Would you pay for an Incarnate booster pack? I would

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by Rush_Bolt View Post
Oh yeah, also?

Just because you want to use Emps to buy stuff doesn't mean you can't also use Astrals.

By the time you get 25 Emps to buy a glowy armor piece? You can also buy another piece with the 100 Astrals you earned along the way.

So it'd only take 25 days of three trials/day to get the full set of glowy armor.
some of the the unlockables have NO astral option.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by Rush_Bolt View Post
Misleading FTL.

It only costs 150 Emps for the glowy Acension armor.

It costs 401 for:
Glowy Armor
Basic Armor
14 Auras
11 Emblems
9 Emotes

To get the entire set of glowy armor only costs 150 (at these current placeholder prices). If you want EVERYTHING else as well as the glowy armor, it's 401.
Emotes, Auras, and Emblems should be 1 emp at most. Happily there is a thread where most are saying the same thing I just did in the beta forums.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by Liz Bathory View Post
Ha.. that could mean the game might be gone before you ever manage to unlock it all!

Stupid... sooo... stupid...
By that logic, any game that didnt give it to you now, could mean that players may never get the costume piece.

Oh look! Wow! A new game! Oh look at tht awesome set of costume pieces in the preview. Gotta be max level to get them. Okay! I can be max level in a month.

20 Days later the game shuts down.

134 Days, please. CoH will still be running 5 months from now.

[Edit] Now that I'm against lower prices. I'm just saying. That logic is flawed.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
The reason is actually much simpler - so that some people can take pleasure in other people not having what they have.
Is that why people bother working their way up to level 50? So that they can sit there on their towers casting down upon the people who are only level 49? Of course not. They do it because they enjoy the cool stuff they get by earning those 50 levels. It has little to do with pleasure in lording your loot over other people. It has to do with earning rewards, having goals to work towards and things given to you for actual effort, not just having everything handed out on a silver platter.

Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
I'm sorry but costume pieces shouldn't be comparable to tier 3ing out a character. As Arcanaville and numerous others pointed out, that's ludicrous.
Why? Because you don't care so much for tier 3ing out a character but you do about costume pieces? Okay, swap it around. Oops, now you have the "character progress!!!" screamers agitated. In the end, it's all just rewards. It could have just as easily been market slots, inventory slots, character slots, costume slots, a piece of swag they put in a box and physically mail to you, Matt and Melissa recording your voice mail greeting, whatever. No matter what you gate, people are going to complain, and I'm sorry, but I simply disagree that gating nothing is a reasonable solution. If there's nothing to earn, there's no reason to play.

Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
some of the the unlockables have NO astral option.
Then use Empyrians for that stuff instead of wasting them on the stuff you can unlock with Astrals.

Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
Emotes, Auras, and Emblems should be 1 emp at most. Happily there is a thread where most are saying the same thing I just did in the beta forums.
If the cost were per character, I'd agree with you. As it is, with it unlocking it account-wide on all characters, I think this is unreasonably low.

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



"I want to have a slime aura too!"
"Oh, sorry, you can't yet, little newbie. This isn't any slime. This is luxury slime skimmed fresh from the Well of the Furies."

I'm -all- for keeping the Incarnate Powers an EMp/Astral/Thread/Drop thing. All for it.

But really, having clouds trailing behind you is a reward for doing some of the hardest content in the game?

"Only two more trials to go and I can costume change with fireworks!"

Seriously? That's going to be your justification for these things?

I'd happily say keep your Ascension armour for Emp/Astral purchase only. But Level 1 Cape/Aura access? Auras? Emotes?

Emotes!? As a symbol of all the time I've invested into the Incarnate trials I...


FAINT! /em faint

What a crock of geese.



One point that I will concede is that gating the costume pieces with Incarnate Salvage isn't fair to the (apparently significant) number of players who don't even have ONE level 50.

To be fair, some of the arguments presented in this thread have somewhat swayed me.

