Discussion: The Intrepid Informer: Galaxy's Last Stand

A Man In Black



I want Black Alley Brawler, not Michael Jackson, too.

Edit: It would be great if the TFs and trials had comic loading screens too!

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Originally Posted by Freem View Post
It would be great if the TFs and trials had comic loading screens too!
We need an epic graphic of Statesman flanked by the Phalanx with a commanding hand outstretched telling us to kill Skuls.




If theyr'e doing this for the tutorial, I'm kinda wondering if they're also going to add comic screens for the new content in Atlas Park, as well as First Ward.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
If theyr'e doing this for the tutorial, I'm kinda wondering if they're also going to add comic screens for the new content in Atlas Park, as well as First Ward.
First ward is just a single panel of Hamidon crashing things with Cole looking out and saying "Awww... Shi-" The rest of his sentence is cut off by the panel.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Originally Posted by ArwenDarkblade View Post
Are you guys serious about this Sister P art? She looks like a sex doll, and on top of that she looks completely incompetent and unprepared for battle. BAB is all ready to go, has his game face on, and she's like "Golly gee, I have no idea what to do! I'm frightened even though I'm the second most powerful psychic in the world!" Come on. Not only does she deserve better, but so do all the women who play this game. Have you forgotten how many of us there are?

How about giving her, and by extension all the women who play this game, some dignity? How about not making her look like an empty-headed sex object?

What ever happened to all the squawking about "Having female pets for Masterminds would be sexist!"? Did you forget that argument? How about all us women who WANT female minions, and DO NOT want to be depicted as vapid second-rate heroes who are barely more than sidekicks?

Paragon, you've revamped signature costumes before. This illustration drives home the need to give Sister Psyche a -real- costume. She's a super hero, not a porn-star. Or is that forever the role of females in the comic book universe? She's running around the city, almost completely naked with nothing more than a few bits of electrical tape for clothing, and people are supposed to take her seriously?

Her costume is an embarrassment.

"There's villainy ... and then there's supervillainy. The difference is performance."



This is awesome. I love DN's work in the CoH comics and think we need more comic screens in-game. I'd be really happy if the print comics or even digital comics started back, maby the sig arcs will satisfy that some. The other cool thing is now I should be able to start out a proper Nictus with this tutorial. Lots of good stuff coming to CoX.

EDIT: Eh, I like Sister Psyche's costume. Also I hope my current chars can do the new tutorial by Ouro.



Originally Posted by _Toxa_ View Post

Paragon, you've revamped signature costumes before. This illustration drives home the need to give Sister Psyche a -real- costume. She's a super hero, not a porn-star. Or is that forever the role of females in the comic book universe? She's running around the city, almost completely naked with nothing more than a few bits of electrical tape for clothing, and people are supposed to take her seriously?

Her costume is an embarrassment.
I don't actually think her outfit is too bad - it's very similar to Fusionette's costume, which is a quite practical spandex one - ridiculous would be Swan's "outfit"

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by ArwenDarkblade View Post
Are you guys serious about this Sister P art? She looks like a sex doll, and on top of that she looks completely incompetent and unprepared for battle. BAB is all ready to go, has his game face on, and she's like "Golly gee, I have no idea what to do! I'm frightened even though I'm the second most powerful psychic in the world!"
I'm sorry, but hasn't been the running theme for the visual look of women in superhero comics?



Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
I'm sorry, but hasn't been the running theme for the visual look of women in superhero comics?
Quite a few "traditional" things from comics don't have a place in the modern world anymore

Paragon City is the birthplace of tomorrow - its heroes need to reflect that

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



we need more sexism. I'm sick to death of people referring to the female supers as "heroes"... thems "Heroines". Actor - Actress. Steward - Stewardess. Doctor - Nurse. Got it. More boobs please!

if this offends you, then I earned my cookie I'm currently eating.

"You sir, have never been in a hammer fight, that much is clear."

*yeah, I quoted myself.



