Would you pay for an Incarnate booster pack? I would

Adeon Hawkwood



/signed. I had something to say about this in the forums already, but the short version is that gating content like this is wrong, and I've seen it go wrong before in other games. As others have said, this game was about the journey, not the destination.

And that applied to everything, including how you got to 50. Even the highest tier abilities in Epics and Patrons had choice behind them, and you weren't disadvantaged if you didn't take them.

I don't like being steered at something like Trials (which I can't get into in all honesty, I just can't...even when it's 'just for an hour') and told 'this is the only way you'll get this, this and this.' That's not incentivising, that's denying any choice other than not to do it.

Other options should be up on the table, really. And for what it's worth, I resented the comment that having the shiny armor is something you can wear and show off to other players that you've been doing the Trials. I've been through that syndrome on fantasy MMO's where people have hardcore grinded the latest gear with all the best stats on it and it frankly does not belong here, Positron.


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Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
I'm of the opinion that cosmetic options should have a dual-path to acquisition most of the time: you can buy them, or you can earn them. I have stronger generally balance-related concerns with powers and abilities. Pay-to-accessorize I have no problem with. Pay-to-win I think is generally radioactive.
This is reasonable.

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Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
I'm of the opinion that cosmetic options should have a dual-path to acquisition most of the time: you can buy them, or you can earn them. I have stronger generally balance-related concerns with powers and abilities. Pay-to-accessorize I have no problem with. Pay-to-win I think is generally radioactive.
This. I agree 100%.
I have suggested this:



Originally Posted by Anchor View Post
I would grudgingly pay extra for access to the auras, emotes, and whatnot that is not Incarnate/Ascension-specific. The Ascension armor itself can stay gated.
That's my feeling. Of course, the fact that the Ascension armor looks all World of Warcrafty to me and I have no interest in it makes it easy to be gracious and say "Leave it as Incarnate stuff".



Originally Posted by Jophiel View Post
That's my feeling. Of course, the fact that the Ascension armor looks all World of Warcrafty to me and I have no interest in it makes it easy to be gracious and say "Leave it as Incarnate stuff".
Just wanted to say, not all of it is that bad, and some of it looks really good with certain options. The Radiant Ascension glove option looks crazy good with Vanguard, and Rularuu claws. The boots also may be the best armored boots ever put in the game imo.

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Originally Posted by Jophiel View Post
That's my feeling. Of course, the fact that the Ascension armor looks all World of Warcrafty to me and I have no interest in it makes it easy to be gracious and say "Leave it as Incarnate stuff".
It looks like something out of Lineage II or Aion to me, the typical Korean take on high fantasy with the angular, elongated pointy bits and heavy ornate design with much glowy. WoW has more rounded shapes, more smooth-edge block designs that look battle-worn and a generally much heavier look to it.

All of that aside, this is kind of turning into sour grapes for me. I can't say the Incarnate Armour is BAD - it isn't. But it ain't good enough to justify a grind. It might be good enough to pay real money for, though, put it like that. And, yes, I value my leisure time more than I value my money, and I'm not even rich.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Pay-to-accessorize I have no problem with. Pay-to-win I think is generally radioactive.
This is exactly my opinion. Make it so, Devs!



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
It looks like something out of Lineage II or Aion to me, the typical Korean take on high fantasy with the angular, elongated pointy bits and heavy ornate design with much glowy. WoW has more rounded shapes, more smooth-edge block designs that look battle-worn and a generally much heavier look to it.
I'll take your word on it. Point being, it looks out of place to me. I don't begrudge it existing and I'm not raging that it was designed or anything... it's just not to my taste so I don't care if it's gated, locked or gated and locked and tossed into the sea



Originally Posted by Dr_Darkspeed View Post
Because costumes, emotes, emblems and auras are not (and should not be considered) loot?
That's just your opinion. Some players want decorative loot - a badge of honor to wear to show off their accomplishments in-game. (Not me, fyi - I could care less.)

Players who want costume bits that are free and easy to combine to create their toon concepts have a gigantic, whopping pile of freely available costume bits, and they've had them for years.

Players who want some earned costume bits have a very small handful of such bits.

For players in the first group, with their giant pile o' available bits, to point at those in the second group, with their small handful of bits, and shout "OMG NOT FAIR GIMME YOUR BITS!"....that's just greedy.

