Discussion: The Intrepid Informer: Galaxy's Last Stand

A Man In Black



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I get the impression that she makes the Sister Psyche panic face for just about everything, like her phone ringing or someone knocking at the door
see, i dont see her panicking. yeah shes paranoid, but i expect that leads her to more of a state of hyper-preparedness than frozen inaction. she already knows the escape routes, she knew them within 30 seconds of arriving, well before any threat materialized.

(this post is in no way biased by the fact im a raving tr fanboy)



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
That's just their respective versions of the "glowing embers are hitting my butt and I forgot to bring a coat" face.
Thank you for almost making me choke on my morning tea.

Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I think it'll still be available via Ouroboros - but in I21, there'll be no such thing as starting as a Hero or a Villain - the enw tutorial will allow you to make an avatar using any of the 12 ATs, and then enter the chaos of Galaxy City as a "neutral" - you'll then be able to help either BAB and Sister Psyche, or join with Recluse and his Arachnos troops who have arrived to take advantage of the mayhem.
Instead of simply clicking an icon when you make a new avatar, it seems that the new Tutorial will be about talking with and interacting with some of the signature characters to let you decide which side to take - it's a way more dynamic and lore-focused way of introducing players to the Hero/Villain battle that's at the heart of the game.
Will I be forced to go through the tutorial to select AT, primary, secondary, and alignment?

US: @Gearheader (EU: @Gearhead EU)

Thank you! thank you! thank you! Castle or Posi or BAB or whoever at Paragon Studios restored the abilities of pets to talk and emote!



Originally Posted by Gilfred View Post
I like the new tutorial, the use of getting players involved by doing instead of reading. I like the new comic type of intro. But still this does not answer some very good questions that I have, concerning this tutorial and the praetoria tutorial. Here are the questions. I know that I posted this in another thread, I would not mind a red name coming by and giving me an answer. Do I expect it, no but it would be nice. I can speculate all day, but having the facts is much better.

1.) Is this tutorial the only tutorial in the game when City of Heroes Freedom launches?
2.) Does this mean that the devs are shelving the praetoria tutorial?
3.) If the praetoria tutorial no longer exists after City of Heroes Freedom, then does that mean that no one will be able to enter praetoria at all?
4.) Does this mean that no one will be able to be a loyalist or chose resistance and play
through the entire praetoria story arc?
5.) Does this mean that the only thing that Going Rogue was for is just to improve the graphics for the main game?
6.) Does this mean that the only thing that Going Rogue was for is to make the incarnate system possible?
7.) Or will there be a choice of tutorials if you have Going Rogue active on your account, where a pop up would say Primal (Galaxy City) or Praetorian?

You guys/gals of the dev team worked so hard to make a great expansion when you added praetoria to throw it all away. The zones were done well, the story is good, so please keep it. Please do not throw that away.

I have no doubt that there are those that have played through it and love it. So throwing it away is a waste, that means you have wasted your time and hard work which would be a shame. I would hate to see all of that hard work thrown away.

I would hate it if the only reason Going Rogue exists if for the new graphics and the incarnate system.
As I understand, there would be 2 tutorials: Praetorian and Primal.
The new Primal tutorial will be Galaxy City, the Breakout is no more, and I think that they said that Atlas and Mercy would be updated too.



I like the idea, the artwork (even if I have to agree with some of the comments), the comic book loading screen. It is grand!

However, I worry about what is happening after the heroes, save the day in Galaxy and they meet Azuria for the first time.

"Ready to save the world from big bad evil"
"Good, good, now go out and beat up some gangers"
"What? But I saved Galaxy from horrible harm and now the best I can do is going after gangers?"



Originally Posted by Gunbunny View Post
I like the idea, the artwork (even if I have to agree with some of the comments), the comic book loading screen. It is grand!

However, I worry about what is happening after the heroes, save the day in Galaxy and they meet Azuria for the first time.

"Ready to save the world from big bad evil"
"Good, good, now go out and beat up some gangers"
"What? But I saved Galaxy from horrible harm and now the best I can do is going after gangers?"
Like I said, I remember War Witch (I think it was her) saying in the last UStream that Atlas and Mercy would be updated too.



