It's the journey, not the destination: Really?

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Yep, its all about the journey for me

------->"Sic Semper Tyrannis"<-------



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
For me, a goal with what I think is a terrible journey is not worth pursuing. A goal with no journey is too easy. A journey with no goal becomes aimless to me, and I will stop exploring it.

So I won't engage in the journey without an appealing goal. I won't pursue an appealing goal if it's behind a journey I don't enjoy.

So the two are not separable. They have to act in concert.

The complaints the OP is referring to are from people who, for a variety of reasons, consider the goal attractive but the journey unattractive. They may not mind some journey, but they don't like the ones available for that particular goal.
What he said.

The journey should not be a grind. I have multiple characters stalled out in the 30s because it became a grind for them. I enjoy watching a character grow, I don't want to rush to the end, but at the same time if every step along the way is unpleasant the end goal isn't enough incentive to continue.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



I like the journey... right up to the moment that journey ceases to be any fun. (That is to say, the point at which continuing becomes a repetative, stressful, and often frustrating grind-fest.) At that point, I just want "the journey" to be over and done with so I can move on to something more entertaining, and maybe actually ENJOY playing that character for a change instead of feeling obligated to run it through a well-nigh-endless series of PUGs, speed runs and raid-fails, which I don't find the least bit fun.

So far the Devs have done a really great job of turning the entire "end game system" into exactly the kind of journey I'd rather avoid completely or get over with as quickly as possible. It's been about as much fun for me as dancing on a fire ant nest, and shows no sign of improvement.

So, yeah... While I agree that the journey CAN certainly be fun, it can also be a serious drag.

@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
I don't care about shard -> thread conversion rates, don't mind random reward tables, and don't mind inf costs. For me, the goal is the chase not the end. The journey not the destination.
This is pretty much my opinion on the matter. Prior to the Incarnate stuff I would when I reached 50 almost invariably roll a new character. I played my 50s occasionally (mostly to get accolades or badges) but I didn't play them a whole lot simply because I like to make progress. The alpha slot reinvigorated my love of playing 50s because I can now make progress on them. I have 3 characters who are active incarnates and I can play them, essentially forever and never stop progressing. I've got a T4 alpha boost on all three and so now I'm working on their second T4 alpha boost. If I get that before I20 comes out I'll start working on a third so unless I20 is delayed long enough for me to get 8 T4 alphas on all 3 of them (an unlikely occurrence) I have enough progression to keep me amused for ages. And of course once I20 comes out I'll have another potential 32 T4 boosts per character to earn.

I guess the short version (and sign of my insanity) is that I love to play my level 50s and I love to make progress. Prior to the Incarnate system there was very little I could do that allowed me to do both at once. With the incarnate system I can do both at once for a long, long, long time and as such I am happy.



I have just over 3,600 hours of playtime logged on my main. He's been level 50 since July of 2006.

Building him was fun, but playing him at his full capability is more fun.

American Dawg, Starblaze, Neanderthal Joe, Shining Dawn, Tokamak Dragon, Stinger Incarnate, Burning Tyger, Dover Tornado, Big Roach, Dark Paladin, Archmage Wylde, Kings Row Hornet, Prancing Deer
Avogadro, Science Lord
Edgar Nightcraft, Doc Cicada, Chupa Macabre, Dr Forchtenstein, Blood Shrew



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
It seems that everyone is hyper-focused on the new powers and angry that they will be forced to grind the trials over and over. That concept that you will be forced to do something that you find distasteful is so strange to me.
The concept is completely foreign to me aswell. I've been watching all the rage over the Incarnate system with an odd mixture of amusement and consternation.

A couple of nights ago there was someone ranting in a global channel about how the Incarnate system as planned "is totally gay". He argued that he had over 30 lvl 50s and that he was "forced" to shardfarm and grind the incarnate trials over and over and over again in the comming months if he wanted all his 50s to get all the incarnate stuff unlocked before issue 21 which "will probably bring more grind". I can't wrap my head around that sort of reasoning. I asked him how long it took him to get all those characters to lvl 50. He said he was playing since the EU servers started. When I asked that if it had taken him years to bring 30 characters through a whole leveling path, then why does he expect to accomplish the same thing for another leveling path (or half of it anyway) in a handfull of months. I don't think he got it.