It's a big game - there's room for everybody to get a little bit of what they want. When it's time for somebody besides you to get that little bit, just smile and be happy for them.



Originally Posted by Pixel View Post
That's just your opinion. Some players want decorative loot - a badge of honor to wear to show off their accomplishments in-game. (Not me, fyi - I could care less.)
You are right, absolutely nothing in game that matches that description at all.

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Originally Posted by MaestroMavius View Post
Remember all those threads that popped up when the 1st booster was announced? All those threads with players vs players claiming this game had 'gone to the americans'.
Wow. People really said that? That's pretty offensive ... and lacking in perspective to boot. All I'll say on the matter is, "the micropayment trend is not, nor was it ever, uniquely American."

And trust me, I have seen far worse.

Anyway, as far as the Incarnate costume stuff goes, I don't necessarily agree with the idea it should all be free and available to players from the get-go, or that people should be able to buy it. My reason being, this is Incarnate stuff. Superpowers are one thing, but in City of Heroes, being an Incarnate is something that is attainable in very specific methods. And the methods available to any superbeing require them to be at the top of their game.

Well ... strike that. My opinion depends on the costume part in question. Some of the Incarnate stuff sounds more like general superpowered stuff that would be better as something generally available or available through micropayments.

Fairy dust aura, for example. Do I really have to drink from the Well of Furies to get that? Could I just drink from the Well of Fairies instead?

Some of the other stuff, I don't see much of a problem in it being available only through Incarnate salvage. I don't really know about those prices since I still don't have a single 50, and thus haven't run Incarnate content to experience first hand.

Here's where I see the problem, though: consider the other merit types.

We get Reward Merits for completing contact story arcs, of which there are oodles that appeal to every flavor of player.

We get Architect Entertainment tickets for doing stuff in AE missions, and there are no shortage of those. Even though it's hard finding the kind of AE mission you want to play (another thread unto its own), it's not hard earning the tickets.

Vanguard Merits can be earned only in the Rikti War Zone, but they are given out as rewards for raids and contact missions, of which there are several. There's also a day job that increases the amount of Vanguard Merit awards you get, and there's also a chance to get one from defeating Rikti in the zone.

Alignment Merits can be earned only by doing Morality Missions, but the way Alignment Merits work are like the gold piece to the Reward Merit's silver. You don't get many Alignment Merits, but one or two can buy you something you'd need to spend 100 or 200 merits on.

For Incarnate stuff, well ... Astral and Empyrean Merits can only be earned by running Lambda or BAF. All the other Incarnate goodies are unusable outside of the Alpha Slot, as far as I understand it, and unfortunately only the Alpha-slot salvage is obtainable outside of BAF or Lambda ... and I've heard quite a bit about BAF and Lambda that it's made me in no hurry to get to 50.

Most people have been saying "don't make me grind for this" and I gotta agree. One way to lessen the grind is to simply make more diverse Incarnate content available.

I'll be honest. I've never really paid for anything with merits or tickets yet. I've racked up hundreds of the stuff, and only recently discovered how useful they could be. I've been so enamored with the contact story arcs in this game that I just didn't care. Even though a single rare recipe would set me back for half the reward merits I earned, it's never felt like a grind simply because I'm not always running the same mission over and over.

If I had to farm the same contact's missions for stuff over and over, then it would feel like a grind to me.

If you give people more diverse Incarnate content, then they probably won't see it as much of a grind anymore.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
I'm of the opinion that cosmetic options should have a dual-path to acquisition most of the time: you can buy them, or you can earn them. I have stronger generally balance-related concerns with powers and abilities. Pay-to-accessorize I have no problem with. Pay-to-win I think is generally radioactive.



Originally Posted by LittleDavid View Post
Wow. People really said that? That's pretty offensive ... and lacking in perspective to boot. All I'll say on the matter is, "the micropayment trend is not, nor was it ever, uniquely American."
"Gone to the americans" is a reference to a post made long, long ago by a poster named UniqueDragon whose first (and for years, only) post was widely regarded as a humorous example of overreaction. See the ParagonWiki article here. The post was loaded with spelling and grammatical errors, and I believe his original intention was to say that CoH might as well not be available to Americans (which is just as offensive, but the opposite of how it reads).

Anyway, usually people use it as a hyperbolic stand-in for complaint posts.

