Discussion: One game, one global server access




Leaving aside all rage about the global renames - I look forward to seeing the EU servers/players

and its far less than ideal but I'd suggest going the globalname.eu method to help preserve your identiy

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):



Originally Posted by Red_Addiction View Post
Hi Avatea,

I was just curious, what effect, if any, will this have on the speed and performance of the servers? Will there be any server upgrades during this change? I know people have been a bit concerned with server performance for a while, especially on the more populated servers.

Have a good day!
Why would putting all the servers in the same selection list have ANY affect on performance at all? They're not dumping 1000's of players onto an already populated server...


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Just wondering, will super group names be affected by this also?

As far as I know you can't change a SG's name, and if it follows the same basis as global names The Legendary Titans with a bit of bad luck could end up being The Legendary Tit.

Too many 50's to list here's a few you may know.
Slazenger, Area51, Area53, Area54, Erruption, Mind Plague, Thresher, Sheath, Broadside, Debt



You won't have to worry about losing your SG name since that name is server specific.



Originally Posted by Slazenger View Post
Just wondering, will super group names be affected by this also?

As far as I know you can't change a SG's name, and if it follows the same basis as global names The Legendary Titans with a bit of bad luck could end up being The Legendary Tit.
Absolutely zero effect on super group names.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Another aggreement here in how unfair this is to Eu players. Vet status should absolutely be taken into account.

This from a UK player who plays in the US servers.

This does seem to be another badly considered idea. Like the recent 'security measures' and the launcher update which locked out South Americans.

Come on - what happened? I used to be such a fan of how this game treated it's player base but recently it seems to have gone downhill. The guys I've spoken to in support have always been lovely but these hamfisted ideas are originating from people who don't seem to care whether they keep their players.

SAVE CoX info:
Titan Network efforts
Saving CoX events/FB info



Okay, calmer now. This struck a few nerves with me (at least three that I could note) so I'll try and say way. And sorry to Zwillinger for being the messenger shot by that bullet.

1. The time.
The time, not the timing, being 4pm Pacific translated to 12am GMT for me and at least 1am for our friends on the continent. After a long day it got my inner conspiracy theorist going about how late the post was. As someone pointed out to me it's about the end of the 9-5 working day in Cali.

2. The wording.
Well the wording as you can see states that this is a MERGER of the server lists and it obviously isn't. It's an INTEGRATION of the EU servers onto the NA listing.

I'll explain: I currently work for a company that bought out the last company I worked for (same place of work, different upper management now). It was a buyout of a private company to one that trades publically. To the day that the old head office shut our formers bosses kept wording it as a merger of our two companies, implying that it was an equal partnership coming together to form a new company and it wasn't. We had been BOUGHT OUT. It's not a merger if one side buys the other outright.

So when I see 'merger' it implies that like the forum merger which was a merger of two seperate forum archives into a new database unlike the announcement which goes on to say over and over that only EU players are being affected by this amalgamation.

3. The EU players second-class treatment.
After so many years, posts and threads about being 'second-class citizens', we finally get something that has met with almost universal praise by everyone and it gets one last back-hand in that we are guaranteed to lose out one last time for the reason that 'it will affect the least amount of players'. I just found it so hard to stomach that we were basically being subverted one last time before we're finally considered equal.

And to those who said 'like it or lump it'; remember the last time it happened? Not on the network itself but on the base price changes? Oh yeah, you remember now? No? Well, let's tell the story.

The decision was made to revisit base prices around i13 and the verdict was that the prices would change and in order to benefit from the change you had to destroy your exisiting bases and reclaim the prestige that way, like it or lump it. And it was lumped, lumped a lot! Post after post about how hard-working base-builders had been here for years, that they deserved to be treated better and that the changes should be retroactive. And then the news came that they were going to be retroactive, once you'd popped into the editor for whatever scripting algorithmn to work its magic.

The decision was 'like it or lump it'. it was lumped and things changed for the better. Long-term vets and new users benefited.

