Would you pay for an Incarnate booster pack? I would

Adeon Hawkwood



To be exact, you'd have to do all three ITrials every day for 134 days solid to get the full Empyrean armour set.

Have fun!! You -do- -love- the Raids -don't- you, citizen?

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
To be exact, you'd have to do all three ITrials every day for 134 days solid to get the full Empyrean armour set.

Have fun!! You -do- -love- the Raids -don't- you, citizen?
Ha.. that could mean the game might be gone before you ever manage to unlock it all!

Stupid... sooo... stupid...

- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
That's because they are.

There are a group of players in this game who have been asking for some kind of end game for YEARS. They have been completely ignored up until very recently.

Now the devs are finally paying attention to them, and the people who didn't want an end game are throwing a fit because the devs are paying attention to someone else.

Lately the forums have been sounding like an opera singer warming up their voice: me me me me me

Yes, the devs are paying attention to someone other than you. The people they are now paying attention to have been ignored for years, but that doesn't matter, does it? You are more important than them, and are in fact the only person who deserves to get what they want. Right?

That's the sentiment I'm getting out of a lot of people on the forums these days. The sense of: "How DARE they pay attention to someone that isn't me!"

If I were the devs, I'd be honest about the end game. I'd tell people straight up: "Hey, we're finally getting around to paying some attention to the people who wanted an end game, and we feel bad for having ignored them for so long. If you are not one of those people, we'll get back to you. But I'm sorry, you'll have to wait for a while, just like the people we're paying attention to now have done for the last 7 years."
Y'know, I've been doing a lot of thinking about my personal feelings on this issue. A thought occurred to me this morning that I think may explain how I (and maybe some others) feel.

Every MMO that I have ever played that HAD an endgame, was ABOUT that endgame. In every one of them, the phrase "the real game starts at the cap" is bandied about all the time, and for those games it's true. I remember a guildmate in A Certain Fantasy MMO asking once what he could do to help out the guild. The response he got was "get to the cap and gear up for raiding, that's how you help the guild."

Obviously, CoH has really never had a true endgame until now. The focus of the game has always been about leveling characters, and having lots of alts. Now we have an endgame for the folks that have asked for it. But as I've already said, I've never seen an MMO that had an endgame that didn't focus entirely on said endgame. I think that is the reason for my concern, and the reason I'm fighting tooth and nail for solo options.

I just don't want to see CoH go the route of other MMO's. Are we at that point now? No of course not. But auras and capes at level 1 for alts is I feel a step in that direction. I understand the Devs wanting to give people lots of rewards as part of the endgame. But I don't want to see that endgame become the only way to get cool new stuff in game. I really do worry that is what will happen. One need only look at the entire rest of the MMO industry to understand why I worry.

We've had 7 years of an established culture of altism in this game. Having lots of alts doesn't typically mesh well with endgame systems. And given the number of people I've seen complain about how tedious the grind is to "gear up" all their alts in the Incarnate system, I would daresay the same holds true here, at least for now. So no, I do not begrudge you your fun, not at all. But I do not want your fun to become the only valid path to rewards in this game. Call me a doomsayer if you must, but there's an entire industry of precedent fueling my feelings on this issue. Announcements like the most recent one aren't helping in that regard either. Now if the Devs come back and say "hey we're also adding these other auras and travel power graphics that you get this other, solo way" I'll be just happy as a clam.

Anyway, I've rambled enough. I really need to go to work now.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Ditto for Digital Animation, sadly. I honestly think I would have been better off spending the money on a rig that laughed at Crysis and a load of 'Teach Yourself' books, because I sure as heck haven't been taught much...Thanks British education system...
...didn't they raise tuition prices over there? o.o



They are next year, yes. I think I will, thankfully, miss that.
It is utter, utter tripe, however. Bloody Government...

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Originally Posted by Grae Knight View Post
I would rather have to earn it so it sets the haves apart from the have-nots.
That's precisely what I don't want.
That's precisely what offering this stuff for sale would do. As it is, when you see someone kitted out with Incarnate stuff, you know they've put a lot of time and effort into their character. Offer it for sale, and let's be honest. Everyone and their brother is going to buy the stuff because it's just so damn easy to fork out some cash instead. Hell, I'd buy 'em, and I do like the trials.