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Originally Posted by Pixel View Post
That's just your opinion. Some players want decorative loot - a badge of honor to wear to show off their accomplishments in-game. (Not me, fyi - I could care less.)
Isn't that what badges are for? You know, as a badge of honour to show off accomplishment? Why not give Incarnate badge titles their own unique colours?

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Liquid View Post
"Gone to the americans" is a reference to a post made long, long ago by a poster named UniqueDragon whose first (and for years, only) post was widely regarded as a humorous example of overreaction. [...] Anyway, usually people use it as a hyperbolic stand-in for complaint posts.
Oh ... Well, I've learned something new today, at least! I need to go take my foot out of my mouth now.



Originally Posted by Zandock View Post
I will never pay money for something I can get in-game. I don't pay for half the the boosters as it is. I wish they would stop making them altogether.
Now why is that? Its a good way to generate income for the game and the boosters dont provide any "I win" buttons.

I really cant see the problem with booster packs for what amounts to fluff. Its a tried and true model outside MMOs. The core game is just like the core books for an RPG you want the shiny stuff, you pay for it. Its the same with just about anything. There are base models and then there are the upgraded models, options cost.

------->"Sic Semper Tyrannis"<-------



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
I'm of the opinion that cosmetic options should have a dual-path to acquisition most of the time: you can buy them, or you can earn them. I have stronger generally balance-related concerns with powers and abilities. Pay-to-accessorize I have no problem with. Pay-to-win I think is generally radioactive.
+ err whatever the count is up to now.

------->"Sic Semper Tyrannis"<-------



I think that's probably the biggest bugbear you're seeing from people.

The Ascension armour...fine..that can be Incarnate, it is worthy of being a reward for gaining Incarnatedom, to show off to people that 'I can haz Incarnate!' to put it in Lolcat terms. I'll still think the level 50 restriction is stupid BUT I can live with that quite easily.

Everything else..the basic emotes (really...the ability to swoon or collapse is common to all people..not just the super powered demi-gods), the auras (why would you need to be an Incarnate to ooze slime?), the costume change emotes (alright...I'll admit the Nuke costume Change IS badass but the others...eh...) and the Chest symbols (yes because you need to be an Incarnate to paint two guns on your chest...) are all REALLY non-incarnatey stuff, they're very basic stuff.

As I said before, it really like they just pulled whatever they had laying around the office in terms of pieces, probably for an 'in the works' mini-booster (like the Origin or Party park) and instead dumped it into the Incarnate system. They clearly weren't built from the ground up like the Ascension armour was.

Actually, that's probably it, they were pushed for time, they'd mentioned a 'new and exciting rewards' for running the Trials and realised they had one set of armour....and that was it but they want to keep people grinding the trials...and well the rest was mentioned above.

Ditch them from the Incarnate rewards system, keep the Ascension Armour in there for now, either make them freely available as an update OR sell them as they were obviously originally intended to be, as a booster pack.

Alright the amount of stuff if you include all the auras, the costume emotes, the emotes and the chest pieces I'd say it'd be fair to probably tack on an extra few bucks.

To be fair, I know this isn't going to happen, they're not going to change a damn thing because they want people to keep grinding the trials so they can look better for their NCsoft bosses rather than the playerbase.

I love the rest of the changes they've done with the Incarnate system, I love the Incarnate system, it's made my tanker even more awesome but...yeah...the Incarnate 'rewards' besides the Ascension armour...really shouldn't be there and if they remain...well it'll kind of show which direction the devs want to move this game in.

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Originally Posted by EnigmaBlack View Post
I know I would. I'd rather spend $10 real bucks in the 2 minutes it takes for the transaction than spend half a year trying to obtain enough Emps to get these pieces.
How about this, I would not pay 10 bucks or spend time on something I do not like. Therefore all should be free.



Originally Posted by ebon3 View Post
Now why is that? Its a good way to generate income for the game and the boosters dont provide any "I win" buttons.

I really cant see the problem with booster packs for what amounts to fluff. Its a tried and true model outside MMOs. The core game is just like the core books for an RPG you want the shiny stuff, you pay for it. Its the same with just about anything. There are base models and then there are the upgraded models, options cost.
I am like Zandock also, if I can get it in the game, I rather work for it, or not worry about it than pay extra money for it, even if it is fluff. For the fact it generates income, my money I give them and the expansions I bought generate income, I'd rather spend my extra money on other things which give me some form of entertainment.