Now, here's the situation I'm in:

Game account wise; I actually HAVE the conflicting US account. I named both my first accounts for each version the same because four years ago when I set it up; I never thought the server lists would ever be merged. EVER! Now they have, I'm paying for a decision I made four years ago when our localisation staff were still around and seperation was 'a good thing'. I would prefer to rename my own account rather than have a prefix 'just because'.

Global wise? Losing out. But I'll expand on that. When the forums were merged, we got lumped with an _EU or _NA for every conflict. I got Tyger_EU. Fair enough, I figure a solution would come later as merging the two together was the priority. Then it did, a first-come, first-served email to the support staff to get it changed back or to an alternative. Which was better than the alternative of 'who'd been here longest' because of Tyger_NA. I would've been beaten by 16 days by someone who'd registered, made one post and never logged in again.

Now I have to compete with Tyger42 except he wins by default because he is on the NA listing. My main is actually called Tyger so when I log in, I'll get @Tyge instead. Tyger42 hasn't logged into the forum since the 3rd of January which might not be an indication of playing habits but given the statistics came back with at least 500 posts in the previous 18 months, he used to be a very frequent poster, at least 20 a month. He may not play anymore, he may have let his account lapse, he may feel his ears burning, log in tomorrow and prove he's still with us, shaking his fists at my daring challenge to 'his' name. Since global chat came in Issue 3 which was the European release and my choice was my main Tyger as well..... he still wins because he's on the NA list (maybe he'll just give me the finger instead ).

And then what about the US players? I notice that it's only EU players that get a rename in cases of conflict but what if the US players wanted to change? Maybe they're sick of having their current (conflicting) global and wouldn't mind a change to something else but no rename token to do it with?

I still think the forum solution would be a better choice; of appending _NA and _EU to conflicting globals and letting us fight it out. At least that's a choice and:

99.9% of us would accept that choice, even if there's a chance we could lose anyway.

Tyger (50), Mutation-Controller Mind/FF - oldest Mind/FF on Union
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Quildo View Post
You claim that this way will affect the least amount of players. I disagree. Regardless of how you turn it around, it will affect the same number of players. -You- are choosing to force this change on the players that, again in my opinion, are less valuable.
If people are going to continue to pick on this semantical nit, they should at least do it accurately.

We wanted to keep this process as simple and manageable as possible to allow European and North American accounts to access all City of Heroes servers. All European accounts with a name conflicting with a North American account will be prepended with an “EU”. For instance, let’s take a hypothetical European account called “Cityof”. Pre-pended with “EU” would make it “EUCityof”. That is the only change to account names in that respect. We determined that this was the lowest number of users that would be affected by this account name change. North American accounts with conflicting names won’t be affected by this change.
The change specified by the op affects the lowest number of users, so the statement made by Avatea is accurate in all respects. It does not say they determined that changing EU names affects less players than changing NA names. It says the number of users affected by the change is the lowest number of all possible numbers. That is not in any way inaccurate. That is not in any way ambiguous. It is misleading only for people choosing to be misled.

It is not the case that there were only two options: change NA users or change EU users. Many players are actually suggesting a third option in this very thread that affects *more* users:

I still think the forum solution would be a better choice; of appending _NA and _EU to conflicting globals and letting us fight it out.
When Avatea says the number of players affected by the announced merger process affects the least number of players, that's not merely an idle statement: there are alternate options, many of which are being promoted as more fair options, that potentially affect twice as many players. The question presented is whether the best solution is to deliberately affect more players than necessary, to effect a solution some players will find more equitable. I'm sure everyone has an opinion on that matter, but I'm hoping most reasonable people realize there's no singular answer that is obviously correct.

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As a Eu player i can easily see the problem facing us her and would deffiently shout out that this is very unfair to us. but i can also see the views of the NA players and devs (i say devs as in everyone who works behind the game to make it as awesome as it is ).

i would say with time n thought. Age of account would be the better way to go. if people come back then it is easy to say. due to changes laterly there was a conflicting name issue and as the other player started the game sooner, yourll ned to change your name...its just like when we create new toons/ start up for the first time- if somethings taken before u, then u loose out really. (now this effects both sides, but easy to deal with)

Ofc i dont know what the ideas the devs have discussed..naturally theyve thought about this long n hard before telling us, but i dont think this should be just a closed done deal.

i think trail accounts shouldnt be included anyway afterall. they are just that. i'd had to loose my name to some 2 day old trail when ive been in this game since just before issue 6.

i hope the devs can open this to peaceful discussions by the players and see what the greater player base say..after all we have been known to be the best fourm- dev-player game out there and something like this would be just an added bonus to our rep.