It is true that the people most likely to hae an interest in costume pieces are also the ones least likely to have a character that is even capable of earning them. I know a few roleplayers who hae played for years and never gotten a character past the 30s, let alone a 50. Those players will never be capable of earning those costume pieces that they would probably love to have.

THAT point at least, I will concede.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
Why? Because you don't care so much for tier 3ing out a character but you do about costume pieces? Okay, swap it around. Oops, now you have the "character progress!!!" screamers agitated. In the end, it's all just rewards. It could have just as easily been market slots, inventory slots, character slots, costume slots, a piece of swag they put in a box and physically mail to you, Matt and Melissa recording your voice mail greeting, whatever. No matter what you gate, people are going to complain, and I'm sorry, but I simply disagree that gating nothing is a reasonable solution. If there's nothing to earn, there's no reason to play.

Then use Empyrians for that stuff instead of wasting them on the stuff you can unlock with Astrals.

If the cost were per character, I'd agree with you. As it is, with it unlocking it account-wide on all characters, I think this is unreasonably low.
I personally couldn't care less about any of the costume pieces. Any of them. I'm arguing for what I feel is best for the game overall. I don't think emotes and Aura have anything to do with being an incarnate. YMMV.

The Ascension Armor is fine. Many people (in the feedback thread) agree that they should be locked but the prices are on them should be reduced. 25 emp per piece is asinine.

Emotes and Aura are not things that should be locked behind being an incarnate. There is nothing special about the pieces the screams incarnate.

I'd suggest you take a look at the feedback thread.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



I personally like the idea of having unlockable costuming options that don't require money to buy. I also had no problems with auras and capes being unlocked at certain levels. The first time I ran the "Cape" mission back all those years ago, I very much enjoyed the experience. Auras were not quite as spectacular, but still, it didn't bother me that I had to work for them. It gave me something *to* work towards.

I also liked the costume recipes that occasionally drop from mobs. I don't use many of them, but they're not too hard to get a hold of if I need a particular piece for a particular character or concept. I felt more could have been done with that system, TBH... but then they came-up with the idea of charging extra currency for costume options, and we haven't seen any significant free additions to our costume options since.

I hate booster packs, I have always felt they do not belong in a subscription-based game. I have no problems if I have to work long-term for something... it gives me something to work for. Perhaps the costs of the new costume pieces can be tweaked a bit, and yes have some solo-means of acquiring them.

If the devs decide to make this pack it's own booster pack, then I challenge the them to do the opposite: to make all existing booster packs obtainable with in-game means. I refuse to ever buy a Booster pack. Partly it's the cost - to buy all of the existing Boosters, you'd have to spend over $100 (US Currency). Mostly it's the simple principal of the matter of micro-transactions in a pay-to-play game. I quit for two years because of my feelings are that strong on the matter, and I wonder how long I'll play this time around as things in this regards have only gotten worse.

A lot of folks are agueing that having these costume options are difficult to obtain and will yield a culture of Haves and Have Nots? That culture is already here - in both Vet Rewards and Booster Packs - one tied with how long you've played the game, the other for how much you've paid on the game beyond the subscription price.



Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
I personally couldn't care less about any of the costume pieces. Any of them. I'm arguing for what I feel is best for the game overall. I don't think emotes and Aura have anything to do with being an incarnate. YMMV.
I don't think that /e dice7 has anything to do with stopping a giant robot from being built, but there it is. I don't think that being able to re-pick your powers has anything to do with fighting Sky Raiders inside a red bubble. I don't think that having a witch hat has anything to do with fighting Red Caps in a Croatoan task force; I can buy one in any local costume shop. I don't think that fighting a big blob of Jello™ has anything to do with dramatic increases in multiple aspects of a power. I don't think that having a flaming halo has anything to do with opening presents that are, mysteriously, filled with candy canes. (Or for that matter, that it has anything to do with rescuing a hideous and annoying creature.) I don't think that getting a badge for exploration has anything to do with merely walking outside of the hospital in Steel Canyon from where you got mowed down by an Outcast, or for that matter, going to see Henry Peter Wong, a contact that you are deliberately steered to and that you'd have to actually go out of your way to avoid.