Originally Posted by Andora View Post
PS - I would like to see her get a new costume, if for no other reason than it's pretty easy to replicate her look in-game. She needs something original!
Correction; it's easy to replicate her IN-GAME model. As in, those parts are 100% player useable, and anything but signature.

And That ^ looks nothing like;

Now, that two-tone top is impossible to make In-game. Those gloves and belt are also fairly unique. And she could use a unique hair-do, too.

Frankly, this;

is not that revealing an outfit. Functional? Yup, she doesn't need heavy armour when she has psychic shields. Looks good? Yup. It's striking, it's eye catching, people see it and instantly think 'Sister Psyche'. It looks a hell of a lot better than whats in game atm.

Ye Gods, when did I become Arbiter Fabulous...?

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



The comic book loading screens could be one of the best additions in a long while, and that's a big deal considering how amazing some of the recently added features are.

Start replacing as many cutscenes with comic book intros as possible please! Our cutscenes are...lackluster at best and some Nakayama comic intros could really give this game a "next gen" feel.



I just hope you do a better job of integrating characters into your plots than other games I've played...

Hero X comes to mind. "Oh, sure, you can coun't on me to take care of him."

I was playing a girl.



Originally Posted by Gearhead_NA View Post
Will I be forced to go through the tutorial to select AT, primary, secondary, and alignment?
That would probably be a waste of teaching time to make AT and power set selection part of it - but the alignment choice seems to be a big part of it, although I'm sure they'll allow people to skip the tutorial if they're vets.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Lord_Kalistoh View Post
Like I said, I remember War Witch (I think it was her) saying in the last UStream that Atlas and Mercy would be updated too.
Atlas Park has had a total makover, graphics and content wise, and Mercy Island has also has a makeover, but not on the same scale.
But players will still be fighting Hellions in Atlas Park

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



My 2 inf:

The REAL reason for the looks that BAB and Psyche have is simply this: after years of pestering by Serge, Manticore is FINALLY trying out a new costume. The problem is, most of the rhinestones Serge used were replaced by an Arachnos squad with Dr. Aeon™ brand 'Time-Altered Shivan Sprouts'.
Within moments of Manticore debuting his new look, most of the altered rhinestones popped off when he took a deep breath (as Serge seems to like the whole super tight latex look) and are bouncing around Galaxy City causing chaos and mayhem.
The remaining rhinestones on Manticore's new outfit are more than enough to catch any and all light and amplify it several hundred times, thereby washing out some colors. The overall look of the outfit (which I leave as an exercise to the reader) is so...different...from Manticore's usual look, Psyche is struck dumb.

My in-game spell check is 6 slotted for damage.

" I assure you, my good man, Nemesis is most definitely 'down with the street.' Word up, my homie, as it were."



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
is not that revealing an outfit. Functional? Yup, she doesn't need heavy armour when she has psychic shields. Looks good? Yup. It's striking, it's eye catching, people see it and instantly think 'Sister Psyche'. It looks a hell of a lot better than whats in game atm.
Weird post. The CGI and the in-game model are almost identical. Are you fakeposting? Especially the quoted part.

My Going Rogue Trailer

Virtue (blue) - Wes The Mess
Virtue (red) - Jess The Best



Augh, that cover is awful. It's ugly and overcrowded, and White Alley Brawler and whatever it is that's going on with Sister Psyche both make me feel vaguely queasy. I don't mean to get all scans_daily, but I'd really rather avoid any sort of art that reminds me of Greg Land.

I realize these are the official forums, so you're going to get a certain amount of "Yay, my favorite characters from the greatest developers ever" noise, but I really don't think this is putting the best foot forward.



Holy hell this is some serious white-washing right there. It's like Paragon Studio is actively trying to send people of colour a message that they don't want them to play their video game.

And right next to Babs we got Sister Psyche who reacts to immediate danger by making a porny O-face while strutting out her breasts and ***. I dare you to make the same pose as her, it's uncomfortable and unnatural as all hell! And as a previous post showed, the picture's composed to draw attention directly to her breasts.