This completely throws the concept of Incarnate shinies in the trash, and it would become just another Booster Pack. What people keep missing and/or ignoring is that these are intended to be long-term rewards. It's also intended to be completely optional. I'm pretty sure the devs are smart enough to not make it a matter of, "Shell out $10 and this reward that we designed to take months will only take you the 30 seconds your computer requires to log in." This whole thread is moot.

I swear, first people complain about how the Incarnate trials gate their character progression. "I HAVE to have fully level-shifted 50s!!! Waaah, unfair!" Okay, so here's some stuff that has diddly to do with your character progression, it's completely cosmetic. "You can't even gate non-gameplay stuff!!! Waaah, unfair!" Let's just get to the point, why don't we? You don't like Incarnate trials, thus you want absolutely nothing gated behind them. Zip. Zilch. Nada. Because no matter what long-term reward it is that they put back there, someone's been slapped in the face, someone's getting ignored (god forbid anyone has to tolerate doing anything they don't want to do!), someone's going to whine and moan.

Even more generally, I don't even think it's the Incarnate trials that have people all astir. It's the whole concept of any long-term rewards, period. I've seen these same arguments break out every single time the devs add something to the game that takes more than two or three weeks to achieve. Every. Single. Time. It's been going on ever since launch, when people were complaining that it took too long to get to level 40 (soon after changed to 50). People complained about the number of Hamidon trials they had to run to trick out their 50s. People complained that some of the badges "required" farming to get. People complained that it's "impossible" to get purple IOs on their characters. And so on, ad nauseum.

Here, we have long-term rewards with a bonus. Once you unlock them, you're done. You don't ever have to unlock them again for any of your characters, ever. Instead of thinking, though, "Hey, that's awesome, a LOT better than the old way of having to run these things on every character!", no, we're all so tunnel-vision focused on how awful it is to have any long-term rewards, we sit here and wallow in misery, posting a constant litany of complaints in every thread. We want everything there is to have in the game, and damn it, we want it NOW!

Most of the time, the devs put the stuff in the game anyway. Then within a few weeks, farmers start earning it. Within a few weeks after that, avid players start earning it. Within a few months, average players start earning it. Within a year or two, damn near everyone has it. And you know what? Somewhere around the few months mark, it just doesn't seem like a big deal any more. "You don't have it? Well, I have it, so it must not be so impossible to get it after all. All you have to do is work a bit on it, and you can have it, too." The day will come, I promise, when people who are just casually doing Incarnate trials now will be decked out in their Incarnate armor shinies. Of course, by then, we'll probably have other long-term shinies to earn, and we'll have to go through this same damn exercise in forum frustration yet again.

Edit: And you know what's particularly frustrating to me? The fact that there's a firmly established precedent for the stuff people are bemoaning to be made easier eventually. Remember experience smoothing, which made getting to level 50 a lot faster? Remember the Statesman Task Force, which made it relatively easy to earn Hamidon Enhancements? Remember Reward Merits being added, which gave you a guaranteed path to the purple IOs you want? There's no doubt in my mind that at some point, it will be much easier to get Incarnate shinies once the newness has worn off and other long-term rewards are added to the game, but make no mistake; there is no compromise on that NOW! part.

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



Tony, thats a huge strawman there.

I, for one, do not object to the powers being gated behind the Trials. I may hate the 'need' for an arbitrary participation system, I may really get annoyed with how much MMs can potentially suffer on them, and I despise the RNG for giving my MM nothing above uncommon and then my Crab getting a Rare on her very first run.
But at least it's fairly reasonable.

Heck, I can even live with the 8 Emp merit cost for Rares (V.Rares is another matter entirely...)
But 401 E Merits? For a COSTUME set? I've posted the numbers before, but I'll do it again;
134 days of doing all 3 trials. How, in ANY way shape or form, is that reasonable?

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post

This completely throws the concept of Incarnate shinies in the trash, and it would become just another Booster Pack. What people keep missing and/or ignoring is that these are intended to be long-term rewards.
See, that's not quite what people are "missing or ignoring."

"Long term rewards" being used as a reason for purpling out a character, for instance, or (more relevantly) getting the T4s, I have no problem with. You're going for the top-tier of power, it shouldn't be easy. And they're going to have a noticable impact in-game as you hit harder/faster/with higher defense/etc.

But for *costume pieces and auras?* Seriously?