Second if it is just fluff, make majority of it free then, it is a tried and tested system that works for a lot of people. Then if you do it correctly you can make it a carrot on a stick so people will keep paying the 15 bucks a month to get said rewards.

Also for optional yes you may have to pay, or you could say, that is nice, but really not work the amount to spend on it. As you said D&D, sure I could go out and spend like mad and get all the extras, for a game...and never use them or only once. Or I can opt out of it, and take what I have and do cool things.

Now to the topic on hand, since I did not run the beta, and hinted for people to voice their opinions in the beta.

Auras, emblems, emotes should be free period. Once 20.5 comes out viola you got some new stuff to play with.

Basic ascension armor (not the glowly armor) is unlocked with the Alpha slot. Which people could say, he this is cool, and there is another level to this. Where could use Astral or Emp merits to buy the armor.

For this I would say 8 Astral per piece or 2 Emp per piece. So while you may have to run some trails, you can unlock them quickly, and non-grind like.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I also agree with Arcana in that selling powers is a bad idea. In fact, I'd go as far as to call it all-caps-exclamation BAD! As a point of fact, I hate that they're including a power with every Booster Pack. It's starting to segregate people into haves and have nots in a real bad way, in that people with all the Boosters (like me) have not just a MASSIVE utility advantage, but can afford to have more optimised builds because we get to skip some limitations and get some decent powers for free.

In a nutshell: Give all unlockable costume sets two options to unlock - in-game action for free or PlayNC store action for real money. Never extend this to items which are non-cosmetic, like powers, stats or practical priviliges.
I wouldn't go that far myself. I said I have concerns, and those concerns are two-fold: first, we shouldn't be selling powers that have balance-altering consequences. So selling a temp power that gave you Granite Armor, for example, is probably not a good idea. Second, powers that offer a significant advantage not achievable in an in-game way are dangerous.

So for example, is Ninja Run a problematic power to sell? In my opinion, not exceptionally so because its a movement power in a game that has lots of movement powers, and its only good compared to having no movement power. All the travel powers exceed it. So its less selling an advantage, and more selling a convenience of having travel at level 4 (I think) rather than waiting for level 14, or buying a temp travel recipe, or running a mission that awards a temp travel power like the early bank robbery/safeguard missions. You could make the case both ways, but I'm not overly concerned.

Self destruction is also not really what I would call a competitive advantage power. But what about things like Mystic Fortune and Mutation? That's where I think balance issues start to have to be considered. I'm of the opinion that Mystic Fortune is less of an issue because its an ally buff: you're paying for power, but its power you have to grant to someone else. That's intrinsicly less dangerous to me than paying to win personally. Mutation is more problematic because its a self buff. But its a random one with a long recharge, so its not a power you can plan around. Its random nature (coupled with the fact the buffs aren't that powerful) makes it more of a nice buff when it happens, but not something that will significantly alter your leveling path or the stuff you'll be able to take on. Its close, though, and about as close as I would be comfortable with.

The interesting aspect of this is that almost everything we can buy is permanent, and permanent things have special consequences. Consumable things, like the jetpacks, are a different matter entirely. No one wants to see players be able to buy an endless supply of nukes, say (or rather, few people do). On the other hand, you can only use a nuke once. Is there a correct price for the three nuke warheads if you can still only have one at a time? I would have to think about that very carefully. Although nukes are acquirable in-game, its presumed to take a significant amount of effort: specifically if lots of players tried to get them simultaneously, it would take a lot more effort than it does now. So its not like Ninja run where not only can you earn travel in-game, its *easy* to get travel, so the *competitive* advantage is low. Nukes offer a competitive advantage, and that's what makes them dangerous to sell.

So for things like powers, I would say its ok to sell if they do not offer a competitive advantage, either because they just aren't that strong, or they can be earned *relatively easily* in-game. If people want to buy medium lucks for 99 cents in the NCSoft store, I say let them spend their money.

*Or* if they are limited and don't cost a lot. Hypothetically speaking, suppose NCSoft were to offer all City of Heroes players a chance to buy *one* purple recipe for a buck as part of their seventh anniversary. Just one, and only one, of your choice. That's a significant competitive advantage item, and it takes a lot of effort to get them in the game. On the other hand, its open to everyone, the cost is low enough so that essentially everyone can get them, and it cannot be leveraged by people with a lot of money to just buy a hundred of them**. I can see exceptions like that potentially existing, so I don't think I can make absolute statements about what I think can and cannot be reasonably sold. It would depend on the precise circumstances.

