one defeat' or something. I made this guy back when Axe was proliferated to Brutes and will reroll him as Titan Weapon and change the name to something meaning 'one swing' or something to emphasize that his subsequent attacks aren't individual hits, but one continuous swing that kills the target.

Gemini-Blade (DB/Nin stalker): Her schtick is she learned a technique to multiply the strength of a weapon x2 if she's holding an identical version in her off-hand. Basically, she gives the middle-finger to the age old dual wield penalty and fights with 2 double-powered single-hand weapons. Pacted with her brother (the one above), if one had to fight both together it wouldn't be pretty.

Nickle-Mage (DB/Fire brute): I recently made this one for the effects. Bright vanguard blades on a black background of burning fire patch looks cool. Conversely, covering his body in dark flames but standing within a bright white burn patch looks awesome too. I could foresee remaking him as Titan Weapon depending on how the vanguard version of TW looks like but even then, I wouldn't re-roll, it'd just be the character but using a different type weapon. I'd probably switch between the two, but honestly, I like him just the way he is.

Kerberos Wulf (Claws/EA/soul brute): yeah...not rerolling him. A were-wolf guy fits claws too good.

Dread Dragoon (Fire/SD/levi brute): bah, the only character I've ever rerolled. I could kinda see rerolling him as a TW character but his concept hinges on being the 'Shield of Body' to my trifecta of shield users. On the offense side, the swords fit well into a 'theme' of his powers and the fire breath fills out his dragon look to a tee. That said, I could imagine stripping the character of his 'Ossifynturian Dragoon Soldier' build, limit him to his Draconian Necromancy build in Fire/SD mode then roll him again side-ways as the Dragoon build but probably only if they add a sufficient 'bone' option to TW's weapon options. After all, one of his many concepts is wielding weapons forged of pure dragon bone and such weapons are massive.

Nightmare Strike (Spines/DA/mace stalker): I've resolved to roll this character again if they have a giant scythe option. If not, no need to roll with that concept as it hinges on him finding a scythe and becoming half-possessed by its power. I'd have both characters because he's only controlled when he resorts to using it but has the mental strength to break the hold when he doesn't need it.

Tiger Squall (Kat/SR/body scrapper): Technically my main. I renamed him when they released the beast pack since his concept is he's got an ailuranthrop curse which shifts him into a were-tiger. Concept-wise, he's resolved to never use a live sword (a brown impervium katana looks decent enough as a bokken), but when transformed, the only thing he ever wants to use is a good cutting blade. Since he's got 3.5 phases (human, tiger, half-tiger, uh...bigger tiger-man), I figure now that I got a decent costume for the last .5 phase, it'd be fitting for him to run with a massive sword. It wouldn't be the first time I've rolled another version of him (I've got various elemental Magitech armor versions of him) so really considering this. Might really depend how TW looks with Ninja run.

(if I have any other weapon characters, I haven't played them in forever and probably gave up on them...but that'd only include a few other Axe and Mace users)

3. Has hearing about Titanic Weapons given you any new ideas? Has it given you a new spin on old ideas?
Nope. I've had ideas for characters wielding large weapons before this was announced and hasn't really given existing characters a new spin because their concept is pretty integrated with their design. I can't reroll Demon Revolver as anything but a pair of demons that transform into pistols with one of them wielding the other. Anything else is more of a 'eh, I *can*' type deal. I could roll Tiger Squall with TW but it's no big deal as anything with a sword can work for him...but he is and always will wield a katana as a 1st choice.

Finally, there's a new character concept I've been working on and unable to make. I was trying to do a shameless ripoff of War from Darksider, only to find that such a character wouldn't be interesting to play powerset-wise. Now that I have a Titanic Weapon to give him, my physical embodiment of armed conflict who is given form and strength as conflict occurs may actually happen in the actual game. I'll have to think of a more complex story for him if it comes to that, though.
I'm more interested in Time Manipulation when it comes to new characters. I remember seeing Bass post a slick black Dual Pistols woman costume and thought a teen version would work great for my idea. I had been contemplating either support or blast for her but didn't really feel like making another DP blaster. A defender or Corruptor might be the ticket but she needed some kind of 'reality warping' ability of some kind. I deleted Spring Loaded (robot DP/Kin corruptor) because he sucked and died too easy but thought about remaking the build as this new concept.