I've already left feedback on this in the appropriate place, but the current prices are silly, especially with (at least) 5 more Incarnate tree "slots" to come. The auras don't scream out "incarnate." Nor do the emotes ("I'm an Incarnate, look at me be out of breath or fall over!")

I'm *hoping* the costume pieces have a MASSIVE drop in price - I wouldn't want to burn Empyrian merits on anything but a *full* set, and nowhere near 25 of them for that. The pieces are *not* worth that huge cost on beta right now. Nowhere near.



Yes, I would pay for an "Incarnate" booster pack. But it should not include all the stuff that can be purchased from the two merit vendors. I'd put the auras, the emotes, and some of the other not particularly incarnate stuff into the booster pack. Leave the Ascension armor as an end-game only reward for those as want it. Or some variant thereof.

Hunter's Forty-Sixth Rule: If your head explodes, you were thinking too much, otherwise you shouldn't worry about the possibility.



Originally Posted by Steel_Shaman View Post
I just don't want to see CoH go the route of other MMO's. Are we at that point now? No of course not. But auras and capes at level 1 for alts is I feel a step in that direction. I understand the Devs wanting to give people lots of rewards as part of the endgame. But I don't want to see that endgame become the only way to get cool new stuff in game. I really do worry that is what will happen. One need only look at the entire rest of the MMO industry to understand why I worry.
This is one of the most intelligent and well-thought-out posts I've seen from someone I've been arguing against. I understand your concern. Believe it or not, I've had some of the same concerns. Just because I want end game content doesn't make me oblivious to the thought that they could go overboard. I wish I could show you incontrovertible proof that it won't happen.

What I can say, though, is that we have a history of getting long-term rewards in the game, and eventually, alternate paths and shortcuts are rolled out as new long-term rewards are released. I pointed out some above: experience "smoothing" to make the journey to 50 shorter. The Statesman Task Force to avoid grinding Hamidon trials. Merit Rewards and Alignment Merits to avoid have to spend billions on the market for purple IOs.

Also, so far, the little nuggets of information about Issue 21 have had exactly zero mentioned additions to the Incarnate system; what little we know is about a new zone (presumably not an Incarnate-only zone) and improvement of low-level content. I'm thinking that since the last two issues have been Incarnate-heavy, the next one will be Incarnate-light, and hopefully that will help assuage the concern that City of Heroes is becoming a purely Incarnate-focused game.

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
This completely throws the concept of Incarnate shinies in the trash
I'm not really sure why that is a bad idea. The Incarnate System has character progression and badges. No reason to tie a bunch of generic auras/emotes/emblems/costume pieces to it.

Always remember, we were Heroes.



would i pay- no
its incarnate for a reason



Originally Posted by Bladesnow View Post
Yes, I would pay for an "Incarnate" booster pack. But it should not include all the stuff that can be purchased from the two merit vendors. I'd put the auras, the emotes, and some of the other not particularly incarnate stuff into the booster pack. Leave the Ascension armor as an end-game only reward for those as want it. Or some variant thereof.

I don't care at all about Incarnate powers, and I don't care if other people have them (although I won't team with them because I hate feeling like I could have been door-sitting for all I'm contributing). Ditto purples. Ditto rare recipes and billion-inf builds. Let people work for them all they want, and enjoy the fruits of their labor.

But making purely cosmetic items that have nothing to do with being an Incarnate only purchasable by iMerits -- and way too many iMerits, at that -- is inexplicable in a game that's always been about having huge flexibility in customizing your character from level 1.

(Besides, it'll lead to more crappy costumes around the City. Remember when wings were rare and status symbols, so everyone who got a wing costume drop stuck it on their costume, whether or not it actually looked good?)

34 heroes,
20 villains, Victory, Justice, Infinity, Virtue, Triumph, Exalted -- some more active than others



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
But 401 E Merits? For a COSTUME set? I've posted the numbers before, but I'll do it again; 134 days of doing all 3 trials. How, in ANY way shape or form, is that reasonable?
I'll say it again: long-term content. Plus, once you've put in those 134 days (or 250, or 365, or whatever), you never have to do it again. Not for any of your other characters, ever, period.

Plus, speaking of strawmen, it's not like you have to put in 134 days to see any progress. That's 134 days to completely earn everything, starting immediately after it's added to the game.