There is nothing special about that stuff that screams give me this totally unrelated reward.

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



Originally Posted by LordAethar View Post
A lot of folks are agueing that having these costume options are difficult to obtain and will yield a culture of Haves and Have Nots? That culture is already here - in both Vet Rewards and Booster Packs - one tied with how long you've played the game, the other for how much you've paid on the game beyond the subscription price.
Any time there is a reward for anything, there will be haves and have-nots. And I agree that it can be taken to an extreme.

In this case though, even with the costs currently associated with the items, given that these unlockables apply account-wide, and especially given that the devs have a history of making things easier to achieve over time, it is a culture of haves and have-laters. That's not so bad.

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
It is true that the people most likely to hae an interest in costume pieces are also the ones least likely to have a character that is even capable of earning them. I know a few roleplayers who hae played for years and never gotten a character past the 30s, let alone a 50. Those players will never be capable of earning those costume pieces that they would probably love to have.
I wouldn't go as far as to say that "will never," but I see things in a similar light. Every person has only a finite amount of time to spend on a game, and the more time you spend working on costumes, the less time you have to grind iTrials. And if it seems like I'm exaggerating, consider the following anecdote:

I have spent probably the majority of the last three or four days working on a total of two costumes: this one and this one. To make them, I had to almost literally beat my head against the wall for hours to come up with anything decent, fail, then spend hours capturing and cropping screenshots to post in the Costume Redesign Thread, and then waiting until next day to see what that would produce, spending hours more discussing people's suggestions with them and working on more ideas. In the process, I made this, this, this and this reference costume pics.

I also have another anecdote. I spent nearly the entire week before that making this costume. I started with this costume which was nearly perfect but bugged me in several places. The helmet bugged me, so I made this one and this one and this one until I finally went with this one. Next, the gloves bugged me. So I made these and these and these and these. In the process, I found out that these are quite a bit bugged, but I went with a recoloured version of them anyway, producing the character at the beginning of the paragraph.

I'm not sure if you have any concept how long it takes to take all the screenshots necessary to make these collages, pick the right ones out of the lot, crop them, arrange them, save them, post them and explain them, but it's a LOT of time. It takes almost as much time to go through the feedback received, sit down and try to make sense of it all. At the end of the day, it's a creative process, which involves a lot of time spent staring at the wall, lying down or pacing around the room, just trying to figure out what that one thing would be which would produce the ultimate costume, before I finally find what I'm looking for and find myself unable to believe that I'm actually playing this thing for real, and I'm not just imagining that sort of thing.

In the combined time that it took me to make two and a half costumes, I could probably have unlocked all four Incarnate slots and earned a krappton of Merits or Notes or whatever those are called. But here's the thing - I don't want to. Making costumes and seeing them in action is what I want more than anything else. If I need to pay extra for it, I gladly will, because that's what I'm paying a subscription for, anyway.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by LordAethar View Post
If the devs decide to make this pack it's own booster pack, then I challenge the them to do the opposite: to make all existing booster packs obtainable with in-game means.
I have no problem with this at all, and this is from someone who owns ALL available Booster packs, including the Party Pack.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Would I pay? Gladly. /signed. Can I sign twice? Is there another place to sign?

Also, I have no problems with most forms of gated content, or the general idea of gated content. I dislike the fact that there's only one route to the incarnate powers, and that route is through trials, but I've gone into detail about that elsewhere.

The specific problem here is that some of the option(s) being made available as "incarnate rewards" have been requested for some time - and aren't specifically incarnate. Purple IOs are only "better" than normal IOs in ways that "hardcore" players will notice / exploit / enjoy. Particularly rare / cool / awesome / hard badges have, among badgers, their own rewards (I presume - I know little about badge-ing).

