It's the journey, not the destination: Really?

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Originally Posted by Basilisk View Post
I'm agreed with this. This is exacerbated by the fact that in my 7 years of playing CoH, I have done exactly one Mothership raid (about a year and a half ago) and one Hamidon raid (about a week ago). The ultra-sized team thing is not my bag. It's not how I care to spend my time and now I'm presented with a) accept that level 50 and alpha-slotting is as far as I will be able to take my characters, or b) participate in a system I don't like in order to be able to keep up with the Joneses.

Neither of these options really appeal to me. I would like some reasonable alternatives to advance through the system, be it a few task forces or whatever. I have heard the argument that "if you don't like the post-50 content, then you can continue playing the way you have been without it." And I probably will, assuming I don't cancel my account (elaboration on this to come). However, I know that for the first few months after I20 is released, attempting to gather a team to play non-raid content which is not the new TFs will be a losing venture. So, soloing, raiding, or running the new TFs over and over again will be the choices presented to me.

So, I'm considering cancelling my account. It's not based off of malice. I'm not sitting at the keyboard going "OMG THEY'RE ADDING RAIDS AND NOW I WILL QUIT." But if the options to proceed are all things that I have no interest in, then why would I continue to keep paying to play if I don't like it? I wouldn't buy a copy of Madden from my local EB Games if I don't like football, after all. I'll give I20 a shot once it hits live, and who knows, it may blow my mind, but I doubt it.
Keep in mind there's still gonna be 5 slots after what we get in I20, plus whatever content that coincides with it. I could understand why you'd feel like quitting, but at least do it when you've got all the information. You might quit too early and never give it a try when there's things you like added.

I20 could be what the entire Incarnate System will be like from now on, or it could just be one of many options. Until Positron fills us in, we just don't know for sure.

Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.



It is about the journey, not the destination, but for me that has nothing to do with levels. Levels are merely part of constructing an avatar to take the journey. I could start with a level 50 and still potentially be interested in making the journey of gameplay. Indeed, levels are more often an obstacle that hinders my enjoyment of the journey than anything else.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound




I'm kinda OCD about finishing something I really enjoy. I've always seen level 50 as being semi-retirement as I don't enjoy grinding influence. With no forward progress to be made. I suddenly lose interest in them. Combined with a fatal case of altism and a lack of interest in Trials or TF's means I very rarely even log in a 50. They stand as my 'personal superman' that my newer heroes/Villains can aspire to be like.

In truth, I have numerous level 49 toons. That have been long ago abandoned out of fear of not wanting the fun to end. It's a bit of an oddity with me. If I'm really enjoying something I'll put off finishing it for so long cause I don't want it to be over, then months later I realize that by doing that I've by default prevented myself from enjoying them at all.

It's even worse with console games. I've gotten to Sepiroth no less than 10 times over the various years but have yet to actually beat the game. Even with Knights and all, simply because I don't want it to be over. Then I realize it's over simply because I'm avoiding it, only to go back and be rusty enough to want to start over and then have the same synapse misfire and the cycle repeats.

What was I talking about? >_<

Oh yeah, the journey ftw.

Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!



Originally Posted by MaestroMavius View Post
In truth, I have numerous level 49 toons. That have been long ago abandoned out of fear of not wanting the fun to end. It's a bit of an oddity with me. If I'm really enjoying something I'll put off finishing it for so long cause I don't want it to be over, then months later I realize that by doing that I've by default prevented myself from enjoying them at all.
I was exactly like this before I9. Inventions changed everything (for me).

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



For me it depends on the nature of the journey and what's waiting for me at the destination (which in an MMO tends to be a new journey). Some journeys are inherently fun and enjoyable and become the reason I'm playing. Others are a tedious chore that I'm only enduring because the destination is just that appealing. And of course, sometimes the journey is a tedious chore *and* the destination isn't that appealing, so I bypass completely if possible.

Examples of what I mean:

So long as I run it all teamed, I enjoy the combat and pace of levelling in this game. Even the pre-20 levels. I like going into a mission and bashing heads, the variation of which character/build I'm using, who I've ended up teamed with this time, and so on. There's relatively frequent sub-destinations along the way (i.e. new powers and slots) that mean I'm not usually thinking about the ultimate destination of reaching 50. That there's all the IO'ing out (which you can do earlier, but I tend to leave until 47+) and now incarnate stuff waiting at 50 is great, and I thoroughly enjoy that too once I get a character there, but I'd be enjoying the 1-49.99 game even if the 50 stuff wasn't there (as evidenced by the fact I did enjoy it before IOs etc were added). If you gave me a button to insta-level to 50 I'd not use it.