Originally Posted by peterpeter View Post
I just wanted to toss in my 2 inf on the official discussion thread: As a North American player, I think it stinks that the Europeans are getting shafted.

I realize there is no perfect solution, and that the Europeans probably have more to gain by the merger than the North Americans, but I would consider it more fair to have the decision based on vet reward levels.

I know it's been said before, but the devs might be counting responses so I wanted to chip in.
I would hate to think I cost someone their global because it matches my long-lapsed second account. Hopefully support will change it for me.

::crosses fingers::



It would be a nice gesture if Ncsoft were to look at the global name issue on the basis of vetran rewards earned, but I dont hold out much hope of that.

Seeing as the EU servers dont get even a third of support or events of the US servers I cant see Ncsoft devoting the time needed to accomplish such a task, so it looks like we will end up with the solution that "effects the least amount of players" as it requires the least amount of effort on Ncsofts part.

Other than that Im looking forward to the Merger and the chance to interact with our American cousins without having to pay for two accounts.



Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
Why would putting all the servers in the same selection list have ANY affect on performance at all? They're not dumping 1000's of players onto an already populated server...
We keep seeing this type of question because folks still can't figure out the difference between a server merge, and a server list merge. Even when the definition is right there.

Regarding some of the ideas put forth:

1) I definitely think that active accounts should take priority over inactive and trial accounts, and quite probably over accounts less than 6 months old when the merge goes through.
2) I am NOT in favor of vet status being a determining factor. Honestly, I get tired of some twit invariably saying "I'm a 75 month (or whatever) vet, and..." because my knee-jerk reaction to such statements here has, by experience, become "...and no one but you gives a sh**..." I can't easily count the number of times someone's argument supporting their sense of entitlement has been prefaced by almost that exact statement. Who gets to say that a 60 month vet has anymore right of consideration than I do as a 51 month vet? Who's to say that my 51 months entitles me to anything more than a 36 month vet? One of us had the good fortune, or foresight, or what have you, to subscribe earlier than someone else, making us a "more loyal" customer? Seriously? F*** that.

And to reiterate again, my second point has nothing to do with the notion of "losing" my name to someone in the EU. I'd be absolutely FINE with the decision that it be the NA customers that take the hit INSTEAD of the EU customers. At least that would foster a more "welcome to join us" feel about the whole affair. I will NEVER support the notion that simply being here longer entitles ANYone to ANYthing beyond the vet rewards that are already part of the system.

Where to find me after the end:
The Secret World - Arcadia - Shinzo
Rift - Faeblight - Bloodspeaker
LotRO - Gladden - Aranelion
STO - Holodeck - @Captain_Thiraas

Obviously, I don't care about NCSoft's forum rules, now.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
If people are going to continue to pick on this semantical nit, they should at least do it accurately.

The change specified by the op affects the lowest number of users, so the statement made by Avatea is accurate in all respects. It does not say they determined that changing EU names affects less players than changing NA names. It says the number of users affected by the change is the lowest number of all possible numbers. That is not in any way inaccurate. That is not in any way ambiguous. It is misleading only for people choosing to be misled.

It is not the case that there were only two options: change NA users or change EU users. Many players are actually suggesting a third option in this very thread that affects *more* users:
We -are- talking semantics here, I completely agree. They asked for opinions and I'm giving my view of what I see is happening - using my "world map".

Regardless of what they're saying or not, -I- feel that they're forcing this change on the european players. I'd still feel it if they'd worded it differently, or if I was on the american servers. It's quite simple really; I dislike unfair solutions regardless of who they happen to. And -that- was the point I was trying to make.