The Incarnate Armor, made of pure Incarnium, that you have to be Incarnate to wear? Sure. Awesome. Incarnate-only, just like you (previously) had to be Vanguard to wear Vanguard armor. I don't like it - but I get it (it became way harder to justify when my level 1 could get to the RWZ, but I digress). An Emote where you stream Raw Incarnate Energy, shooting awesome beams of Awesome in every direction? Great. Incarnate-only, I can get that; makes sense. Another where the symbol from your slotted incarnate powers swirls around you, proving your coolness? Hey, fabulous.

But the Datastream aura, the Rainbow trail - they don't speak of Incarnate to me. They speak "OMG I totally have a Lvl 1 Concept that can use that!". And I think that's the disconnect, here - they're providing high-level rewards that, functionally, aren't for high-level characters. They even know they're not for high-level characters, because they made it so you can email 'em around. That's the problem. To me.

(Well, the big problem. There's others, but that's the only one I give a hoot about.)

To ClawsandEffect - Thank you. As someone with only-one-Fifty (that I haven't played in literally months), that constantly replays the level 21-40 content on new alts, it's nice to have someone be willing to hear our side out, and admit they're reconsidering their viewpoint. Thank you for hearing us out.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I have no problem with this at all, and this is from someone who owns ALL available Booster packs, including the Party Pack.
That's actually interesting to know Sam. I would imagine that people that paid hard cash for their boosters would dislike such an idea. I wonder, has anybody tried doing a poll to see how people on both sides of the fence would feel about that? If not, I might have to start one in the appropriate forum.



In response to the OP...

This whole concept of locking these non-incarnate things behind Level 50 Incarnate Trials is rather distasteful to me (my opinion, you can't take it away from me).
The prices will come down, but it doesn't matter if they are 1 astral for the lot, it's still ridiculous.
And it has seriously made me look at this game very differently and that's all I'm going to say about that (other than it makes me absolutely not want to give them additional money for a booster of stuff that they were already going to implement in the game within a regular update).

Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
Is that why people bother working their way up to level 50? So that they can sit there on their towers casting down upon the people who are only level 49? Of course not. They do it because they enjoy the cool stuff they get by earning those 50 levels. It has little to do with pleasure in lording your loot over other people. It has to do with earning rewards, having goals to work towards and things given to you for actual effort, not just having everything handed out on a silver platter.
"earning rewards"?
Gating costume bits behind level 50 AND repeated Trials in order to create a character who could be based around (or completed by) having certain chest emblems, auras, etc is a reward that must be earned?
Download, a mutant who has the ability to enter into digital streams and control machines and blah blah blah... the pixel aura is perfect for the concept! Go get a character to 50, start the Incarnate path, then you can go make him... now you've earned the right to create that character concept... all others are unworthy!!!

"handed out on a silver platter?"
Yeah, because you do not deserve the right to have new options available to you to play with in your game to create and customize characters!!

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by LordAethar View Post
That's actually interesting to know Sam. I would imagine that people that paid hard cash for their boosters would dislike such an idea. I wonder, has anybody tried doing a poll to see how people on both sides of the fence would feel about that? If not, I might have to start one in the appropriate forum.
I got my money's worth. I see no reason to keep other people from the items if they're looking for another way to get them. I pay money so I can get the things at character creation right away. If you're willing to put up with whatever unlock mechanism these get put behind but do so without paying, then I don't mind that one bit. I get the convenience of having these items universally available, but pay for it with real money, and that's really the extent to which I have any hard expectation. Others having items I paid for doesn't chafe me. I have them, after all

As a point of fact, I wouldn't be terribly put off if they made Booster Packs available to everyone for free, say 6-12 months after release. No unlocks, no hoops to jump through. Wait a year and you get it for free, or pay and you get it now. I'd still pay, because I can afford it, and others getting free what I paid $10 for seems like a fair tradeoff for the waiting time.