When TM was announced (has anyone commented on the two short-hands for these sets? TM = Time Manipulation = T upside-down-W = TW = Titan Weapon ) I instantly thought (Dual Pistols and Psionic Mastery combined!). I imagine it'll be like that corny bullet turning Angelina Jolie movie

Originally Posted by TheDeepBlue View Post
I have a hard time believing we'll be seeing a Titan Weapon Stalker. I think we barely got Broadsword Stalkers.
The reason Stalkers got BS was because it was easy. As long as TW doesn't do something dumb and awkward that completely alienates Stalker playstyle, I'll be particularly peeved if Stalkers miss out on this. If it fits with Scrappers, it fits with Stalkers.



PS: I actually just started wondering about the flying animations to go with this set.

Depending on how that looks, I just had a concept idea for a flying ant wielding a giant club. Could be fun. And I don't have enough insect characters.



1. Sure, someone who doesn't use giant weapons. I have several weapon users who all use normal sized weapons and would never consider using something massive, for practicality's sake. (I'm not disparaging giant weapons here, just saying that just because you use melee weapons doesn't mean you want to/are able to use a giant honking sword.)

2. I MIGHT switch over an Ax/WP I haven't played in forever, but that's dependent on whether or not there's a nice looking two-handed ax option, and what the animations themselves look like. The set is called "Titanic" weapons, which heavily implies that all options will be LARGE. So read #1 again if you want to know why I won't be switching over every weapon user I have.

3. Not yet, no. I need to see more of it, see the options available, and see what kind of animations it uses before I can get any solid ideas.

Titanic weapons will add more variety to weapons by adding a very large weapon set. However, by its very nature it can't and won't replace other weapon sets, simply due to sheer size.

I would, however, like to take this opportunity to go slightly off-topic and make a call for more Katana options here, and I'll explain why: Titanic Weapons will add a bunch of neat-looking(probably) GIANT two-handed weapons to the game. However, Katana, the normal sized two-handed weapon set (and the only other two-handed weapon set) is still lacking the kind of weapon variety that Broadsword and Dual Blades has, and that Titanic Weapons will probably have.

So please devs, while you have people working on new weapon modeling for TW, please, please add a few more for Katana. Most if not all options available to BS would work just fine for Kat, blade-wise. And yes, I know the handles aren't long enough, but surely you can take a little bit of time to stretch out a few handles to make swords like the Longsword, Arabian Scimitar, Thornblade, and others available to Katana and Ninja Blade.



Concept-wise I have one that I've tried out a few incarnations and might reuse for a TW toon. Outside of that, I plan on rolling several of them with various secondaries(primaries on tanks I guess); I've wanted a massive 2-hander melee set for this game since CoH was new. I am unbelievably stoked to for this to come out.

I'm less concerned about what it does mechanically at the outset, I just want to try it out with various ideas and see which one sticks in both concept and play.

Answers anyway:

1: Sure, plenty. But I'm not worried about those.

2: I play (or have played) all the melee weapon sets to some degree, or in the case of wm/, iBlinged out +3 goodness. My first couple of characters were bs/da and bd/regen scrappers oh so long ago. I was going to say I wasn't rerolling anything, just making new ones - but now that you remind me of some old orphaned toons, I might just reuse a name if I can. Who knows?

3: It gives me another powerset to try out with a goofy concept that I have yet to find something I like to fit it. It screams SS/, but I'm not a fan of SS, despite it's obvious awesomeness. TW/ might just be the trick. Once I see the full array of weapon choices I'm sure all sorts of random things will come to mind.



I currently have a Brute that is War Mace/Willpower with the weapon choice being a War Hammer. Character is appropriately named Arngaar Hammar (Rough use of old Norse to say Angry Hammer)

He is already nice and smashy and looks great. However by the sounds of these two handed titan weapons they sound, concept wise more fitting for the character.

As such I might be tempted to re-roll the toon once I see the powerset in action. That is of course if I return to the game. The introduction of this powerset alone is not going to bring me back from my current sabbatical until other issues I have with the game at this time are dealt with.

Credit goes to FrankyT49 for animated avatar

List of toons on Union Handbook

Leon Tasker: "Dunelm Group! What is your profession?"

Dunelm Group: "OOOOORRRAAAAH!"



I have an elf knight tanker using Dual Blades at the moment. I'll reroll her into titan weapons if it turns out to be a top-tier melee set, on par with superstrength; the idea of a girly elf swinging around a sword the size of a traffic post sounds stylish to me.