Anyway, I'll just leave the ragers frothing at the mouth and once Issue 20 releases I'll enjoy myself running my main through the trials a couple of times in the post-release frenzy, getting Incarnate slots as I go. After that I'll just go back to my regular schedule of running TFs, leveling characters (which includes Incarnate levels now), and maybe starting a new one every once in a while. Eventually I'll get all my 50s through the whole Incarnate proces, but judging by their current, various states of 'completeness' that will take me a couple of years. I'm looking forward to it.

@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.



If the journey is boring, dull and brimmed to the hilt with insipid platitudes, then I have to focus on the destination out of sheer frustrated boredom. Sorry, but that's how all this incarnate stuff is reading for me.

Where's the Moon Base? Outerspace? Atlantis? Magick Powers ala Arcanaville's most excellent expositional commentary scattered here and there all over the forums? Where are the 'giant' powers? water powers? cosmic powers? metamorph powers? and really giant robots?

Instead, we have a tired, old chestnut: evil-counterpart dimensional invasion and drama-queen fixation on Greek Mythology. Where are all the Norse Gods, the Japanese Gods...etc?

And all the costume ideas we've begged for over the years? Yes, Awesome, really Sexy-Jay and Team have come thru with cool stuffs, but I'm still waiting for a revamp on those pathetic original tails and still waiting for a magick pack that allows for non-techno effects for powers and pets.

Give me all this, finally after 7 years! jeeze. Then we can talk about the dull, insipid platitudes of I20.




And, btw, here's the lyric I think you were quoting:

"Out Of The Cradle"

It's not a place
It's a yearning
It's not a race
It's a journey

It's not an act
It's an attraction
It's not a style
It's an action

It's a dream for the waking
It's a flower touched by flame
It's a gift for the giving
It's a power with a hundred names

Surge of energy, spark of inspiration
The breath of love is electricity
Maybe time is a bird in flight
Endlessly mocking
Here we come out of the cradle
Endlessly rocking
Endlessly rocking

It's a hand
That rocks the cradle
It's a motion
That swings the sky
It's method on the edge of madness
It's a balance on the edge of a knife
It's a smile on the edge of sadness
It's a dance on the edge of life

Endlessly rocking

Sadly, I20 doesn't express this dynamic to me...




Originally Posted by Calibre View Post
If the journey is boring, dull and brimmed to the hilt with insipid platitudes, then I have to focus on the destination out of sheer frustrated boredom. Sorry, but that's how all this incarnate stuff is reading for me.

Where's the Moon Base? Outerspace? Atlantis? Magick Powers ala Arcanaville's most excellent expositional commentary scattered here and there all over the forums? Where are the 'giant' powers? water powers? cosmic powers? metamorph powers? and really giant robots?

Instead, we have a tired, old chestnut: evil-counterpart dimensional invasion and drama-queen fixation on Greek Mythology. Where are all the Norse Gods, the Japanese Gods...etc?

And all the costume ideas we've begged for over the years? Yes, Awesome, really Sexy-Jay and Team have come thru with cool stuffs, but I'm still waiting for a revamp on those pathetic original tails and still waiting for a magick pack that allows for non-techno effects for powers and pets.

Give me all this, finally after 7 years! jeeze. Then we can talk about the dull, insipid platitudes of I20.

That odd mixture of amusement and consternation I was talking about in my previous post? I'm feeling it again.

@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.



For some reason this question made me think about the game "Planescape: Torment", where you are asked the question "What can change the nature of a man?" The questioner in that case wasn't looking for a specific answer, but rather that it be the answer the main character believed was true.

So for those who enjoy the journey, its the journey. For those who focus on the destination, its the destination. And for those who like fritos...

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Remember: Guns don't kill people; Meerkats kill people.



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
Stop, you're giving me a haddock.

Blue Blistering Barnacles!!!!!!!

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Originally Posted by Bright View Post
So far the Devs have done a really great job of turning the entire "end game system" into exactly the kind of journey I'd rather avoid completely or get over with as quickly as possible. It's been about as much fun for me as dancing on a fire ant nest, and shows no sign of improvement.

So, yeah... While I agree that the journey CAN certainly be fun, it can also be a serious drag.
This is my concern too.

I love the journey. I like watching a character grow (admittedly I think the fun really begins around level 20, where they have enough powers to be a bit more anything), I like learning how to use them best, I like watching them grow In Character (all my toons are RP ones, without exception).
I like running them through some familiar content that, for me, never gets old. I enjoy running them through content on teams. I enjoy running them through content that I either forgot or hadn't yet run into.