I'm actually at the point now where I have enough characters at 50, and such a wide stable of alts, that I can happily log a non-50 char in for a few missions with almost no thought of even getting the next power, much less getting to 50. And to be honest, there wasn't ever a time that I wanted to get to 50 just for the sake of getting to 50 - it was never a destination in its own right, only in terms of what there was to do once I got there.

But sometimes the journey sucks. Unlocking Viridian's arc for example. The destination is cool, it's a fun arc and I enjoyed it once I unlocked it. But the journey to get there was just a tedious grind and I hated it. Yet I endured it to play the arc. To be honest, I'm undecided as to whether it was worth it - I've not unlocked it again on any new chars I've gotten into range so far. If I could skip the "journey" on that one, I'd unlock and run it on a lot more of my characters.

And then there's things like the old zookeeper badge, or the old healing one, where the journey was pretty much the opposite of enjoyable for me, *and* I didn't much care about the destination. So I never even tried to get them, even now that the requirements are more reasonable.

Now as to the wording of the question, "that the game should be about the journey" the way I interpret that, I strongly believe so. I hate when game designers decide we need to slog through tedium to finally get to the fun part - where the destination may be awesome, but only once you've undergone a test of endurance/tolerance to get there. If the journey isn't enjoyable then I'll probably not try to reach the destination (and if I do, even if the destination turns out to have been worth it, I'll still resent whoever designed it that way).



Originally Posted by Biowraith View Post
I hate when game designers decide we need to slog through tedium to finally get to the fun part - where the destination may be awesome, but only once you've undergone a test of endurance/tolerance to get there. If the journey isn't enjoyable then I'll probably not try to reach the destination (and if I do, even if the destination turns out to have been worth it, I'll still resent whoever designed it that way).
For me, this is the "I never want to do this again!" phenomenon of achieving something ostensibly major and realising it wasn't even remotely worth it. I tend to judge a game's merit similar to how Yahtzee does it - can this game make me want to play it even after I'm done with it once? Well, if "I never want to do this again!" then obviously not, and in such cases I just don't see the game as all that good.

Interestingly, almost all MMOs are designed in exactly this way - they encourage you to play only one or two characters forever and ever and never want to start new ones because it's just so much work to get back to where you are. This surprises me, since I'd have thought MMOs of all games would promote replay value, considering they're the one genre most reliant on long-term player retention of all.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
Originally Posted by Daemodand View Post
Back when there was no endgame, that was my belief. Now? As opposed to the road to nowhere leveling used to be, it's now a road that leads to Disneyland. And a trip to Disneyland is not about the journey to Disneyland, it's about being at Disneyland!
The thing is, is the Incarnate system Disneyland? From my point of view it doesn't significantly differ from existing content except that it's slightly harder and some of it requires larger teams. For me it's a way to play my 50s without feeling like I'm not accomplishing anything.
It's almost exactly like Disneyland: you go out of your way to do it thinking it will be fun, and while you're there you spend the overwhelming majority of your time waiting in line to ride (grinding for shards/threads in game) for a few brief periods of fun (wow, look how cool this power is!), then go back to waiting (grinding) again for the next one.

Some people enjoy the rides enough to not care about the lines. Some people get annoyed that with a 10-hour visit they wait in line for over 9 of those hours. For me, it depends on the company I have while I'm waiting.

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.



Its the journey for me... but sometimes I get caught up in finding out "what I'm missing" and feel obligated to force myself to do things that don't work well for me-- large group events that make the weaker PC struggle, Task Forces where I risk having to leave midway because of being on-call... archvillain fights that just seem the antithesis of my interests. I forget about the journey at those moments and generally find the game less fun because of it.

That's what happened when I19 was announced... and I had so many of my characters stabled in their 40's (what was the sense of getting to 50 when the high-level game mechanics become less interesting to me?). I felt like I HAD to have characters ready to experience the new 50's journey, so I focused my time on getting those characters to 50 to be ready. The destination became the sole focus.

Then, I19 came out and so many of my level 50's had more to do. It felt more frustrating than fun-- I thought they'd already reached their destination, now there's more to do. Granted, I didn't bother with the highest tiers-- just enough to get a level shift then shelve them again. I still haven't even done THAT on most of my 50's, and I only have a little over a half dozen.

