Discussion: One game, one global server access




Originally Posted by Dante View Post
If it helps, the global matching the character I did leave logged in was already taken. However, rather than dropping letters from it, the system seemed to pick a random name from my list of characters.
Ah good point. The backup toon I had created was NOT taken as a global. I successfully changed to that global manually 2 minutes later.

| dave | onion | @davejb |



So, I lost my name to Techbot_Alpha_NA, who seems not to have been around for the best part of a year.
And my global name is now grunge coloured.
ALL of Unions globlas seem to now be grunge coloured! It's....really, really actually quite annoying...I LIKED my green name. It even matched Al's colour.


Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Dante View Post
My global got changed to a character I hadn't played for about a week.
Yeah, I made sure I logged out on my main last night expecting a letter to be knocked off the end. This morning I log in to find my global name is the name of a new level 10 alt I played 2 days ago

Oh, and if anyone has the global @Suzumebachi and isn't that attached to it....can I have it please? I'm missing it already.



we now need a global purge for those who havent been used in ages

- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
KK, I'll check into it. You should have/be receiving a Global Rename regardless.
Zwillinger, same thing happened to me.

I knew there'd be a clash as I had the US version of @Coin on an old account, but my EU global, I logged out on Coin and logged back in to find my changed global was @DJ Coin, who I haven't been on for a week.

I suspect I know the answer though. If they were reducing the letters, it would have reduced it to @Coi which I think would have been too short? Perhaps the system defaulted to the last other character?

On a seperate note, nice to see some git in the US decided to play silly beggars with the global channels. Someone has created a Rogues Radio channel in the US, meaning that our channel in the EU has been renamed.......thanks for that, whichever pillock you are.

Given that it's for the radio station listeners to use, this could potentially cost us some listeners if they log in to the wrong channel, I can only imagine this was some childish moron trying to grief us.

I'm guessing we're screwed here and I can't get the channel name changed?

We built this city on Rock and Roll!



Originally Posted by Coin View Post
On a seperate note, nice to see some git in the US decided to play silly beggars with the global channels. Someone has created a Rogues Radio channel in the US, meaning that our channel in the EU has been renamed.......thanks for that, whichever pillock you are.

Given that it's for the radio station listeners to use, this could potentially cost us some listeners if they log in to the wrong channel, I can only imagine this was some childish moron trying to grief us.

I'm guessing we're screwed here and I can't get the channel name changed?
It's possible that someone has created it for listeners over there. This might be a case of talking to the owner and seeing if they can be merged.



I got a silly question here - am I the only one whose forum login and account login (NOT my in-game global, the handle I enter at the login screen) were changed with an "EU" attached to the front WITH NO NOTICE WHATSOEVER? I nearly freaked when I couldn't log into either the game or the forums this morning. If I hadn't gone to the NCsoft site to contact support, I'd never have known my game login had changed (and as for the forum, I just guessed. Lucky me.)

I know it's because I have a (very old and inactive) trial account on NA with the same account name, okay, that makes sense. Be that as it may, I don't remember seeing anything here about login changes, only globals. And in any case, (I could have overlooked it) how come I didn't get a freakin' email to warn me? Come on, you guys know where to find me when I update my security questions, it's not like you can't find me. What would you do with someone who doesn't check the forums?



Originally Posted by Netphenix5 View Post
I got a silly question here - am I the only one whose forum login and account login (NOT my in-game global, the handle I enter at the login screen) were changed with an "EU" attached to the front WITH NO NOTICE WHATSOEVER? I nearly freaked when I couldn't log into either the game or the forums this morning. If I hadn't gone to the NCsoft site to contact support, I'd never have known my game login had changed (and as for the forum, I just guessed. Lucky me.)

I know it's because I have a (very old and inactive) trial account on NA with the same account name, okay, that makes sense. Be that as it may, I don't remember seeing anything here about login changes, only globals. And in any case, (I could have overlooked it) how come I didn't get a freakin' email to warn me? Come on, you guys know where to find me when I update my security questions, it's not like you can't find me. What would you do with someone who doesn't check the forums?
There have been a number of threads and posts regarding this. Most people seem to have recieved emails about it though.



Alright, I can admit I might have missed threads about those changes. Still miffed I didn't get an email, but sh*t happens too, fine. Now, who do I contact to make sure it doesn't happen again? As I said, they DO have my email somewhere. I'd just like it if they used it when it really matters.

EDIT : I mean beside NC soft tech support. I've had a real bad track record of them doing their job without a Red Name getting involved. I'm sure Avatea is getting tired of playing referee. :-p



Originally Posted by Diggis View Post
It's possible that someone has created it for listeners over there. This might be a case of talking to the owner and seeing if they can be merged.
It's possible, to be fair, and we had the thought that one of our DJ's who used to play on the US servers may have created it when he was there, we're looking into it now, but yup, good point.

We built this city on Rock and Roll!