** Of course, this sort of thing has other problems associated with it. People could try to buy them from other players, or pay other players to buy them for them. Or theoretically speaking someone could buy hundreds of accounts just to be able to buy hundreds of purple recipes, although you'd have to be pretty rich and pretty crazy to want to do that. It could get ugly, but I'm talking strictly about whether something is reasonable to sell, and not whether the mechanics of selling it have other potential side effects.

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Overall, I agree with you. The powers we've been getting with Booster packs aren't outwardly problematic... For the most part. However, you touch on a problem that I feel is more important than you let on - these are permanent additions. One or two or three don't really matter, but we're starting to amass an amazing quantity of these things.

When GvE came out, I had no problem with the GvE jump pack because while it helped with jump and ESPECIALLY with fly, it was fairly limited. But now we have the Steam Jump pack. It's still relatively limited and not all that problematic... But now I have both of them. This has the potential to give me a LOT more special jump buff than either could separately.

This is actually somewhat compounded by Veteran Reward powers. At the very moment of character creation, each of my characters are born with over two bars of powers not associated with their build. I have three attacks, a self-rez good enough to put Revive/Resurgence to shame, three different teleporters, three different pets, two mutually-exclusive travel powers, extra experience gain, a self buff and a few other odds and ends that I don't care to mention. Sure, for some of these powers you have to wait until level 4, but at level 4 my characters have more powers than Launch characters would have had at the level cap.

Booster Pack powers are not a zero-sum game. They add up. The more Boosters we see, the more of a power stockpile our characters will be created with, and that could easily become problematic over time. The reason I feel that Booster Pack powers are all-caps-exclamation BAD isn't so much because of the powers themselves - they're mostly OK. It's because I dislike the PRACTICE of including powers in Booster packs, as these powers enter our inventories and they never leave. Sooner or later, this has to blow out somewhere.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
When GvE came out, I had no problem with the GvE jump pack because while it helped with jump and ESPECIALLY with fly, it was fairly limited. But now we have the Steam Jump pack. It's still relatively limited and not all that problematic... But now I have both of them. This has the potential to give me a LOT more special jump buff than either could separately.
Steam Jump and GvE Jump Pack share cooldowns [well sorta, both trigger each other's cooldown]. So pretty much, you have the same jumping ability as anyone with Steam Jump since that's the faster recharge ability.

Also I think you hit on some of the issues that get fixed over with the additive nature of the booster powers.

Beast Run and Ninja Run are pretty much the same power, just different animations. Like the various prestige sprints. Yes, one of them is greater than none of them, but two of them aren't really greater than one of them.

Now, Mystic Fortune and Secondary Mutation... That's 'bleh', would have been better for game balance if they limited it to 1 booster buff per character at a time, but oh well. I can hope that at least they don't introduce more stacking buffs there [new alternate buffs that don't stack should be fine].

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
This is actually somewhat compounded by Veteran Reward powers. At the very moment of character creation, each of my characters are born with over two bars of powers not associated with their build. I have three attacks, a self-rez good enough to put Revive/Resurgence to shame, three different teleporters, three different pets, two mutually-exclusive travel powers, extra experience gain, a self buff and a few other odds and ends that I don't care to mention. Sure, for some of these powers you have to wait until level 4, but at level 4 my characters have more powers than Launch characters would have had at the level cap.
Don't you have to manually claim those per character, though?

I only discovered I had the one-year Veteran's Award Powers awaiting me in the past month (although I started playing in 2008 I haven't been playing this entire time). On the characters where those powers were thematically appropriate, I claimed them; I didn't bother on the others.

Same deal goes with the Magic pack. Even though all my characters have access to Mystic Fortune, I don't bother with it because I don't have a character the power would thematically fit. Since it's not made clear to others who has Mystic Fortune I don't see it as a problem; I've never seen anyone demand to have a Mystic Fortune cast on them. It's always been a thing of generosity by the characters who use it.



I would happily pay for a booster pack containing these costume parts.

I have purchased all of the booster packs. A previous poster asked if purchasers would mind seeing in-game paths for unlocking those booster items. I would not mind that one bit. The more inclusive, the better, as far as I'm concerned.

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