Then, I20 preview came and I saw what was to come, and in a good way, it kinda threw me out of the "destination" funk again. I stopped playing my 50's and stopped caring about getting them ready for Incarnate stuff at all. I'm on my long-neglected lowbies again and rediscovering the joy of just playing without thinking of where things eventually go. Some will likely be stabled in their 30's, some in their 40's, and occasionally, I'll break out a 50 just to see what's going on in the incarnate world, but I don't feel compelled to keep up with the latest and greatest to remain at the ever-shifting destination anymore.



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
Do you subscribe to the belief that the game should be about the journey, not the destination?
I've had the same signature for almost 6 years now. So, yes.

Level 50 is a journey, not a destination.

Scrapper Issues List - Going Rogue Edition



All journey, up until you hit the brick wall of soul sucking loot grind two map bull that is our "wonderful" end game content, something coh didn't need to add, is one more step to making it a generic clone of every other mmo including you know what, and really has me considering canceling my account because I20 holds zero interest for me. If this is the direction the devs want to go then stop the train cause I'm getting off. Well I would be provided NCsoft's stupid new master account security and it's broken captcha's didn't lock me out....

And Sam as usual sums up how I feel minus the rants and borderline cussing. Specifically the fact we're hitting the phase where we aren't "Forced" to grind geko, but we are forced to deal with the fact that's where the focus is, deal with inf costs on top of grinds, deal with the fact even if we ignored I20 totally WW inflation is BROKEN, and a host of other issues that can't be solved by if you don't like it then don't play it. That and battle maiden as the best example of never want to do this again ever created.

I can play on sure, but good luck finding an LGTF that doesn't speed, or players who don't stealth when possible, i'm in a rare minority probably where I like the synapse TF of all things, it forces a team to be a team, not watch the tank run off to get the glowy or stealth TP to the boss while my blaster behind waits at the door.

I20 is taking every problem about the journey vs destination and making it worse due to the increased grind and loot needs. It's creaing a new batch of players less interested in experiencing content over exploiting it for max rewards. It's creating an incentive to farm shards and influence over trying to reduce it (speed katies anyone?) And locking that grind into only a couple locations on top of using one system to unlock a slot then a whole entire new system on top of now worthless shards? All the while being at the mercy of an RNG for the extra rewards is to be perfectly blunt the single dumbest decision I've seen come from the devs in years of playing. Not to mention further destroying the uniqueness that was coh until they decided to add pvp, add loot, add the grind for loot, and now add an endgame...Dear god is there one outside the box idea anywhere?

For the record I bought coh back in beta because it had none of those things, i though it might, just might, dare to be different then the other mmo's out there, oh how wrong I've been proved.... and am immensely disappointed in this fact.

Were I in charge right now? I'd be firing positron, giving his man hours and staff to warwitch, and get us real honest to god 1-50 content, revamped TF's and do something about boomtown over this joke that coh wants to call an endgame.

All it's doing is running me off rather then keeping me interested.



Originally Posted by Basilisk View Post
I'm agreed with this. This is exacerbated by the fact that in my 7 years of playing CoH, I have done exactly one Mothership raid (about a year and a half ago) and one Hamidon raid (about a week ago). The ultra-sized team thing is not my bag. It's not how I care to spend my time and now I'm presented with a) accept that level 50 and alpha-slotting is as far as I will be able to take my characters, or b) participate in a system I don't like in order to be able to keep up with the Joneses.

Neither of these options really appeal to me. I would like some reasonable alternatives to advance through the system, be it a few task forces or whatever. I have heard the argument that "if you don't like the post-50 content, then you can continue playing the way you have been without it." And I probably will, assuming I don't cancel my account (elaboration on this to come). However, I know that for the first few months after I20 is released, attempting to gather a team to play non-raid content which is not the new TFs will be a losing venture. So, soloing, raiding, or running the new TFs over and over again will be the choices presented to me.

So, I'm considering cancelling my account. It's not based off of malice. I'm not sitting at the keyboard going "OMG THEY'RE ADDING RAIDS AND NOW I WILL QUIT." But if the options to proceed are all things that I have no interest in, then why would I continue to keep paying to play if I don't like it? I wouldn't buy a copy of Madden from my local EB Games if I don't like football, after all. I'll give I20 a shot once it hits live, and who knows, it may blow my mind, but I doubt it.