Hmmm... is it possible that the system gave you the global based on the last character CREATED instead of the last character you logged out as? It looks that way based on a bunch of people reporting their lowbie being used as their new global. That would seem like a simple transposition of variable in the script that got run.



Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
Hmmm... is it possible that the system gave you the global based on the last character CREATED instead of the last character you logged out as? It looks that way based on a bunch of people reporting their lowbie being used as their new global. That would seem like a simple transposition of variable in the script that got run.
Yup, i can confirm this is what happened me as I made sure to log out before global servers were activated with my main toon.

I got my global name change though. Looks like @Blue Blaze was already taken by an american which i wasn't happy about as I ahve had that global since globals were launched.

I am now @EU Blue Blaze!

@EU Blue Blaze



Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
Hmmm... is it possible that the system gave you the global based on the last character CREATED instead of the last character you logged out as?
I don't think so. In my case, I created a new character then logged that straight out so it would be my new global and it was changed to an older toon, recently rolled but still at least 2 behind my latest toon.

| dave | onion | @davejb |



Yup, I'll confirm that it's not hte last toon you created.

I lost the Global 'Knightingale' yesterday, (much to my disgruntlement but I am now 'Knightingale.' so thank god for little fullstops eh!), but the global rename I was automatically given was Mr Marvellous (which I can't BELIEVE was free LOL) which was the toon I was logged in as just before I logged in Knightingale last to make sure she was my last toon on. (I'd played Mr M on an ITF Monday night, then before I went to bed I logged him off, Gale in and put her in Recluses Victory for the badge and then logged out.)

So in my case it seemed to go back a toon in my login history (so to speak).

Anyways, if the other Knightingale is out there reading this, then 'HELLOOOO!!' from the EU.

(And damn you Sharktopus!!!!!)

(Which in hindsight is what I should have renamed myself........LOL)

Blueside Level 50's.... Knightingale (Def), Rogue Elevenex (Blast), Lady Rogue (Scrap), Mr Infinity (Tank), Miss Infinity (Troller), Knight.Shade (WS), Knight.Bringer (PB)
Redside Level 50's... Colonel Rogue (Brute), Sergeant Domino (Stalk), F411-OUT (Dom)
Next Project: Psiryn Psi/Psi Cor Global Handle is @Knightingale



Got globalled to my next but last toon I logged on which was my PB Radiant Lancer, guess the only consulation is that Eskimo-Spy having a hyphenated name sounds posher.

Oh and I second Liz's call for a global purge somewhere down the line once we've all settled in.

Now @Eskimo-Spy

I'm not evil.



Is the Global you get permanently? I accidently logged in 1 of my newbie alts (darkicedef), and if i had a clashing Global, it will be called this now?



Originally Posted by SinergyX_NA View Post
Is the Global you get permanently? I accidently logged in 1 of my newbie alts (darkicedef), and if i had a clashing Global, it will be called this now?
If you got renamed you should also have a Global rename token.

When the rename happened you'd be renamed to the last character you logged in as, not the first you log on as afterwards.



Well, found out what happened with the Rogues radio channel problem, turns out it was an ex EU player who was in our channel when he switched over, his settings as well.

When he started on the US, he loaded his settings and it inadvertantly created the Rogues Radio channel over there for him and he didn't know.

Now we are stuck with a stupidly named channel due a bad system option

Ah well, guess we're stuck with it, seems to be the EU way recently.

We built this city on Rock and Roll!



Originally Posted by Slazenger View Post
Hi all, just to let friends and SG's know that will be taking a break for the 1st time ever to calm myself down abit. Losing my global sucked big time after having it for 75mths and i'm a bit sour for it, so rather than offend anybody or get involved in pointless arguments I figure it's best just to walk away for time being.

So see you all in a month or so, by then I should have calmed down enough to get down to business as usual.
Quick FYI people of the EU, yes our @Globals even got screwed over by inactive NA accounts ones!

Regarding my @Coolio global for instance:

Quote REDACTED by Moderator Request.
Quote REDACTED by Moderator Request.
So Rednames it's over to you...

My suggestion:
A simple fix to this would be after the reactivation week to issue all active accounts a global rename token and simultaneously purge any (NA) globals that are on inactive accounts (and trials) that were NOT activated during the reactivation period.
(If they have activated then they will of recieved our game 'gleemail' requests regarding each global.)

But as for now call me globally @NCShafted
(N.B. That is not my current game global obviously.)
This whole situation has left me feeling...

Nuff Said...
Coolio Wolfus leader of Coolio�s Crusaders on Union.
Tekna Logik leader of Tekna�s Tormentors on Defiant.
AE arc 402506, 'The Rise and Demise or Otherwise of Tekna Logik...'.



Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
If you got renamed you should also have a Global rename token.