That all ends with the Incarnate stuff so far. Thats when variety ends, and the journey suddenly starts to stagnate. Even the Alpha slot is alright; theres a variety of different TF/SFs that can be done for parts a variety of different ways, and even standard missions drop shards.

These slots? Two things only. And from the last I looked, the shard conversion rate and threads and such was atrocious, along with an honest to frag inf cost. Which is Just no. Thats not a journey, thats a grind. Theres a difference.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



It's all about the destination for me. To me, it doesn't feel like my character is growing when I level them up. I create my toons with a specific design. They are the hero I want them to be from the start. They don't slowly fit that. It's only once they're 50 that I can give them a true test run and tweak them to fit the concept I originally envisioned.



City of Heroes has always been that game I would play for a month or two, then quit. This cycle repeated itself every year or so. Never before has this game kept my attention for so long and that's purely due to my enjoyment of the Incarnate system.

So for me, with any MMO, it's about the destination. When I got my Controller the very rare Alpha slot it was the best feeling I've had playing COH, even though I felt it was a bit too easy to do. I'd love to see the later slots be even harder/longer to complete.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Thats when variety ends, and the journey suddenly starts to stagnate. Even the Alpha slot is alright; theres a variety of different TF/SFs that can be done for parts a variety of different ways, and even standard missions drop shards.

These slots? Two things only. And from the last I looked, the shard conversion rate and threads and such was atrocious, along with an honest to frag inf cost. Which is Just no. Thats not a journey, thats a grind. Theres a difference.
I'm agreed with this. This is exacerbated by the fact that in my 7 years of playing CoH, I have done exactly one Mothership raid (about a year and a half ago) and one Hamidon raid (about a week ago). The ultra-sized team thing is not my bag. It's not how I care to spend my time and now I'm presented with a) accept that level 50 and alpha-slotting is as far as I will be able to take my characters, or b) participate in a system I don't like in order to be able to keep up with the Joneses.

Neither of these options really appeal to me. I would like some reasonable alternatives to advance through the system, be it a few task forces or whatever. I have heard the argument that "if you don't like the post-50 content, then you can continue playing the way you have been without it." And I probably will, assuming I don't cancel my account (elaboration on this to come). However, I know that for the first few months after I20 is released, attempting to gather a team to play non-raid content which is not the new TFs will be a losing venture. So, soloing, raiding, or running the new TFs over and over again will be the choices presented to me.

So, I'm considering cancelling my account. It's not based off of malice. I'm not sitting at the keyboard going "OMG THEY'RE ADDING RAIDS AND NOW I WILL QUIT." But if the options to proceed are all things that I have no interest in, then why would I continue to keep paying to play if I don't like it? I wouldn't buy a copy of Madden from my local EB Games if I don't like football, after all. I'll give I20 a shot once it hits live, and who knows, it may blow my mind, but I doubt it.

My story arcs: #2370- Noah Reborn, #18672- The Clockwork War, #31490- Easy Money

Sartre once said, "Hell is other people." What does that make an MMO?



For me it's definitely the journey. I got the post-50 blues after Nightshade hit 50. Same again when I got a hero to 50. Both times I wandered off to play other stuff for a while.

  • I'm an incurable altholic.
    I take long breaks from CoH every so often, to focus on other games, or real life.
    I rerolled my entire roster when I came back about 6 weeks ago.
    I actually enjoy the low level (1-20) game.
So whilst I'm interested in the new endgame content as a (possible) indication of the long term direction of the game, it's not really directly affecting me right now.

My only two 50s are more or less retired (though they have lvl 1 reincarnations waiting on the starting blocks right now) At the moment my idea of 'high level content' is fighting Freakshow in Talos Island.



Originally Posted by Basilisk View Post
I'm agreed with this. This is exacerbated by the fact that in my 7 years of playing CoH, I have done exactly one Mothership raid (about a year and a half ago) and one Hamidon raid (about a week ago). The ultra-sized team thing is not my bag. It's not how I care to spend my time and now I'm presented with a) accept that level 50 and alpha-slotting is as far as I will be able to take my characters, or b) participate in a system I don't like in order to be able to keep up with the Joneses.

Neither of these options really appeal to me. I would like some reasonable alternatives to advance through the system, be it a few task forces or whatever. I have heard the argument that "if you don't like the post-50 content, then you can continue playing the way you have been without it." And I probably will, assuming I don't cancel my account (elaboration on this to come). However, I know that for the first few months after I20 is released, attempting to gather a team to play non-raid content which is not the new TFs will be a losing venture. So, soloing, raiding, or running the new TFs over and over again will be the choices presented to me.

So, I'm considering cancelling my account. It's not based off of malice. I'm not sitting at the keyboard going "OMG THEY'RE ADDING RAIDS AND NOW I WILL QUIT." But if the options to proceed are all things that I have no interest in, then why would I continue to keep paying to play if I don't like it? I wouldn't buy a copy of Madden from my local EB Games if I don't like football, after all. I'll give I20 a shot once it hits live, and who knows, it may blow my mind, but I doubt it.
This. Though I have done dozens of the 'raids' mentioned. I'll try it but I'm already hatin.




Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
Do you subscribe to the belief that the game should be about the journey, not the destination?
Back when there was no endgame, that was my belief. Now? As opposed to the road to nowhere leveling used to be, it's now a road that leads to Disneyland. And a trip to Disneyland is not about the journey to Disneyland, it's about being at Disneyland!

What about all those story arcs? Ouroboros. And playing those arcs is much more fun on a kitted-out-exemped-50. Much more fun.

I still don't approve of power leveling, though. There's definitely something to be said for spending a good amount of time with a character on their way up. Daemodand probably wouldn't be my main if he weren't such a problem child in the lower levels (back then the level 30-40 part of the game felt like a roach motel.)

The best comics are still 10�!
My City of Heroes Blog Freedom Feature Article: "Going Rageless?"
If you only read one guide this year, make it this one.
Super Reflexes: the Golden Fox of power sets!
WARNING: I bold names.



Originally Posted by Daemodand View Post
Back when there was no endgame, that was my belief. Now? As opposed to the road to nowhere leveling used to be, it's now a road that leads to Disneyland. And a trip to Disneyland is not about the journey to Disneyland, it's about being at Disneyland!
The thing is, is the Incarnate system Disneyland? From my point of view it doesn't significantly differ from existing content except that it's slightly harder and some of it requires larger teams. For me it's a way to play my 50s without feeling like I'm not accomplishing anything.



Thanks for all the great responses.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



The major thing about a journey is that it must feel like you are moving. If you are moving so slowly that its barely perceptable (e.g. in a traffic jam) then it doesn't feel like a journey. Similarly, you can move as fast as you like, but if the scenery doesn't change, then it doesn't feel like a journey.

Always remember, we were Heroes.



I agree, I got my first level shift today. How? Not by looking over the charts and running the TFs I needed to get the quickest components. I ran the TFs that my group ran, which a couple times has been the TF of the week, so I got a couple notices. I was in RWZ and picked up a Gr'ai matter, and after we ran the ITF this week, I noticed I had all the components for the rare slot, and I was missing two for the uncommon slot (and had already equipped the common).

So I crafted what I needed to craft, and I was one short to craft the uncommon component, but I had an extra notice, so I converted that and was able to craft the uncommon and then the rare Alpha boost. It wasn't about the goal, I just had fun every week running a TF with my friends.



I spend exponentially way more time sub-50 than I do on my three 50s. Because I have way, way more sub-50 characters than 50s, and I play whatever I feel like playing at the time.

It definitely is about the journey for me. I do not chase the end game. I don't even have Going Rogue, so I cannot chase the end game.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



"It's the journey, not the destination" is a very old concept in City of Heroes, one that hasn't shown up much lately (really, not much since I9) and one which I'm not sure newer players can fully appreciate. It originates from a justification we used to give both to explain the lack of any "end game" to speak of and as an argument against power-levelling back in the days of Wolf Farms and Dreck Farms and Dumpster Diving and the like. In simple terms, it represents the belief that the game is, or at the very least it is asserted that it should be, fun the entire way through, and that players will play the game mostly because they like playing it. Note that at no point is it suggested that a player should never care for levelling up or progress, but merely that said player will never be in a position where the game sucks NOW, but will unsuck 10, 20, 50 levels from now.

This used to be the case, way back when, if for no reason other than because people who mostly or only cared about the destination tended to leave the game after about a month, when they realised they'd wasted their time powerlevelling to 50. In fact, we used to discuss about how those people were wasting their subscriptions and missing the point, as they'd ignored so much content on the way up for the sole purpose of complaining that there was no content at level 50. Considering that there is still practicall no CONTENT at level 50 yet people appear to be content, we may have been missing the point.

To me, a game is, and always will be, about the journey. I enjoyed the fact that City of Heroes could be "completed," because it gave me a certain sense of closure. It told me "Your journey has been completed. A winnar is you. Would you like to do it again?" To me, this has always been the hallmark of a great game - do I want to play it all over again as soon as I'm done? Maybe that's an acquired taste, born of my childhood playing Arcade games which were all fairly short and we played them over and over again a lot, but this is just what I want. I don't really care about the destination, personally, as I have nothing to prove to anyone. Instead, I want a fun experience that doesn't have too many aspects which suck, as I'm going to want to experience it again and again and again.

I'm not a fan of end game in general, for the simple fact that it's purpose-designed to practically never end, and this comes with one (or a combination) of three particular drawbacks. End game content must either be so prohibitively hard that even the best players will take a long time to figure it out and beat it, while the not-so-good players can snack on tough cookies, or it must be so crushingly slow that it takes even the fastest players years to make any headway, leaving the slower players with more work than they have life span left short of the invention of an elixir of youth, or otherwise be so soul-grindingly repetitive as to make a small body of fairly interesting, fairly accessible content last a long time as you do it over and over and over again for years to come. City of Heroes' current end game manages to combine all three to various degrees.

But my problem with end game doesn't come down so much to actual implementation as it does to basic game design philosophy disagreement. End game as a concept is intrinsically about the destination. The end game is often considered to be where the real game starts, as that's where the strongest enemies and the best items are. Naturally, everything before that starts being considered filler, the unwanted obstacle keeping you away from the end game where the real game is. This causes "the game" to become a nuisance, rather than what we all came here to do. And this just isn't fun for me.

On a much smaller scale, I've always favoured the journey over the destination even when doing basic missions. When I run TFs, by far the WORST, most unpleasant thing I can hear a team-mate say is "We can stealth this mission." It could be the worst, dumbest, longest mission in the game, it doesn't matter. Whenever I hear those words, all enthusiasm I might have had for the game evaporates like a snowball in hell. It's just gone. I've been known to say things like "I'd rather add an hour to a TF than stealth even a single mission," and I meant that.

Games produce no real or virtual goods. At the end of the day, we play games because we want to do so, and we play games with no real reward at the end. We play them for fun. As such, we have to enjoy what we are doing while we play them, lest we miss the point. As such, I never really care that I'm going to be "paid" in Oranbegan gold, I don't care that I'll be given the unexpectedly enchanted family heirloom, I don't care that I'll be given the Statesman's ridiculous mask. Because none of that really matters. What I care about is taking on a task that's fun to do. What I care about, personally, is finding more guys to beat up in ever cooler ways.


Slightly off-topic: Whenever I used to play D&D style computer RPGs, especially things like Baldur's Gate or Icewind Dale, or even more futuristc RPGs like Fallout and Fallout 2, and even in-betweens like Arcanum, I very rarely cared about what the quest-giver NPCs were offering, and for a simple reason. I knew that the treasures I would find in that dungeon I was being sent to clear out, and the loot I would get off the monsters, to say nothing of the experience, would far outweigh any reward the NPC was offering, when they weren't offering plot coupons. It made it very easy, if a bit hypocritical, to refuse rewards out of the goodness of my heart. "No, thank you, old woman. I cannot take your last 100 gold pieces with which you would have bought food for your family. I'm a good person. ... And I also snagged 1000 gold pieces from a chest and this Infinity +1 sword which will sell for 10 000. Which I will most certainly not share with you. Be well!"

In essence, I rarely need the game to pretend to reward me for my adventures, when it is said adventures that I came for in the first place. ESPECIALLY when said adventures are badly designed because it's easier and cheaper to develop rewards than it is to develop content.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
Do you subscribe to the belief that the game should be about the journey, not the destination?

When it comes to leveling a new alt I hate the lower levels(below 32) with a passion. I've come to dislike exempting down for lower level stuff unless it's a tf/sf. All the old contacts on red and blue side bore me and I skip them altogether now in favor of PuG's seeing how they can be alot more entertaining than an arc you've ran through over and over again. Post 32 I feel like I can really enjoy a toon because I get the feeling everything is finally coming together.

When it comes to going after IO's or other shinies, excluding badges and incarnate slots, I want to get it done asap. Badges and slots I like earning and I seem to enjoy it more if I can get them solo.

Elec/Cold Troller AV/Pylon/GM/TF/SF Soloing Antics
everytime...he gets me everytime.... DAMN U BOOMIE -- _Ilr_
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