I recently informed my SG leader that this is probably it for me, for awhile. I20 has nothing of any interest to me, and I've felt obligated to log into the service I'm paying for rather than want to log into the service I'm paying for. When that boredom/tedium hits, it's time for a break. I love City, I really do... but I'm not an end-gamer in any MMO or console game I've ever played. This recent focus on the end game is healthy for a majority of the population, but has more or less alienated my play style.

So back to the original poster's question: It is the journey for me. My destination isn't always the same as everyone else's, as I'm prone to take side paths and the scenic route when it's offered. Sometimes, I don't really even care if I ever make it to where I should have originally arrived. Plus, add in that the destination keeps being pushed back with every patch (like every other raid focused end game)... I don't see the point of trying to get "there" if "there" never truly exists for more than a month or two.



When I 1st heard about Matt stepping down as lead in order to work on the secret system it reminded me of the whole
Apple2 vs Macintosh debacle that almost brought down the house around Job's and ended up costing him his company (albeit not for long)

Though I doubt there is much infighting amongst the Dev's as to which is better. It still divides a fair chunk of resources on to something that not everyone is involved with.

Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!



Originally Posted by Chase_Arcanum View Post
Its the journey for me... but sometimes I get caught up in finding out "what I'm missing" and feel obligated to force myself to do things that don't work well for me-- large group events that make the weaker PC struggle, Task Forces where I risk having to leave midway because of being on-call... archvillain fights that just seem the antithesis of my interests. I forget about the journey at those moments and generally find the game less fun because of it.

That's what happened when I19 was announced... and I had so many of my characters stabled in their 40's (what was the sense of getting to 50 when the high-level game mechanics become less interesting to me?). I felt like I HAD to have characters ready to experience the new 50's journey, so I focused my time on getting those characters to 50 to be ready. The destination became the sole focus.

Then, I19 came out and so many of my level 50's had more to do. It felt more frustrating than fun-- I thought they'd already reached their destination, now there's more to do. Granted, I didn't bother with the highest tiers-- just enough to get a level shift then shelve them again. I still haven't even done THAT on most of my 50's, and I only have a little over a half dozen.

Then, I20 preview came and I saw what was to come, and in a good way, it kinda threw me out of the "destination" funk again. I stopped playing my 50's and stopped caring about getting them ready for Incarnate stuff at all. I'm on my long-neglected lowbies again and rediscovering the joy of just playing without thinking of where things eventually go. Some will likely be stabled in their 30's, some in their 40's, and occasionally, I'll break out a 50 just to see what's going on in the incarnate world, but I don't feel compelled to keep up with the latest and greatest to remain at the ever-shifting destination anymore.
This is how I'm playing right now - I'm running lowbies - new powersets in GR, loving my newish Electric Controller, and I finally started a couple of VEATs.

I play one of my higher level alts once or twice a week - if the WST is level 50 content, it will be one of my level 50s, if not, I will use it to gain levels on a lowbie in range and get the shiny double merits. But this is with the same TF group that meets on Saturdays I've been TFing with for a couple of years - so it's a social event.

I can give it another issue or two before a serious lack of excitement over Incarnate stuff might make me pull back from the game...

Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!

Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon

"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."



Just my quick reply with quick thoughts on this subject...

I think it is healthier for the community of a game to rally around the "it's the journey, not the destination". I believe it's a good thing, because it keeps the game alive with alt-ing, with respect towards the existing content and resists against burn out of the nothing-to-do variety.

However, of course it is not a universal truth of 100% accuracy.

I, personally, have always been more about playing a game that afford utter freedom. mmorpgs fill the role for me so well.
I love it when I reach the point where I feel like I have nothing that I need to do for a character.
However, I am weird... It's not that I enjoy a finished PvP or PvE build...
It's just that I enjoy hopping on and having the powers that I think this concept should have and just doing whatever I feel like at that time.
I basically just enjoy using the video game to play a little make believe...
And once I have all the powers I wanted (and can have), my action figure and playset are complete and all that is left to do is play.

So, I'm not really a journey kind of guy... Except that my journey doesn't stop with a finished character... My journey never stops.

I like being the completed character and can understand wanting to zip through content.
I also have completely enjoyed slowly progressing through the journey.
So, I can understand both camps.
I think I have the mindset of the journey group, but truly have a stronger love for the get me to where I wanted camp.

Mix it up, swirl it around and have fun seems to be my approach.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Depends on what destination is. For example, I find just hitting fifty to be far too easy, so I redefined my destination to be "hit Lv50 while clearing every single available mission along the way". I play with my XP off 95% of the time, and enjoy it. I don't feel overly pressured to gain levels because I enjoy playing at any level. Sometimes the game does feel like a grind, but I understand it's because I'm shackled by choices I made and choose to adhere to.