For perspective, how long did it take someone immediately after Issue 11 launched to completely "purple out" their character? Keep in mind, a lot of those recipes and/or enhancements didn't show up on the market for a while. And once you were done, how long did it take you to "purple out" your second character?

I'm thinking 134 days, even of constant farming, would have been generous at the time. And, of course, then if you wanted more purples on other characters, that would have been even more time sunk into the system, where as here, it's immediately unlocked.

Plus, I'm not a mechanics guru, but does that 134 days calculation take into account the fact that you can earn both Empyrian and Astral merits during trials, plus any conversions of Shards/Thread/whatevers you earn along the way too? Or is it based on one trial = one and only one reward?

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
Also, so far, the little nuggets of information about Issue 21 have had exactly zero mentioned additions to the Incarnate system; what little we know is about a new zone (presumably not an Incarnate-only zone) and improvement of low-level content. I'm thinking that since the last two issues have been Incarnate-heavy, the next one will be Incarnate-light, and hopefully that will help assuage the concern that City of Heroes is becoming a purely Incarnate-focused game.
If they start a pattern of "Issue # = normal content, Issue #.5 = Incarnate improvements," I wouldn't actually argue.... with the occasional combined issue for big events.



Originally Posted by HardRider View Post
would i pay- no
its incarnate for a reason
What reason would that be, then?

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
I'll say it again: long-term content. Plus, once you've put in those 134 days (or 250, or 365, or whatever), you never have to do it again. Not for any of your other characters, ever, period.

Plus, speaking of strawmen, it's not like you have to put in 134 days to see any progress. That's 134 days to completely earn everything, starting immediately after it's added to the game.

For perspective, how long did it take someone immediately after Issue 11 launched to completely "purple out" their character? Keep in mind, a lot of those recipes and/or enhancements didn't show up on the market for a while. And once you were done, how long did it take you to "purple out" your second character?

I'm thinking 134 days, even of constant farming, would have been generous at the time. And, of course, then if you wanted more purples on other characters, that would have been even more time sunk into the system, where as here, it's immediately unlocked.

Plus, I'm not a mechanics guru, but does that 134 days calculation take into account the fact that you can earn both Empyrian and Astral merits during trials, plus any conversions of Shards/Thread/whatevers you earn along the way too? Or is it based on one trial = one and only reward?
Yes, but look what you're comparing:

Purple recipes = actual power increase. "Superior" IOs, on their own, PLUS pretty hefty bonuses (10% recharge, for instance.) With that sort of power increase, "Long term goal/rare" makes sense.


Costume pieces. Which, if we were (say) Aion, where armor pieces make a difference to cast time, movement speed, etc, would make perfect sense (and they do have it there - you need so many silver/gold medals from assisting in Fortress raids to get the top end pieces, and it takes a fair bit of work.) However, here... they're nothing but shinies. And really don't justify the cost assigned to them.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
What reason would that be, then?
That it's incarnate!


It's the self-declared holy document argument. "This book is true, it's the word of <deity/s/prophet/s> and infallible!" "Where's the proof?" "In the book. It says so."



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
I'll say it again: long-term content. Plus, once you've put in those 134 days (or 250, or 365, or whatever), you never have to do it again. Not for any of your other characters, ever, period.

Plus, speaking of strawmen, it's not like you have to put in 134 days to see any progress. That's 134 days to completely earn everything, starting immediately after it's added to the game.

For perspective, how long did it take someone immediately after Issue 11 launched to completely "purple out" their character? Keep in mind, a lot of those recipes and/or enhancements didn't show up on the market for a while. And once you were done, how long did it take you to "purple out" your second character?

I'm thinking 134 days, even of constant farming, would have been generous at the time. And, of course, then if you wanted more purples on other characters, that would have been even more time sunk into the system, where as here, it's immediately unlocked.

Plus, I'm not a mechanics guru, but does that 134 days calculation take into account the fact that you can earn both Empyrian and Astral merits during trials, plus any conversions of Shards/Thread/whatevers you earn along the way too? Or is it based on one trial = one and only one reward?
You are right, that is for everything. Uhm...*grabs calculator*
50 days for the full on, glowy armour set, then.

Even then, however, there is a HUGE difference between 'Purpling out' a character, which has a marked difference on performance, character strength and all that...and purely cosmetic costume pieces that have 0 effect on the game mechanics.

