Will you be swapping to Titanic Weapons and why?




Originally Posted by WolfSoul View Post
I'm just looking forward to someone making the smallest character possible with the largest weapon possible.

I might have to do it myself, just because.
And mine will use the insect wings/armor parts and have hover on constantly.



One of my favorite characters from the original Soul Edge was Rock, who had, as one of his alternate weapons, the Cross Axe, a giant axe with 4 blades on it in an X pattern, so it ended up looking like a street sign. The new Railroad Sign definitely inspires me to make an homage.

As far as outright switching, I'll have to wait and see, if there's a really awesome blade, Icarus might be getting a new Transcendant Sword, but otherwise she'll stick with the Nictus Broadsword for now...



I admit, I didn't read 95% of the thread, so too bad if I repeat anything that was discussed.

I will transfer a 50 off of my home server of Guardian and remake him as a TW/WP Scrapper if, and only if, there is a nice looking two-handed Falchion option and the attack animations aren't super outrageous. I realize that some exaggeration can help sell the animation, but it's very easy to push it too far.

If there's a good zweihander or claymore, I'll make a new character for it.

If there's only a buster sword, a sword with little swords sticking out of it, a railroad post and other silly options; then no, I will not be utilizing the set at all.

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All my characters



Yes I will! And right after I said I won't make any more new characters.

So I've got a D&D game going now and I've got my own custom campaign setting: Oryssm. It's kind of like Eberron with the magitek turned up to eleven and under siege by sentient lovecraftian stars. But what's a custom campaign setting without custom races? And I have two, the Gnosids (good Mind Flayers), and the Zuriel (Eight foot tall hulking angelic warriors with six razor tipped wings, horns coming out the wazoo, and an immortal life cycle).

So yeah, I'm gonna make myself a Zuriel, since in the game they love using GIGANTIC weapons. And utterly impractical ones too, like a sword with four blades, all set at right angles to one another (they make it work though...somehow...)



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Completely on a separate topic, it occurs to me that above and beyond the attack animations, two other factors will play a huge role in how many Titanic Weapons characters I make - how the characters stand combat-ready and how the characters walk/run/jog.

Combat stances have always been... Problematic, as ours are left-foot-forward, making a right-handed two-handed weapon a bit... Iffy to animate for. Furthermore, how would YOU envision your Titanic Weapon user standing in combat? Would he/she resemble one of the following:

1. "Sword too heavy!" Character hunched over, sword resting on the ground beside, character lifting only one end by the hilt.

2. "Sword on ma crotch!" Character holds sword with both hands extended down at arm's length, sword pointing up and forward.

3. "I'm a lumberjack and I'm OK!" Sword resting on shoulder, reverse-side down, one hand on the hilt, the other hand at the side only grabbing the hilt when attacking.

4. "I squat to parry!" Sword held horizontally at above head height as though to block with, both hands on the hilt, body crouching slightly, ready for action.

5. "I am a boring person!" Regular left foot forward combat stance, sword held in one hand, swapping to two-handed grip only when attacking.

... (snip)

I'd be interested to hear where you guys stand on the above choices.
I only wish they *had* the option of Stances in the game... My "super strength" Titan Weapon would surely be the Lumberjack type... But I *looooove* the idea of the drag my weapon around little itty bitty character...

Oh and on a side note... Stance 2 should be the "I see your Schwartz is as big as mine" stance... =P



Originally Posted by Traumatica View Post
I only wish they *had* the option of Stances in the game... My "super strength" Titan Weapon would surely be the Lumberjack type... But I *looooove* the idea of the drag my weapon around little itty bitty character...

Oh and on a side note... Stance 2 should be the "I see your Schwartz is as big as mine" stance... =P
*shh* Don't tell anybody, but I kind of sort of stole those stances and run animations from other games Stances 1 and 2 are Lineage II Orc females and males with two-handed swords, respectively, stance 3 is Cloud Strife from Final Fantasy 7, stance 4 is Lucas from Dungeon Siege 3 with a two-handed sword and stance 5 is the domestic CoH "one size fits all" combat stance that Broadsword currently uses.

The run animations are a little less so, though.

I honestly hope we get a stance and running animation that's geared towards making us look more badass to be running around with a cool big weapon than to make us look like wimps like we can barely lift our own weapons. I guess this is a big sticking point for me for the whole set - will it be designed such as to demonstrate that my weapon is very heavy but I'm more than strong enough to wield it, or will it make a point to demonstrate that the weapon is TOO heavy for me to use properly? The former would be very cool. The latter would be... Very disappointing, put it like that. I want to use Titanic Weapons on characters I designed to be big and strong, and I want the set to make them look even stronger.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Pardon me for hijacking your laugh, but you make a very good point (that others have made before, credit where credit is due), in asking the question of whether Titanic Weapons will have one-handed - presumably RIGHT-handed - animations. For the time being, I want to avoid discussing an entirely one-handed set which would work with shields. Suffice it to say I wouldn't be opposed to this FOR SHIELDS ONLY, as I would pretty much REQUIRE that Titanic Weapons have at least a fair few two-handed attacks.

The question inherent here is "are they justified?" Are one-handed attacks appropriate to a so-called Titanic Weapons set, or would they be unable to convey the full force, weight and impact of the set. This, then, then begs the question of what - speaking of the animations for wielding it - makes a weapon feel big, heavy and powerful? It's not just the weapon model, we can conclude that quite easily, if for no reason other than we're getting a whole new set, rather than new weapons for the old ones. Animation and visual effects clearly play a major role, but what? Well, I think I have at least the foundation of an idea to describe this.

What makes a weapon feel powerful is its sense of inertia and its sense of impact. Impact should be easy to figure out - force explosions on weapon contact, screen shake, loud noise. Not so much for inertia, however. This comes down to how each swing is animated. A weak swing with a light weapon is both fast and precise, meaning it starts close to the target, strikes and ends either on target or shortly thereafter. That's because a weapon user isn't fighting so much momentum to stop his own weapon, and is much more easily capable to halt it and become combat-ready once more without wasting time on weapon breaking distance.

A powerful swing, by contrast, starts far and wide, so that the heavy weapon has time to build up enough speed for a for a forceful impact, and once the weapon strikes, it either goes right through the target and keeps on going or otherwise bowls the target out of the way and keeps on going anyway. Stopping a heavy weapon mid-swing is difficult and takes time. After a certain critical mass and velocity, stopping it actually becomes a liability, and the user is much better served in maintaining weapon momentum while controlling swing direction and circling the weapon around to deliver another blow without needing to speed up and slow down constantly. Hence, the concept of momentum in Titanic Weapons.

But can this be done with one hand? In short, yes, but it depends on how how exaggerated you want that particular attack to be. Drawing on Darksiders' War, he mixes in a fair few one-handed strikes in with his heavier, slower, more powerful two-handed strikes. One-handed attacks are usually his openers - weak and light (within context), but still describing very wide-swinging arcs. Two-handed attacks tend to be his finishers, either a grand slam down on top of enemies or a spinning horizontal sliash, or a sort of top-down diagonal slash across multiple enemies. In fact, one of his stronger combos involves three consecutive hits, each of which includes a turn-around spinning step.

I suspect some imagine that Titanic Weapons could never look right unless you were to spin around with the giant weapon like a very furious dancing couple, and that this would look ugly, but there is leeway in making the set look strong AND varied, to say nothing of cool. The key, I think, is wide-swinging arcs, area effect attacks and animation blending which makes one animation look as though it's feeding into another. Even if the animations themselves are slow, this kind of flow is crucial. You very much CAN maintain a heavy, swinging weapon in perpetual motion without ever turning around, as any Conan fan will tell you. If there's one thing Arnie was good at in that movie (besides being big and muscular), it was swinging that sword from left to right, in an almost believable fashion.

To answer the question at the top of the post - can one-handed animations look as powerful as two-handed ones? Yes, they can, given a good animator. Can a set made up of ENTIRELY one-handed animations look powerful yet still be usable with a shield? Frankly, I don't know. One-handed attacks CAN look as powerful as two-handed ones... Up to a certain point. After that point, though, some of the ludicrously destructive powers I can envision I just don't see working one-handed without being goofy.
Way i see it the slower 1 handed attacks would do less damage and have worse DPA and DPS than the faster harder hitting 2 handed attacks, but the one handed attacks would have much better recharge and endurance cost and still be needed for an attack chain



Originally Posted by Cheetatron View Post
Way i see it the slower 1 handed attacks would do less damage and have worse DPA and DPS than the faster harder hitting 2 handed attacks, but the one handed attacks would have much better recharge and endurance cost and still be needed for an attack chain
Wait, shouldn't one-handed attacks be FASTER? Typically, the game treats weaker attacks as faster, more frequent ones while bigger ones are slower and rarer. Spines notwithstanding, we've had plenty of examples of a slower, weaker attack swapping animations with a faster, stronger one (Beheader <-> Gash) or a slow weak attack being made stronger than its faster, stronger cousin (Barrage vs. Energy Punch).

Personally, though, I'm kind of interested to see how "Momentum" will work. I keep wondering if it will be an animation thing, where your animations speed up as you attack or possibly you skip some kind of wind up/down filler, or if it will be a stat-based thing, instead, where you build up a reacharge buff the longer you attack that expires as you sit idle.

More than anything, though, I want to see what the set's big hitter will look like

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Santorican View Post
What is the difference between these Titan Weapons, and regular ones?
Titan weapons are supposed to be very large two-handed weapons. Think of Cloud's Buster Sword from FF7 or SoulEdge from the Soul Calibur series. The feature of Titan Weapons is Momentum

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Wait, shouldn't one-handed attacks be FASTER? Typically, the game treats weaker attacks as faster, more frequent ones while bigger ones are slower and rarer.
I get what your saying but i'm proposing a different paradigm
Spines notwithstanding, we've had plenty of examples of a slower, weaker attack swapping animations with a faster, stronger one (Beheader <-> Gash) or a slow weak attack being made stronger than its faster, stronger cousin (Barrage vs. Energy Punch).
as you yourself point out there are exceptions to the rules

Personally, though, I'm kind of interested to see how "Momentum" will work. I keep wondering if it will be an animation thing, where your animations speed up as you attack or possibly you skip some kind of wind up/down filler, or if it will be a stat-based thing, instead, where you build up a recharge buff the longer you attack that expires as you sit idle.

More than anything, though, I want to see what the set's big hitter will look like



I remember the days when the devs didn't want to add things that looked "silly" to the game.

I like the idea behind the mechanics of the set, but the weapons look like bad anime weapons.

Est sularis oth Mithas



Originally Posted by Arnabas View Post
I remember the days when the devs didn't want to add things that looked "silly" to the game.

I like the idea behind the mechanics of the set, but the weapons look like bad anime weapons.
They look no sillier than the various shovels, manhole covers, pipe wrenches, wood clubs, gnawed bones and so forth, really. Also, the "silly" comment came form BABs, who never held a grudge against large weapons, but merely did not want to add them to the game unless they came with their own animations. They're coming now with their own animations. Were BABs still here, I'm sure he would approve.

As far as the weapons themselves go, of the three we got, the railroad crossing sign reminds me of the Battle Axe shovel and the "sword with swords in it" reminds me of the rusty angle iron custom sword that Broadsword inherited from the Necromancy Grave Knights. They're weird, but not unprecedented. About the only thing that could be considered unprecedented is the Buster Sword, since most of our custom weapons are a bit more reserved. But then, look at the Organic Sword that came with the Mutant Pack - it's a huge, thick, wide, long blade and we can dual-wield the thing.

Really, my only concern now is presentation. I hope that the set ends up making our characters look strong for being able to wield such a massive weapon, rather than overestimating the weight of the weapon and making our characters seem too weak to wield it so as to illustrate this point. There are ways to communicate mass, strength and inertia without making characters struggle to lift and swing the weapon, and I hope the art team have chosen an approach that makes us look cool and strong.

Though, I admit - I'm biassed. I've always liked large two-handed weapons best of all, and have defaulted to two-handed swords in every game which has allowed me the choice. I've also been asking for weapons of this calibre, if not an entire set - pretty much since 2004. Now that it's finally coming, there are very, VERY few things that can happen to it that would make me not want to use it. The set would have to be horribly gimped and go that way to Live, or otherwise it would have to be ineptly animated or drawn up with a horrible style. Credit where credit is due, the art team have never delivered bad artwork, so I'm not really worried about the set's look, and power balance has always been acceptable even in the instances where I don't agree with it, so I'm not worried about the set's feel, either.

I'm still genuinely excited about this.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Arnabas View Post
I remember the days when the devs didn't want to add things that looked "silly" to the game.

I like the idea behind the mechanics of the set, but the weapons look like bad anime weapons.
I agree with Sam on this one. A lot of those weapon skins we have now. Silly.

Huge swords are in way silly compared to superheroes who go around with a wrench, a shovel, a manhole cover, or look...hey I'm beating the hell out of a heavily armored tank with a baseball bat.

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Well, for me, I find that railroad signs or whatever aren't too bad, as one can reasonably say that a super-strength character could grab something like this to use. I guess my issue is more with thing like the above-mentioned sword with swords in it. That just seems so... dumb. Back when I used to play Freedom Force, I loved being able to hit someone with a lightpole. Or a car. In that regard, big weapons are not an issue.

Est sularis oth Mithas



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Some days I forget that I'm excited about the new Titanic Weapons set and I get lost in unimportant squabbles over small details. However, whenever I remember how giddy-excited I am about this set, I also remember that if it turns out to be what I think it will be, I may have a LOT of characters to reroll. As such, I want to ask you guys for a bit of fairly general concept help, and hopefully a fun discussion.

Now, to try and formulate a more a more specific question (than even the one in the title), let's go with the following few:

1. Can you think of any concepts that make sense with conventional Weapon sets, but don't make sense with Titanic weapons?

2. Do you have any weapon characters? If so (assuming the set contains all classes of weapons), which ones are you leaving as is, and which ones are you remaking into Titanic weapons? Why?

3. Has hearing about Titanic Weapons given you any new ideas? Has it given you a new spin on old ideas?
1. gunslingers, Ninja, assassins, muskateers....these don't really make sense with titan weapons

2. I have a fun weapons characters

Dorsal/Mikosame/Same-Bushi is a Kat-Scrapper/Trick-Archer-Fender/DB-Tank who is a were-shark medic who uses weapons in order to keep a layer between herself and her opponent and help channel her predatory instincts...she will not be going titan as she will tends toward more meditative styles...

Castle Rat is a BS Scrapper, despite her weapons ability to shift forms, I don't think a 3'10" wererat with no real superstrength will be wielding massive weapons

Most of my others are gun-users

3. My SS/Will brute, Tender Bar will have a Titan Weapons version since seeing the proposed railroad crossing sign weapon gave me the idea for her in the first place...the SS version will not be dropped

I do not really re-roll characters, I just make a new character with a similar name and play them as the same character with different focuses

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"Notice at the end, there: Arcanaville did the math and KICKED IT INTO EXISTENCE." - Ironik on the power of Arcanaville's math



I might swap out my BS/Regen scrapper for a Titan Weapon/SR or WP or make an entirely new concept character.

It will be interesting to see how the set mechanics work! At least this way I can play my current characters that I want to get to 50 to 50.

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Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
I agree with Sam on this one. A lot of those weapon skins we have now. Silly.

Huge swords are in way silly compared to superheroes who go around with a wrench, a shovel, a manhole cover, or look...hey I'm beating the hell out of a heavily armored tank with a baseball bat.
Same here. I'm not a fan of the giant swords and other huge weapons. Light poles and railroad crossings, sure. A super strength character could lug those around. But the manga-inspired swords as big as the character wielding it? Not my thing.

If you like it, enjoy. If not, I empathize.



Originally Posted by Doughboy View Post
Same here. I'm not a fan of the giant swords and other huge weapons. Light poles and railroad crossings, sure. A super strength character could lug those around. But the manga-inspired swords as big as the character wielding it? Not my thing.

If you like it, enjoy. If not, I empathize.
I must admit, the little girl big sword thing is one I like, however, that look comes from a magic the gathering card way back when I still used to play, a black card from the same set that produced Thrulls there was a card that was similar to the black knight in a way that had multiple images and one of those was a woman reclining on a rock with a huge broadsword that was taller than she was.

Loved the look.

Thrythlind's Deviant Art Page
"Notice at the end, there: Arcanaville did the math and KICKED IT INTO EXISTENCE." - Ironik on the power of Arcanaville's math



If the set is good and fun to play, odds are Sapphic Neko will find herself shrunk down a little and wielding an oversized sword and i will be sitting infront of my monitor giggling in glee.



Originally Posted by Sapphic_Neko View Post
If the set is good and fun to play, odds are Sapphic Neko will find herself shrunk down a little and wielding an oversized sword and i will be sitting infront of my monitor giggling in glee.
Experiences like these are why I keep playing City of Heroes The current BS/Inv version of my own Xanta does this to me pretty much every time I log her in. I'm sure her TW/Inv version will do that to an even greater extent, possible disasters notwithstanding.

Originally Posted by Lycanus View Post
I must admit, the little girl big sword thing is one I like, however, that look comes from a magic the gathering card way back when I still used to play, a black card from the same set that produced Thrulls there was a card that was similar to the black knight in a way that had multiple images and one of those was a woman reclining on a rock with a huge broadsword that was taller than she was.

Loved the look.
So show it! I'd love to see that card. Sounds like pure inspiration in physical form from that description

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Lycanus View Post
I must admit, the little girl big sword thing is one I like, however, that look comes from a magic the gathering card way back when I still used to play, a black card from the same set that produced Thrulls there was a card that was similar to the black knight in a way that had multiple images and one of those was a woman reclining on a rock with a huge broadsword that was taller than she was.

Loved the look.
I'm sure the artwork on the particular MtG card you're talking about looked good. But trust me when I say that the artwork from a MtG card didn't "invent" the idea of the "little girl big sword" thing. That concept, like most things, has been around far longer than the early 90s.

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I have a lot of weapons characters

Claws Stalker, Katana Stalker. Broad Sword Scrapper, Ax Brute, Dual Blades Scrapper. technically I have a Mace Tank that I don't really play, she was a sort of joke\ for fun character. I don't do much with her. I also have a pistols blaster and an Assault Rifle blaster but they really aren't relevant to a Titan Weapons set...

I'm not going to re-roll any of my weapons characters.. They were all designed with the specific weapons they have, in mind.

I will be making a new character to use Titan weapons as well as take more direct advantage of the animal pack I bought. A nice big Tiger with any sort of Titan Axe, hopefully a big two handed, dual bladed battle ax.

He might alternate to a giant sword for other costumes, but we shall see when the weapons are revealed etc.

"Where does he get those wonderful toys?" - The Joker



As a weapon based player im most likely going to make one or 2



Not sure if I'm wrong, but wasn't there talk about giving new two-handed animations to existing weapon sets as well? I'd love to have more options for Mace, Axe, and Broadsword. Even if they aren't two handed.

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