This is why I suggested that they actually let the two affected players discuss it between them to see if there's an easier solution there. Will take a little longer, sure, but there's months to go before the change. We have time and it doesn't really affect NCsoft at all. They don't need to be a middle hand, all it requires is an email.

If neither party is willing to let go of their globals, by all means chuck an _EU or _NA behind their name. But give -everyone- the rename token. Why? Because to me that seems more fair.
Who's to say my @Q. counterpart on the NA servers wants to have a name that some european bint has been running around causing havoc with? (I'm a sweetheart really)


The Corporation means BUSINESS!



I'm in the minority here - I'm more than likely going to be affected and my reaction is 'fair enough, what's next?'.

When we had the forum merger, there was an Escalus out there and if they're still about they didn't reply faster than I did to get the name made in to their own. If they have that as their global, I'm going to be renamed to Escalu or Escal or however far back it does end up going and I'll get a rename for my global.

The 'but people know me as...' argument may seem valid, but they're still going to know you as that. Is it so hard to rename yourself to something similar for example 'EscalusRex'. Do I want to change my global name? Not really. Does it bother me? No - these things happen. A small minority are affected and some are making mountains out of molehills. At what point have ragequits/protests/stamping your feet and going 'wah!' worked?



Originally Posted by _gohan661_ View Post
This!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have an american account i have never even logged into (trial) it needs to die before this happens
I have no idea yet if it will work.. But I send an oficial mail to NCSOFT support with the account details of the trial (copy info from the page) and a request to delete/remove it.

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If we have multiple game accounts (or trials) on the same nc master account
can't they give us the option for a combined (master) global for these accounts?

Originally Posted by Coolio View Post
Thanks, but...
I recall having an issue with the forum merge, my old NA trial account using the same global as my EU active one.

One option if players have had both a trial and active account across NA/EU, would be that as long as they share the same NCSoft master account information, then merge any trial account characters onto the Live account, and then purge the trial, this should fix the dual @Global and Login info clash on those trial accounts.

For the players with dual side accounts, if both are on the same master account offer to merge the @Globals into 1 @Global.

In other words merging them should remove the NA/EU @Global clash in this case and would have the added benefit of removing a load of mixed @global names '@EU xuy' and '@xyz' owned by a single player.

Players would need the option to change the master or account global during a global rename.

This would potentially also help players with multiple same side EU/EU or NA/NA game accounts on the same master account too, letting them also use one @Global identity for both accounts, if they wish to.

Would this mean that when accounts go Login ID specific the forums will drop the EU/NA login toggle option?

Nuff Said...
Coolio Wolfus leader of Coolio�s Crusaders on Union.
Tekna Logik leader of Tekna�s Tormentors on Defiant.
AE arc 402506, 'The Rise and Demise or Otherwise of Tekna Logik...'.



So I've posted a few humorous posts on this thread as I was taken a back by this, but now I have calmed down.

I know the servers are highly populated on some of the NA servers but how are the communities within them?

I think the big issue with the global names in the EU (speaking on own experience within Defiant) is that everyone goes by them, and on some levels we also use nicknames for our global names as we are such a tight nit community.
Everybody knows everybody on Defiant, through all the previous kicks in the teeth our population has held to the same level with exactly the same loyal Globals regularly keeping Defiant alive.

Because a lot of the EU player base normally stick to their home server, actual toon names are hardly ever used is this the same on NA?

The first thing I do when I join a pug, is click on each team member and Add note, immediately I know whom I am teaming with, even if I have not teamed with them for some months.

I know people have taken huge amounts time building there global name and their reputation as either a good player, nice player, helpful player or those that like to RP, TF or even PvP. We even know the globals for the bad apples on the server and use this as a means to avoid. Basically what they are doing to Defiant will be taking 6 years of history of hard fought reputations and close bonds and dumping it in the trash without giving us a chance to defend ourselves and that is what hurts.

I believe a fairer system needs to be addressed, I can take losing my global if someone had it before me but that's about it, no other system will work for me.