I think its the journey. I readily admit I am thrilled that the journey now includes things my 50 levels can do besides pay the rent on the SG base and hand out cash to my lower levels so they can have the best enhancements available. I'm sure many look at the new incarnate system as a grind.. doing TF after TF to get shards and components and once 20 hits gathering or creating threads to build new powers but to me .. [first] I love task forces anyway so doing a bunch of them is not a grind .. its teaming with 7 other people and doing outstanding things I'd never dream of doing solo. Each team is a little different in make up and while many use the same strategies some do have different tactics so its fun just comparing to see which feels like the best.

I have leveled different characters t0 50 and now have at least one of every AT except Peacebringers and Widows (and the Widow is closing in at 45). My badger has crossed from Villain to Rogue to Hero to Vigilante and back to Villain.. and is currently on her second trip around at Vigilante. During that journey she has participated in every single Task Force/Strike Force currently available, every Trial, she has participated in Hamidon raids on both Blue and Red side (and discovered that the strategy is slightly different depending on which side you are on), she has attacked the Rikti Mothership in the RWZ and has participated in every single type of ZONEevent there is.. including the ones in Praetoria. She has memorized every IO recipe and has even soled and destroyed Pillboxes in Recluse's Victory. Sounds like she has reached her destination doesn't it? Hardly! She is the Matriarch of my COH clan of characters.. She runs TFS and then builds IOs which are stored in the base for the others to use. She is sitting with 1.9 Billion in INF so every time she gets a Good recipe she emails cash to the others.. In the past two weeks thanks to some very nice Purple Drops that has amounted to redistributing more than another Billion to other toons. YEAH she seems to be a Purple Rec magnet LOL

I am looking forward to the new trials that issue 20 offers and to gradually building the new powers that will become available and growing even stronger. Since we currently have only one of ten promised slots open and supposedly only 3 (??) more opening up with Issue 20 it certainly doesn't shound like the journey is over by any means. I think we can look forward to several new TFs/Trials with issue 21 along with new powers slots to work towards and so on. So I hardly see the journey as over .. it now appears that level 50 was just the begining of a new journey to become an Incarnate.. to become as powerful as Statesman or Recluse perhaps even more so.. Oh and I may not have mentioned this but Tessa is NOT alone on the journey .. I have 11 incarnates and the 8th just slotted her tier 4 tonight after completing a Lady Grey TF. I will be very busy for quite some time.

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



Originally posted by MajorPrankster
To use a friends experience one day for an example, he was told on a TF, "We are not here to have fun, we are here to get xp and rewards."
I avoid teams on which xp and rewards are the only reason for doing anything. I would much rather have fun and get nothing than get oodles of rewards and hate every second of it.

Fortunately, most of the game is set up so I can have fun and still get something for my time, so I don't have to make that choice very often.

I still consider it to be about the journey and having fun while I'm playing. I don't care how lucrative the reward for something is, I play the game to have FUN. If I'm not having fun I see no point in continuing to do it.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



It's both for me. I'm goal-oriented in games and reward-driven. That doesn't mean I don't like playing the game, I do... I like doing difficult things and being rewarded appropriately. A good example is the upcoming trials. They can be very challenging and the rewards are appropriate for them. A poor example is the Roy Cooling arc I just did that was moderately fun, filled with annoying mobs and annoying mission mechanics topped off with a reward that is completely unfit for the arc and left a rotten taste in my mouth. Seriously. 5 reward merits & 11k xp? Seriously? I got like 3 bars of xp at level 24 doing this entire arc from start to finish killing pretty much everything in my way.



It's the journey, for me - it always has been, and it probably always will be.

I worry about just how long 'always' really translates to for people like me, though. For me, the fun lies in playing new characters - in taking new sets and new combinations through the familiar ride of leveling to see their unique take on the experience. With all this focus on the Incarnate system as of late, it feels more and more like the pre-50 journey is being set in stasis for a little while. No proliferation - no sets - no creator improvements... just a task-force here and there that will quickly become ho-hum ordinary as any other along the way. I remember being so woefully disappointed when Going Rogue came into being. A whole new starting zone! I loved it. Every minute of it. New stories, new people, new places... and good ones, at that! And then I hit level 20 and saw the grand finale of all my efforts. Nothing has ever been more depressing than walking through that portal and arriving in Talos, only to realize that that was it. From that mission onward, I was going to be traversing the exact same grind I had been for so many years already. It really sucked the spirit I'd had up until that point.

