It's the journey, not the destination: Really?

Ad Astra



I'm sure many of us have heard the topic phrase, "It's the journey, not the destination." It's used most often in opposition to folks who seek levels over playing the content within those levels. The considerable consternation over Issue 20 (and Issue 19) has me wondering:

Do you subscribe to the belief that the game should be about the journey, not the destination?
To answer for myself. I enjoy the chase of something in many ways more than the acquisition. I love filling out a character's IO build. I've done it three or four times with my BS/Regen. At times I've just plain erased millions of inf in enhancers just to start over. I actually get more bored with a character when I successfully complete that character's build. By the same token, I greatly look forward to Issue 20's trials and beyond. Since I'm not particularly concerned about actually getting the powers in any given time frame, I have no concern about how difficult they are to achieve.

I don't care about shard -> thread conversion rates, don't mind random reward tables, and don't mind inf costs. For me, the goal is the chase not the end. The journey not the destination. I'll be honest in saying that I've felt almost alone in that belief over the last few weeks. It seems that everyone is hyper-focused on the new powers and angry that they will be forced to grind the trials over and over. That concept that you will be forced to do something that you find distasteful is so strange to me. Most of these Incarnate powers didn't exist except in the devs design meetings a year ago. We've all gotten along just fine without them this long. I understand and agree that progressing your character is a legitimate goal in a MMORPG. Of course it is. But what's the rush?

Isn't it about the journey? What do you think?

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
I'm sure many of us have heard the topic phrase, "It's the journey, not the destination." It's used most often in opposition to folks who seek levels over playing the content within those levels. The considerable consternation over Issue 20 (and Issue 19) has me wondering:
Do you subscribe to the belief that the game should be about the journey, not the destination?
To answer for myself. I enjoy the chase of something in many ways more than the acquisition. I love filling out a character's IO build. I've done it three or four times with my BS/Regen. At times I've just plain erased millions of inf in enhancers just to start over. I actually get more bored with a character when I successfully complete that character's build. By the same token, I greatly look forward to Issue 20's trials and beyond. Since I'm not particularly concerned about actually getting the powers in any given time frame, I have no concern about how difficult they are to achieve.

I don't care about shard -> thread conversion rates, don't mind random reward tables, and don't mind inf costs. For me, the goal is the chase not the end. The journey not the destination. I'll be honest in saying that I've felt almost alone in that belief over the last few weeks. It seems that everyone is hyper-focused on the new powers and angry that they will be forced to grind the trials over and over. That concept that you will be forced to do something that you find distasteful is so strange to me. Most of these Incarnate powers didn't exist except in the devs design meetings a year ago. We've all gotten along just fine without them this long. I understand and agree that progressing your character is a legitimate goal in a MMORPG. Of course it is. But what's the rush?

Isn't it about the journey? What do you think?
I think as long as you favor one aspect of a game over the other you are missing opportunity. This game has been about the journey so long I forgot we could have destinations.



I agree.

I just love to play. To beat up the bad guys in massive quantities. To kill pixels to relieve stress with colorful powers.

I love that there are things in the game that take a long time to attain. Be that massive IO builds or Incarnate powers or whatever.

I play to play. Some days I play low level new ideas, some days I play my uber built tricked out monsters.

I play to make new ideas come to life in a creative sandbox that has few rivals.

I do not play with nothing more than the goal of getting the very best of everything as quickly as possible.

To use a friends experience one day for an example, he was told on a TF, "We are not here to have fun, we are here to get xp and rewards."

Also, I don't think a game like this has to be perfect. I think there are a number in the current stable of complainers that seem to think anything a coding house produces has to be without flaw, which is simply not possible.

I simply do not understand the outlook necessary to find the faults the game does have to be so horrible as to think they matter enough to whine about as some posters do. I just don't get it. The game is fun ans entertaining.

"The side that is unhappy is not the side that the game was intended to make happy, or promised to make happy, or focused on making happy. The side that is unhappy is the side that is unhappy. That's all." - Arcanaville
"Surprised your guys' arteries haven't clogged with all that hatred yet." - Xzero45



I play for the hallibut.



Originally Posted by DanZero View Post
I play for the hallibut.
Grilled or pan-fried?

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



I have so many alts and always making new ones and i love them all. When i20 is out i will still be making alts and loving them but also while playing through the incarnate system.

Personally i stopped looking at incarnate trials/endgame threads because its turned into a simple case of . . . .

I dont want to have to be forced to do that content [when really speaking can you think of any of the systems since CoV that DOESNT force you to do something to unlock it?].

It is still about the journey but the only difference between now and then is simple. There is now a goal in the sights. Before, the only real goal was get to 50 and then it was like oh ok now what, now you have the added goal of actually becoming incarnate.

I still have so many ideas for characters in my head that im bound to make quite a few of them, even more so now that the server list merge will happen.

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



I'd certainly agree it's the journey, when it comes to this game - but of course it does kind of depend on what the destination is. For some of my toons, getting to 50 is enough and some got to 50 and got deleted. For others it's experiencing all the content in the game possible. The "goal" for me is fluid at best. Often I'll simply roll a toon and see how it feels.

But I definitely have never rolled a character just to get to 50 or to purple out or some such nonsense. This game isn't about the rewards for me, it's about the social experience and the fun that comes with it

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Stop it! I demand more doom threads >:O

'Don't stop believin'
Hold on to that feelin'
Streetlight people'

<:[ shark goes nom nom nom ]:>
[QUOTE=theOcho;3409811]As to the REAL reason I'll be leaving, I'm afraid it is indeed because Tamaki Revolution dc'd on me during a RSF.[/QUOTE]



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
It seems that everyone is hyper-focused on the new powers and angry that they will be forced to grind the trials over and over. That concept that you will be forced to do something that you find distasteful is so strange to me.

It's not that foreign of a concept. We do this on a daily basis. I don't want to go to work everyday but I want the money so I put myself through it. I don't want to drive to the gym and exercise but I want the results so I put myself through it. I don't want to pay taxes but I want to stay out of prison so I put myself through it.

People want the end results so they do things they'd rather not to get there. Everyone does this to an extent. Ever had a inventory full of salvage and think "i'd rather not have to go to WW's or a vendor to clear all this out" but you do it anyway eventually. Why?



Hmmm...I think even after getting my favorite character to as far as I can get her, I'm still trying to get her were I want her! So, I don't think I've ever hit the destination to know!

She's been rerolled, gone back to past builds...with me still trying to find that one set that says "Hell yeah, I love this build!" and that's after around 30 runs to 50, 8-10 of them being the same concept put into new ATs/powersets.

I'm sure I'm just waiting for certain powersets to be ported OR certain EPIC ATs to be made.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



If the journey was dull, I'd have stopped playing.



I like the journey. When the very first character I ever made (Maiden Canada) was about to hit 50, it was kind of bitterweet. I was looking forward to it, but I kept thinking that her journey was coming to a close. fortunately, there is still always new stuff to do with her, which now includes the Incarnate stuff. My issue is that I like to experience new stuff. While I don't mind repeating things multiple times, I prefer not to do 2 or 3 missions over and over and over to try to advance. I want MC to explore the Incarnate stuff and grow stronger, but prefer not to continually repeat the same content.

Est sularis oth Mithas



I enjoy this game as it's the most enjoyable multiplayer gaming experience I've found in any place. In that way, it's about the gameplay....but that being said, it's most fun when the group is going for a specific goal. It gives a shared purpose, a focus to our goofy horsing around and blowing stuff up.

Having a goal in the game is important, especially for people who've been around here the better part of a decade. I run with a group that's been here since beta, and I've been here since month 1. That's about seven-odd years of the same 'journey'- if there was no new destination to choose to head for, it's reeaaly darned easy to look out the window and realize you've gone nowhere new, and you're still circling the same road.

Let's be honest, the game offers many side roads for the experience (Through different archetypes, powers, builds, etc.) but it's still the same place, so if you never arrive anywhere, the journey gets wearing. Reaching a destination is a "We're here!" moment, before you get back in the car and head somewhere else.

A journey is not a journey without a destination, but going somewhere is not worth it if you hate the drive. As such, the game has to make the ride fun, and give somewhere to go. These aren't mutually exclusive, the game should be, I'd argue has to be, about both. The strength in the game is that it gives many different goals, and many ways to reach them. Getting to 50? Unlocking a badge? Finding a recipe? beating a mission? Unlocking a new power? Gaining a new incarnate power up? It has lots of carrots to chase. It sets out these goals in ways that are almost all fun to get to. Want that badge? Go help your buddies blow up stuff! Want that shard? Play a fun task force! Want that recipe? Do some fun tip missions! You will find many people on these chases, and having fun as they go along. Some are more focused on the goal, others the ride- but if there's no point or the chase becomes a slog, it all falls apart.

In short, the game should be a fun journey to many destinations.



Another one here who digs the journey, but I also believe in my friend's saying, "By about level 46 or 47, yes, it IS about the destination."

Later on,

Mostly Pinnacle, with scattered alts on Liberty, Freedom, and Justice.

I had a great time playing with you!



Originally Posted by Gatecrasher View Post
Another one here who digs the journey, but I also believe in my friend's saying, "By about level 46 or 47, yes, it IS about the destination."

Later on,

heh from 1 - 40 its the journey for me, however once that magic 4-0 comes up, all my characters start thinking "you know what, i want to be and CAN BE the best in the world!"

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



I am mixed. I have tried the journey. Liked it, but trying to level up something red side the journey bites.

The journey is fun, but sometimes it is hindering, especially when the cool stuff now is happening end game.

Again I am mixed. I like doing arcs and stuff, but sometimes I just wish I could get som,ewhere quicker.

I think that is how new player will feel coming into the incarnate age. Not all of them, but it has definately been toted as a new shiny feature, that some might get frustrated trying to get there. It sometimes feels like a rush.

I am trying to give both sides.

Some toons = Journey
Some toons = Grind



For me it is the destination ... and the origination.

Specifically, I either make characters because of a cool story concept, or because I want to see how a certain powerset combo plays when done. So I care about level 1 and level 50. I don't care much about the in-between or how I get there. I also don't really care about shards or any of that. In fact I dont even know how to do that stuff, I'm kinda ignoring the new system entirely.

But I cant really enjoy my character until they are level 50, or at least its hard. Once I have all my powers and slots, I can then relax and enjoy the character. If I want to see how a certain powerset does on certain epic / famous / old-school missions, I'd rather push to 50 asap, slot with generic IOs or SOs, and then use Ouroboros to re-visit it. Even story concept characters, I don't really enjoy until they are done, or I feel "nervous" or "unsatisfied" until they are level 50.

THEN I actually pull them out of the "done" barn and play them through missions.


Random AT Generation!
"I remember... the Alamo." -- Pee-wee Herman
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"Telescopes are time machines." -- Carl Sagan



I don't play my 50s. I'm ignoring the whole Incarnate thing because a) the story behind it sounds dumb, b) I don't feel a need to dust off my 50s just to power them up further, and c) I almost never do TFs and trials, and that's all there is for Incarnates.

So, yeah, journey. I'll just keep hopping around my alts and working them up and maybe hoping that sometime, in the distant future, we'll get new story arcs from the devs...

(Power-wise, I generally feel like most characters are "done" sometime in the 30s, and everything after that is just extra.)

34 heroes,
20 villains, Victory, Justice, Infinity, Virtue, Triumph, Exalted -- some more active than others



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
Isn't it about the journey? What do you think?
It'll always be about the journey, but after almost seven years the starting point has moved for me. I have little interest in the trip from 1-50 these days, so new characters get PLed straight to the top to start working on accolades and incarnate slots (whereas before I would have stopped at 22 for SOs and Stamina).




Originally Posted by Seldom View Post
A journey is not a journey without a destination, but going somewhere is not worth it if you hate the drive. As such, the game has to make the ride fun, and give somewhere to go. These aren't mutually exclusive, the game should be, I'd argue has to be, about both.

For me, a goal with what I think is a terrible journey is not worth pursuing. A goal with no journey is too easy. A journey with no goal becomes aimless to me, and I will stop exploring it.

So I won't engage in the journey without an appealing goal. I won't pursue an appealing goal if it's behind a journey I don't enjoy.

So the two are not separable. They have to act in concert.

The complaints the OP is referring to are from people who, for a variety of reasons, consider the goal attractive but the journey unattractive. They may not mind some journey, but they don't like the ones available for that particular goal.

A lot of long term players are here not just because they like the existing game, but also because they are looking forward to new things in the game. If a new thing is added has either an unattractive goal or an unattractive journey to the goal, those folks looking forward to new things don't get a new thing they want to do. They then give feedback that, if followed, would mutate the journey or the goal into something more like what they'd like to experience.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
Do you subscribe to the belief that the game should be about the journey, not the destination?
I'm not under the belief that the game should cater solely to my tastes. If the game suits my tastes, then I'll play it. I'm all about the journey, not the destination. The better I can pull that off in a game (using a variety of characters), the longer I'll be playing the game.

I've seen a number of players who don't care at all about the journey. They get to the end as fast as possible and grind raids and other end game content. They'd be perfectly happy if they could start off at the maximum level so that they wouldn't waste time getting to their version of the "real" game. This game hasn't been suited to their tastes in the past, but it's expanding that way. And all the old things that appeals to those of us who enjoy the leveling process are still here.

I don't begrudge the game trying to appeal to a variety of tastes. It's an MMO, and can continue to grow and cater to more and more players over time.

I'm playing a new MMO now that is mostly about the destination, rather than the journey. The journey takes maybe a week for any given character. Then it's onto grinding for gear. Lots of people like that. I don't, but I enjoy what little journey there is. With very limited character variety and a short game, I won't be staying there much longer. CoH has far more for me to do even after all this time.



agreed, i am in no hurry. like you i also have less free time than in the past(one reason i have been unable to play on any of the public beta events), so i wont be seeing the upper levels of any of the new stuff any time soon. I'm glad it will be there as it is a new thing to look forward to, but i wont be straining to go at it.



I'm going to refer to the Bartle types -- the four types of MMO players, first described by sociologist Richard Bartle.

For Achievers, it's all about the destination.

For Killers, it's all about the power, which implies the destination.

For Socializers it's the journey. If they get to the destination too quickly, there's nothing to talk about.

For Explorers, it varies. If they're exploring the game content, they enjoy the journey of going through and mastering the new challenges. But once they've mastered them, further play over the same content becomes a grind. If the explorers are exploring the game mechanic space (i.e: Character Builds) they may be more focused on the destination, because their new character creation will only be complete when they have the powers it grants.

As an explorer/achiever myself, I'm a bit worried about i20. I've already given up on ever getting a 'very rare' alpha slot, because it's too grindy for me. If the new slots in i20 are that difficult to get (and it sounds as though they may be) then I may not participate much in the new incarnate system. Which would probably lead to me no longer participating in CoX, as incarnates are the new focus of the game.

We'll see.

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