Would you pay for an Incarnate booster pack? I would

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I think you and I agree on a fundamental level, and this is perhaps the best, shortest explanation as to exactly WHERE we agree the most. When it comes to visuals, I've always felt that artistic creativity should be left as its own reward. Unlike the same "status symbol" that everybody else has, a creative, GOOD costume is a real achievement that deserves the kind of praise good costumes usually receive. But simply using a rare piece does not make a costume better unless the resulting costume is good in itself, and you don't need rare pieces to do that.

If we need "status symbols" of any kind, I want those to be practical, in the form of powers, abilities and privileges. City of Heroes made the right call by completely segregating the artistic process of playing with visuals from the meta-game process of gameplay, and I'd rather not mix the two after the fact.
Totally agreed. The cosmetics in the form of costume parts and emotes...even I as a casual player look at them and think that they're not worth doing many Trials for. The back and forth I've seen in this thread really come down to those who like doing them and those who don't. But that in turn threatens a 'haves' and 'haves not' grouping....and I can't imagine anyone, even those who do like Trialling, wants that. There's always traditionally been a space for everyone (even the PvPers, who I do concede are being backed up by Zwillinger and the community team participating in PvP player nights), and that shouldn't change.


Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Wow, I'm getting a lot of very interesting sentiments from this thread, and I'm glad someone else is there to say them so I don't have to pick up all the flak by myself But, yes, in a nutshell, that is my impression of the Incarnate armour pieces - to bribe those of us who don't want endgame into serving as warm bodies for others who do like end game with rewards that have nothing at all to do with endgame but that we like for various other reasons. This is the same "unclean" feeling I get from people making the argument that PvE accolade badges and powers necessitating PvP was a way to get more unwilling warm bodies for the PvPers to gank, kicking and screaming, so that they had greater population density.

I still remember the furore that took place when I think it was Lighthouse commented in response to the violent dislike PvPers had to the I13 changes, saying that "They're not aimed at you." Pruportedly, the aim of the I13 changes was to make PvP more accessible to non-PvPers as opposed to, you know, throwing them to the wolves to serve as meat on the table. But you can bet your third nipple that the actual PvPers at the time did not take the notion of having their entire combat system yanked from under them in a change not aimed at them rather badly. And having seen the fallout from that - PvPers left, PvEers still don't give a crap about PvP - I can't say they were unjustified in feeling as they did.
I agree with you completely Sam. Honestly if this works (i.e., trial participation increases as a result of these rewards) we can expect more of this in the future. A lot more. As in, expect practically every new costume piece we ever get again to be gated behind the Incarnate system. Pessimistic? Perhaps.

It's for that reason that I am simply going to refuse to touch the trials. I just won't have these auras and emotes. Does that bother me? Yes it does, a little. I don't care about the Ascension armor (it looks too much like fantasy gear to me) but I would like to have the auras and emotes. Ah well. One can't have everything.

This goes back to an earlier comment I made: every MMO I've ever played or read about that HAS an endgame is pretty much all ABOUT that endgame. I honestly thought the CoH Devs were going to try not to do this. But now that I see these emotes and auras gated behind the endgame, I'm starting to doubt that assumption.



Originally Posted by Steel_Shaman View Post
I agree with you completely Sam. Honestly if this works (i.e., trial participation increases as a result of these rewards) we can expect more of this in the future. A lot more. As in, expect practically every new costume piece we ever get again to be gated behind the Incarnate system. Pessimistic? Perhaps.
Well, Black Scorpion mentioned that one idea they've been floating around is having unique costume parts as rewards for completing certain Trials or tasks within a Trial.
For example, the IDF armor could be unlocked for completing Lambda Sector - or one of the tasks inside Lambda.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



I did pay for an Incarnate booster pack already. It was called "Going Rogue."

"Bombarding the CoH/V fora with verbosity since January, 2006"

Djinniman, level 50 inv/fire tanker, on Victory
-and 40 others on various servers

A CoH Comic: Kid Eros in "One Light"



Originally Posted by Olantern View Post
I did pay for an Incarnate booster pack already. It was called "Going Rogue."
Ha! OK, I admit, that made me smile

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.