Ideally, I want everyone to have access to all customization options as early as possible. The fun of customization is in the things you create and the creative process along the way. Having to unlock the tools with which to create strikes me as having to unlock the keys on my keyboard if I want to write a good story. I care about the story, not about the medium through which I create it.


In short - no, I have no problem with Booster Packs being available for free but gated either by time or in-game event. As I said - I would pay for a Rularuu Booster Pack and a Roman Booster Pack, and all of those items are available in-game, Rularuu weapons especially easy if you have a friend with a high-level character. And I'd STILL pay to have those unlocked at character creation.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I know this is a hard concept but different players want different things so whenever a new rewards system comes out the Devs are going to tie as many different reward types to it they can. Yes, this means if there is a reward system you don't like you won't get those rewards.

Now as for the current prices, I'm not sure a 5 month grind (in which you can't use your rewards for powers you started earning them for in the first palce) fits right at all.



Oh, hey, you know what I'd pay real money for? A pack which unlocks at character creation all the Inventions Costume recipes. Those haven't been high-value items for years, as far as I remember, and allowing some people to have them at creation just ensures a higher supply at a lower cost for those that don't. Everybody wins, as far as I can tell.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by LISAR View Post
I know this is a hard concept but different players want different things so whenever a new rewards system comes out the Devs are going to tie as many different reward types to it they can. Yes, this means if there is a reward system you don't like you won't get those rewards.

Now as for the current prices, I'm not sure a 5 month grind (in which you can't use your rewards for powers you started earning them for in the first palce) fits right at all.
But are those costume pieces intended to be used all-together or just as one element enhancing an existing costume? The pricing seems on par with the idea of selective use, rather than full-set application.



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
...If there's nothing to earn, there's no reason to play.
And it is this paramount difference between us that defines why we see this differently.

My reason to play is to have fun bopping and zapping and whatever-ing (no, not that!) enemies left and right and having fun playing make believe within a virtual super hero world.

The only thing I need to earn is smiles.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Chase_Arcanum View Post
But are those costume pieces intended to be used all-together or just as one element enhancing an existing costume? The pricing seems on par with the idea of selective use, rather than full-set application.
Except most of them don't really "fit" with anything else. (There are some other pieces with that same problem, really. But you don't have to grind out 25 Empyrian Merits to use them.)



I would pay for the Emotes, Auras, and emblems (though I really think the Emblems should just be free, I'd still pay for them). I don't really care about the Ascension Armor, as I like the classic Golden/Silver Age look for my characters, and giant glowing armor plates really aren't my style.

Please try my custom mission arcs!
Legacy of a Rogue (ID 459586, Entry for Dr. Aeon's Third Challenge)
Death for Dollars! (ID 1050)
Dr. Duplicate's Dastardly Dare (ID 1218)
Win the Past, Own the Future (ID 1429)



Originally Posted by Liquid View Post
I would pay for the Emotes, Auras, and emblems (though I really think the Emblems should just be free, I'd still pay for them). I don't really care about the Ascension Armor.
It seems like the Ascension Armour is the new Vanguard gear. I can live with that. It's cool, but not cool enough to put that much effort into it.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
And it is this paramount difference between us that defines why we see this differently.

My reason to play is to have fun bopping and zapping and whatever-ing (no, not that!) enemies left and right and having fun playing make believe within a virtual super hero world.

The only thing I need to earn is smiles.

If the game's not fun, if my friends aren't playing, I won't care that there's "stuff to earn." I don't play towards purples now, for instance - I don't care.

Heck, I ran on a - think it was Lady Grey - with a friend of mine. Probably my best purple run (three in one mission, actually. I was shocked.) Did I go get uber cash or purple out a character? Nope. Handed them over to her since that sort of goal she *does* work towards, and she'd get more enjoyment out of them than me.

Did the same thing back when wings were 15 million, and that was a lot of INF. *shrug*

(And yeah, I realize that means I won't see another purple for months. Don't care.)

I don't need "carrot-based gameplay."



Butterfly Wings going for 60 million, lulz