Will I quit over this, no.
Will I be left with a bad taste in mouth, yes.
Will I venture to a NA server, most probably not after this.
Will seeing my global name be used by someone else hurt, yes most probably (especially if they are a tool)

It sometimes seems that someone is looking at figures and saying "look we have upset the EU here and numbers haven't dropped, we upset them again and still they haven't dropped, looks like whatever we do to them we arn't gonna lose any subscriptions so don't take a chance at upsetting the NA peeps"

Too many 50's to list here's a few you may know.
Slazenger, Area51, Area53, Area54, Erruption, Mind Plague, Thresher, Sheath, Broadside, Debt



Originally Posted by Bloodspeaker View Post
Regarding some of the ideas put forth:

1) I definitely think that active accounts should take priority over inactive and trial accounts, and quite probably over accounts less than 6 months old when the merge goes through.
2) I am NOT in favor of vet status being a determining factor. Honestly, I get tired of some twit invariably saying "I'm a 75 month (or whatever) vet, and..." because my knee-jerk reaction to such statements here has, by experience, become "...and no one but you gives a sh**..." I can't easily count the number of times someone's argument supporting their sense of entitlement has been prefaced by almost that exact statement. Who gets to say that a 60 month vet has anymore right of consideration than I do as a 51 month vet? Who's to say that my 51 months entitles me to anything more than a 36 month vet? One of us had the good fortune, or foresight, or what have you, to subscribe earlier than someone else, making us a "more loyal" customer? Seriously? F*** that.

And to reiterate again, my second point has nothing to do with the notion of "losing" my name to someone in the EU. I'd be absolutely FINE with the decision that it be the NA customers that take the hit INSTEAD of the EU customers. At least that would foster a more "welcome to join us" feel about the whole affair. I will NEVER support the notion that simply being here longer entitles ANYone to ANYthing beyond the vet rewards that are already part of the system.
Point 2 makes no sense, other than in a 'chip on the shoulder' kind of way.
As it is, someone who has had a global and suchnot from Beta (Note, I've not been around nearly that long) and has paid since then could lose out to someone who signed up last week/month.
When it comes to forumites wielding 'I'm a 75 month Vet!' like it's some kinda holy writ of just how right they are, then yes. You're right. It's a stupid 'I's more smarts than you!' attempt that fails miserably by making the poster look pathetic about 90% of the time.

But this isn't the same situation. First off, no one from the EU has been that particularly unreasonable here. We're just a little sick of, after seven years, still getting the short end of the stick.
'Easiest' should not factor into it. 'What can be done to please as many customers as possible' should be. In this situation, that means listening to the EU players for once, and doing something to make this suck a little less.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Escalus View Post
I'm in the minority here - I'm more than likely going to be affected and my reaction is 'fair enough, what's next?'.

When we had the forum merger, there was an Escalus out there and if they're still about they didn't reply faster than I did to get the name made in to their own. If they have that as their global, I'm going to be renamed to Escalu or Escal or however far back it does end up going and I'll get a rename for my global.

The 'but people know me as...' argument may seem valid, but they're still going to know you as that. Is it so hard to rename yourself to something similar for example 'EscalusRex'. Do I want to change my global name? Not really. Does it bother me? No - these things happen. A small minority are affected and some are making mountains out of molehills. At what point have ragequits/protests/stamping your feet and going 'wah!' worked?
It's not about rage-quitting or throwing yourself of a doorstep. It's about being fair and about giving people a choice.

It is like recent posts has said, I've built up my reputation and my identity over the years and I hold a lot of pride with my global name. Some of my closest friends are feeling the same. They are essentially asking us to start over.
Regardless if I'm drama-queening it or raging or stamping my feet, this is how I feel and it's not going to change.

I'm gonna loose my global name, taking of more characters off it won't work because it's short. I probably can't change this fact, and it's making me sad. I will forever look at my counterpart with the same global and go "I miss my name".

I can live with loosing out, it happens all the time like you say. I can't however live with the fact that I'm NOT given a choice. If someone -asked- me politely if I could consider changing my global name and give me a good reason, I would be willing to consider it.