I can see my self recreating one toon, scrapper BS/regn, he was never meant to be much of a swordsman, just a lump swinging a big chunk of metal. So these new tweapons seem to fit the bill more.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
1. Can you think of any concepts that make sense with conventional Weapon sets, but don't make sense with Titanic weapons?

2. Do you have any weapon characters? If so (assuming the set contains all classes of weapons), which ones are you leaving as is, and which ones are you remaking into Titanic weapons? Why?

3. Has hearing about Titanic Weapons given you any new ideas? Has it given you a new spin on old ideas?
1. A ton: Samurai, Ninja, Knight (w/ Traditional sword/shield), Laser Katana, any Dual Blader... I am starting to think I misunderstood this question.

2. I have a few characters that use current weapons. None of which are mains for me... and prolly none of them will be re-rolled. I can't imagine any character outside of maybe a super-strong Hulk-like character that I would use this new set with based on the ludicrous concept images that were made available.

3. Nope, not really.



May I say how strange the question is? One-handed sword is a concept totally distinct from two-handed sword. There's no reason at all to switch them up.

"Men strunt �r strunt och snus �r snus
om ock i gyllne dosor.
Och rosor i ett sprucket krus
�r st�ndigt alltid rosor."



Originally Posted by Arilou View Post
May I say how strange the question is? One-handed sword is a concept totally distinct from two-handed sword. There's no reason at all to switch them up.
Unless you had a concept that fits better with two handed weapons.

Which Sam clearly does.



no switch ups, but i have an idea or two, will have to see what all is included, but will probably make at least one alt out of it. if its just swords, hammers and axes, then probably just one, if they get weird with stuff, then i may find a muse for more.

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post

1. Can you think of any concepts that make sense with conventional Weapon sets, but don't make sense with Titanic weapons?

2. Do you have any weapon characters? If so (assuming the set contains all classes of weapons), which ones are you leaving as is, and which ones are you remaking into Titanic weapons? Why?

3. Has hearing about Titanic Weapons given you any new ideas? Has it given you a new spin on old ideas?
ok ill format this in a way that flows for sams actual questions.
1. some weapons wouldn work for it, the kopesh, the gladius, even the chinese broadswords and a standard katana would likely look silly one the animations i am assuming will be with the set(note the assume, i could be wrong). im expecting bug hefty swings with the hips and shoulders slamming a big hunk of ordinance down, that wouldnt work in the cases i have mentioned, and any agility themed character would probably have a thematic break with it. ninja, spies, evena traditional samurai/ kensai who uses a kendo based sword style would thematically be a stretch.

2. well ill narrow it down to non-elemental melee sets, but i have a few, lady bizzybee, a bs shield scrapper who uses lighter swords and is set to be more of a fast moving batman(the tv series type, silly lighthearted) era hero, shields will probably break the concept right away, but also, she isnt super strong, the set would look wrong for her. not saying bs's animations really are that graceful, but they at least look like the sword is light. also, i have a dual blades stalker king-snake, yes i had to hyphenate, the name was taken, but he is also an agile character who trades on fast, snake like reflexes, db looks perfect for that, i doubt titans will be. i also have some side characters, usually with katana, one is a dragon in samurai armor, but hes more a traditional kendo style fighter, puls i dont really play him as much since issue 17, he was more of a look than anything, and since we can now have tails with samurai hip guards, i recreated his look on rian and was happier. the other guys are more comedy based guys who i havent played for a while. so no real thematic reroll comes to mind. note that i kind of stayed away from weapons since in the beginning, we couldn't customize them, and the original weapons, outside of maybe the ninja blade for stalkers, looked ugly. all weapon users came after that.

3. i get inspiration from just about anything, a song from a music cd might inspire a new character. im going to make a titanic user, and im going to make a time buffer, the only question right now is which weapons are coming. nothing on deck yet, but thats because i'm staying loose till we see details. as a side note, the silent hill cleaver(the one on the left) from the original picture has already given me an idea for a bad guy for my never-finished ae story about fighting nightmare monsters, so once they pop on there, there will be a new chopper monster.



Where is this information? I completely missed it.

Currently playing:
The Domestic: Broom/WP
Shadowhex: Dark Control/Dark Affinity
Defenestration Lass: Grav/Kin

"See, this is what happens when you have to shove all this stuff into your pockets: it's easy to misplace a suborbital warhead." -Arcanaville, on how crowded our power trays are getting lately