Now you often hear that superhero comics end up being pretty damn misogynistic and racist, but to have a single poster that so solidly encapsulates that, and as a poster to basically represent CoH at that, is just shocking and revolting.

Seriously, what the hell, Paragon Studio?



Originally Posted by A Man In Black View Post
I don't mean to get all scans_daily, but I'd really rather avoid any sort of art that reminds me of Greg Land.
For all my issues with the pic, I certainly wouldn't compare it to Greg Land. Bare minimum, it doesn't look like a photocopy.

Originally Posted by Noxilicious View Post
Holy hell this is some serious white-washing right there. It's like Paragon Studio is actively trying to send people of colour a message that they don't want them to play their video game.
While I seriously doubt they did it on purpose and I figure it's more accident/Unfortunate Implications, I'll point out that Fort Trident is supposed to be the Freedom Phalanx but BAB was left out in favor of Ms Liberty as the trainer.



Originally Posted by Zamuel View Post
While I seriously doubt they did it on purpose and I figure it's more accident/Unfortunate Implications, I'll point out that Fort Trident is supposed to be the Freedom Phalanx but BAB was left out in favor of Ms Liberty as the trainer.
Whether it was intentional or accidental doesn't change the fact it deserves some calling-out. In fact, if it was accidental it deserves it even more so because that makes it that subtle, casual kind of racism that's so easy to miss. Very few people are intentionally bigoted, but it doesn't stop us from being bigoted anyway.

And honestly? While I doubt the people involved in that picture out and out hate people of colour, I wouldn't be surprised if someone consciously decided to white-wash Babs because they consider a black Babs less marketable and less relatable.



Originally Posted by Zamuel View Post
For all my issues with the pic, I certainly wouldn't compare it to Greg Land. Bare minimum, it doesn't look like a photocopy.
Inexplicable porn faces and characters morphing into likenesses of random celebrities (BABs is looking more than a little Batista there) are also Land trademarks. This in addition to being bad qualities in an image on their own.



I like the cover. To me Sister P looks overwhelmed by the psychic cries of thousands of people dying at the same time. It's got to be pretty rough and more than enough to put anyone out of sorts. Heck, she might not even actually be seeing anything but that at the moment the picture depicts. Different people seem to be interpreting her expression in different ways.

I did immediately notice the pale BAB's but eventually chalked it up to glare. It couldn't hurt to recolor him a little darker for sure.

I also think the style is a little cartoony for my taste and it gives them a less realistic look. But there isn't anything really wrong with that if it is the style they've settled on for the load screens and it is applied consistently. Overall I like the picture's action, composition, and color and I'm satisfied with it. It certainly conveys a sense of the destruction unfolding around them.

Now I'm going to have to think up a new alt to create and take in there so I can run it when it goes live because I'm loving the whole idea.



Originally Posted by mousedroid View Post
A question I don't think I've seen asked/answered yet:

If I have a character(s) parked in the Outbreak or Breakout tutorials, what happens to them when those tutorials cease to exist?
As someone who STILL has a level 50 toon parked in the old Rikti CRASH SITE you'll stay right where you are until you decide to leave. It's been years and I still can't bring myself to be the "last man out."

What's interesting is that the spawns are now the newer Rikti models, so while the RWZ did not replace the RCS (it still exists in the code, you just can't access it) they did replace the models for the critters.

Also, out of curiosity I copied that toon to Test, took it through the exit, and promptly wound up outside the current geometry of Crey's Folly (where the door used to be). So the script for where you appear in the new zone is apparently a part of the instance you're leaving and not part of the instance you're entering.

This may also mean that creating other echoes besides the "echo of Galaxy City" they mentioned is a possibility since I've heard some mention of wanting to see the old Faultline as well.



This looks fantastic. I was really intrigued to try the new tutorial even before this reveal about the new loading screens. Can't wait to see it.



things are really starting to look up for this game.

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



Originally Posted by MrHassenpheffer View Post
things are really starting to look up for this game.
Or at least looking vaguely off-page, with mouths groutesquely wide open.