I like the Incarnate system, that said. I really do! It gave me a reason to play my 50s - something I had never before done. Yet I can't help but wonder what the point of it truly is. We grind task-forces and trials, gain more power, and finally reach the top of the 'end-game' when we achieve our last Incarnate boost - whatever, or whenever, that might be. .... And then what? What do we use all those gains for then? Unless the Devs come up with something creative for the penultimate Trial, it seems to me like we'd be exactly where we were before the Incarnate system ever came into being: at an impasse. We can go no further, and yet there's nothing new below us to enjoy, either. The to-50 grind will be as it always has been, perhaps - and the post-50 'end-game' will have reached it's own wall. With little to show for it!

Perhaps I look too far ahead, though. Noone can say for certain what will or won't come of this recent focus - but between I19 and the coming I20, I'm beginning to lose hope in seeing anything anytime soon that will appeal to folk like myself.



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
I'm sure many of us have heard the topic phrase, "It's the journey, not the destination." It's used most often in opposition to folks who seek levels over playing the content within those levels. The considerable consternation over Issue 20 (and Issue 19) has me wondering:
Do you subscribe to the belief that the game should be about the journey, not the destination?
To answer for myself. I enjoy the chase of something in many ways more than the acquisition. I love filling out a character's IO build. I've done it three or four times with my BS/Regen. At times I've just plain erased millions of inf in enhancers just to start over. I actually get more bored with a character when I successfully complete that character's build. By the same token, I greatly look forward to Issue 20's trials and beyond. Since I'm not particularly concerned about actually getting the powers in any given time frame, I have no concern about how difficult they are to achieve.

I don't care about shard -> thread conversion rates, don't mind random reward tables, and don't mind inf costs. For me, the goal is the chase not the end. The journey not the destination. I'll be honest in saying that I've felt almost alone in that belief over the last few weeks. It seems that everyone is hyper-focused on the new powers and angry that they will be forced to grind the trials over and over. That concept that you will be forced to do something that you find distasteful is so strange to me. Most of these Incarnate powers didn't exist except in the devs design meetings a year ago. We've all gotten along just fine without them this long. I understand and agree that progressing your character is a legitimate goal in a MMORPG. Of course it is. But what's the rush?

Isn't it about the journey? What do you think?
I've never minded working toward a never ending goal but I'm quickly understanding that I am a minority of people(or at least a silent majority) who do not want instant gratification.

Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread



Originally Posted by Santorican View Post
I've never minded working toward a never ending goal but I'm quickly understanding that I am a minority of people(or at least a silent majority) who do not want instant gratification.
I want the work itself to be gratifying. That way you get both instant gratification, and an end goal to work towards.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Just the other day one of my mid-level characters was sent to KR on a Tip mission. Next thing I knew I was taking a tour of the zone and remember what it was like almost 7 years ago exploring on my sub level 10 characters. I got a lump in my throat. But this is nothing new for me. I'm always pulled by nastalgia to visit places from my past in CoX. When was the last time you exited Founders through the Talos tunnel? Or stopped to watch a costume contest that caught your eye as you were passing through Atlas Park. Or join a group of dancers in Pocket D as you were passing through. I do things like that all the time. So Yeah, it's about the journey for me.



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
I want the work itself to be gratifying. That way you get both instant gratification, and an end goal to work towards.
Pretty much this. If the road to the reward is a slog then it's not worth it.

So far COH has gotten this right. Let's see if they still have come issue 20. I'm betting on they have.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by Indiramourning View Post
Just the other day one of my mid-level characters was sent to KR on a Tip mission. Next thing I knew I was taking a tour of the zone and remember what it was like almost 7 years ago exploring on my sub level 10 characters. I got a lump in my throat.
Those nostalgia tours are fun. For mine, I've started taking Ouroboros missions solely to de-level to a point where a zone's dangerous again. Navigating around the dangers of Skyway after you've grown used to treating it as safe there can really liven up an old zone. I wish I would've though about using this to add challenge to badges that I'd outleveled. Getting exploration badges (or Skyway's Supa-Troll Rave) when the foes are actually a threat to ya kinda gives me more pride than facing a zone full of grays.



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
I want the work itself to be gratifying. That way you get both instant gratification, and an end goal to work towards.
I agree. But then different people find different things to be gratifying.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.