Originally Posted by Blast_Chamber View Post
Doctor - Nurse.
Doctors and Nurses are two different professions in the field of medicine. There are male nurses and female doctors.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
Doctors and Nurses are two different professions in the field of medicine. There are male nurses and female doctors.
What? I call Bull! Doctors are only men... Nurses are only women. Get back to your drugged out love in you hippie!

"You sir, have never been in a hammer fight, that much is clear."

*yeah, I quoted myself.



Originally Posted by Blast_Chamber View Post
What? I call Bull! Doctors are only men... Nurses are only women.
I'll assume you're joking

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
Doctors and Nurses are two different professions in the field of medicine. There are male nurses and female doctors.
Are your humor processors currently functioning within adequate parameters?

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Thank you E-Knight.... you get it... I'm joking! Geez! The rest of you pull the stick out!

I do want more boobies though... you can never have too many... safety in numbers y'all!

"You sir, have never been in a hammer fight, that much is clear."

*yeah, I quoted myself.



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
Except for Psyche's expression and BaB's hair and skin tone, I love the image.
Could use some Arachnos representation though if they're supposed to be part of it.
Its just page one ("hello, hello" is the last page).

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Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
ridiculous would be Swan's "outfit"
especially in the Rhode Island winter.

regarding BAB's hair: many men go through hairstyle changes. BAB may be deciding dreadlocks don't fit his age anymore. In comparison, I think I read somewhere past that actor Jason Momoa was removing his dreadlocks due to the weight. bottom line: a new hairstyle doesn't make or break the Brawler. Changing race might, but seems to me he's in a hellstorm, so lighting would be wild.

I agree with many others here, Sister Psyche would not react this way. Swan might, but not SP. Only other female hero, I can think of, more in control and less likely to react fearfully would be the one that's even older, Lady Gray.

Speaking of Lady Gray, where's Vanguard in all this? Wouldn't Shivans fall into their jurisdiction?



Originally Posted by Rodoan View Post
Sister Psyche would not react this way. Swan might
And Tunnel Rat totally would

Speaking of Lady Gray, where's Vanguard in all this?
They're busy - she's got them farming Trials for her.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



I am disappointed over Sister Psyche's "porn face". Come on David, you're better than that.

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Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
And Tunnel Rat totally would
poor Tunnel Rat would be looping in the hospital transport system:

meteor -eek! (heart attack) - transport -exit/meteor - eek! (heart attack) - transport -...



Originally Posted by Rodoan View Post
poor Tunnel Rat would be looping in the hospital transport system:

meteor -eek! (heart attack) - transport -exit/meteor - eek! (heart attack) - transport -...
I get the impression that she makes the Sister Psyche panic face for just about everything, like her phone ringing or someone knocking at the door

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Blast_Chamber View Post
What? I call Bull! Doctors are only men... Nurses are only women. Get back to your drugged out love in you hippie!
But what about Gaylord Focker?!



Wow, this is exciting! That "hello, hello?" frame looks AWESOME. Feels like this is going to be an epic tutorial. The drawing with Sister P and BaB looks awesome as well, though I have to agree Sister P does look a bit too surprised given what we know of her. Overall though, nice job! I'm really impressed and excited! Can't wait!

PS - I would like to see her get a new costume, if for no other reason than it's pretty easy to replicate her look in-game. She needs something original!



Originally Posted by Zamuel View Post
Yeah, the skin tone change and the "O" face might need another pass. I'm surprised Psyche bugs me more due to the implications of it that Blue Rabbit touched on.

I hope they get a chance to fix this -- the introductory comic is otherwise 100% awesome.


"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." -- Dr. Seuss



I quite like the artwork. Agreed BABs looks a little too light but otherwise it looks awesome. The way I read it is that if these long serving heroes, veterans of the Rikti War, Brass Monday and others are stunned and shocked at the level of destruction being wreaked on their city, it's got to be bad. And that just makes me feel like it's time for some dashing heroics.*

The Coming Storm isn't just some tinpot dictator and his army of robots built by a moron, it's the potential destruction of the Earth itself. And if a shower of alien meteorites decimated my neighbourhood, I'd be pretty devestated too. Nice work DN.

*Or villainy. In time.

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