The two are simply not comparable in the same way.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Hope you like the grind, ladies and gents, because it costs 401 emp merits to get the entire set of glowy Acension armour.
Misleading FTL.

It only costs 150 Emps for the glowy Acension armor.

It costs 401 for:
Glowy Armor
Basic Armor
14 Auras
11 Emblems
9 Emotes

To get the entire set of glowy armor only costs 150 (at these current placeholder prices). If you want EVERYTHING else as well as the glowy armor, it's 401.

Head of TRICK, the all Trick Arrow and Traps SG
Part of the
Repeat Offenders

Still waiting for his Official BackAlleyBrawler No-Prize



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
That's precisely what offering this stuff for sale would do. As it is, when you see someone kitted out with Incarnate stuff, you know they've put a lot of time and effort into their character. Offer it for sale, and let's be honest. Everyone and their brother is going to buy the stuff because it's just so damn easy to fork out some cash instead. Hell, I'd buy 'em, and I do like the trials.

This completely throws the concept of Incarnate shinies in the trash, and it would become just another Booster Pack. What people keep missing and/or ignoring is that these are intended to be long-term rewards. It's also intended to be completely optional. I'm pretty sure the devs are smart enough to not make it a matter of, "Shell out $10 and this reward that we designed to take months will only take you the 30 seconds your computer requires to log in." This whole thread is moot.

I swear, first people complain about how the Incarnate trials gate their character progression. "I HAVE to have fully level-shifted 50s!!! Waaah, unfair!" Okay, so here's some stuff that has diddly to do with your character progression, it's completely cosmetic. "You can't even gate non-gameplay stuff!!! Waaah, unfair!" Let's just get to the point, why don't we? You don't like Incarnate trials, thus you want absolutely nothing gated behind them. Zip. Zilch. Nada. Because no matter what long-term reward it is that they put back there, someone's been slapped in the face, someone's getting ignored (god forbid anyone has to tolerate doing anything they don't want to do!), someone's going to whine and moan.

Even more generally, I don't even think it's the Incarnate trials that have people all astir. It's the whole concept of any long-term rewards, period. I've seen these same arguments break out every single time the devs add something to the game that takes more than two or three weeks to achieve. Every. Single. Time. It's been going on ever since launch, when people were complaining that it took too long to get to level 40 (soon after changed to 50). People complained about the number of Hamidon trials they had to run to trick out their 50s. People complained that some of the badges "required" farming to get. People complained that it's "impossible" to get purple IOs on their characters. And so on, ad nauseum.

Here, we have long-term rewards with a bonus. Once you unlock them, you're done. You don't ever have to unlock them again for any of your characters, ever. Instead of thinking, though, "Hey, that's awesome, a LOT better than the old way of having to run these things on every character!", no, we're all so tunnel-vision focused on how awful it is to have any long-term rewards, we sit here and wallow in misery, posting a constant litany of complaints in every thread. We want everything there is to have in the game, and damn it, we want it NOW!

Most of the time, the devs put the stuff in the game anyway. Then within a few weeks, farmers start earning it. Within a few weeks after that, avid players start earning it. Within a few months, average players start earning it. Within a year or two, damn near everyone has it. And you know what? Somewhere around the few months mark, it just doesn't seem like a big deal any more. "You don't have it? Well, I have it, so it must not be so impossible to get it after all. All you have to do is work a bit on it, and you can have it, too." The day will come, I promise, when people who are just casually doing Incarnate trials now will be decked out in their Incarnate armor shinies. Of course, by then, we'll probably have other long-term shinies to earn, and we'll have to go through this same damn exercise in forum frustration yet again.

Edit: And you know what's particularly frustrating to me? The fact that there's a firmly established precedent for the stuff people are bemoaning to be made easier eventually. Remember experience smoothing, which made getting to level 50 a lot faster? Remember the Statesman Task Force, which made it relatively easy to earn Hamidon Enhancements? Remember Reward Merits being added, which gave you a guaranteed path to the purple IOs you want? There's no doubt in my mind that at some point, it will be much easier to get Incarnate shinies once the newness has worn off and other long-term rewards are added to the game, but make no mistake; there is no compromise on that NOW! part.
I think they should keep the Incarnate Armor gated so that trialers that want to grind to it and show it off can do so. The rest of the stuff is just costume options, with no real attachment to Incarnates or the trials and should just be added to the costume options for free (or at most released in a booster).

Personally I have no interest in Incarnate Armor even for my Incarnate characters; I don't play CoH to look like everyone else. But I know for some MMO players they like for people to see them and be able to to tell that they've reached high levels of gameplay and the Incarnate Armor is for them.



I like the idea of costume options I can earn. I just do, I have always been a stuff gamer. I do not like the current cost, but I know they will come down. I will admit that in the past when working on system design, I have started high, and then come down. I am sure that is what is going on here. It may not go as low as some (or even I) want, but it will come down.

What I see happening here now, and the past few weeks, isn't really entitlement. It is more the adherence to the cultural norm in this game. People are used to having instant access to the majority of costume items in this game. With that changing, people are going to get upset. Change is not often taken well, what is viewed by many as negative change is never going to be taken well.

I like the end game content, I am happy for it. I like some of the costumes and auras being attached to that system. It just doesn't really bother me, but I recognize that it does bother some. I think there are some things in the incarnate store that should not be there. Some of the auras, a few of the emotes, and some of the chest designs should go into the system for free.

I don't think anyone is really begrudging the end game, or those who like it. From what I can see, in this thread, they just don't want costume options attached to it. I think the solution would be to allow for the conversion of a different in game currency to E and A merits. Perhaps 20-50 reward merits for an E-merit. That would allow for those who don't want to do end game, or team, to still access the items attached to this system.

I am not a fan of paying for them with real money.

Types of Swords
My Portfolio



Oh yeah, also?

Just because you want to use Emps to buy stuff doesn't mean you can't also use Astrals.

By the time you get 25 Emps to buy a glowy armor piece? You can also buy another piece with the 100 Astrals you earned along the way.

So it'd only take 25 days of three trials/day to get the full set of glowy armor.

Head of TRICK, the all Trick Arrow and Traps SG
Part of the
Repeat Offenders

Still waiting for his Official BackAlleyBrawler No-Prize



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
That it's incarnate!


It's the self-declared holy document argument. "This book is true, it's the word of <deity/s/prophet/s> and infallible!" "Where's the proof?" "In the book. It says so."
The reason is actually much simpler - so that some people can take pleasure in other people not having what they have. And THIS particular sense of "accomplishment" I have no problem with "annoying," as others have put it already.


You know what's funny for me, though? I ask for less forced teaming and I'm told that this is a business and the developers need to make money. I offer to pay for it, but then the argument changes and it's no longer about money all of a sudden.

All of the arguments, all of the bickering and all of the put-down in the world will not change one basic fact: I am willing to pay for my cosmetics, and would in fact prefer to do so rather than unlock them in-game. And I intend to make this crystal clear to anyone on the development team, so that next time they think about adding more costumes, they'll keep this in mind.

I do not care in the slightest that this may well mean I'll have to pay for ALL future costume additions. I simply will, safe in the knowledge that if I hadn't, they'd have stuck them behind some asinine unlock prerequisite. I will pay for them, and I will do so with a big, fat smile on my face knowing that I can actually use what I'm getting when I want to use it, how I want to use it and as soon as it becomes available.

Game balance is one thing. Costume pieces are not part of game balance. And I am willing to pay money to ensure that this remains true in practice.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
I'll say it again: long-term content. Plus, once you've put in those 134 days (or 250, or 365, or whatever), you never have to do it again. Not for any of your other characters, ever, period.

Plus, speaking of strawmen, it's not like you have to put in 134 days to see any progress. That's 134 days to completely earn everything, starting immediately after it's added to the game.

For perspective, how long did it take someone immediately after Issue 11 launched to completely "purple out" their character? Keep in mind, a lot of those recipes and/or enhancements didn't show up on the market for a while. And once you were done, how long did it take you to "purple out" your second character?

I'm thinking 134 days, even of constant farming, would have been generous at the time. And, of course, then if you wanted more purples on other characters, that would have been even more time sunk into the system, where as here, it's immediately unlocked.

Plus, I'm not a mechanics guru, but does that 134 days calculation take into account the fact that you can earn both Empyrian and Astral merits during trials, plus any conversions of Shards/Thread/whatevers you earn along the way too? Or is it based on one trial = one and only one reward?
I'm sorry but costume pieces shouldn't be comparable to tier 3ing out a character. As Arcanaville and numerous others pointed out, that's ludicrous.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!