As it is, I'm not.

I can only put my hope in Avatea and the other devs who read all our rants (god knows it can't be easy) and that they forward our concerns to whomever is holding the plot-hammer.

I've said this before but I'll say it again; I still think you're doing top-notch work and I know you're trying to do the right thing. I don't agree with your methods currently, but I'm having hopes that you're taking this back to the drawing board.


The Corporation means BUSINESS!



So what about account-character-transfers?

The mere reason i have several accounts was the fact i couldnt play on US on my EU account and visa versa (playtime makes EU at times totaly empty), but this change making 2 identical accounts (US and EU one) kinda obsolete.

I care little for the money i spent, with this change thus lost, it was my own choice.

But i do care about the future and my characters, even with acces to all servers, to play my characters (i have 83 characters in total) i have to continue paying for those accounts. While i could transfer over a bunch of most-played characters to 1 main account and divide them among the servers (on US i only play Freedom/Guardian), it would be nice there would be such a feature.

Luckely only the global will be merged (yes i care little about my global name), merging servers would be a serious issue for me since i have duplicate names on serveral servers.

Additonaly, what will happen with loginnames? I have an EU and US account with identical login-names, how will the client know wich account i'm trying to log in?

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!



I hope rednames are watching because what people are saying about...

* Active accounts > inactive
* Older accounts > newer

... makes a lot of sense.

That aside, I wonder if now people on the east coast will actually have people to play with early in the morning if the EU folks are still up



Originally Posted by SinergyX_EU View Post
Additonaly, what will happen with loginnames? I have an EU and US account with identical login-names, how will the client know wich account i'm trying to log in?
As per the FAQ...

3- What will happen if my European account name is the same as someone else’s in North America?
We wanted to keep this process as simple and manageable as possible to allow European and North American accounts to access all City of Heroes servers. All European accounts with a name conflicting with a North American account will be prepended with an “EU”. For instance, let’s take a hypothetical European account called “Cityof”. Pre-pended with “EU” would make it “EUCityof”. That is the only change to account names in that respect. We determined that this was the lowest number of users that would be affected by this account name change. North American accounts with conflicting names won’t be affected by this change.

So if you have the account name sinergyx (twice) you're soon going to have sinergyx and eusinergyx



Aah misread that part, since they are kinda related to eachother (the veteran of pre-EU release months are added to my EU account, alike my EU payments afterwards were added to my US account, in some way they are linked).

Originally Posted by Jordan_Yen View Post
That aside, I wonder if now people on the east coast will actually have people to play with early in the morning if the EU folks are still up
Basicly i would say: No. They are still on their server, EU folks are still on their own server. Unless 1 side decide to create a character on the other server, they still will play alongside eachother.

Then again, this is yet another 'EU will get shafted' step of many, only mather of time untill EU servers itself will be removed (alike happened with Asia CoH).

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!



Originally Posted by SinergyX_EU View Post
Then again, this is yet another 'EU will get shafted' step of many, only mather of time untill EU servers itself will be removed (alike happened with Asia CoH).
Asia CoH just BOMBED big time though. I dont think it even managed to take off properly (differing cultures style thang)



Originally Posted by HardRider View Post
i would say with time n thought. Age of account would be the better way to go. if people come back then it is easy to say. due to changes laterly there was a conflicting name issue and as the other player started the game sooner, yourll ned to change your name...its just like when we create new toons/ start up for the first time- if somethings taken before u, then u loose out really. (now this effects both sides, but easy to deal with)

So an EU player creates an account in September of 2007, plays for two months and quits. A NA player creates an account with the same name in October 2007 and stays subscribed for nearly three fours straight. You're saying it's "fair" for the NA 45 month vet to lose his account name to the innactive EU account just because the EU player signed up a month before? Bollocks! (hope I spelled that right)

Age of account - no. Number of veteran badges - I'm OK with. If both players have the exact same number of vet badges, use start date as a tie-breaker.

Oh and I agree wholeheartedly with the suggestion that a block be put in place NOW to prevent NA users from creating an account with a name taken on the EU servers and vice versa.

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon