Will you be swapping to Titanic Weapons and why?




To me its all going to depend on if they allow us to pair the set with shields or not. If they do then yeah I will reroll a few but if they dont then I am not going to bother with it. I just wish they would go back and allow for sets like claws and dual blades to have shields. I have always wanted to make a Kratos homeage toon but you cant get dual blades and shields.

Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator

Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!



1. Can you think of any concepts that make sense with conventional Weapon sets, but don't make sense with Titanic weapons?
A nimble fencer, a stealthy ninja, anybody that likes to use claws (although titanic claws might be interesting to see). I assume you're talking about melee weapons and not ranged weapons.

2. Do you have any weapon characters? If so (assuming the set contains all classes of weapons), which ones are you leaving as is, and which ones are you remaking into Titanic weapons? Why?
Steel Dancer - a nimble swordswoman who uses lightweight dual swords. Definitely not the type to use large weapons.

Kiriko - an agile Katana user. A bigger weapon would throw off her balance...

Kenko - a stealthy ninja type.

Norse Force - uses a battleaxe. A titanic weapon is certainly a possibility, if I could find a Norse style one. Still, the concept is a tanker with Ice Armor, and I'm not interested in creating any more tankers. Give Ice Armor to scrappers, and I might consider making a new version of the character.

Scary Thing - uses a broadsword. A titanic weapon could work for the concept, but the concept includes Dark Armor, and I'm not interested in creating a new Dark Armor character.

Midori Mink, Tobineko, Suzu Tsume - all use Claws and aren't about to switch to something else.

3. Has hearing about Titanic Weapons given you any new ideas? Has it given you a new spin on old ideas?
Not really. I'll keep it in the back of my mind, but nothing I'm interested in springs to mind.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Now, to try and formulate a more a more specific question (than even the one in the title), let's go with the following few:

1. Can you think of any concepts that make sense with conventional Weapon sets, but don't make sense with Titanic weapons?

2. Do you have any weapon characters? If so (assuming the set contains all classes of weapons), which ones are you leaving as is, and which ones are you remaking into Titanic weapons? Why?

3. Has hearing about Titanic Weapons given you any new ideas? Has it given you a new spin on old ideas?
1. Yes.

2. Yes.

3. No.

I've got quite a few weapons characters, but sorry to say, I hate the idea of the whole "giant weapon-small person" thing. I hated it in WoW and I wouldn't go creating any on purpose. I like my weapons characters to have weapons that make sense with their bodies.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post

Title: Will you be swapping to Titanic Weapons and why?
Yes. It's new and shiny and I will readily admit that I dive on new powersets like a fat guy going after a velour jogging suit. The entire set sounds like it'll play completely different from every weapons set out there. Considering every weapons set is just "press button to smash" on about 7 different degrees of power, I'm eagerly looking forward to it.

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
1. Can you think of any concepts that make sense with conventional Weapon sets, but don't make sense with Titanic weapons?
Well, I'm sure Jacque the Rapier won't be using Titan Weapons.

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
2. Do you have any weapon characters? If so (assuming the set contains all classes of weapons), which ones are you leaving as is, and which ones are you remaking into Titanic weapons? Why?
I have a level 45 Broadsword Scrapper named Andret whom I'll be making an alt of. I can't bring myself to delete after level 40, so I'll be making Andret Unleashed. Unless the Titan Weapons set really appeals to me, in which case I'll delete Andret's original form and remake him as Titan Weapons/Regeneration. To make a long story extremely short, he's from a planet that's basically a mix between Sparta and the Mass Effect series. Lots of tech armor, cool-looking buildings, and tons upon tons of close quarters combat (we don't need no stinking projectiles). Andret is a master of swords, and each of his costumes has a different blade (Rularuu, Tech, Vanguard, CoT, Rikti). Making him into Titan Weapons would show off his strength as well as his love of blades.

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
3. Has hearing about Titanic Weapons given you any new ideas? Has it given you a new spin on old ideas?
Yes! I have a level 35 copy of my main, Nalrok Ath'Zim that is Demon Summoning/Dark Miasma instead of Dark Melee/Dark Armor. In all the things I've written for big ol' Nalrok, he's usually made a colossal axe out of nearby objects at least once per happening. He either refines it from metals nearby and molds it into something sinister looking, or he just picks up something heavy and tears one end so it's sharp (see the driveshaft of a bus wedged into a pressed stack of shredded stop signs). When Titan Weapons lands, he'll be getting ready to axe people some questions.

I'm really sorry about that last line.

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



I currently don't have any characters that would be re-rolled. AS for whether or not I'll play the set, it really comes down to how the "momentum" mechanic plays out in practical situations.

Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."



My main is an SS/WP Brute (just your basic super strong/super tough metahuman). I don't plan on rerolling her, per se, but I do picture her often using her Super Strength to pick up heavy things and bash people that look at her funny. So...depending on how the set looks and behaves, I'm contemplating re-rolling her with that set, and sort of playing Both, with the idea that some days she feels like smashing stuff with her fists - other days she prefers I-beams. Just can't see myself fully enjoying one way or the other wholly...

Now, I'm all for another round of new SS animations that simulate you hitting stuff with large objects. If that happened, I likely wouldn't bother with the above pseudo-reroll concept. But I'd probably make a new character concept for titanic weapons.



None of my existing characters would be improved by changing them over.

a) I tend to dislike the anime style of massive weapons, unless the character has super strength, and in that case, I would just roll super strength.

b) An exception would be a massive two-handed mace, but I didn't have any characters that I made that I settled for a normal mace. My one mace character *should* have a normal sized mace.

c) I do have lots of stone melee characters, but I picked that because they have a background of manipulating stone and earth, and so at no point did I pick Stone Melee when what I really wanted was a 2-handed mace or club.

d) Whereas you were thinking "big weapons" I guess, after reading your post, I was thinking "big makeshift superhero weapons like telephone poles" due to some of the weapon graphics they showed. Now, I tend to think, in a comic book of super-strength makeshift weapons as being a side effect of super strength, so any character I would make with such makeshift weapons actually fit better with Super Strength, despite the inability to pick up cool stuff and hit people with it.

So frankly, I'm not sure what I will do with this set. I definitely will not be re-making any. As to whether or not I'll make anything with this set, or rather what I will make with it (since I will at least make one to try it) ... well it all comes down to what weapons are provided.

I think massive two-handed weapons are cool, such as maces and axes and war clubs and what-not, but I fear that for my tastes, the ones they make may be a bit gaudy for my tastes.

There are 5 weapons that I hope will be available. The existence of these 4 would guarantee I make 4 characters, even if they all have the same set. These weapons I want to see are:

1) Naginata ... I so want to make a Naginata/Super Reflexes fox spirit girl in flowing robes.

2) Tetsubo ... I have always wanted an Oni based character who wields a massive Tetsubo.

3) Staff ... I am not sure how much a staff works with the animations, but I want one.

4) War Spear / Pike / Lance ... I want to make a Diablo 2 style pike maiden in a huge way.

5) Polearm ... there are more types of Polearm than you can shake a guisarme at, and in fact some of them would fall under the option above, but any and all polearm type weapons would be appreciated and I would for sure make some kind of palace guard footman armed with a polearm, who in a magical malady while he was protecting his queen, got sucked into our world.

So there ya go. No swapping, but many hopes for new stuff!


Random AT Generation!
"I remember... the Alamo." -- Pee-wee Herman
"Oh don't worry. I always leave things to the last moment." -- The Doctor
"Telescopes are time machines." -- Carl Sagan



Originally Posted by M_I_Abrahms View Post
Not going to swap any existing characters, but I *am* going to make new ones with the set.

My currently existing weapon based characters were envisioned as being exactly what they already are.

I have a couple ideas for a ginormous weapon character, but none of my existing concepts would translate well.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
1. Can you think of any concepts that make sense with conventional Weapon sets, but don't make sense with Titanic weapons?

2. Do you have any weapon characters? If so (assuming the set contains all classes of weapons), which ones are you leaving as is, and which ones are you remaking into Titanic weapons? Why?

3. Has hearing about Titanic Weapons given you any new ideas? Has it given you a new spin on old ideas?
I just realized I answered your title question, but none of the ones in the actual post. So here goes.

1) I can think of a ton of concepts that make sense with conventional weapons sets but not with titanic ones. Any speed-based characters, for instance. Now, you could *have* a concept of a speedy rogue/assassin who happens to wield (or dual wield!) telephone poles instead of daggers. But then we get into issues of what one could reasonably even mean by "don't make sense" when you ask it.

In fact I'd go the other way and say that about the only 3 concepts that this suits are giant anime weapons that couldn't actually work without also having super strength; and makeshift weapons or Giant/Troll-forged weapons that you need super strength to wield; and possibly human-normal great weapons such as polearms if they throw us a bone and have a few non-ridiculous weapons. So I think your question #1 is backwards.

There are almost no concepts for which I consider Titanic Weapons suitable, except for a very few genre-specific ones.

2) I have a lot of characters with weapons. As I discussed in my previous post, I won't be changing any of them because titanic weapons don't make sense for any of them. Here is the list. I won't be including Stone Melee, Fire Melee, or Ice Melee characters even though they have some effects that resemble weapons.

Black Mask ... Dual Blades / SR (Scrapper, 50)
Street Vixen ... Katana / SR (Scrapper, 50)
Shark Lord ... Battle Axe / Invuln (Brute, 41)
Sister Savage ... Claws / SR (Scrapper, 50)
War Devil ... Broadsword / Invuln (Scrapper, 22)
Jack of Wands ... War Mace / Shield (Brute, 37)
Wild Apple ... Claws / Willpower (Scrapper, 50)

None of these make sense with Titanic weapons for various reasons. Black Mask wields daggers exclusively. Street Vixen inherited a magic katana which forced her to help the sword repent for its former wielder's crimes, so the shape of the weapon is locked in and specific. Shark Lord is all about showmanship and being the center of attention himself, so a large weapon would overshadow his wrestler/Elvis style costume, and besides, the axe he wields is the one he killed his stepfather with, so it is the only axe he ever uses. Sister Savage uses claws, and if the idea of replacing a simple mace or sword or axe with a titanic weapon for no good reason doesn't make sense to me, you can bet replacing claws with titanic wrist-stilt claws would make no kind of sense whatsoever. Same for Wild Apple. War Devil uses a simple Broadsword, but one could argue that a War Devil could just drop the little sword and use a big goofy anime sword, but of course with that logic, he could simply do anything, even be a controller, as long as he looks like a devil. As for Jack of Wands, even if you can use titanic weapons with shields, dropping in a 9 foot long, 2 foot across war mace in place of his rather mundane simple mace would pretty much ruin the character.

So no remakes, but there is the list of characters.

3) I have not yet been given any new ideas, because none of the weapons they have shown so far fall into ideas I would pursue, except the giant railroad crossing sign, which as I said in my previous post, I view the wielding of such items as a temporary activity done by characters with Super Strength.

So no new ideas yet. Lots of ideas and hopes for characters I've always wanted to make though, but the problem will be whether they give us any "normal" titanic weapons. I'm thinking that they are going for the anime vibe and/or Super Strength guys wielding weird stuff they picked up like what happens in a comic book.

All of my ideas are things that I would be surprised if they will give us, simply due to the fact that while in reality they could be viewed as large, they certainly aren't titanic (Pike, Guisarme, Naginata, Quarterstaff, Tetsubo).

So there is my more thorough response.


Random AT Generation!
"I remember... the Alamo." -- Pee-wee Herman
"Oh don't worry. I always leave things to the last moment." -- The Doctor
"Telescopes are time machines." -- Carl Sagan



I'm actually not remaking any characters with Titan Weapons. All of the characters I've made before were never envisioned to be as such, so I get brand new Scrappers to make! Yay!

Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP

Remember kids, crack is whack!

Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it



I will definitely make one, but whether or not I'll strip my other toons of enhancements and invest into it will depend on how powerful TW will be.

Mains (Freedom) @Auroxis
Auroxis - Emp/Rad/Power Defender Pylon Video Soloing an AV
Pelvic Thunder - SS/Elec/Mu Brute
Sorajin - Elec/Nin Stalker
Neuropain - Sonic/Mental/Elec Blaster



I only have one melee weapon char, and that wouldn't makes sense with a large weapon.

I might make one, but just the concept of ""big weapon" isn't particularly inspiring to me. I'll have to see the animations to see if that gives me any ideas.



Originally Posted by Alexandria2000 View Post
Where is this information? I completely missed it.
They showed a shot of three what the devs are calling Titan Weapons (don't let Mr. Tow snow you into using the word he likes better) in a Ustream chat, during their three day run of City of Heroes Freedom chats, a big rusty sawblade looking thing with other swords sticking out of it, something akin to a certain JRPG character who's known for having a giant sword, and a railroad crossing sign.

Two handed, over-sized weapons basically. Supposedly, there's some sort of momentum mechanic/bar with it, where your attacks will be faster and do more damage while you continue to attack. Also, they don't expect it to be ready for when issue 21 launches. So, still a ways off from whenever 21 drops.




Currently Shield/Axe will be remade Willpower or Elec Armour/Titan with the biggest axe possible.

I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc



Swapping? No. Will I make one? Heck, yeah. Who wouldn't want to swing railroad crossing at Recluse's head?

No one pays attention to me, cause I listen to the voices in my head.



In my role playing games I have had more than one character that uses a great big flippin' hammer.

Unfortunately I have found the War Mace set to be "missing" something, don't know what but definitely missing something. So if Titanic Weapons can provide me with a suitably nice Hammer-of-Nordic-Goodness then I may well re-roll a character or two.

This is a song about a super hero named Tony. Its called Tony's theme.
Jagged Reged: 23/01/04



No. I prefer more realistic size weapons.

In fact, I'd love it if they reworked Archery to make the arrows more in proportion to the characters.

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



Originally Posted by Jagged View Post
In my role playing games I have had more than one character that uses a great big flippin' hammer.

Unfortunately I have found the War Mace set to be "missing" something, don't know what but definitely missing something. So if Titanic Weapons can provide me with a suitably nice Hammer-of-Nordic-Goodness then I may well re-roll a character or two.
The funny thing is, Thor's hammer, while very heavy, isn't partiularly large. It's usually depicted as a one-handed hammer (and Snorri noes that the handle a bit too short due to Loki tryingto sabotage it's forging)

Overall vikings don't seem to have used particularly large weapons. (didn't really have to considering the poor state of armor)

"Men strunt �r strunt och snus �r snus
om ock i gyllne dosor.
Och rosor i ett sprucket krus
�r st�ndigt alltid rosor."



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
You're setting yourself up for disappointment with this set, Sam Things are never as good as what we hype them as, so just better not to hype at all.
Yeah, I know. In the back of my mind, I always fear that the set will be terribly underpowered or look horrible or that there will be SOMETHING to ruin it, as I've grown to expect, but... You know, I've ragged on the game so much, I feel like I owe it at least one vote of confidence. I expect the world out of this set, and if it doesn't end up delivering quite as much as I'd hoped, I promise I won't make a big fuss about it not being perfect

Of course, that assumes it's not total garbage, but come on, now. These guys make games for a living. Even in the worst of times (read: Shield Defence), they still produce stuff that's at least playable, even if not exactly how I'd want it. I choose to be optimistic about this one set.

Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
Depends. Does the weapon being used have a mechanic and thematic feel that differentiates it from other weapons? This really hinges on what we'll get from Titan Weapons. If the set gives a feel of being *really* heavy by its slowness, less than stellar DPS but great burst damage and animations that literally seem like the character is using a lot of force to get the weapon to move, then it'd be hard to remake a BS character with Titan Weapons if the character wasn't intended to be slow but instead a competent fighter with normal weapon use.
That's actually a good point. The dividing line, I suppose, lies in whether this set will represent just a large two-handed weapon, or whether they'll go all the way and make this an absurdly heavy, brute-force-destruction weapon. Given how Dual Pistols came out, I suspect the latter, which means it might not be appropriate for all of my weapon users, just as you say. Still, that doesn't mean I won't swap a few of my swordsmen and swordswomen to it even if it's over-the-top. I don't really have many traditional sword users, more of them are... Eccentric.

Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
Of the ones I have:

*snipped for quote brevity*
That's exactly what I wanted to hear. Concepts like these are very difficult to define in objective terms, more so when I don't really know what I want, so seeing what everyone else makes of it helps build up my own mental picture of what my objectives should be moving forward. I find it very cool, to be honest, that I can go back to an old, fairly boring character, just think "Titanic Weapon" and see said character in a whole new way. That's exactly what I hoped to get out of this discussion

Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
PS: I actually just started wondering about the flying animations to go with this set.
That's something I've considered, myself. I remember playing some sort of horizontal space shooter game once upon a time, only you weren't controlling a space ship, but instead a flying sword-wielding knight thing. This had a weak magic ranged attack and an awesome three-hit aerial combo. I've always wanted to have something like that, and I think I'll want a ground-based and an airborne Titanic Weaponeer

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow regarding upcoming Titan Weapon melee set View Post
I expect the world out of this set, and if it doesn't end up delivering quite as much as I'd hoped, I promise I won't make a big fuss about it not being perfect
I don't ever really put quotes in my sig but...



Originally Posted by Jagged View Post
Nice to see you know your Edda My pen & paper version of Thor has had the handle extended
I literally learned to read from the illustrated "Gods and heroes of norse mythology".

"Men strunt �r strunt och snus �r snus
om ock i gyllne dosor.
Och rosor i ett sprucket krus
�r st�ndigt alltid rosor."



Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
some weapons wouldn work for it, the kopesh, the gladius, even the chinese broadswords and a standard katana would likely look silly one the animations i am assuming will be with the set(note the assume, i could be wrong). im expecting bug hefty swings with the hips and shoulders slamming a big hunk of ordinance down, that wouldnt work in the cases i have mentioned, and any agility themed character would probably have a thematic break with it. ninja, spies, evena traditional samurai/ kensai who uses a kendo based sword style would thematically be a stretch.
I actually want to explain something when it comes to "these weapons wouldn't work." You're right - most Broadsword custom weapons that BABs made wouldn't work for the Titanic Weapons set, because he specifically made them smaller, shorter and gave them one-handed hilts. When I talk about remaking a Broadsword character as a Titanic Weapons user, I mean changing the weapon to a bigger one, even if it's not all that similar to what you had before

Obviously, if your concept hinges around a specific custom weapon, you're bound to the set that uses that weapon, and I have no problem with that. However, when I talk about remaking characters, I'm more or less assuming a limited reimagining, as well. I'll give you an easy example:

Take a look at Hatarla. She's something of a fallen angel fighting to redeem her past sins, and her current incarnation uses a Katana. Why a Katana? Well, that was the only weapon I didn't have multiple copies of that Scrappers could use at the time, so Katana she is. Her concept is that of having a past of a mystic mercenary, and a Katana was her weapon of choice. I can take this character and reroll her to use an axe, a mace, a sword, or even a gun, and it would still make sense within the confines of the concept, since nothing about her implies speed, finesse or the Bushido tradition.

This is probably as good a time as any to explain what "concept" constitutes in my head. I've seen a lot of people talk about how "He used this axe to kill his father so I can't change it." and I respect that. However, my concepts are a lot more loose, and hinge on abstract attributes a lot of the time. For instance, Hatarla's concept was "fallen angel, broken wings, missing limbs replaced with tech, some kind of weapon." WHAT she actually looks like at the end of the day, though, I'm flexible with.

Here's another example: Xanta, again. Her concept is "Big green woman, heavy armour details, big slow heavy weapon." I used Broadsword because it was the closest I have to that idea, but I can use anything else "sword-like" just as easily.

A lot of my concepts are "next best thing" designs, to where they're never quite perfect, but are perfect enough for me to like them, so I'm always looking for ideas closer to my original vision to enhance them with. A lot of times, as well, I'll get a new idea and outright reimagine an old character into a new look and feel.

That, more or less, is what Titanic Weapons is causing me to do. Who can I make better with it?

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Arilou View Post
I literally learned to read from the illustrated "Gods and heroes of norse mythology".
I can't remember where my first introduction to Nordic myth comes from, but I do remember being shown a Marvel comic, aged about 6, and getting very cross because Thor didn't have red hair, or a beard. Grrr! So I think I was born with it

This is a song about a super hero named Tony. Its called Tony's theme.
Jagged Reged: 23/01/04



it is putting me off some characters, but I'll need to see what weapons are available and what secondary affects the set has to know what I'll do with it.

Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
[*]Watching out for the Spinning Disco Portal of D00M!*