Discussion: The Intrepid Informer: Galaxy's Last Stand

A Man In Black



Love the comicbook loading screen!! That's a great way to start things off... love it!

I also like the idea of a zone event for all of us from this too... that sounds interesting and potentially a very cool idea!

I have to say that I do love the whole breaking out of jail option for Villains.
While I think this new tutorial sounds like a great idea, I am sad to see the Villain Tutorial go away (Yes, I know it'll still be accessible in Ouroboros, but that's not the same).

Not suggesting this for now or this game...
But it would be cool to have options for starter tutorials so people could base them on their concepts.
Just a neat idea (that could require a ridiculous amount of focus, work and resources for a very limited use)...

Anyway... really love the idea of an opening comicbook for the load-ins.
And very interesting that this'll be a part of those signature arcs too.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I think it'll still be available via Ouroboros - but in I21, there'll be no such thing as starting as a Hero or a Villain - the enw tutorial will allow you to make an avatar using any of the 12 ATs, and then enter the chaos of Galaxy City as a "neutral" - you'll then be able to help either BAB and Sister Psyche, or join with Recluse and his Arachnos troops who have arrived to take advantage of the mayhem.
Instead of simply clicking an icon when you make a new avatar, it seems that the new Tutorial will be about talking with and interacting with some of the signature characters to let you decide which side to take - it's a way more dynamic and lore-focused way of introducing players to the Hero/Villain battle that's at the heart of the game.
Oh yeah the new tutorial is brilliant in so many different ways. I just had a soft spot for breakout



A question I don't think I've seen asked/answered yet:

If I have a character(s) parked in the Outbreak or Breakout tutorials, what happens to them when those tutorials cease to exist?

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Originally Posted by Blue Rabbit View Post
Not only did it scare BABs white, it gave him a new haircut. For some reason, it also turned Sis P into a blow up doll... The lady is 80 years old for carrots sake mentally if not physically. You'd think she would react with something other than a face that seems to suggest "I'm a damsel in distress, where's a male übermensh who can protect me?"
That's just their respective versions of the "glowing embers are hitting my butt and I forgot to bring a coat" face.

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Originally Posted by Avatea View Post
You can look forward to seeing this new feature expanded upon in the future with the upcoming Signature Story Arcs that will feature comic book covers as loading screens.
At last, something I can get behind.




Originally Posted by runt9 View Post
So, to be clear here...

I can make villain ATs (all of them) as a hero without ever having to touch Praetoria or villain side again?
Yes - CoH: Freedom means a lot more freedom is a lot of ways

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



I have to take my hat off to you Paragon Studios.

The last year has seen me become quite bitter about some parts of the game. The limited choices from Praetoria, the laughably bad plot for Incarnates, the global name sucker punch for EU players...

However, this... this is more like it. A terrifying invasion of a city I levelled up in and actually care about for a change? A disturbing, alien invasion? A revamp of old, tired levels? Awesome artwork and comic book intros? Action that occurs in this dimension? FINALLY getting to fight The Coming Storm!?

Oh yes. Oh very much yes. This does look awesome and I can't wait to see transpires. A city in crisis is where heroes and villains are born. For the first time in ages, I'm stoked.

All I ask is that you don't lose momentum from this. Going from an epic level intro into old, seven year old content will show badly, just as it did when we exited Praetoria at level 20. If you're not going to revamp old story arcs and zones, at least sprinkle some new ones around the various levels, just to keep the threat of the Storm constant.

*Rubs hands with glee*

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Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Also, I think even 80 year old psykers can be horrified at the, y'know, Coming Storm? The thing everyone presumed was so much hot air? It actually happening right there and dropping flaming meteors on you? I think even States would be having a bricking moment about there.

However, she does look a tad goofy. You can be horrified and yet combat-stance-ready at the same time.
I think the bolded part is what most of our request is. Shifting the scale less from "Oh my goodness gracious" and more to "Let's get dangerous". I think the main issues (NOT A PROFESSIONAL ARTIST - TAKE WITH GRAIN OF SALT) are that the shading/lighting makes her eyes look too sunken and that her mouth is open so wide.

Speaking of States, isn't that a silhouette of Statesman and Positron in the background. You know, actually helping out?



The use of comic book panels like this is stupendous, and should be used in place of cut scenes (or maybe cutscenes within comic-style panels). I only wish this had been thought of sooner: it is a brilliant idea! Now run with it (and revamp old content with it rather than letting them languish)!

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Originally Posted by mousedroid View Post
A question I don't think I've seen asked/answered yet:

If I have a character(s) parked in the Outbreak or Breakout tutorials, what happens to them when those tutorials cease to exist?
In my opinion you will zone into an empty zone fall to the ground and tp to Ms. Liberty or Kalinda at level 1 with no inspies.

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Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
No - the new Galaxy City tutorial will replace ther current blue side Outbreak tutorial and red side Breakout tutorial.
Surely if it replaces the current tutorials, and the previous ones are locked into Ouroboros, then it is the only tutorial?

Until the character is at Ouroboros-level at which point the tutorial session is most likely not going to be beneficial.




Originally Posted by CaptainMoodswing View Post
Did you notice there are a lot of bright light sources?
I notice there are really bright lights at noon, on a broadway stage, and on the set of theatrical films, and yet, no one of African descent winds up looking Caucasian with Asian hair in those situations.

And with Pyche's panels missing, it seems like a final step of the inking process for the characters got skipped.