When the rename happened you'd be renamed to the last character you logged in as, not the first you log on as afterwards.
Actually we were renamed to random character name, not to one last logged out.
I have made new character just before merge because I knew I will lose global. Logged out with that character, and after merge got name from character I haven't logged for few days before.
Don't know what criteria were applied for renaming, because name I got wasn't even last character with original name I have logged out.
I know that because of Test server (found out there that my global will be renamed). Global name I've got on test was from character I played and logged day before merge, which wasn't the same as one I got on live.
Maybe they did went by last character created, and my last two or three had names already taken?!

I hope this isn't to confusing

"If you want to win you must not lose."
"Easiest way to turn defeat into a victory is to put on the enemy's uniform"
"Better strategic retreat than dishonorable defeat"
- Il Numero Uno (The Number One)



Originally Posted by Coolio View Post
My suggestion:
A simple fix to this would be after the reactivation week to issue all active accounts a global rename token and simultaneously purge any (NA) globals that are on inactive accounts (and trials) that were NOT activated during the reactivation period.
(If they have activated then they will of recieved our game 'gleemail' requests regarding each global.)
Unfortunately, I hate to say this, they had to perform some form of damage mitigation and that meant us. In the bigger picture (I have no numbers) but NA must outpopulise us by a lot. I appreciate, this is not meant distasteful, that doesn't justify the actions but I can imagine these forums lighting up like christmas if NA got the blow.

I think a global purge will aggravate a lot of people and it'll start a whole new argument:
  • "The purge was on at midnight, I didn't get a chance to try my @Global, now I lost it"
  • "I was here first."
  • "I have more veteran status."
  • "<insertglobal> is a $$$$"
EDIT: I wished to add a more constructive direction, since everyone has a particular Master Account i.e Log-In that does not clash - is there no technical way to attach this somehow. Even add some sort of secondary identity - it doesn't have to be visual, it seems it is the technicality that is the problem.




Originally Posted by Wondering_Fury View Post
Unfortunately, I hate to say this, they had to perform some form of damage mitigation and that meant us. In the bigger picture (I have no numbers) but NA must outpopulise us by a lot. I appreciate, this is not meant distasteful, that doesn't justify the actions but I can imagine these forums lighting up like christmas if NA got the blow.

I think a global purge will aggravate a lot of people and it'll start a whole new argument:
  • "The purge was on at midnight, I didn't get a chance to try my @Global, now I lost it"
  • "I was here first."
  • "I have more veteran status."
  • "<insertglobal> is a $$$$"
EDIT: I wished to add a more constructive direction, since everyone has a particular Master Account i.e Log-In that does not clash - is there no technical way to attach this somehow. Even add some sort of secondary identity - it doesn't have to be visual, it seems it is the technicality that is the problem.

Yo Fury (and Rednames)...

About my suggestion above:

I'm on about any remaining inactive account's globals, such as if the account was not reactivated at the end of the free week then it should lose the globals it is withholding.

FYI these inactive accounts also include banned accounts and similar that will never be reactivated!

Basically I'm talking about any perma inactive accounts meaning the players banned or not who don't care about that account let alone it's global.

I don't care if they look at 30, 90 or 240 day inactive accounts, just something to purge locked inactive globals.

The reason I suggested after the reactivation week was because any active or reactivated accounts would not fall foul of the above inactive timeout and would therefore retain their selected @global.

As for hitting any remaining trial globals, well like the trial chats these should be locked from change anyway, with a global rename given on upgrade to a full account.

BTW the game global group chat channels have /chantimeout to remove inactive players for the channel listings to make room for active players, sad to see the Devs have nothing like it internally for @globals.

Globally @NCShafted
(N.B. That is not my current game global obviously.)

Nuff Said...
Coolio Wolfus leader of Coolio�s Crusaders on Union.
Tekna Logik leader of Tekna�s Tormentors on Defiant.
AE arc 402506, 'The Rise and Demise or Otherwise of Tekna Logik...'.



Coolio's idea is perfect. In the case of an active US player keeping their global over an EU player that's fair enough. Someone would have to yield eventually.

But I'd love to know the percentage of EU players that have been inconvenienced due to inactive accounts some to the extent that they're thinking of packing it in altogether.

Who should NCSoft be keeping happy? A longtime EU player who will continue to subscribe and purchase add-ons or a US player who subscribed for a month then decided the game wasn't for them?

Now @Eskimo-Spy

I'm not evil.



Originally Posted by Eskimo_Spy View Post
In the case of an active US player keeping their global over an EU player that's fair enough. Someone would have to yield eventually.
I'd even disagree further. It's conceivable there could be a EU player of 6 years losing their global to someone who's only been playing in the US for 2 months. Why should the EU player lose out when they have been paying for the game loyally for so long? And if it's decided based on locale? That way opens up a whole can of worms that Paragon and NC Soft really don't letting out.

As it's a business, it should be money that talks, and that should be decided on who's been the more loyal player, someone who's played for 6 years or someone who's played for 6 months? And who's still playing.

We built this city on Rock and Roll!



What Coin said, frankly.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.