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Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
The use of comic book panels like this is stupendous, and should be used in place of cut scenes

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Wondering_Fury View Post
Surely if it replaces the current tutorials, and the previous ones are locked into Ouroboros, then it is the only tutorial?
No - the Precinct 5 Praetorian tutorial will still be there.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Are you guys serious about this Sister P art? She looks like a sex doll, and on top of that she looks completely incompetent and unprepared for battle. BAB is all ready to go, has his game face on, and she's like "Golly gee, I have no idea what to do! I'm frightened even though I'm the second most powerful psychic in the world!" Come on. Not only does she deserve better, but so do all the women who play this game. Have you forgotten how many of us there are?

How about giving her, and by extension all the women who play this game, some dignity? How about not making her look like an empty-headed sex object?

What ever happened to all the squawking about "Having female pets for Masterminds would be sexist!"? Did you forget that argument? How about all us women who WANT female minions, and DO NOT want to be depicted as vapid second-rate heroes who are barely more than sidekicks?

@Arwen Darkblade
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Yes, all this does look nice and time for a change in the game. Not to put a dampner on all this but the Freedom version, sounds like what Cryptic/Atari did with Champions and maybe Star Trek with the free and paid versions, which is fine, need to complete and make this version better and have people join up. THis new Galxy tutorial does sound slightly familiar to Champions where to start in the middle of a battle, go up some levels before jumping into the full game, just IMHO and 2 cents...



Originally Posted by ArwenDarkblade View Post
Are you guys serious about this Sister P art? She looks like a sex doll, and on top of that she looks completely incompetent and unprepared for battle. BAB is all ready to go, has his game face on, and she's like "Golly gee, I have no idea what to do! I'm frightened even though I'm the second most powerful psychic in the world!" Come on. Not only does she deserve better, but so do all the women who play this game. Have you forgotten how many of us there are?

How about giving her, and by extension all the women who play this game, some dignity? How about not making her look like an empty-headed sex object?

What ever happened to all the squawking about "Having female pets for Masterminds would be sexist!"? Did you forget that argument? How about all us women who WANT female minions, and DO NOT want to be depicted as vapid second-rate heroes who are barely more than sidekicks?
I think they'll take on board the feedback about the less-than-perfect portrayal of Sister Psyche - there's still a while to go before I21 goes live, and it wouldn't take too much tweaking to give her a more shocked-but-determined expression, rather than the current hand-wringingly helpless one.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Capt_Usagi63 View Post
Yes, all this does look nice and time for a change in the game. Not to put a dampner on all this but the Freedom version, sounds like what Cryptic/Atari did with Champions and maybe Star Trek with the free and paid versions, which is fine, need to complete and make this version better and have people join up. THis new Galxy tutorial does sound slightly familiar to Champions where to start in the middle of a battle, go up some levels before jumping into the full game, just IMHO and 2 cents...
sure, you can say that... except that CoH doing it means it'll be ENJOYABLE.

"You sir, have never been in a hammer fight, that much is clear."

*yeah, I quoted myself.



I've chucked this image without context on some forums to see if they could identify the race of BAB in this splash image and it isn't looking good. I was worried I was just over reacting.

You guys made BAB white or hispanic. I REALLY hope this isn't mirrored in BAB's actual in-game model (the hair is wrong, even if you decide to change his hair style a bit).

The Sister Psyche is just bunk inhereted from comic book art, unfortunately. DN does it a lot. His work is very Male Gaze heavy.

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Originally Posted by CaptainMoodswing View Post
Did you notice there are a lot of bright light sources?
Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
I notice there are really bright lights at noon, on a broadway stage, and on the set of theatrical films, and yet, no one of African descent winds up looking Caucasian with Asian hair in those situations.
I have often been a POC under bright illumination. I would like to confirm Zombie Man's observation.

People of colour are not, in fact, merely white people in a dim light, so lighting us up doesn't make us whiter.



Originally Posted by Psylenz View Post
In my opinion you will zone into an empty zone fall to the ground and tp to Ms. Liberty or Kalinda at level 1 with no inspies.
It seems unlikely to me that they'd just let people fall into the mapless void and get kicked out into a regular zone. That would be awfully sloppy, and there's no reason for it to work that way. I don't think they're deleting the zones, just redirecting new characters away from them. If they leave them alone, an offline character in the zone should be able to load into it, complete the tutorial, and leave normally. The only change they'd need to make would be to connect the Galaxy exit button in Outbreak to the new Galaxy zone.

Alternatively, they could run a one-time cleanup script that would transfer every offline character from Outbreak/Breakout to the Galaxy tutorial zone. They'll probably need something like that to transfer offline characters from current-Galaxy to ruined-Galaxy, anyway. If they do that, they'll also need to clean up any dangling missions on the character.

The Way of the Corruptor (Arc ID 49834): Hey villains! Do something for yourself for a change--like twisting the elements to your will. All that's standing in your way are a few secret societies...and Champions of the four elements.



Originally Posted by Avatea View Post

And that is the story behind the comic book featured in our new City of Heroes opening tutorial. You can look forward to seeing this new feature expanded upon in the future with the upcoming Signature Story Arcs that will feature comic book covers as loading screens.

This is all very cool.

Will the Praetorian tutorial be getting a loading screen comic too? To introduce players to what Praetoria is all about?

Always remember, we were Heroes.



Originally Posted by Dr_Darkspeed View Post
This is all very cool.

Will the Praetorian tutorial be getting a loading screen comic too? To introduce players to what Praetoria is all about?
A boot stamnping on a human face?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



All the stuff looks awesome.
Cant believe after more than 7 years the game keeps getting even better.
Only thing we need to perfection is pool/APP/PPP customization and war walls down in Paragon city...
And a staff melee powerset and martial arts secondary for blaster.
Then we will be supreme.